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synced 2025-02-18 19:41:04 +01:00
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380 lines
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use crate::{
eval_operator, Assignment, Bits, Boolean, Call, Comparison, Expr, Expression, Math,
Operator, RecordItem,
Range, Record, ShellError, Span, Value, VarId,
use std::collections::HashMap;
/// To share implementations for regular eval and const eval
pub trait Eval {
/// State that doesn't need to be mutated.
/// EngineState for regular eval and StateWorkingSet for const eval
type State<'a>: Copy;
/// State that needs to be mutated.
/// This is the stack for regular eval, and unused by const eval
type MutState;
fn eval(
state: Self::State<'_>,
mut_state: &mut Self::MutState,
expr: &Expression,
) -> Result<Value, ShellError> {
match &expr.expr {
Expr::Bool(b) => Ok(Value::bool(*b, expr.span)),
Expr::Int(i) => Ok(Value::int(*i, expr.span)),
Expr::Float(f) => Ok(Value::float(*f, expr.span)),
Expr::Binary(b) => Ok(Value::binary(b.clone(), expr.span)),
Expr::Filepath(path) => Self::eval_filepath(state, mut_state, path.clone(), expr.span),
Expr::Directory(path) => {
Self::eval_directory(state, mut_state, path.clone(), expr.span)
Expr::Var(var_id) => Self::eval_var(state, mut_state, *var_id, expr.span),
Expr::CellPath(cell_path) => Ok(Value::cell_path(cell_path.clone(), expr.span)),
Expr::FullCellPath(cell_path) => {
let value = Self::eval(state, mut_state, &cell_path.head)?;
value.follow_cell_path(&cell_path.tail, false)
Expr::DateTime(dt) => Ok(Value::date(*dt, expr.span)),
Expr::List(x) => {
let mut output = vec![];
for expr in x {
match &expr.expr {
Expr::Spread(expr) => match Self::eval(state, mut_state, expr)? {
Value::List { mut vals, .. } => output.append(&mut vals),
_ => return Err(ShellError::CannotSpreadAsList { span: expr.span }),
_ => output.push(Self::eval(state, mut_state, expr)?),
Ok(Value::list(output, expr.span))
Expr::Record(items) => {
let mut record = Record::new();
let mut col_names = HashMap::new();
for item in items {
match item {
RecordItem::Pair(col, val) => {
// avoid duplicate cols
let col_name = Self::eval(state, mut_state, col)?.as_string()?;
if let Some(orig_span) = col_names.get(&col_name) {
return Err(ShellError::ColumnDefinedTwice {
second_use: col.span,
first_use: *orig_span,
} else {
col_names.insert(col_name.clone(), col.span);
record.push(col_name, Self::eval(state, mut_state, val)?);
RecordItem::Spread(_, inner) => {
match Self::eval(state, mut_state, inner)? {
Value::Record { val: inner_val, .. } => {
for (col_name, val) in inner_val {
if let Some(orig_span) = col_names.get(&col_name) {
return Err(ShellError::ColumnDefinedTwice {
second_use: inner.span,
first_use: *orig_span,
} else {
col_names.insert(col_name.clone(), inner.span);
record.push(col_name, val);
_ => {
return Err(ShellError::CannotSpreadAsRecord {
span: inner.span,
Ok(Value::record(record, expr.span))
Expr::Table(headers, vals) => {
let mut output_headers = vec![];
for expr in headers {
let header = Self::eval(state, mut_state, expr)?.as_string()?;
if let Some(idx) = output_headers
.position(|existing| existing == &header)
return Err(ShellError::ColumnDefinedTwice {
col_name: header,
second_use: expr.span,
first_use: headers[idx].span,
} else {
let mut output_rows = vec![];
for val in vals {
let mut row = vec![];
for expr in val {
row.push(Self::eval(state, mut_state, expr)?);
// length equality already ensured in parser
Record::from_raw_cols_vals(output_headers.clone(), row),
Ok(Value::list(output_rows, expr.span))
Expr::Keyword(_, _, expr) => Self::eval(state, mut_state, expr),
Expr::String(s) => Ok(Value::string(s.clone(), expr.span)),
Expr::Nothing => Ok(Value::nothing(expr.span)),
Expr::ValueWithUnit(e, unit) => match Self::eval(state, mut_state, e)? {
Value::Int { val, .. } => unit.item.to_value(val, unit.span),
x => Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "unit value".into(),
from_type: x.get_type().to_string(),
span: e.span,
help: None,
Expr::Call(call) => Self::eval_call(state, mut_state, call, expr.span),
Expr::ExternalCall(head, args, is_subexpression) => {
Self::eval_external_call(state, mut_state, head, args, *is_subexpression, expr.span)
Expr::Subexpression(block_id) => {
Self::eval_subexpression(state, mut_state, *block_id, expr.span)
Expr::Range(from, next, to, operator) => {
let from = if let Some(f) = from {
Self::eval(state, mut_state, f)?
} else {
let next = if let Some(s) = next {
Self::eval(state, mut_state, s)?
} else {
let to = if let Some(t) = to {
Self::eval(state, mut_state, t)?
} else {
Range::new(expr.span, from, next, to, operator)?,
Expr::UnaryNot(expr) => {
let lhs = Self::eval(state, mut_state, expr)?;
match lhs {
Value::Bool { val, .. } => Ok(Value::bool(!val, expr.span)),
other => Err(ShellError::TypeMismatch {
err_message: format!("expected bool, found {}", other.get_type()),
span: expr.span,
Expr::BinaryOp(lhs, op, rhs) => {
let op_span = op.span;
let op = eval_operator(op)?;
match op {
Operator::Boolean(boolean) => {
let lhs = Self::eval(state, mut_state, lhs)?;
match boolean {
Boolean::And => {
if lhs.is_false() {
Ok(Value::bool(false, expr.span))
} else {
let rhs = Self::eval(state, mut_state, rhs)?;
lhs.and(op_span, &rhs, expr.span)
Boolean::Or => {
if lhs.is_true() {
Ok(Value::bool(true, expr.span))
} else {
let rhs = Self::eval(state, mut_state, rhs)?;
lhs.or(op_span, &rhs, expr.span)
Boolean::Xor => {
let rhs = Self::eval(state, mut_state, rhs)?;
lhs.xor(op_span, &rhs, expr.span)
Operator::Math(math) => {
let lhs = Self::eval(state, mut_state, lhs)?;
let rhs = Self::eval(state, mut_state, rhs)?;
match math {
Math::Plus => lhs.add(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Math::Minus => lhs.sub(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Math::Multiply => lhs.mul(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Math::Divide => lhs.div(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Math::Append => lhs.append(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Math::Modulo => lhs.modulo(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Math::FloorDivision => lhs.floor_div(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Math::Pow => lhs.pow(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Operator::Comparison(comparison) => {
let lhs = Self::eval(state, mut_state, lhs)?;
let rhs = Self::eval(state, mut_state, rhs)?;
match comparison {
Comparison::LessThan => lhs.lt(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Comparison::LessThanOrEqual => lhs.lte(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Comparison::GreaterThan => lhs.gt(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Comparison::GreaterThanOrEqual => lhs.gte(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Comparison::Equal => lhs.eq(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Comparison::NotEqual => lhs.ne(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Comparison::In => lhs.r#in(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Comparison::NotIn => lhs.not_in(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Comparison::StartsWith => lhs.starts_with(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Comparison::EndsWith => lhs.ends_with(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Comparison::RegexMatch => {
Self::regex_match(state, op_span, &lhs, &rhs, false, expr.span)
Comparison::NotRegexMatch => {
Self::regex_match(state, op_span, &lhs, &rhs, true, expr.span)
Operator::Bits(bits) => {
let lhs = Self::eval(state, mut_state, lhs)?;
let rhs = Self::eval(state, mut_state, rhs)?;
match bits {
Bits::BitAnd => lhs.bit_and(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Bits::BitOr => lhs.bit_or(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Bits::BitXor => lhs.bit_xor(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Bits::ShiftLeft => lhs.bit_shl(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Bits::ShiftRight => lhs.bit_shr(op_span, &rhs, expr.span),
Operator::Assignment(assignment) => Self::eval_assignment(
state, mut_state, lhs, rhs, assignment, op_span, expr.span,
Expr::Block(block_id) => Ok(Value::block(*block_id, expr.span)),
Expr::RowCondition(block_id) | Expr::Closure(block_id) => {
Self::eval_row_condition_or_closure(state, mut_state, *block_id, expr.span)
Expr::StringInterpolation(exprs) => {
Self::eval_string_interpolation(state, mut_state, exprs, expr.span)
Expr::Overlay(_) => Self::eval_overlay(state, expr.span),
Expr::GlobPattern(pattern) => {
Self::eval_glob_pattern(state, mut_state, pattern.clone(), expr.span)
Expr::MatchPattern(pattern) => Ok(Value::match_pattern(*pattern.clone(), expr.span)),
Expr::MatchBlock(_) // match blocks are handled by `match`
| Expr::VarDecl(_)
| Expr::ImportPattern(_)
| Expr::Signature(_)
| Expr::Spread(_)
| Expr::Operator(_)
| Expr::Garbage => Self::unreachable(expr),
fn eval_filepath(
state: Self::State<'_>,
mut_state: &mut Self::MutState,
path: String,
span: Span,
) -> Result<Value, ShellError>;
fn eval_directory(
state: Self::State<'_>,
mut_state: &mut Self::MutState,
path: String,
span: Span,
) -> Result<Value, ShellError>;
fn eval_var(
state: Self::State<'_>,
mut_state: &mut Self::MutState,
var_id: VarId,
span: Span,
) -> Result<Value, ShellError>;
fn eval_call(
state: Self::State<'_>,
mut_state: &mut Self::MutState,
call: &Call,
span: Span,
) -> Result<Value, ShellError>;
fn eval_external_call(
state: Self::State<'_>,
mut_state: &mut Self::MutState,
head: &Expression,
args: &[Expression],
is_subexpression: bool,
span: Span,
) -> Result<Value, ShellError>;
fn eval_subexpression(
state: Self::State<'_>,
mut_state: &mut Self::MutState,
block_id: usize,
span: Span,
) -> Result<Value, ShellError>;
fn regex_match(
state: Self::State<'_>,
op_span: Span,
lhs: &Value,
rhs: &Value,
invert: bool,
expr_span: Span,
) -> Result<Value, ShellError>;
fn eval_assignment(
state: Self::State<'_>,
mut_state: &mut Self::MutState,
lhs: &Expression,
rhs: &Expression,
assignment: Assignment,
op_span: Span,
expr_span: Span,
) -> Result<Value, ShellError>;
fn eval_row_condition_or_closure(
state: Self::State<'_>,
mut_state: &mut Self::MutState,
block_id: usize,
span: Span,
) -> Result<Value, ShellError>;
fn eval_string_interpolation(
state: Self::State<'_>,
mut_state: &mut Self::MutState,
exprs: &[Expression],
span: Span,
) -> Result<Value, ShellError>;
fn eval_overlay(state: Self::State<'_>, span: Span) -> Result<Value, ShellError>;
fn eval_glob_pattern(
state: Self::State<'_>,
mut_state: &mut Self::MutState,
pattern: String,
span: Span,
) -> Result<Value, ShellError>;
/// For expressions that should never actually be evaluated
fn unreachable(expr: &Expression) -> Result<Value, ShellError>;