2015-09-02 00:26:13 +02:00

142 lines
4.1 KiB

# frontend from terminal
function frontend() {
emulate -L zsh
# define search content URLS
typeset -A urls
angularjs 'https://google.com/search?as_sitesearch=angularjs.org&as_q='
aurajs 'http://aurajs.com/api/#stq='
bem 'https://google.com/search?as_sitesearch=bem.info&as_q='
bootsnipp 'http://bootsnipp.com/search?q='
caniuse 'http://caniuse.com/#search='
codepen 'http://codepen.io/search?q='
compass 'http://compass-style.org/search?q='
cssflow 'http://www.cssflow.com/search?q='
dartlang 'https://api.dartlang.org/apidocs/channels/stable/dartdoc-viewer/dart:'
emberjs 'http://emberjs.com/api/#stp=1&stq='
fontello 'http://fontello.com/#search='
html5please 'http://html5please.com/#'
jquery 'https://api.jquery.com/?s='
lodash 'https://devdocs.io/lodash/index#'
mdn 'https://developer.mozilla.org/search?q='
npmjs 'https://www.npmjs.com/search?q='
qunit 'https://api.qunitjs.com/?s='
reactjs 'https://google.com/search?as_sitesearch=facebook.github.io/react&as_q='
smacss 'https://google.com/search?as_sitesearch=smacss.com&as_q='
stackoverflow 'http://stackoverflow.com/search?q='
unheap 'http://www.unheap.com/?s='
# show help for commands list
if [[ $1 =~ '(help|--help|-h)' ]]
echo "Usage:"
echo "\n\tfrontend <search-content>\n\t<search-content>\n\tfrontend <search-content> <search-term>"
echo ""
echo "Where <search-content> is one of:"
echo "jquery, mdn, compass, html5please, caniuse, aurajs, dartlang, qunit, fontello,"
echo "bootsnipp, cssflow, codepen, unheap, bem, smacss, angularjs, reactjs, emberjs"
echo "help"
echo ""
echo "Where <search-term> is a term to search in allowed repositories"
echo ""
echo "frontend --help show plugin help"
echo "frontend -h show plugin help"
echo ""
echo "It is allowed to directly access all search contents."
echo ""
return 1
# no keyword provided, simply show how call methods
if [[ $# -le 1 ]]
echo "Please provide a search-content and a search-term for app.\nEx:\nfrontend <search-content> <search-term>\n"
return 1
# check whether the search engine is supported
if [[ -z "$urls[$1]" ]]
echo "Search valid search content $1 not supported."
echo "Valid contents: (formats 'frontend <search-content>' or '<search-content>')"
echo "* jquery"
echo "* mdn"
echo "* compass"
echo "* html5please"
echo "* caniuse"
echo "* aurajs"
echo "* dartlang"
echo "* lodash"
echo "* qunit"
echo "* fontello"
echo "* bootsnipp"
echo "* cssflow"
echo "* codepen"
echo "* unheap"
echo "* bem"
echo "* smacss"
echo "* angularjs"
echo "* reactjs"
echo "* emberjs"
echo "* stackoverflow"
echo "* npmjs"
echo ""
return 1
# build search url:
# join arguments passed with '+', then append to search engine URL
# TODO substitute for proper urlencode method
echo "$url"
open_command "$url"
# javascript
alias jquery='frontend jquery'
alias mdn='frontend mdn'
# pre processors frameworks
alias compassdoc='frontend compass'
# important links
alias html5please='frontend html5please'
alias caniuse='frontend caniuse'
# components and libraries
alias aurajs='frontend aurajs'
alias dartlang='frontend dartlang'
alias lodash='frontend lodash'
alias qunit='frontend qunit'
alias fontello='frontend fontello'
# snippets
alias bootsnipp='frontend bootsnipp'
alias cssflow='frontend cssflow'
alias codepen='frontend codepen'
alias unheap='frontend unheap'
# css architecture
alias bem='frontend bem'
alias smacss='frontend smacss'
# frameworks
alias angularjs='frontend angularjs'
alias reactjs='frontend reactjs'
alias emberjs='frontend emberjs'
# search websites
alias stackoverflow='frontend stackoverflow'
alias npmjs='frontend npmjs'