2023-10-19 22:08:09 +02:00

367 lines
11 KiB

use crate::grapheme_flags;
use nu_cmd_base::input_handler::{operate, CmdArgument};
use nu_cmd_base::util;
use nu_engine::CallExt;
use nu_protocol::{
ast::{Call, CellPath},
engine::{Command, EngineState, Stack},
Category, Example, PipelineData, Range, ShellError, Signature, Span, Spanned, SyntaxShape,
Type, Value,
use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
struct Arguments {
end: bool,
substring: String,
range: Option<Range>,
cell_paths: Option<Vec<CellPath>>,
graphemes: bool,
impl CmdArgument for Arguments {
fn take_cell_paths(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<CellPath>> {
pub struct SubCommand;
pub struct IndexOfOptionalBounds(i32, i32);
impl Command for SubCommand {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
"str index-of"
fn signature(&self) -> Signature {
Signature::build("str index-of")
(Type::String, Type::Int),
(Type::List(Box::new(Type::String)), Type::List(Box::new(Type::Int))),
(Type::Table(vec![]), Type::Table(vec![])),
(Type::Record(vec![]), Type::Record(vec![])),
.required("string", SyntaxShape::String, "the string to find in the input")
"count indexes using grapheme clusters (all visible chars have length 1)",
"count indexes using UTF-8 bytes (default; non-ASCII chars have length 2+)",
"For a data structure input, search strings at the given cell paths, and replace with result",
"optional start and/or end index",
.switch("end", "search from the end of the input", Some('e'))
fn usage(&self) -> &str {
"Returns start index of first occurrence of string in input, or -1 if no match."
fn search_terms(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
vec!["match", "find", "search"]
fn run(
engine_state: &EngineState,
stack: &mut Stack,
call: &Call,
input: PipelineData,
) -> Result<PipelineData, ShellError> {
let substring: Spanned<String> = call.req(engine_state, stack, 0)?;
let cell_paths: Vec<CellPath> =, stack, 1)?;
let cell_paths = (!cell_paths.is_empty()).then_some(cell_paths);
let args = Arguments {
substring: substring.item,
range: call.get_flag(engine_state, stack, "range")?,
end: call.has_flag("end"),
graphemes: grapheme_flags(call)?,
operate(action, args, input, call.head, engine_state.ctrlc.clone())
fn examples(&self) -> Vec<Example> {
Example {
description: "Returns index of string in input",
example: " 'my_library.rb' | str index-of '.rb'",
result: Some(Value::test_int(10)),
Example {
description: "Count length using grapheme clusters",
example: "'🇯🇵ほげ ふが ぴよ' | str index-of --grapheme-clusters 'ふが'",
result: Some(Value::test_int(4)),
Example {
description: "Returns index of string in input within a`rhs open range`",
example: " '.rb.rb' | str index-of '.rb' --range 1..",
result: Some(Value::test_int(3)),
Example {
description: "Returns index of string in input within a lhs open range",
example: " '123456' | str index-of '6' --range ..4",
result: Some(Value::test_int(-1)),
Example {
description: "Returns index of string in input within a range",
example: " '123456' | str index-of '3' --range 1..4",
result: Some(Value::test_int(2)),
Example {
description: "Returns index of string in input",
example: " '/this/is/some/path/file.txt' | str index-of '/' -e",
result: Some(Value::test_int(18)),
fn action(
input: &Value,
Arguments {
ref substring,
}: &Arguments,
head: Span,
) -> Value {
match input {
Value::String { val: s, .. } => {
let (start_index, end_index) = if let Some(range) = range {
match util::process_range(range) {
Ok(r) => {
// `process_range()` returns `isize::MAX` if the range is open-ended,
// which is not ideal for us
let end = if r.1 as usize > s.len() {
} else {
r.1 as usize
(r.0 as usize, end)
Err(processing_error) => {
let err = processing_error("could not find `index-of`", head);
return Value::error(err, head);
} else {
(0usize, s.len())
// When the -e flag is present, search using rfind instead of find.s
if let Some(result) = if *end {
} else {
} {
let result = result + start_index;
if *graphemes {
// Having found the substring's byte index, convert to grapheme index.
// grapheme_indices iterates graphemes alongside their UTF-8 byte indices, so .enumerate()
// is used to get the grapheme index alongside it.
.find(|e| e.1 .0 >= result)
.expect("No grapheme index for substring")
} else {
} as i64,
} else {
Value::int(-1, head)
Value::Error { .. } => input.clone(),
_ => Value::error(
ShellError::OnlySupportsThisInputType {
exp_input_type: "string".into(),
wrong_type: input.get_type().to_string(),
dst_span: head,
src_span: input.span(),
mod tests {
use nu_protocol::ast::RangeInclusion;
use super::*;
use super::{action, Arguments, SubCommand};
fn test_examples() {
use crate::test_examples;
test_examples(SubCommand {})
fn returns_index_of_substring() {
let word = Value::test_string("Cargo.tomL");
let options = Arguments {
substring: String::from(".tomL"),
range: None,
cell_paths: None,
end: false,
graphemes: false,
let actual = action(&word, &options, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, Value::test_int(5));
fn index_of_does_not_exist_in_string() {
let word = Value::test_string("Cargo.tomL");
let options = Arguments {
substring: String::from("Lm"),
range: None,
cell_paths: None,
end: false,
graphemes: false,
let actual = action(&word, &options, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, Value::test_int(-1));
fn returns_index_of_next_substring() {
let word = Value::test_string("Cargo.Cargo");
let range = Range {
from: Value::int(1, Span::test_data()),
incr: Value::int(1, Span::test_data()),
to: Value::nothing(Span::test_data()),
inclusion: RangeInclusion::Inclusive,
let options = Arguments {
substring: String::from("Cargo"),
range: Some(range),
cell_paths: None,
end: false,
graphemes: false,
let actual = action(&word, &options, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, Value::test_int(6));
fn index_does_not_exist_due_to_end_index() {
let word = Value::test_string("Cargo.Banana");
let range = Range {
from: Value::nothing(Span::test_data()),
inclusion: RangeInclusion::Inclusive,
incr: Value::int(1, Span::test_data()),
to: Value::int(5, Span::test_data()),
let options = Arguments {
substring: String::from("Banana"),
range: Some(range),
cell_paths: None,
end: false,
graphemes: false,
let actual = action(&word, &options, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, Value::test_int(-1));
fn returns_index_of_nums_in_middle_due_to_index_limit_from_both_ends() {
let word = Value::test_string("123123123");
let range = Range {
from: Value::int(2, Span::test_data()),
incr: Value::int(1, Span::test_data()),
to: Value::int(6, Span::test_data()),
inclusion: RangeInclusion::Inclusive,
let options = Arguments {
substring: String::from("123"),
range: Some(range),
cell_paths: None,
end: false,
graphemes: false,
let actual = action(&word, &options, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, Value::test_int(3));
fn index_does_not_exists_due_to_strict_bounds() {
let word = Value::test_string("123456");
let range = Range {
from: Value::int(2, Span::test_data()),
incr: Value::int(1, Span::test_data()),
to: Value::int(5, Span::test_data()),
inclusion: RangeInclusion::RightExclusive,
let options = Arguments {
substring: String::from("1"),
range: Some(range),
cell_paths: None,
end: false,
graphemes: false,
let actual = action(&word, &options, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, Value::test_int(-1));
fn use_utf8_bytes() {
let word = Value::string(String::from("🇯🇵ほげ ふが ぴよ"), Span::test_data());
let options = Arguments {
substring: String::from("ふが"),
range: None,
cell_paths: None,
end: false,
graphemes: false,
let actual = action(&word, &options, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, Value::test_int(15));