
192 lines
7.0 KiB

use std::borrow::Cow;
use nu_parser::NewlineMode;
use nu_source::{Span, Tag};
use crate::command::CommandCompleter;
use crate::engine;
use crate::flag::FlagCompleter;
use crate::matchers;
use crate::matchers::Matcher;
use crate::path::{PathCompleter, PathSuggestion};
use crate::variable::VariableCompleter;
use crate::{Completer, CompletionContext, Suggestion};
pub struct NuCompleter {}
impl NuCompleter {}
impl NuCompleter {
pub fn complete<Context: CompletionContext>(
line: &str,
pos: usize,
context: &Context,
) -> (usize, Vec<Suggestion>) {
use engine::LocationType;
let tokens = nu_parser::lex(line, 0, NewlineMode::Normal).0;
let locations = Some(nu_parser::parse_block(tokens).0)
.map(|block| nu_parser::classify_block(&block, context.scope()))
.map(|(block, _)| engine::completion_location(line, &block, pos))
let matcher = nu_data::config::config(Tag::unknown())
.and_then(|cfg| cfg.get("line_editor").cloned())
.and_then(|le| {
.find(|(idx, _value)| idx.as_str() == "completion_match_method")
.and_then(|(_idx, value)| value.as_string().ok())
let matcher = matcher.as_str();
let matcher: &dyn Matcher = match matcher {
"case-insensitive" => &matchers::case_insensitive::Matcher,
"case-sensitive" => &matchers::case_sensitive::Matcher,
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
_ => &matchers::case_insensitive::Matcher,
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
_ => &matchers::case_sensitive::Matcher,
if locations.is_empty() {
(pos, Vec::new())
} else {
let mut pos = locations[0].span.start();
for location in &locations {
if location.span.start() < pos {
pos = location.span.start();
let suggestions = locations
.flat_map(|location| {
let partial = location.span.slice(line).to_string();
match location.item {
LocationType::Command => {
let command_completer = CommandCompleter;
command_completer.complete(context, &partial, matcher.to_owned())
LocationType::Flag(cmd) => {
let flag_completer = FlagCompleter { cmd };
flag_completer.complete(context, &partial, matcher.to_owned())
LocationType::Argument(cmd, _arg_name) => {
let path_completer = PathCompleter;
let prepend = Span::new(pos, location.span.start()).slice(line);
const QUOTE_CHARS: &[char] = &['\'', '"'];
// TODO Find a better way to deal with quote chars. Can the completion
// engine relay this back to us? Maybe have two spans: inner and
// outer. The former is what we want to complete, the latter what
// we'd need to replace.
let (quote_char, partial) = if partial.starts_with(QUOTE_CHARS) {
let (head, tail) = partial.split_at(1);
(Some(head), tail.to_string())
} else {
(None, partial)
let (mut partial, quoted) = if let Some(quote_char) = quote_char {
if partial.ends_with(quote_char) {
(partial[..partial.len() - 1].to_string(), true)
} else {
(partial, false)
} else {
(partial, false)
partial = partial.split('"').collect::<Vec<_>>().join("");
let completed_paths =
path_completer.path_suggestions(&partial, matcher);
match cmd.as_deref().unwrap_or("") {
"cd" => select_directory_suggestions(completed_paths),
_ => completed_paths,
.map(|s| Suggestion {
replacement: format!(
requote(s.suggestion.replacement, quoted)
display: s.suggestion.display,
LocationType::Variable => {
let variable_completer = VariableCompleter;
variable_completer.complete(context, &partial, matcher.to_owned())
(pos, suggestions)
fn select_directory_suggestions(completed_paths: Vec<PathSuggestion>) -> Vec<PathSuggestion> {
.filter(|suggestion| {
.map(|md| md.is_dir())
fn requote(orig_value: String, previously_quoted: bool) -> String {
let value: Cow<str> = {
#[cfg(feature = "rustyline-support")]
rustyline::completion::unescape(&orig_value, Some('\\'))
#[cfg(not(feature = "rustyline-support"))]
let mut quotes = vec!['"', '\''];
let mut should_quote = false;
for c in value.chars() {
if c.is_whitespace() || c == '#' {
should_quote = true;
} else if let Some(index) = quotes.iter().position(|q| *q == c) {
should_quote = true;
if should_quote {
if quotes.is_empty() {
// TODO we don't really have an escape character, so there isn't a great option right
// now. One possibility is `{{(char backtick)}}`
} else {
let quote = quotes[0];
if previously_quoted {
format!("{}{}", quote, value)
} else {
format!("{}{}{}", quote, value, quote)
} else {