mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 09:29:41 +01:00
Use asyncio for subprocess calls
Removes the threads from compose_up and manages it using async. Also uses async processing to format the log messages instead of piping through sed. This should work on windows without having sed installed Adds --parallel to support pull and build in parallel, same as docker compose Signed-off-by: Falmarri <463948+Falmarri@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,29 +1,24 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#service-configuration-reference
# https://docs.docker.com/samples/
# https://docs.docker.com/compose/gettingstarted/
# https://docs.docker.com/compose/django/
# https://docs.docker.com/compose/wordpress/
# TODO: podman pod logs --color -n -f pod_testlogs
import sys
import os
import getpass
import argparse
import itertools
import subprocess
import time
import re
import hashlib
import random
import json
import glob
from threading import Thread
import asyncio.subprocess
import signal
import shlex
@ -371,7 +366,7 @@ def transform(args, project_name, given_containers):
return pods, containers
def assert_volume(compose, mount_dict):
async def assert_volume(compose, mount_dict):
inspect volume to get directory
create volume if needed
@ -398,7 +393,7 @@ def assert_volume(compose, mount_dict):
# TODO: might move to using "volume list"
# podman volume list --format '{{.Name}}\t{{.MountPoint}}' -f 'label=io.podman.compose.project=HERE'
_ = compose.podman.output([], "volume", ["inspect", vol_name]).decode("utf-8")
_ = (await compose.podman.output([], "volume", ["inspect", vol_name])).decode("utf-8")
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if is_ext:
raise RuntimeError(f"External volume [{vol_name}] does not exists") from e
@ -419,8 +414,8 @@ def assert_volume(compose, mount_dict):
for opt, value in driver_opts.items():
args.extend(["--opt", f"{opt}={value}"])
compose.podman.output([], "volume", args)
_ = compose.podman.output([], "volume", ["inspect", vol_name]).decode("utf-8")
await compose.podman.output([], "volume", args)
_ = (await compose.podman.output([], "volume", ["inspect", vol_name])).decode("utf-8")
def mount_desc_to_mount_args(
@ -522,12 +517,12 @@ def get_mnt_dict(compose, cnt, volume):
return fix_mount_dict(compose, volume, proj_name, srv_name)
def get_mount_args(compose, cnt, volume):
async def get_mount_args(compose, cnt, volume):
volume = get_mnt_dict(compose, cnt, volume)
# proj_name = compose.project_name
srv_name = cnt["_service"]
mount_type = volume["type"]
assert_volume(compose, volume)
await assert_volume(compose, volume)
if compose.prefer_volume_over_mount:
if mount_type == "tmpfs":
# TODO: --tmpfs /tmp:rw,size=787448k,mode=1777
@ -710,7 +705,7 @@ def norm_ports(ports_in):
return ports_out
def assert_cnt_nets(compose, cnt):
async def assert_cnt_nets(compose, cnt):
create missing networks
@ -733,7 +728,7 @@ def assert_cnt_nets(compose, cnt):
ext_desc.get("name", None) or net_desc.get("name", None) or default_net_name
compose.podman.output([], "network", ["exists", net_name])
await compose.podman.output([], "network", ["exists", net_name])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if is_ext:
raise RuntimeError(
@ -776,8 +771,8 @@ def assert_cnt_nets(compose, cnt):
if gateway:
args.extend(("--gateway", gateway))
compose.podman.output([], "network", args)
compose.podman.output([], "network", ["exists", net_name])
await compose.podman.output([], "network", args)
await compose.podman.output([], "network", ["exists", net_name])
def get_net_args(compose, cnt):
@ -898,7 +893,7 @@ def get_net_args(compose, cnt):
return net_args
def container_to_args(compose, cnt, detached=True):
async def container_to_args(compose, cnt, detached=True):
# TODO: double check -e , --add-host, -v, --read-only
dirname = compose.dirname
pod = cnt.get("pod", None) or ""
@ -955,9 +950,9 @@ def container_to_args(compose, cnt, detached=True):
for i in tmpfs_ls:
podman_args.extend(["--tmpfs", i])
for volume in cnt.get("volumes", []):
podman_args.extend(get_mount_args(compose, cnt, volume))
podman_args.extend(await get_mount_args(compose, cnt, volume))
assert_cnt_nets(compose, cnt)
await assert_cnt_nets(compose, cnt)
podman_args.extend(get_net_args(compose, cnt))
logging = cnt.get("logging", None)
@ -1161,12 +1156,22 @@ class Podman:
self.podman_path = podman_path
self.dry_run = dry_run
def output(self, podman_args, cmd="", cmd_args=None):
async def output(self, podman_args, cmd="", cmd_args=None):
cmd_args = cmd_args or []
xargs = self.compose.get_podman_args(cmd) if cmd else []
cmd_ls = [self.podman_path, *podman_args, cmd] + xargs + cmd_args
return subprocess.check_output(cmd_ls)
p = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec(
stdout_data, stderr_data = await p.communicate()
if p.returncode == 0:
return stdout_data
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, " ".join(cmd_ls), stderr_data)
def exec(
@ -1180,55 +1185,71 @@ class Podman:
log(" ".join([str(i) for i in cmd_ls]))
os.execlp(self.podman_path, *cmd_ls)
def run(
async def run(
# Intentionally mutable default argument to hold references to tasks
if obj is not None:
obj.exit_code = None
cmd_args = list(map(str, cmd_args or []))
xargs = self.compose.get_podman_args(cmd) if cmd else []
cmd_ls = [self.podman_path, *podman_args, cmd] + xargs + cmd_args
log(" ".join([str(i) for i in cmd_ls]))
if self.dry_run:
return None
# subprocess.Popen(
# args, bufsize = 0, executable = None, stdin = None, stdout = None, stderr = None, preexec_fn = None,
# close_fds = False, shell = False, cwd = None, env = None, universal_newlines = False, startupinfo = None,
# creationflags = 0
# )
if log_formatter is not None:
async def format_out(stdout):
while True:
l = await stdout.readline()
if l:
print(log_formatter, l.decode('utf-8'), end='')
if stdout.at_eof():
# read, write = os.pipe()
# Pipe podman process output through log_formatter (which can add colored prefix)
p = subprocess.Popen(
cmd_ls, stdout=subprocess.PIPE
p = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec(
*cmd_ls, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE
) # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
_ = subprocess.Popen(
log_formatter, stdin=p.stdout
) # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
p.stdout.close() # Allow p_process to receive a SIGPIPE if logging process exits.
# This is hacky to make the tasks not get garbage collected
# https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/91887
out_t = asyncio.create_task(format_out(p.stdout))
err_t = asyncio.create_task(format_out(p.stderr))
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_ls) # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
p = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd_ls) # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
if wait:
exit_code = p.wait()
exit_code = await p.wait()
except asyncio.CancelledError:
exit_code = await p.wait()
log("exit code:", exit_code)
if obj is not None:
obj.exit_code = exit_code
return exit_code
if sleep:
log(f"Sleep {sleep}")
await asyncio.sleep(sleep)
return p
def volume_ls(self, proj=None):
async def volume_ls(self, proj=None):
if not proj:
proj = self.compose.project_name
output = self.output(
output = (await self.output(
@ -1239,7 +1260,7 @@ class Podman:
volumes = output.splitlines()
return volumes
@ -1487,7 +1508,7 @@ class PodmanCompose:
return xargs
def run(self):
async def run(self):
log("podman-compose version: " + __version__)
args = self._parse_args()
podman_path = args.podman_path
@ -1504,8 +1525,8 @@ class PodmanCompose:
# just to make sure podman is running
self.podman_version = (
self.podman.output(["--version"], "", []).decode("utf-8").strip()
or ""
(await self.podman.output(["--version"], "", [])).decode("utf-8").strip()
or ""
self.podman_version = (self.podman_version.split() or [""])[-1]
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
@ -1521,7 +1542,7 @@ class PodmanCompose:
if compose_required:
cmd = self.commands[cmd_name]
retcode = cmd(self, args)
retcode = await cmd(self, args)
if isinstance(retcode, int):
@ -1919,6 +1940,8 @@ class cmd_run: # pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-few-public-methods
def wrapped(*args, **kw):
return func(*args, **kw)
if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
raise Exception("Command must be async")
wrapped._compose = self.compose
# Trim extra indentation at start of multiline docstrings.
wrapped.desc = self.cmd_desc or re.sub(r"^\s+", "", func.__doc__)
@ -1947,7 +1970,7 @@ class cmd_parse: # pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-few-public-methods
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "version", "show version")
def compose_version(compose, args):
async def compose_version(compose, args):
if getattr(args, "short", False):
@ -1956,7 +1979,7 @@ def compose_version(compose, args):
print("podman-compose version", __version__)
compose.podman.run(["--version"], "", [], sleep=0)
await compose.podman.run(["--version"], "", [], sleep=0)
def is_local(container: dict) -> bool:
@ -1972,15 +1995,15 @@ def is_local(container: dict) -> bool:
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "wait", "wait running containers to stop")
def compose_wait(compose, args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
async def compose_wait(compose, args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
containers = [cnt["name"] for cnt in compose.containers]
cmd_args = ["--"]
compose.podman.exec([], "wait", cmd_args)
await compose.podman.exec([], "wait", cmd_args)
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "systemd")
def compose_systemd(compose, args):
async def compose_systemd(compose, args):
create systemd unit file and register its compose stacks
@ -2063,7 +2086,7 @@ while in your project type `podman-compose systemd -a register`
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "pull", "pull stack images")
def compose_pull(compose, args):
async def compose_pull(compose, args):
img_containers = [cnt for cnt in compose.containers if "image" in cnt]
if args.services:
services = set(args.services)
@ -2072,27 +2095,33 @@ def compose_pull(compose, args):
if not args.force_local:
local_images = {cnt["image"] for cnt in img_containers if is_local(cnt)}
images -= local_images
for image in images:
compose.podman.run([], "pull", [image], sleep=0)
sem = asyncio.Semaphore(args.parallel)
async def _pull(image: str):
async with sem:
return await compose.podman.run([], "pull", [image], sleep=0)
await asyncio.gather(*[_pull(image) for image in images])
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "push", "push stack images")
def compose_push(compose, args):
async def compose_push(compose, args):
services = set(args.services)
for cnt in compose.containers:
if "build" not in cnt:
if services and cnt["_service"] not in services:
compose.podman.run([], "push", [cnt["image"]], sleep=0)
await compose.podman.run([], "push", [cnt["image"]], sleep=0)
def build_one(compose, args, cnt):
async def build_one(compose, args, cnt):
if "build" not in cnt:
return None
if getattr(args, "if_not_exists", None):
img_id = compose.podman.output(
img_id = await compose.podman.output(
[], "inspect", ["-t", "image", "-f", "{{.Id}}", cnt["image"]]
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
@ -2148,40 +2177,40 @@ def build_one(compose, args, cnt):
status = compose.podman.run([], "build", build_args, sleep=0)
status = await compose.podman.run([], "build", build_args, sleep=0)
return status
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "build", "build stack images")
def compose_build(compose, args):
# keeps the status of the last service/container built
status = 0
async def compose_build(compose, args):
tasks = []
sem = asyncio.Semaphore(args.parallel)
def parse_return_code(obj, current_status):
if obj and obj.returncode != 0:
return obj.returncode
return current_status
async def safe_build_task(cnt):
async with sem:
return await build_one(compose, args, cnt)
if args.services:
container_names_by_service = compose.container_names_by_service
for service in args.services:
cnt = compose.container_by_name[container_names_by_service[service][0]]
p = build_one(compose, args, cnt)
status = parse_return_code(p, status)
if status != 0:
return status
for cnt in compose.containers:
p = build_one(compose, args, cnt)
status = parse_return_code(p, status)
if status != 0:
return status
status = 0
for t in asyncio.as_completed(tasks):
s = await t
if s is not None:
status = s
return status
def create_pods(compose, args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
async def create_pods(compose, args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
for pod in compose.pods:
podman_args = [
@ -2196,7 +2225,7 @@ def create_pods(compose, args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
ports = [ports]
for i in ports:
podman_args.extend(["-p", str(i)])
compose.podman.run([], "pod", podman_args)
await compose.podman.run([], "pod", podman_args)
def get_excluded(compose, args):
@ -2213,16 +2242,16 @@ def get_excluded(compose, args):
podman_compose, "up", "Create and start the entire stack or some of its services"
def compose_up(compose, args):
async def compose_up(compose: PodmanCompose, args):
proj_name = compose.project_name
excluded = get_excluded(compose, args)
if not args.no_build:
# `podman build` does not cache, so don't always build
build_args = argparse.Namespace(if_not_exists=(not args.build), **args.__dict__)
compose.commands["build"](compose, build_args)
ret = await compose.commands["build"](compose, build_args)
hashes = (
(await compose.podman.output(
@ -2232,7 +2261,7 @@ def compose_up(compose, args):
'{{ index .Labels "io.podman.compose.config-hash"}}',
@ -2240,21 +2269,21 @@ def compose_up(compose, args):
if args.force_recreate or len(diff_hashes):
log("recreating: ...")
down_args = argparse.Namespace(**dict(args.__dict__, volumes=False))
compose.commands["down"](compose, down_args)
await compose.commands["down"](compose, down_args)
log("recreating: done\n\n")
# args.no_recreate disables check for changes (which is not implemented)
podman_command = "run" if args.detach and not args.no_start else "create"
create_pods(compose, args)
await create_pods(compose, args)
for cnt in compose.containers:
if cnt["_service"] in excluded:
log("** skipping: ", cnt["name"])
podman_args = container_to_args(compose, cnt, detached=args.detach)
subproc = compose.podman.run([], podman_command, podman_args)
if podman_command == "run" and subproc and subproc.returncode:
compose.podman.run([], "start", [cnt["name"]])
podman_args = await container_to_args(compose, cnt, detached=args.detach)
subproc = await compose.podman.run([], podman_command, podman_args)
if podman_command == "run" and subproc:
await compose.podman.run([], "start", [cnt["name"]])
if args.no_start or args.detach or args.dry_run:
# TODO: handle already existing
@ -2264,54 +2293,41 @@ def compose_up(compose, args):
if exit_code_from:
args.abort_on_container_exit = True
threads = []
max_service_length = 0
for cnt in compose.containers:
curr_length = len(cnt["_service"])
max_service_length = (
curr_length if curr_length > max_service_length else max_service_length
has_sed = os.path.isfile("/bin/sed")
tasks = set()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, lambda: [t.cancel("User exit") for t in tasks])
for i, cnt in enumerate(compose.containers):
# Add colored service prefix to output by piping output through sed
color_idx = i % len(compose.console_colors)
color = compose.console_colors[color_idx]
space_suffix = " " * (max_service_length - len(cnt["_service"]) + 1)
log_formatter = "s/^/{}[{}]{}|\x1B[0m\\ /;".format(
log_formatter = "{}[{}]{}|\x1B[0m".format(
color, cnt["_service"], space_suffix
log_formatter = ["sed", "-e", log_formatter] if has_sed else None
if cnt["_service"] in excluded:
log("** skipping: ", cnt["name"])
# TODO: remove sleep from podman.run
obj = compose if exit_code_from == cnt["_service"] else None
thread = Thread(
args=[[], "start", ["-a", cnt["name"]]],
kwargs={"obj": obj, "log_formatter": log_formatter},
while threads:
to_remove = []
for thread in threads:
if not thread.is_alive():
if args.abort_on_container_exit:
exit_code = (
compose.exit_code if compose.exit_code is not None else -1
for thread in to_remove:
tasks.add(asyncio.create_task(compose.podman.run([], "start", ["-a", cnt["name"]], wait=True, sleep=None, log_formatter=log_formatter), name=cnt["_service"]))
exit_code = 0
for task in asyncio.as_completed(tasks):
t = await task
if args.abort_on_container_exit:
[_.cancel() for _ in tasks if not _.cancelling() and not _.cancelled()]
if task.get_name() == exit_code_from:
exit_code = t
def get_volume_names(compose, cnt):
@ -2332,7 +2348,7 @@ def get_volume_names(compose, cnt):
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "down", "tear down entire stack")
def compose_down(compose, args):
async def compose_down(compose, args):
excluded = get_excluded(compose, args)
podman_args = []
timeout_global = getattr(args, "timeout", None)
@ -2348,14 +2364,14 @@ def compose_down(compose, args):
timeout = str_to_seconds(timeout_str)
if timeout is not None:
podman_stop_args.extend(["-t", str(timeout)])
compose.podman.run([], "stop", [*podman_stop_args, cnt["name"]], sleep=0)
await compose.podman.run([], "stop", [*podman_stop_args, cnt["name"]], sleep=0)
for cnt in containers:
if cnt["_service"] in excluded:
compose.podman.run([], "rm", [cnt["name"]], sleep=0)
await compose.podman.run([], "rm", [cnt["name"]], sleep=0)
if args.remove_orphans:
names = (
(await compose.podman.output(
@ -2365,14 +2381,14 @@ def compose_down(compose, args):
"{{ .Names }}",
for name in names:
compose.podman.run([], "stop", [*podman_args, name], sleep=0)
await compose.podman.run([], "stop", [*podman_args, name], sleep=0)
for name in names:
compose.podman.run([], "rm", [name], sleep=0)
await compose.podman.run([], "rm", [name], sleep=0)
if args.volumes:
vol_names_to_keep = set()
for cnt in containers:
@ -2380,22 +2396,22 @@ def compose_down(compose, args):
vol_names_to_keep.update(get_volume_names(compose, cnt))
log("keep", vol_names_to_keep)
for volume_name in compose.podman.volume_ls():
async for volume_name in compose.podman.volume_ls():
if volume_name in vol_names_to_keep:
compose.podman.run([], "volume", ["rm", volume_name])
await compose.podman.run([], "volume", ["rm", volume_name])
if excluded:
for pod in compose.pods:
compose.podman.run([], "pod", ["rm", pod["name"]], sleep=0)
await compose.podman.run([], "pod", ["rm", pod["name"]], sleep=0)
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "ps", "show status of containers")
def compose_ps(compose, args):
async def compose_ps(compose, args):
proj_name = compose.project_name
if args.quiet is True:
await compose.podman.run(
@ -2407,7 +2423,7 @@ def compose_ps(compose, args):
await compose.podman.run(
[], "ps", ["-a", "--filter", f"label=io.podman.compose.project={proj_name}"]
@ -2417,7 +2433,7 @@ def compose_ps(compose, args):
"create a container similar to a service to run a one-off command",
def compose_run(compose, args):
async def compose_run(compose, args):
create_pods(compose, args)
container_names = compose.container_names_by_service[args.service]
@ -2483,17 +2499,17 @@ def compose_run(compose, args):
if args.rm and "restart" in cnt:
del cnt["restart"]
# run podman
podman_args = container_to_args(compose, cnt, args.detach)
podman_args = await container_to_args(compose, cnt, args.detach)
if not args.detach:
podman_args.insert(1, "-i")
if args.rm:
podman_args.insert(1, "--rm")
p = compose.podman.run([], "run", podman_args, sleep=0)
p = await compose.podman.run([], "run", podman_args, sleep=0)
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "exec", "execute a command in a running container")
def compose_exec(compose, args):
async def compose_exec(compose, args):
container_names = compose.container_names_by_service[args.service]
container_name = container_names[args.index - 1]
@ -2518,11 +2534,11 @@ def compose_exec(compose, args):
podman_args += [container_name]
if args.cnt_command is not None and len(args.cnt_command) > 0:
podman_args += args.cnt_command
p = compose.podman.run([], "exec", podman_args, sleep=0)
p = await compose.podman.run([], "exec", podman_args, sleep=0)
def transfer_service_status(compose, args, action):
async def transfer_service_status(compose, args, action):
# TODO: handle dependencies, handle creations
container_names_by_service = compose.container_names_by_service
if not args.services:
@ -2537,6 +2553,7 @@ def transfer_service_status(compose, args, action):
targets = list(reversed(targets))
podman_args = []
timeout_global = getattr(args, "timeout", None)
tasks = []
for target in targets:
if action != "start":
timeout = timeout_global
@ -2548,26 +2565,27 @@ def transfer_service_status(compose, args, action):
timeout = str_to_seconds(timeout_str)
if timeout is not None:
podman_args.extend(["-t", str(timeout)])
compose.podman.run([], action, podman_args + [target], sleep=0)
tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(compose.podman.run([], action, podman_args + [target], sleep=0)))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "start", "start specific services")
def compose_start(compose, args):
async def compose_start(compose, args):
transfer_service_status(compose, args, "start")
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "stop", "stop specific services")
def compose_stop(compose, args):
async def compose_stop(compose, args):
transfer_service_status(compose, args, "stop")
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "restart", "restart specific services")
def compose_restart(compose, args):
async def compose_restart(compose, args):
transfer_service_status(compose, args, "restart")
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "logs", "show logs from services")
def compose_logs(compose, args):
async def compose_logs(compose, args):
container_names_by_service = compose.container_names_by_service
if not args.services and not args.latest:
args.services = container_names_by_service.keys()
@ -2594,11 +2612,11 @@ def compose_logs(compose, args):
podman_args.extend(["--until", args.until])
for target in targets:
compose.podman.run([], "logs", podman_args)
await compose.podman.run([], "logs", podman_args)
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "config", "displays the compose file")
def compose_config(compose, args):
async def compose_config(compose, args):
if args.services:
for service in compose.services:
@ -2607,7 +2625,7 @@ def compose_config(compose, args):
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "port", "Prints the public port for a port binding.")
def compose_port(compose, args):
async def compose_port(compose, args):
# TODO - deal with pod index
containers = compose.container_names_by_service[args.service]
@ -2635,31 +2653,31 @@ def compose_port(compose, args):
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "pause", "Pause all running containers")
def compose_pause(compose, args):
async def compose_pause(compose, args):
container_names_by_service = compose.container_names_by_service
if not args.services:
args.services = container_names_by_service.keys()
targets = []
for service in args.services:
compose.podman.run([], "pause", targets)
await compose.podman.run([], "pause", targets)
@cmd_run(podman_compose, "unpause", "Unpause all running containers")
def compose_unpause(compose, args):
async def compose_unpause(compose, args):
container_names_by_service = compose.container_names_by_service
if not args.services:
args.services = container_names_by_service.keys()
targets = []
for service in args.services:
compose.podman.run([], "unpause", targets)
await compose.podman.run([], "unpause", targets)
podman_compose, "kill", "Kill one or more running containers with a specific signal"
def compose_kill(compose, args):
async def compose_kill(compose, args):
# to ensure that the user did not execute the command by mistake
if not args.services and not args.all:
@ -2680,15 +2698,14 @@ def compose_kill(compose, args):
for target in targets:
compose.podman.run([], "kill", podman_args)
if args.services:
await compose.podman.run([], "kill", podman_args)
elif args.services:
targets = []
for service in args.services:
for target in targets:
compose.podman.run([], "kill", podman_args)
await compose.podman.run([], "kill", podman_args)
@ -2696,7 +2713,7 @@ def compose_kill(compose, args):
"Display percentage of CPU, memory, network I/O, block I/O and PIDs for services.",
def compose_stats(compose, args):
async def compose_stats(compose, args):
container_names_by_service = compose.container_names_by_service
if not args.services:
args.services = container_names_by_service.keys()
@ -2717,7 +2734,7 @@ def compose_stats(compose, args):
compose.podman.run([], "stats", podman_args)
await compose.podman.run([], "stats", podman_args)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
@ -3075,6 +3092,15 @@ def compose_ps_parse(parser):
@cmd_parse(podman_compose, ["build", "pull", "up"])
def compose_build_pull_parse(parser):
default=os.environ.get("PODMAN_PARALLEL", sys.maxsize)
@cmd_parse(podman_compose, ["build", "up"])
def compose_build_up_parse(parser):
@ -3201,9 +3227,9 @@ def compose_stats_parse(parser):
def main():
async def main():
await podman_compose.run()
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ def test_podman_compose_extends_w_file_subdir():
@ -51,14 +53,16 @@ def test_podman_compose_extends_w_file_subdir():
# check container was created and exists
out, _, returncode = capture(command_check_container)
assert 0 == returncode
assert out == b'"localhost/subdir_test:me"\n'
assert b'"localhost/subdir_test:me"\n' in out
out, _, returncode = capture(command_down)
# cleanup test image(tags)
assert 0 == returncode
# check container did not exists anymore
out, _, returncode = capture(command_check_container)
assert 0 == returncode
assert out == b""
assert b'"localhost/subdir_test:me"\n' not in out
def test_podman_compose_extends_w_empty_service():
Reference in New Issue
Block a user