#!/usr/bin/env zsh ## Setup [[ -o interactive ]] || return # don't load on non-interactive shells [[ -z "$SSH_CLIENT" && -z "$SSH_TTY" ]] || return # don't load on a SSH connection zmodload zsh/datetime # faster than `date` ## Zsh Hooks function bgnotify_begin { bgnotify_timestamp=$EPOCHSECONDS bgnotify_lastcmd="${1:-$2}" } function bgnotify_end { { local exit_status=$? local elapsed=$(( EPOCHSECONDS - bgnotify_timestamp )) # check time elapsed [[ $bgnotify_timestamp -gt 0 ]] || return [[ $elapsed -ge $bgnotify_threshold ]] || return # check if Terminal app is not active [[ $(bgnotify_appid) != "$bgnotify_termid" ]] || return printf '\a' # beep sound bgnotify_formatted "$exit_status" "$bgnotify_lastcmd" "$elapsed" } always { bgnotify_timestamp=0 } } autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook add-zsh-hook preexec bgnotify_begin add-zsh-hook precmd bgnotify_end ## Functions # allow custom function override (( ${+functions[bgnotify_formatted]} )) || \ function bgnotify_formatted { local exit_status=$1 local cmd="$2" # humanly readable elapsed time local elapsed="$(( $3 % 60 ))s" (( $3 < 60 )) || elapsed="$((( $3 % 3600) / 60 ))m $elapsed" (( $3 < 3600 )) || elapsed="$(( $3 / 3600 ))h $elapsed" if [[ $1 -eq 0 ]]; then bgnotify "#win (took $elapsed)" "$2" else bgnotify "#fail (took $elapsed)" "$2" fi } function bgnotify_appid { if (( ${+commands[osascript]} )); then # output is "app ID, window ID" (com.googlecode.iterm2, 116) osascript -e 'tell application (path to frontmost application as text) to get the {id, id of front window}' 2>/dev/null elif [[ -n $WAYLAND_DISPLAY ]] && (( ${+commands[swaymsg]} )) && (( ${+commands[jq]} )); then # wayland+sway # output is "app_id, container id" (Alacritty, 1694) swaymsg -t get_tree | jq '.. | select(.type?) | select(.focused==true) | {app_id, id} | join(", ")' elif [[ -n $DISPLAY ]] && (( ${+commands[xprop]} )); then xprop -root _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f5 else echo $EPOCHSECONDS fi } function bgnotify { local title="$1" local message="$2" if (( ${+commands[terminal-notifier]} )); then # macOS local term_id="${bgnotify_termid%%,*}" # remove window id if [[ -z "$term_id" ]]; then case "$TERM_PROGRAM" in iTerm.app) term_id='com.googlecode.iterm2' ;; Apple_Terminal) term_id='com.apple.terminal' ;; esac fi if [[ -z "$term_id" ]]; then terminal-notifier -message "$message" -title "$title" &>/dev/null else terminal-notifier -message "$message" -title "$title" -activate "$term_id" -sender "$term_id" &>/dev/null fi elif (( ${+commands[growlnotify]} )); then # macOS growl growlnotify -m "$title" "$message" elif (( ${+commands[notify-send]} )); then if [[ -n $ALACRITTY_WINDOW_ID ]]; then notify-send -i Alacritty "$title" "$message" else notify-send "$title" "$message" fi elif (( ${+commands[kdialog]} )); then # KDE kdialog --title "$title" --passivepopup "$message" 5 elif (( ${+commands[notifu]} )); then # cygwin notifu /m "$message" /p "$title" fi } ## Defaults # notify if command took longer than 5s by default bgnotify_threshold=${bgnotify_threshold:-5} # bgnotify_appid is slow in macOS and the terminal ID won't change, so cache it at startup bgnotify_termid="$(bgnotify_appid)"