mirror of
synced 2024-11-26 01:43:49 +01:00
Migrate tests to unittest
unittest is much more straightforward without any magic. In a small project like podman-compose being easy to understand is more important than features. Signed-off-by: Povilas Kanapickas <povilas@radix.lt>
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,15 +25,9 @@ jobs:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then pip install -r requirements.txt; fi
if [ -f test-requirements.txt ]; then pip install -r test-requirements.txt; fi
- name: Lint with flake8
- name: Test with unittest
run: |
# stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
# exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide
flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
- name: Test with pytest
run: |
coverage run --source podman_compose -m pytest ./pytests
python -m pytest ./tests
coverage run --source podman_compose -m unittest pytests/*.py
python -m unittest tests/*.py
coverage combine
coverage report
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ $ pre-commit run --all-files
6. Run code coverage
coverage run --source podman_compose -m pytest ./pytests
python -m pytest ./tests
coverage run --source podman_compose -m unittest pytests/*.py
python -m unittest tests/*.py
coverage combine
coverage report
coverage html
@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ There is also AWX 17.1.0
Inside `tests/` directory we have many useless docker-compose stacks
that are meant to test as many cases as we can to make sure we are compatible
### Unit tests with pytest
run a pytest with following command
### Unit tests with unittest
run a unittest with following command
python -m pytest pytests
python -m unittest pytests/*.py
# Contributing guide
Normal file
Normal file
@ -2,127 +2,105 @@ import copy
import os
import argparse
import yaml
import unittest
from parameterized import parameterized
from podman_compose import normalize_service, PodmanCompose
test_cases_simple = [
({"test": "test"}, {"test": "test"}),
({"build": "."}, {"build": {"context": "."}}),
({"build": "./dir-1"}, {"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}),
({"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}, {"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}),
{"build": {"dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"context": "./dir-1", "dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"context": "./dir-1", "dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
class TestMergeBuild(unittest.TestCase):
({"test": "test"}, {"test": "test"}),
({"build": "."}, {"build": {"context": "."}}),
({"build": "./dir-1"}, {"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}),
({"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}, {"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}),
{"build": {"dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"context": "./dir-1", "dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"context": "./dir-1", "dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
def test_simple(self, input, expected):
self.assertEqual(normalize_service(input), expected)
({"test": "test"}, {"test": "test"}),
({"build": "."}, {"build": {"context": "./sub_dir/."}}),
({"build": "./dir-1"}, {"build": {"context": "./sub_dir/dir-1"}}),
({"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}, {"build": {"context": "./sub_dir/dir-1"}}),
{"build": {"dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"context": "./sub_dir", "dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"context": "./dir-1", "dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"context": "./sub_dir/dir-1", "dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
def test_normalize_service_with_sub_dir(self, input, expected):
self.assertEqual(normalize_service(input, sub_dir="./sub_dir"), expected)
def test_normalize_service_simple():
for test_case, expected in copy.deepcopy(test_cases_simple):
test_original = copy.deepcopy(test_case)
test_case = normalize_service(test_case)
test_result = expected == test_case
if not test_result:
print("test: ", test_original)
print("expected: ", expected)
print("actual: ", test_case)
assert test_result
test_cases_sub_dir = [
({"test": "test"}, {"test": "test"}),
({"build": "."}, {"build": {"context": "./sub_dir/."}}),
({"build": "./dir-1"}, {"build": {"context": "./sub_dir/dir-1"}}),
({"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}, {"build": {"context": "./sub_dir/dir-1"}}),
{"build": {"dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"context": "./sub_dir", "dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"context": "./dir-1", "dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"context": "./sub_dir/dir-1", "dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
def test_normalize_service_with_sub_dir():
for test_case, expected in copy.deepcopy(test_cases_sub_dir):
test_original = copy.deepcopy(test_case)
test_case = normalize_service(test_case, sub_dir="./sub_dir")
test_result = expected == test_case
if not test_result:
print("test: ", test_original)
print("expected: ", expected)
print("actual: ", test_case)
assert test_result
test_cases_merges = [
({}, {}, {}),
({}, {"test": "test"}, {"test": "test"}),
({"test": "test"}, {}, {"test": "test"}),
({"test": "test-1"}, {"test": "test-2"}, {"test": "test-2"}),
({}, {"build": "."}, {"build": {"context": "."}}),
({"build": "."}, {}, {"build": {"context": "."}}),
({"build": "./dir-1"}, {"build": "./dir-2"}, {"build": {"context": "./dir-2"}}),
({}, {"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}, {"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}),
({"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}, {}, {"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}),
{"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}},
{"build": {"context": "./dir-2"}},
{"build": {"context": "./dir-2"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"context": "./dir-2"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1", "context": "./dir-2"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1", "context": "./dir-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2", "context": "./dir-2"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2", "context": "./dir-2"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1", "args": ["ENV2=2"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1", "args": ["ENV1=1", "ENV2=2"]}},
def test__parse_compose_file_when_multiple_composes() -> None:
for test_input, test_override, expected_result in copy.deepcopy(test_cases_merges):
compose_test_1 = {"services": {"test-service": test_input}}
compose_test_2 = {"services": {"test-service": test_override}}
({}, {}, {}),
({}, {"test": "test"}, {"test": "test"}),
({"test": "test"}, {}, {"test": "test"}),
({"test": "test-1"}, {"test": "test-2"}, {"test": "test-2"}),
({}, {"build": "."}, {"build": {"context": "."}}),
({"build": "."}, {}, {"build": {"context": "."}}),
({"build": "./dir-1"}, {"build": "./dir-2"}, {"build": {"context": "./dir-2"}}),
({}, {"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}, {"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}),
({"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}, {}, {"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}}),
{"build": {"context": "./dir-1"}},
{"build": {"context": "./dir-2"}},
{"build": {"context": "./dir-2"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"context": "./dir-2"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1", "context": "./dir-2"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1", "context": "./dir-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2", "context": "./dir-2"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2", "context": "./dir-2"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-2", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1", "args": ["ENV2=2"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./dockerfile-1", "args": ["ENV1=1", "ENV2=2"]}},
def test_parse_compose_file_when_multiple_composes(self, input, override, expected):
compose_test_1 = {"services": {"test-service": input}}
compose_test_2 = {"services": {"test-service": override}}
dump_yaml(compose_test_1, "test-compose-1.yaml")
dump_yaml(compose_test_2, "test-compose-2.yaml")
@ -135,15 +113,7 @@ def test__parse_compose_file_when_multiple_composes() -> None:
if podman_compose.services:
actual_compose = podman_compose.services["test-service"]
if actual_compose != expected_result:
print("compose: ", test_input)
print("override: ", test_override)
print("expected: ", expected_result)
print("actual: ", actual_compose)
compose_expected = expected_result
assert compose_expected == actual_compose
self.assertEqual(actual_compose, expected)
def set_args(podman_compose: PodmanCompose, file_names: list[str]) -> None:
@ -2,76 +2,57 @@ import copy
import os
import argparse
import yaml
import unittest
from parameterized import parameterized
from podman_compose import normalize_service, PodmanCompose
test_keys = ["command", "entrypoint"]
test_cases_normalise_pre_merge = [
({"$$$": []}, {"$$$": []}),
({"$$$": ["sh"]}, {"$$$": ["sh"]}),
({"$$$": ["sh", "-c", "date"]}, {"$$$": ["sh", "-c", "date"]}),
({"$$$": "sh"}, {"$$$": ["sh"]}),
({"$$$": "sleep infinity"}, {"$$$": ["sleep", "infinity"]}),
{"$$$": "bash -c 'sleep infinity'"},
{"$$$": ["bash", "-c", "sleep infinity"]},
test_cases_merges = [
({}, {"$$$": []}, {"$$$": []}),
({"$$$": []}, {}, {"$$$": []}),
({"$$$": []}, {"$$$": "sh-2"}, {"$$$": ["sh-2"]}),
({"$$$": "sh-2"}, {"$$$": []}, {"$$$": []}),
({}, {"$$$": "sh"}, {"$$$": ["sh"]}),
({"$$$": "sh"}, {}, {"$$$": ["sh"]}),
({"$$$": "sh-1"}, {"$$$": "sh-2"}, {"$$$": ["sh-2"]}),
({"$$$": ["sh-1"]}, {"$$$": "sh-2"}, {"$$$": ["sh-2"]}),
({"$$$": "sh-1"}, {"$$$": ["sh-2"]}, {"$$$": ["sh-2"]}),
({"$$$": "sh-1"}, {"$$$": ["sh-2", "sh-3"]}, {"$$$": ["sh-2", "sh-3"]}),
({"$$$": ["sh-1"]}, {"$$$": ["sh-2", "sh-3"]}, {"$$$": ["sh-2", "sh-3"]}),
({"$$$": ["sh-1", "sh-2"]}, {"$$$": ["sh-3", "sh-4"]}, {"$$$": ["sh-3", "sh-4"]}),
({}, {"$$$": ["sh-3", "sh 4"]}, {"$$$": ["sh-3", "sh 4"]}),
({"$$$": "sleep infinity"}, {"$$$": "sh"}, {"$$$": ["sh"]}),
({"$$$": "sh"}, {"$$$": "sleep infinity"}, {"$$$": ["sleep", "infinity"]}),
{"$$$": "bash -c 'sleep infinity'"},
{"$$$": ["bash", "-c", "sleep infinity"]},
def template_to_expression(base, override, expected, key):
base_copy = copy.deepcopy(base)
override_copy = copy.deepcopy(override)
expected_copy = copy.deepcopy(expected)
expected_copy[key] = expected_copy.pop("$$$")
if "$$$" in base:
base_copy[key] = base_copy.pop("$$$")
if "$$$" in override:
override_copy[key] = override_copy.pop("$$$")
return base_copy, override_copy, expected_copy
def test_normalize_service():
for test_input_template, expected_template in test_cases_normalise_pre_merge:
class TestMergeBuild(unittest.TestCase):
({"$$$": []}, {"$$$": []}),
({"$$$": ["sh"]}, {"$$$": ["sh"]}),
({"$$$": ["sh", "-c", "date"]}, {"$$$": ["sh", "-c", "date"]}),
({"$$$": "sh"}, {"$$$": ["sh"]}),
({"$$$": "sleep infinity"}, {"$$$": ["sleep", "infinity"]}),
{"$$$": "bash -c 'sleep infinity'"},
{"$$$": ["bash", "-c", "sleep infinity"]},
def test_normalize_service(self, input_template, expected_template):
for key in test_keys:
test_input, _, expected = template_to_expression(
test_input_template, {}, expected_template, key
input_template, {}, expected_template, key
test_input = normalize_service(test_input)
test_result = expected == test_input
if not test_result:
print("base_template: ", test_input_template)
print("expected: ", expected)
print("actual: ", test_input)
assert test_result
self.assertEqual(normalize_service(test_input), expected)
def test__parse_compose_file_when_multiple_composes() -> None:
for base_template, override_template, expected_template in copy.deepcopy(test_cases_merges):
({}, {"$$$": []}, {"$$$": []}),
({"$$$": []}, {}, {"$$$": []}),
({"$$$": []}, {"$$$": "sh-2"}, {"$$$": ["sh-2"]}),
({"$$$": "sh-2"}, {"$$$": []}, {"$$$": []}),
({}, {"$$$": "sh"}, {"$$$": ["sh"]}),
({"$$$": "sh"}, {}, {"$$$": ["sh"]}),
({"$$$": "sh-1"}, {"$$$": "sh-2"}, {"$$$": ["sh-2"]}),
({"$$$": ["sh-1"]}, {"$$$": "sh-2"}, {"$$$": ["sh-2"]}),
({"$$$": "sh-1"}, {"$$$": ["sh-2"]}, {"$$$": ["sh-2"]}),
({"$$$": "sh-1"}, {"$$$": ["sh-2", "sh-3"]}, {"$$$": ["sh-2", "sh-3"]}),
({"$$$": ["sh-1"]}, {"$$$": ["sh-2", "sh-3"]}, {"$$$": ["sh-2", "sh-3"]}),
({"$$$": ["sh-1", "sh-2"]}, {"$$$": ["sh-3", "sh-4"]}, {"$$$": ["sh-3", "sh-4"]}),
({}, {"$$$": ["sh-3", "sh 4"]}, {"$$$": ["sh-3", "sh 4"]}),
({"$$$": "sleep infinity"}, {"$$$": "sh"}, {"$$$": ["sh"]}),
({"$$$": "sh"}, {"$$$": "sleep infinity"}, {"$$$": ["sleep", "infinity"]}),
{"$$$": "bash -c 'sleep infinity'"},
{"$$$": ["bash", "-c", "sleep infinity"]},
def test_parse_compose_file_when_multiple_composes(
self, base_template, override_template, expected_template
for key in test_keys:
base, override, expected = template_to_expression(
base_template, override_template, expected_template, key
@ -90,12 +71,20 @@ def test__parse_compose_file_when_multiple_composes() -> None:
if podman_compose.services:
actual = podman_compose.services["test-service"]
if actual != expected:
print("compose: ", base)
print("override: ", override)
print("result: ", expected)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
assert expected == actual
def template_to_expression(base, override, expected, key):
base_copy = copy.deepcopy(base)
override_copy = copy.deepcopy(override)
expected_copy = copy.deepcopy(expected)
expected_copy[key] = expected_copy.pop("$$$")
if "$$$" in base:
base_copy[key] = base_copy.pop("$$$")
if "$$$" in override:
override_copy[key] = override_copy.pop("$$$")
return base_copy, override_copy, expected_copy
def set_args(podman_compose: PodmanCompose, file_names: list[str]) -> None:
@ -4,126 +4,119 @@ import argparse
import copy
import os
import yaml
import unittest
from parameterized import parameterized
from podman_compose import (
cwd = os.path.abspath(".")
test_cases_simple_normalization = [
({"image": "test-image"}, {"image": "test-image"}),
{"build": "."},
"build": {"context": cwd, "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"},
{"build": "../relative"},
"build": {
"context": os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, "../relative")),
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
{"build": "./relative"},
"build": {
"context": os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, "./relative")),
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
{"build": "/workspace/absolute"},
"build": {
"context": "/workspace/absolute",
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"build": {
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"build": {
"context": cwd,
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"build": {
"context": ".",
"build": {
"context": cwd,
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"build": {"context": "../", "dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"},
"build": {
"context": os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, "../")),
"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile",
"build": {"context": ".", "dockerfile": "./dev/test-dockerfile"},
"build": {
"context": cwd,
"dockerfile": "./dev/test-dockerfile",
# [service.build] is normalised after merges
def test_normalize_service_final_returns_absolute_path_in_context() -> None:
project_dir = cwd
for test_input, expected_service in copy.deepcopy(test_cases_simple_normalization):
actual_service = normalize_service_final(test_input, project_dir)
assert expected_service == actual_service
class TestNormalizeFullBuild(unittest.TestCase):
cases_simple_normalization = [
({"image": "test-image"}, {"image": "test-image"}),
{"build": "."},
"build": {"context": cwd, "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"},
{"build": "../relative"},
"build": {
"context": os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, "../relative")),
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
{"build": "./relative"},
"build": {
"context": os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, "./relative")),
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
{"build": "/workspace/absolute"},
"build": {
"context": "/workspace/absolute",
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"build": {
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"build": {
"context": cwd,
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"build": {
"context": ".",
"build": {
"context": cwd,
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"build": {"context": "../", "dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"},
"build": {
"context": os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, "../")),
"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile",
"build": {"context": ".", "dockerfile": "./dev/test-dockerfile"},
"build": {
"context": cwd,
"dockerfile": "./dev/test-dockerfile",
def test_normalize_service_final_returns_absolute_path_in_context(self, input, expected):
# Tests that [service.build] is normalized after merges
project_dir = cwd
self.assertEqual(normalize_service_final(input, project_dir), expected)
def test_normalize_returns_absolute_path_in_context() -> None:
project_dir = cwd
for test_input, expected_result in copy.deepcopy(test_cases_simple_normalization):
compose_test = {"services": {"test-service": test_input}}
compose_expected = {"services": {"test-service": expected_result}}
actual_compose = normalize_final(compose_test, project_dir)
assert compose_expected == actual_compose
def test_normalize_returns_absolute_path_in_context(self, input, expected):
project_dir = cwd
compose_test = {"services": {"test-service": input}}
compose_expected = {"services": {"test-service": expected}}
self.assertEqual(normalize_final(compose_test, project_dir), compose_expected)
# running full parse over single compose files
def test__parse_compose_file_when_single_compose() -> None:
for test_input, expected_result in copy.deepcopy(test_cases_simple_normalization):
compose_test = {"services": {"test-service": test_input}}
def test_parse_compose_file_when_single_compose(self, input, expected):
compose_test = {"services": {"test-service": input}}
dump_yaml(compose_test, "test-compose.yaml")
podman_compose = PodmanCompose()
@ -135,117 +128,106 @@ def test__parse_compose_file_when_single_compose() -> None:
if podman_compose.services:
actual_compose = podman_compose.services["test-service"]
if actual_compose != expected_result:
print("compose: ", test_input)
print("result: ", expected_result)
self.assertEqual(actual_compose, expected)
assert expected_result == actual_compose
test_cases_with_merges = [
{"build": "."},
{"build": {"context": cwd, "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"}},
{"build": "."},
{"build": {"context": cwd, "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"}},
{"build": "/workspace/absolute"},
{"build": "./relative"},
"build": {
"context": os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, "./relative")),
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
{"build": "./relative"},
{"build": "/workspace/absolute"},
{"build": {"context": "/workspace/absolute", "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"}},
{"build": "./relative"},
{"build": "/workspace/absolute"},
{"build": {"context": "/workspace/absolute", "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"context": cwd, "dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"context": cwd, "dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"context": cwd, "dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile-2"}},
{"build": {"context": cwd, "dockerfile": "test-dockerfile-2"}},
{"build": "/workspace/absolute"},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"context": "/workspace/absolute", "dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": "/workspace/absolute"},
{"build": {"context": "/workspace/absolute", "dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-2", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
"build": {
"context": cwd,
"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-2",
"args": ["ENV1=1"],
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-1", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-2"}},
"build": {
"context": cwd,
"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-2",
"args": ["ENV1=1"],
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-1", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-2", "args": ["ENV2=2"]}},
"build": {
"context": cwd,
"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-2",
"args": ["ENV1=1", "ENV2=2"],
# running full parse over merged
def test__parse_compose_file_when_multiple_composes() -> None:
for test_input, test_override, expected_result in copy.deepcopy(test_cases_with_merges):
compose_test_1 = {"services": {"test-service": test_input}}
compose_test_2 = {"services": {"test-service": test_override}}
{"build": "."},
{"build": {"context": cwd, "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"}},
{"build": "."},
{"build": {"context": cwd, "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"}},
{"build": "/workspace/absolute"},
{"build": "./relative"},
"build": {
"context": os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, "./relative")),
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
{"build": "./relative"},
{"build": "/workspace/absolute"},
{"build": {"context": "/workspace/absolute", "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"}},
{"build": "./relative"},
{"build": "/workspace/absolute"},
{"build": {"context": "/workspace/absolute", "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"context": cwd, "dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"context": cwd, "dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"context": cwd, "dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile-2"}},
{"build": {"context": cwd, "dockerfile": "test-dockerfile-2"}},
{"build": "/workspace/absolute"},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"context": "/workspace/absolute", "dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": "/workspace/absolute"},
{"build": {"context": "/workspace/absolute", "dockerfile": "test-dockerfile"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-1"}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-2", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
"build": {
"context": cwd,
"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-2",
"args": ["ENV1=1"],
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-1", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-2"}},
"build": {
"context": cwd,
"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-2",
"args": ["ENV1=1"],
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-1", "args": ["ENV1=1"]}},
{"build": {"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-2", "args": ["ENV2=2"]}},
"build": {
"context": cwd,
"dockerfile": "./test-dockerfile-2",
"args": ["ENV1=1", "ENV2=2"],
def test_parse_when_multiple_composes(self, input, override, expected):
compose_test_1 = {"services": {"test-service": input}}
compose_test_2 = {"services": {"test-service": override}}
dump_yaml(compose_test_1, "test-compose-1.yaml")
dump_yaml(compose_test_2, "test-compose-2.yaml")
@ -262,13 +244,7 @@ def test__parse_compose_file_when_multiple_composes() -> None:
if podman_compose.services:
actual_compose = podman_compose.services["test-service"]
if actual_compose != expected_result:
print("compose: ", test_input)
print("override: ", test_override)
print("result: ", expected_result)
compose_expected = expected_result
assert compose_expected == actual_compose
self.assertEqual(actual_compose, expected)
def set_args(podman_compose: PodmanCompose, file_names: list[str], no_normalize: bool) -> None:
@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
import pytest
import unittest
from podman_compose import parse_short_mount
def multi_propagation_mount_str():
return "/foo/bar:/baz:U,Z"
def test_parse_short_mount_multi_propagation(multi_propagation_mount_str):
expected = {
"type": "bind",
"source": "/foo/bar",
"target": "/baz",
"bind": {
"propagation": "U,Z",
assert parse_short_mount(multi_propagation_mount_str, "/") == expected
class ParseShortMountTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_multi_propagation(self):
parse_short_mount("/foo/bar:/baz:U,Z", "/"),
"type": "bind",
"source": "/foo/bar",
"target": "/baz",
"bind": {
"propagation": "U,Z",
@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ setup(
extras_require={"devel": ["ruff", "pre-commit", "coverage"]},
extras_require={"devel": ["ruff", "pre-commit", "coverage", "parameterize"]},
# test_suite='tests',
# tests_require=[
# 'coverage',
# 'pytest-cov',
# 'pytest',
# 'tox',
# ]
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-e .
Normal file
Normal file
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
Defines global pytest fixtures available to all tests.
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
from pathlib import Path
import os
import pytest
def base_path():
"""Returns the base path for the project"""
return Path(__file__).parent.parent
def test_path(base_path):
"""Returns the path to the tests directory"""
return os.path.join(base_path, "tests")
def podman_compose_path(base_path):
"""Returns the path to the podman compose script"""
return os.path.join(base_path, "podman_compose.py")
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
import os
import unittest
def capture(command):
def run_subprocess(command):
proc = subprocess.Popen(
@ -12,75 +14,89 @@ def capture(command):
return out, err, proc.returncode
def test_podman_compose_extends_w_file_subdir():
Test that podman-compose can execute podman-compose -f <file> up with extended File which
includes a build context
main_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent
command_up = [
str(main_path.joinpath("tests", "extends_w_file_subdir", "docker-compose.yml")),
command_check_container = [
str(main_path.joinpath("tests", "extends_w_file_subdir", "docker-compose.yml")),
command_down = [
out, _, returncode = capture(command_up)
assert 0 == returncode
# check container was created and exists
out, err, returncode = capture(command_check_container)
assert 0 == returncode
assert b'localhost/subdir_test:me\n' == out
out, _, returncode = capture(command_down)
# cleanup test image(tags)
assert 0 == returncode
# check container did not exists anymore
out, _, returncode = capture(command_check_container)
assert 0 == returncode
assert b'' == out
def base_path():
"""Returns the base path for the project"""
return Path(__file__).parent.parent
def test_podman_compose_extends_w_empty_service():
Test that podman-compose can execute podman-compose -f <file> up with extended File which
includes an empty service. (e.g. if the file is used as placeholder for more complex configurations.)
main_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent
def test_path():
"""Returns the path to the tests directory"""
return os.path.join(base_path(), "tests")
command_up = [
str(main_path.joinpath("tests", "extends_w_empty_service", "docker-compose.yml")),
_, _, returncode = capture(command_up)
assert 0 == returncode
def podman_compose_path():
"""Returns the path to the podman compose script"""
return os.path.join(base_path(), "podman_compose.py")
class TestPodmanCompose(unittest.TestCase):
def test_extends_w_file_subdir(self):
Test that podman-compose can execute podman-compose -f <file> up with extended File which
includes a build context
main_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent
command_up = [
str(main_path.joinpath("tests", "extends_w_file_subdir", "docker-compose.yml")),
command_check_container = [
str(main_path.joinpath("tests", "extends_w_file_subdir", "docker-compose.yml")),
command_down = [
out, _, returncode = run_subprocess(command_up)
self.assertEqual(returncode, 0)
# check container was created and exists
out, err, returncode = run_subprocess(command_check_container)
self.assertEqual(returncode, 0)
self.assertEqual(out, b'localhost/subdir_test:me\n')
out, _, returncode = run_subprocess(command_down)
# cleanup test image(tags)
self.assertEqual(returncode, 0)
# check container did not exists anymore
out, _, returncode = run_subprocess(command_check_container)
self.assertEqual(returncode, 0)
self.assertEqual(out, b'')
def test_extends_w_empty_service(self):
Test that podman-compose can execute podman-compose -f <file> up with extended File which
includes an empty service. (e.g. if the file is used as placeholder for more complex configurations.)
main_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent
command_up = [
str(main_path.joinpath("tests", "extends_w_empty_service", "docker-compose.yml")),
_, _, returncode = run_subprocess(command_up)
self.assertEqual(returncode, 0)
@ -6,72 +6,75 @@ Tests the podman-compose config command which is used to return defined compose
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
import os
from test_podman_compose import capture
import pytest
from .test_podman_compose import podman_compose_path
from .test_podman_compose import run_subprocess
from .test_podman_compose import test_path
import unittest
from parameterized import parameterized
def profile_compose_file(test_path):
def profile_compose_file():
""" "Returns the path to the `profile` compose file used for this test module"""
return os.path.join(test_path, "profile", "docker-compose.yml")
return os.path.join(test_path(), "profile", "docker-compose.yml")
def test_config_no_profiles(podman_compose_path, profile_compose_file):
Tests podman-compose config command without profile enablement.
class TestComposeConfig(unittest.TestCase):
def test_config_no_profiles(self):
Tests podman-compose config command without profile enablement.
config_cmd = [
:param podman_compose_path: The fixture used to specify the path to the podman compose file.
:param profile_compose_file: The fixtued used to specify the path to the "profile" compose used in the test.
config_cmd = ["coverage", "run", podman_compose_path, "-f", profile_compose_file, "config"]
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(config_cmd)
self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
out, _, return_code = capture(config_cmd)
assert return_code == 0
string_output = out.decode("utf-8")
self.assertIn("default-service", string_output)
self.assertNotIn("service-1", string_output)
self.assertNotIn("service-2", string_output)
string_output = out.decode("utf-8")
assert "default-service" in string_output
assert "service-1" not in string_output
assert "service-2" not in string_output
["--profile", "profile-1", "config"],
{"default-service": True, "service-1": True, "service-2": False},
["--profile", "profile-2", "config"],
{"default-service": True, "service-1": False, "service-2": True},
["--profile", "profile-1", "--profile", "profile-2", "config"],
{"default-service": True, "service-1": True, "service-2": True},
def test_config_profiles(self, profiles, expected_services):
Tests podman-compose
:param profiles: The enabled profiles for the parameterized test.
:param expected_services: Dictionary used to model the expected "enabled" services in the profile.
Key = service name, Value = True if the service is enabled, otherwise False.
config_cmd = ["coverage", "run", podman_compose_path(), "-f", profile_compose_file()]
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(config_cmd)
self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
"profiles, expected_services",
["--profile", "profile-1", "config"],
{"default-service": True, "service-1": True, "service-2": False},
["--profile", "profile-2", "config"],
{"default-service": True, "service-1": False, "service-2": True},
["--profile", "profile-1", "--profile", "profile-2", "config"],
{"default-service": True, "service-1": True, "service-2": True},
def test_config_profiles(podman_compose_path, profile_compose_file, profiles, expected_services):
Tests podman-compose
:param podman_compose_path: The fixture used to specify the path to the podman compose file.
:param profile_compose_file: The fixtued used to specify the path to the "profile" compose used in the test.
:param profiles: The enabled profiles for the parameterized test.
:param expected_services: Dictionary used to model the expected "enabled" services in the profile.
Key = service name, Value = True if the service is enabled, otherwise False.
config_cmd = ["coverage", "run", podman_compose_path, "-f", profile_compose_file]
actual_output = out.decode("utf-8")
out, _, return_code = capture(config_cmd)
assert return_code == 0
self.assertEqual(len(expected_services), 3)
actual_output = out.decode("utf-8")
actual_services = {}
for service, _ in expected_services.items():
actual_services[service] = service in actual_output
assert len(expected_services) == 3
actual_services = {}
for service, _ in expected_services.items():
actual_services[service] = service in actual_output
assert expected_services == actual_services
self.assertEqual(expected_services, actual_services)
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
import unittest
def capture(command):
def run_subprocess(command):
proc = subprocess.Popen(
@ -12,61 +13,62 @@ def capture(command):
return out, err, proc.returncode
def test_podman_compose_include():
Test that podman-compose can execute podman-compose -f <file> up with include
main_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent
class TestPodmanComposeInclude(unittest.TestCase):
def test_podman_compose_include(self):
Test that podman-compose can execute podman-compose -f <file> up with include
main_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent
command_up = [
str(main_path.joinpath("tests", "include", "docker-compose.yaml")),
command_up = [
str(main_path.joinpath("tests", "include", "docker-compose.yaml")),
command_check_container = [
command_check_container = [
command_container_id = [
command_container_id = [
command_down = ["podman", "rm", "--force", "CONTAINER_ID"]
command_down = ["podman", "rm", "--force", "CONTAINER_ID"]
out, _, returncode = capture(command_up)
assert 0 == returncode
out, _, returncode = capture(command_check_container)
assert 0 == returncode
assert out == b'"docker.io/library/busybox:latest"\n'
# Get container ID to remove it
out, _, returncode = capture(command_container_id)
assert 0 == returncode
assert out != b""
container_id = out.decode().strip().replace('"', "")
command_down[3] = container_id
out, _, returncode = capture(command_down)
# cleanup test image(tags)
assert 0 == returncode
assert out != b""
# check container did not exists anymore
out, _, returncode = capture(command_check_container)
assert 0 == returncode
assert out == b""
out, _, returncode = run_subprocess(command_up)
self.assertEqual(returncode, 0)
out, _, returncode = run_subprocess(command_check_container)
self.assertEqual(returncode, 0)
self.assertEqual(out, b'"docker.io/library/busybox:latest"\n')
# Get container ID to remove it
out, _, returncode = run_subprocess(command_container_id)
self.assertEqual(returncode, 0)
self.assertNotEqual(out, b"")
container_id = out.decode().strip().replace('"', "")
command_down[3] = container_id
out, _, returncode = run_subprocess(command_down)
# cleanup test image(tags)
self.assertEqual(returncode, 0)
self.assertNotEqual(out, b"")
# check container did not exists anymore
out, _, returncode = run_subprocess(command_check_container)
self.assertEqual(returncode, 0)
self.assertEqual(out, b"")
@ -7,182 +7,192 @@ Tests the podman compose up and down commands used to create and remove services
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
import os
import time
import unittest
from test_podman_compose import capture
from .test_podman_compose import run_subprocess
from .test_podman_compose import podman_compose_path
from .test_podman_compose import test_path
def test_exit_from(podman_compose_path, test_path):
up_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path, "exit-from", "docker-compose.yaml"),
class TestPodmanCompose(unittest.TestCase):
def test_exit_from(self):
up_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path(), "exit-from", "docker-compose.yaml"),
out, _, return_code = capture(up_cmd + ["--exit-code-from", "sh1"])
assert return_code == 1
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(up_cmd + ["--exit-code-from", "sh1"])
self.assertEqual(return_code, 1)
out, _, return_code = capture(up_cmd + ["--exit-code-from", "sh2"])
assert return_code == 2
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(up_cmd + ["--exit-code-from", "sh2"])
self.assertEqual(return_code, 2)
def test_run(self):
This will test depends_on as well
run_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path(), "deps", "docker-compose.yaml"),
"wget -q -O - http://web:8000/hosts",
def test_run(podman_compose_path, test_path):
This will test depends_on as well
run_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path, "deps", "docker-compose.yaml"),
"wget -q -O - http://web:8000/hosts",
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(run_cmd)
self.assertIn(b'\tlocalhost', out)
out, _, return_code = capture(run_cmd)
assert b'\tlocalhost' in out
# Run it again to make sure we can run it twice. I saw an issue where a second run, with the container left up,
# would fail
run_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path(), "deps", "docker-compose.yaml"),
"wget -q -O - http://web:8000/hosts",
# Run it again to make sure we can run it twice. I saw an issue where a second run, with the container left up,
# would fail
run_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path, "deps", "docker-compose.yaml"),
"wget -q -O - http://web:8000/hosts",
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(run_cmd)
assert b'\tlocalhost' in out
self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
out, _, return_code = capture(run_cmd)
assert b'\tlocalhost' in out
assert return_code == 0
# This leaves a container running. Not sure it's intended, but it matches docker-compose
down_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path(), "deps", "docker-compose.yaml"),
# This leaves a container running. Not sure it's intended, but it matches docker-compose
down_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path, "deps", "docker-compose.yaml"),
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(run_cmd)
self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
out, _, return_code = capture(run_cmd)
assert return_code == 0
def test_up_with_ports(self):
up_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path(), "ports", "docker-compose.yml"),
down_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path(), "ports", "docker-compose.yml"),
def test_up_with_ports(podman_compose_path, test_path):
up_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path, "ports", "docker-compose.yml"),
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(up_cmd)
self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
down_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path, "ports", "docker-compose.yml"),
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(down_cmd)
self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
out, _, return_code = capture(up_cmd)
assert return_code == 0
def test_down_with_vols(self):
up_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path(), "vol", "docker-compose.yaml"),
out, _, return_code = capture(down_cmd)
assert return_code == 0
down_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path(), "vol", "docker-compose.yaml"),
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(["podman", "volume", "create", "my-app-data"])
self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess([
self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
def test_down_with_vols(podman_compose_path, test_path):
up_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path, "vol", "docker-compose.yaml"),
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(up_cmd)
self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
down_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path, "vol", "docker-compose.yaml"),
run_subprocess(["podman", "inspect", "volume", ""])
out, _, return_code = capture(["podman", "volume", "create", "my-app-data"])
assert return_code == 0
out, _, return_code = capture(["podman", "volume", "create", "actual-name-of-volume"])
assert return_code == 0
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(down_cmd)
run_subprocess(["podman", "volume", "rm", "my-app-data"])
run_subprocess(["podman", "volume", "rm", "actual-name-of-volume"])
self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
out, _, return_code = capture(up_cmd)
assert return_code == 0
def test_down_with_orphans(self):
container_id, _, return_code = run_subprocess([
capture(["podman", "inspect", "volume", ""])
down_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path(), "ports", "docker-compose.yml"),
out, _, return_code = capture(down_cmd)
capture(["podman", "volume", "rm", "my-app-data"])
capture(["podman", "volume", "rm", "actual-name-of-volume"])
assert return_code == 0
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(down_cmd)
self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
_, _, exists = run_subprocess([
def test_down_with_orphans(podman_compose_path, test_path):
container_id, _, return_code = capture([
down_cmd = [
os.path.join(test_path, "ports", "docker-compose.yml"),
out, _, return_code = capture(down_cmd)
assert return_code == 0
_, _, exists = capture(["podman", "container", "exists", container_id.decode("utf-8")])
assert exists == 1
self.assertEqual(exists, 1)
@ -6,87 +6,83 @@ Tests the podman compose up and down commands used to create and remove services
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
import os
from test_podman_compose import capture
import pytest
from .test_podman_compose import run_subprocess
from .test_podman_compose import podman_compose_path
from .test_podman_compose import test_path
from parameterized import parameterized
import unittest
def profile_compose_file(test_path):
def profile_compose_file():
""" "Returns the path to the `profile` compose file used for this test module"""
return os.path.join(test_path, "profile", "docker-compose.yml")
return os.path.join(test_path(), "profile", "docker-compose.yml")
def teardown(podman_compose_path, profile_compose_file):
Ensures that the services within the "profile compose file" are removed between each test case.
class TestUpDown(unittest.TestCase):
def tearDown(self):
Ensures that the services within the "profile compose file" are removed between each test case.
# run the test case
:param podman_compose_path: The path to the podman compose script.
:param profile_compose_file: The path to the compose file used for this test module.
# run the test case
down_cmd = [
down_cmd = [
["--profile", "profile-1", "up", "-d"],
{"default-service": True, "service-1": True, "service-2": False},
["--profile", "profile-2", "up", "-d"],
{"default-service": True, "service-1": False, "service-2": True},
["--profile", "profile-1", "--profile", "profile-2", "up", "-d"],
{"default-service": True, "service-1": True, "service-2": True},
def test_up(self, profiles, expected_services):
up_cmd = [
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(up_cmd)
self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
"profiles, expected_services",
["--profile", "profile-1", "up", "-d"],
{"default-service": True, "service-1": True, "service-2": False},
["--profile", "profile-2", "up", "-d"],
{"default-service": True, "service-1": False, "service-2": True},
["--profile", "profile-1", "--profile", "profile-2", "up", "-d"],
{"default-service": True, "service-1": True, "service-2": True},
def test_up(podman_compose_path, profile_compose_file, profiles, expected_services):
up_cmd = [
check_cmd = [
out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(check_cmd)
self.assertEqual(return_code, 0)
out, _, return_code = capture(up_cmd)
assert return_code == 0
self.assertEqual(len(expected_services), 3)
actual_output = out.decode("utf-8")
check_cmd = [
out, _, return_code = capture(check_cmd)
assert return_code == 0
actual_services = {}
for service, _ in expected_services.items():
actual_services[service] = service in actual_output
assert len(expected_services) == 3
actual_output = out.decode("utf-8")
actual_services = {}
for service, _ in expected_services.items():
actual_services[service] = service in actual_output
assert expected_services == actual_services
self.assertEqual(expected_services, actual_services)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user