#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#service-configuration-reference # https://docs.docker.com/samples/ # https://docs.docker.com/compose/gettingstarted/ # https://docs.docker.com/compose/django/ # https://docs.docker.com/compose/wordpress/ # TODO: podman pod logs --color -n -f pod_testlogs from __future__ import annotations import argparse import asyncio.subprocess import getpass import glob import hashlib import itertools import json import logging import os import random import re import shlex import signal import subprocess import sys from asyncio import Task try: from shlex import quote as cmd_quote except ImportError: from pipes import quote as cmd_quote # pylint: disable=deprecated-module # import fnmatch # fnmatch.fnmatchcase(env, "*_HOST") import yaml from dotenv import dotenv_values __version__ = "1.2.0" script = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]) # helper functions def is_list(list_object): return ( not isinstance(list_object, str) and not isinstance(list_object, dict) and hasattr(list_object, "__iter__") ) # identity filter def filteri(a): return filter(lambda i: i, a) def try_int(i, fallback=None): try: return int(i) except ValueError: pass except TypeError: pass return fallback def try_float(i, fallback=None): try: return float(i) except ValueError: pass except TypeError: pass return fallback log = logging.getLogger(__name__) dir_re = re.compile(r"^[~/\.]") propagation_re = re.compile( "^(?:z|Z|O|U|r?shared|r?slave|r?private|r?unbindable|r?bind|(?:no)?(?:exec|dev|suid))$" ) norm_re = re.compile("[^-_a-z0-9]") num_split_re = re.compile(r"(\d+|\D+)") PODMAN_CMDS = ( "pull", "push", "build", "inspect", "run", "start", "stop", "rm", "volume", ) t_re = re.compile(r"^(?:(\d+)[m:])?(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)s?)?$") STOP_GRACE_PERIOD = "10" def str_to_seconds(txt): if not txt: return None if isinstance(txt, (int, float)): return txt match = t_re.match(txt.strip()) if not match: return None mins, sec = match[1], match[2] mins = int(mins) if mins else 0 sec = float(sec) if sec else 0 # "podman stop" takes only int # Error: invalid argument "3.0" for "-t, --time" flag: strconv.ParseUint: parsing "3.0": # invalid syntax return int(mins * 60.0 + sec) def ver_as_list(a): return [try_int(i, i) for i in num_split_re.findall(a)] def strverscmp_lt(a, b): a_ls = ver_as_list(a or "") b_ls = ver_as_list(b or "") return a_ls < b_ls def parse_short_mount(mount_str, basedir): mount_a = mount_str.split(":") mount_opt_dict = {} mount_opt = None if len(mount_a) == 1: # Anonymous: Just specify a path and let the engine creates the volume # - /var/lib/mysql mount_src, mount_dst = None, mount_str elif len(mount_a) == 2: mount_src, mount_dst = mount_a # dest must start with / like /foo:/var/lib/mysql # otherwise it's option like /var/lib/mysql:rw if not mount_dst.startswith("/"): mount_dst, mount_opt = mount_a mount_src = None elif len(mount_a) == 3: mount_src, mount_dst, mount_opt = mount_a else: raise ValueError("could not parse mount " + mount_str) if mount_src and dir_re.match(mount_src): # Specify an absolute path mapping # - /opt/data:/var/lib/mysql # Path on the host, relative to the Compose file # - ./cache:/tmp/cache # User-relative path # - ~/configs:/etc/configs/:ro mount_type = "bind" if os.name != 'nt' or (os.name == 'nt' and ".sock" not in mount_src): mount_src = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, os.path.expanduser(mount_src))) else: # Named volume # - datavolume:/var/lib/mysql mount_type = "volume" mount_opts = filteri((mount_opt or "").split(",")) propagation_opts = [] for opt in mount_opts: if opt == "ro": mount_opt_dict["read_only"] = True elif opt == "rw": mount_opt_dict["read_only"] = False elif opt in ("consistent", "delegated", "cached"): mount_opt_dict["consistency"] = opt elif propagation_re.match(opt): propagation_opts.append(opt) else: # TODO: ignore raise ValueError("unknown mount option " + opt) mount_opt_dict["bind"] = {"propagation": ",".join(propagation_opts)} return { "type": mount_type, "source": mount_src, "target": mount_dst, **mount_opt_dict, } # NOTE: if a named volume is used but not defined it # gives ERROR: Named volume "abc" is used in service "xyz" # but no declaration was found in the volumes section. # unless it's anonymous-volume def fix_mount_dict(compose, mount_dict, srv_name): """ in-place fix mount dictionary to: - define _vol to be the corresponding top-level volume - if name is missing it would be source prefixed with project - if no source it would be generated """ # if already applied nothing todo if "_vol" in mount_dict: return mount_dict if mount_dict["type"] == "volume": vols = compose.vols source = mount_dict.get("source", None) vol = (vols.get(source, None) or {}) if source else {} name = vol.get("name", None) mount_dict["_vol"] = vol # handle anonymous or implied volume if not source: # missing source vol["name"] = "_".join([ compose.project_name, srv_name, hashlib.sha256(mount_dict["target"].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), ]) elif not name: external = vol.get("external", None) if isinstance(external, dict): vol["name"] = external.get("name", f"{source}") elif external: vol["name"] = f"{source}" else: vol["name"] = f"{compose.project_name}_{source}" return mount_dict # docker and docker-compose support subset of bash variable substitution # https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#variable-substitution # https://docs.docker.com/compose/env-file/ # https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Shell-Parameter-Expansion.html # $VARIABLE # ${VARIABLE} # ${VARIABLE:-default} default if not set or empty # ${VARIABLE-default} default if not set # ${VARIABLE:?err} raise error if not set or empty # ${VARIABLE?err} raise error if not set # $$ means $ var_re = re.compile( r""" \$(?: (?P\$) | (?P[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*) | (?:{ (?P[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*) (?:(?P:)?(?: (?:-(?P[^}]*)) | (?:\?(?P[^}]*)) ))? }) ) """, re.VERBOSE, ) def rec_subs(value, subs_dict): """ do bash-like substitution in value and if list of dictionary do that recursively """ if isinstance(value, dict): if 'environment' in value and isinstance(value['environment'], dict): # Load service's environment variables subs_dict = subs_dict.copy() svc_envs = {k: v for k, v in value['environment'].items() if k not in subs_dict} # we need to add `svc_envs` to the `subs_dict` so that it can evaluate the # service environment that reference to another service environment. subs_dict.update(svc_envs) svc_envs = rec_subs(svc_envs, subs_dict) subs_dict.update(svc_envs) value = {k: rec_subs(v, subs_dict) for k, v in value.items()} elif isinstance(value, str): def convert(m): if m.group("escaped") is not None: return "$" name = m.group("named") or m.group("braced") value = subs_dict.get(name) if value == "" and m.group("empty"): value = None if value is not None: return str(value) if m.group("err") is not None: raise RuntimeError(m.group("err")) return m.group("default") or "" value = var_re.sub(convert, value) elif hasattr(value, "__iter__"): value = [rec_subs(i, subs_dict) for i in value] return value def norm_as_list(src): """ given a dictionary {key1:value1, key2: None} or list return a list of ["key1=value1", "key2"] """ dst: list[str] if src is None: dst = [] elif isinstance(src, dict): dst = [(f"{k}={v}" if v is not None else k) for k, v in src.items()] elif is_list(src): dst = list(src) else: dst = [src] return dst def norm_as_dict(src): """ given a list ["key1=value1", "key2"] return a dictionary {key1:value1, key2: None} """ if src is None: dst = {} elif isinstance(src, dict): dst = dict(src) elif is_list(src): dst = [i.split("=", 1) for i in src if i] dst = [(a if len(a) == 2 else (a[0], None)) for a in dst] dst = dict(dst) elif isinstance(src, str): key, value = src.split("=", 1) if "=" in src else (src, None) dst = {key: value} else: raise ValueError("dictionary or iterable is expected") return dst def norm_ulimit(inner_value): if isinstance(inner_value, dict): if not inner_value.keys() & {"soft", "hard"}: raise ValueError("expected at least one soft or hard limit") soft = inner_value.get("soft", inner_value.get("hard", None)) hard = inner_value.get("hard", inner_value.get("soft", None)) return f"{soft}:{hard}" if is_list(inner_value): return norm_ulimit(norm_as_dict(inner_value)) # if int or string return as is return inner_value def default_network_name_for_project(compose, net, is_ext): if is_ext: return net default_net_name_compat = compose.x_podman.get("default_net_name_compat", False) if default_net_name_compat is True: return f"{compose.project_name.replace('-', '')}_{net}" return f"{compose.project_name}_{net}" # def tr_identity(project_name, given_containers): # pod_name = f'pod_{project_name}' # pod = dict(name=pod_name) # containers = [] # for cnt in given_containers: # containers.append(dict(cnt, pod=pod_name)) # return [pod], containers def transform(args, project_name, given_containers): if not args.in_pod_bool: pod_name = None pods = [] else: pod_name = f"pod_{project_name}" pod = {"name": pod_name} pods = [pod] containers = [] for cnt in given_containers: containers.append(dict(cnt, pod=pod_name)) return pods, containers async def assert_volume(compose, mount_dict): """ inspect volume to get directory create volume if needed """ vol = mount_dict.get("_vol", None) if mount_dict["type"] == "bind": basedir = os.path.realpath(compose.dirname) mount_src = mount_dict["source"] mount_src = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(basedir, os.path.expanduser(mount_src))) if not os.path.exists(mount_src): try: os.makedirs(mount_src, exist_ok=True) except OSError: pass return if mount_dict["type"] != "volume" or not vol or not vol.get("name", None): return vol_name = vol["name"] is_ext = vol.get("external", None) log.debug("podman volume inspect %s || podman volume create %s", vol_name, vol_name) # TODO: might move to using "volume list" # podman volume list --format '{{.Name}}\t{{.MountPoint}}' \ # -f 'label=io.podman.compose.project=HERE' try: _ = (await compose.podman.output([], "volume", ["inspect", vol_name])).decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if is_ext: raise RuntimeError(f"External volume [{vol_name}] does not exists") from e labels = vol.get("labels", None) or [] args = [ "create", "--label", f"io.podman.compose.project={compose.project_name}", "--label", f"com.docker.compose.project={compose.project_name}", ] for item in norm_as_list(labels): args.extend(["--label", item]) driver = vol.get("driver", None) if driver: args.extend(["--driver", driver]) driver_opts = vol.get("driver_opts", None) or {} for opt, value in driver_opts.items(): args.extend(["--opt", f"{opt}={value}"]) args.append(vol_name) await compose.podman.output([], "volume", args) _ = (await compose.podman.output([], "volume", ["inspect", vol_name])).decode("utf-8") def mount_desc_to_mount_args(compose, mount_desc, srv_name, cnt_name): # pylint: disable=unused-argument mount_type = mount_desc.get("type", None) vol = mount_desc.get("_vol", None) if mount_type == "volume" else None source = vol["name"] if vol else mount_desc.get("source", None) target = mount_desc["target"] opts = [] if mount_desc.get(mount_type, None): # TODO: we might need to add mount_dict[mount_type]["propagation"] = "z" mount_prop = mount_desc.get(mount_type, {}).get("propagation", None) if mount_prop: opts.append(f"{mount_type}-propagation={mount_prop}") if mount_desc.get("read_only", False): opts.append("ro") if mount_type == "tmpfs": tmpfs_opts = mount_desc.get("tmpfs", {}) tmpfs_size = tmpfs_opts.get("size", None) if tmpfs_size: opts.append(f"tmpfs-size={tmpfs_size}") tmpfs_mode = tmpfs_opts.get("mode", None) if tmpfs_mode: opts.append(f"tmpfs-mode={tmpfs_mode}") if mount_type == "bind": bind_opts = mount_desc.get("bind", {}) selinux = bind_opts.get("selinux", None) if selinux is not None: opts.append(selinux) opts = ",".join(opts) if mount_type == "bind": return f"type=bind,source={source},destination={target},{opts}".rstrip(",") if mount_type == "volume": return f"type=volume,source={source},destination={target},{opts}".rstrip(",") if mount_type == "tmpfs": return f"type=tmpfs,destination={target},{opts}".rstrip(",") raise ValueError("unknown mount type:" + mount_type) def ulimit_to_ulimit_args(ulimit, podman_args): if ulimit is not None: # ulimit can be a single value, i.e. ulimit: host if isinstance(ulimit, str): podman_args.extend(["--ulimit", ulimit]) # or a dictionary or list: else: ulimit = norm_as_dict(ulimit) ulimit = [ "{}={}".format(ulimit_key, norm_ulimit(inner_value)) for ulimit_key, inner_value in ulimit.items() ] for i in ulimit: podman_args.extend(["--ulimit", i]) def container_to_ulimit_args(cnt, podman_args): ulimit_to_ulimit_args(cnt.get("ulimits", []), podman_args) def container_to_ulimit_build_args(cnt, podman_args): build = cnt.get("build", None) if build is not None: ulimit_to_ulimit_args(build.get("ulimits", []), podman_args) def mount_desc_to_volume_args(compose, mount_desc, srv_name, cnt_name): # pylint: disable=unused-argument mount_type = mount_desc["type"] if mount_type not in ("bind", "volume"): raise ValueError("unknown mount type:" + mount_type) vol = mount_desc.get("_vol", None) if mount_type == "volume" else None source = vol["name"] if vol else mount_desc.get("source", None) if not source: raise ValueError(f"missing mount source for {mount_type} on {srv_name}") target = mount_desc["target"] opts = [] propagations = set(filteri(mount_desc.get(mount_type, {}).get("propagation", "").split(","))) if mount_type != "bind": propagations.update(filteri(mount_desc.get("bind", {}).get("propagation", "").split(","))) opts.extend(propagations) # --volume, -v[=[[SOURCE-VOLUME|HOST-DIR:]CONTAINER-DIR[:OPTIONS]]] # [rw|ro] # [z|Z] # [[r]shared|[r]slave|[r]private]|[r]unbindable # [[r]bind] # [noexec|exec] # [nodev|dev] # [nosuid|suid] # [O] # [U] read_only = mount_desc.get("read_only", None) if read_only is not None: opts.append("ro" if read_only else "rw") if mount_type == "bind": bind_opts = mount_desc.get("bind", {}) selinux = bind_opts.get("selinux", None) if selinux is not None: opts.append(selinux) args = f"{source}:{target}" if opts: args += ":" + ",".join(opts) return args def get_mnt_dict(compose, cnt, volume): srv_name = cnt["_service"] basedir = compose.dirname if isinstance(volume, str): volume = parse_short_mount(volume, basedir) return fix_mount_dict(compose, volume, srv_name) async def get_mount_args(compose, cnt, volume): volume = get_mnt_dict(compose, cnt, volume) srv_name = cnt["_service"] mount_type = volume["type"] await assert_volume(compose, volume) if compose.prefer_volume_over_mount: if mount_type == "tmpfs": # TODO: --tmpfs /tmp:rw,size=787448k,mode=1777 args = volume["target"] tmpfs_opts = volume.get("tmpfs", {}) opts = [] size = tmpfs_opts.get("size", None) if size: opts.append(f"size={size}") mode = tmpfs_opts.get("mode", None) if mode: opts.append(f"mode={mode}") if opts: args += ":" + ",".join(opts) return ["--tmpfs", args] args = mount_desc_to_volume_args(compose, volume, srv_name, cnt["name"]) return ["-v", args] args = mount_desc_to_mount_args(compose, volume, srv_name, cnt["name"]) return ["--mount", args] def get_secret_args(compose, cnt, secret, podman_is_building=False): """ podman_is_building: True if we are preparing arguments for an invocation of "podman build" False if we are preparing for something else like "podman run" """ secret_name = secret if isinstance(secret, str) else secret.get("source", None) if not secret_name or secret_name not in compose.declared_secrets.keys(): raise ValueError(f'ERROR: undeclared secret: "{secret}", service: {cnt["_service"]}') declared_secret = compose.declared_secrets[secret_name] source_file = declared_secret.get("file", None) dest_file = "" secret_opts = "" secret_target = None secret_uid = None secret_gid = None secret_mode = None secret_type = None if isinstance(secret, dict): secret_target = secret.get("target", None) secret_uid = secret.get("uid", None) secret_gid = secret.get("gid", None) secret_mode = secret.get("mode", None) secret_type = secret.get("type", None) if source_file: # assemble path for source file first, because we need it for all cases basedir = compose.dirname source_file = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(basedir, os.path.expanduser(source_file))) if podman_is_building: # pass file secrets to "podman build" with param --secret if not secret_target: secret_id = secret_name elif "/" in secret_target: raise ValueError( f'ERROR: Build secret "{secret_name}" has invalid target "{secret_target}". ' + "(Expected plain filename without directory as target.)" ) else: secret_id = secret_target volume_ref = ["--secret", f"id={secret_id},src={source_file}"] else: # pass file secrets to "podman run" as volumes if not secret_target: dest_file = "/run/secrets/{}".format(secret_name) elif not secret_target.startswith("/"): sec = secret_target if secret_target else secret_name dest_file = f"/run/secrets/{sec}" else: dest_file = secret_target volume_ref = ["--volume", f"{source_file}:{dest_file}:ro,rprivate,rbind"] if secret_uid or secret_gid or secret_mode: sec = secret_target if secret_target else secret_name log.warning( "WARNING: Service %s uses secret %s with uid, gid, or mode." + " These fields are not supported by this implementation of the Compose file", cnt["_service"], sec, ) return volume_ref # v3.5 and up added external flag, earlier the spec # only required a name to be specified. # docker-compose does not support external secrets outside of swarm mode. # However accessing these via podman is trivial # since these commands are directly translated to # podman-create commands, albeit we can only support a 1:1 mapping # at the moment if declared_secret.get("external", False) or declared_secret.get("name", None): secret_opts += f",uid={secret_uid}" if secret_uid else "" secret_opts += f",gid={secret_gid}" if secret_gid else "" secret_opts += f",mode={secret_mode}" if secret_mode else "" secret_opts += f",type={secret_type}" if secret_type else "" secret_opts += f",target={secret_target}" if secret_target and secret_type == "env" else "" # The target option is only valid for type=env, # which in an ideal world would work # for type=mount as well. # having a custom name for the external secret # has the same problem as well ext_name = declared_secret.get("name", None) err_str = ( 'ERROR: Custom name/target reference "{}" ' 'for mounted external secret "{}" is not supported' ) if ext_name and ext_name != secret_name: raise ValueError(err_str.format(secret_name, ext_name)) if secret_target and secret_target != secret_name and secret_type != 'env': raise ValueError(err_str.format(secret_target, secret_name)) if secret_target and secret_type != 'env': log.warning( 'WARNING: Service "%s" uses target: "%s" for secret: "%s".' + " That is un-supported and a no-op and is ignored.", cnt["_service"], secret_target, secret_name, ) return ["--secret", "{}{}".format(secret_name, secret_opts)] raise ValueError( 'ERROR: unparsable secret: "{}", service: "{}"'.format(secret_name, cnt["_service"]) ) def container_to_res_args(cnt, podman_args): container_to_cpu_res_args(cnt, podman_args) container_to_gpu_res_args(cnt, podman_args) def container_to_gpu_res_args(cnt, podman_args): # https://docs.docker.com/compose/gpu-support/ # https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/latest/cdi-support.html deploy = cnt.get("deploy", None) or {} res = deploy.get("resources", None) or {} reservations = res.get("reservations", None) or {} devices = reservations.get("devices", []) gpu_on = False for device in devices: driver = device.get("driver", None) if driver is None: continue capabilities = device.get("capabilities", None) if capabilities is None: continue if driver != "nvidia" or "gpu" not in capabilities: continue count = device.get("count", "all") device_ids = device.get("device_ids", "all") if device_ids != "all" and len(device_ids) > 0: for device_id in device_ids: podman_args.extend(( "--device", f"nvidia.com/gpu={device_id}", )) gpu_on = True continue if count != "all": for device_id in range(count): podman_args.extend(( "--device", f"nvidia.com/gpu={device_id}", )) gpu_on = True continue podman_args.extend(( "--device", "nvidia.com/gpu=all", )) gpu_on = True if gpu_on: podman_args.append("--security-opt=label=disable") def container_to_cpu_res_args(cnt, podman_args): # v2: https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/compose-file-v2/#cpu-and-other-resources # cpus, cpu_shares, mem_limit, mem_reservation cpus_limit_v2 = try_float(cnt.get("cpus", None), None) cpu_shares_v2 = try_int(cnt.get("cpu_shares", None), None) mem_limit_v2 = cnt.get("mem_limit", None) mem_res_v2 = cnt.get("mem_reservation", None) # v3: https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/compose-file-v3/#resources # spec: https://github.com/compose-spec/compose-spec/blob/master/deploy.md#resources # deploy.resources.{limits,reservations}.{cpus, memory} deploy = cnt.get("deploy", None) or {} res = deploy.get("resources", None) or {} limits = res.get("limits", None) or {} cpus_limit_v3 = try_float(limits.get("cpus", None), None) mem_limit_v3 = limits.get("memory", None) reservations = res.get("reservations", None) or {} # cpus_res_v3 = try_float(reservations.get('cpus', None), None) mem_res_v3 = reservations.get("memory", None) # add args cpus = cpus_limit_v3 or cpus_limit_v2 if cpus: podman_args.extend(( "--cpus", str(cpus), )) if cpu_shares_v2: podman_args.extend(( "--cpu-shares", str(cpu_shares_v2), )) mem = mem_limit_v3 or mem_limit_v2 if mem: podman_args.extend(( "-m", str(mem).lower(), )) mem_res = mem_res_v3 or mem_res_v2 if mem_res: podman_args.extend(( "--memory-reservation", str(mem_res).lower(), )) def port_dict_to_str(port_desc): # NOTE: `mode: host|ingress` is ignored cnt_port = port_desc.get("target", None) published = port_desc.get("published", None) or "" host_ip = port_desc.get("host_ip", None) protocol = port_desc.get("protocol", None) or "tcp" if not cnt_port: raise ValueError("target container port must be specified") if host_ip: ret = f"{host_ip}:{published}:{cnt_port}" else: ret = f"{published}:{cnt_port}" if published else f"{cnt_port}" if protocol != "tcp": ret += f"/{protocol}" return ret def norm_ports(ports_in): if not ports_in: ports_in = [] if isinstance(ports_in, str): ports_in = [ports_in] ports_out = [] for port in ports_in: if isinstance(port, dict): port = port_dict_to_str(port) elif isinstance(port, int): port = str(port) elif not isinstance(port, str): raise TypeError("port should be either string or dict") ports_out.append(port) return ports_out def get_network_create_args(net_desc, proj_name, net_name): args = [ "create", "--label", f"io.podman.compose.project={proj_name}", "--label", f"com.docker.compose.project={proj_name}", ] # TODO: add more options here, like dns, ipv6, etc. labels = net_desc.get("labels", None) or [] for item in norm_as_list(labels): args.extend(["--label", item]) if net_desc.get("internal", None): args.append("--internal") driver = net_desc.get("driver", None) if driver: args.extend(("--driver", driver)) driver_opts = net_desc.get("driver_opts", None) or {} for key, value in driver_opts.items(): args.extend(("--opt", f"{key}={value}")) ipam = net_desc.get("ipam", None) or {} ipam_driver = ipam.get("driver", None) if ipam_driver and ipam_driver != "default": args.extend(("--ipam-driver", ipam_driver)) ipam_config_ls = ipam.get("config", None) or [] if net_desc.get("enable_ipv6", None): args.append("--ipv6") if isinstance(ipam_config_ls, dict): ipam_config_ls = [ipam_config_ls] for ipam_config in ipam_config_ls: subnet = ipam_config.get("subnet", None) ip_range = ipam_config.get("ip_range", None) gateway = ipam_config.get("gateway", None) if subnet: args.extend(("--subnet", subnet)) if ip_range: args.extend(("--ip-range", ip_range)) if gateway: args.extend(("--gateway", gateway)) args.append(net_name) return args async def assert_cnt_nets(compose, cnt): """ create missing networks """ net = cnt.get("network_mode", None) if net and not net.startswith("bridge"): return cnt_nets = cnt.get("networks", None) if cnt_nets and isinstance(cnt_nets, dict): cnt_nets = list(cnt_nets.keys()) cnt_nets = norm_as_list(cnt_nets or compose.default_net) for net in cnt_nets: net_desc = compose.networks[net] or {} is_ext = net_desc.get("external", None) ext_desc = is_ext if isinstance(is_ext, dict) else {} default_net_name = default_network_name_for_project(compose, net, is_ext) net_name = ext_desc.get("name", None) or net_desc.get("name", None) or default_net_name try: await compose.podman.output([], "network", ["exists", net_name]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if is_ext: raise RuntimeError(f"External network [{net_name}] does not exists") from e args = get_network_create_args(net_desc, compose.project_name, net_name) await compose.podman.output([], "network", args) await compose.podman.output([], "network", ["exists", net_name]) def get_net_args(compose, cnt): service_name = cnt["service_name"] net_args = [] is_bridge = False mac_address = cnt.get("mac_address", None) net = cnt.get("network_mode", None) if net: if net == "none": is_bridge = False net_args.append("--network=none") elif net == "host": net_args.append(f"--network={net}") elif net.startswith("slirp4netns"): # Note: podman-specific network mode net_args.append(f"--network={net}") elif net == "private": # Note: podman-specific network mode net_args.append("--network=private") elif net.startswith("pasta"): # Note: podman-specific network mode net_args.append(f"--network={net}") elif net.startswith("ns:"): # Note: podman-specific network mode net_args.append(f"--network={net}") elif net.startswith("service:"): other_srv = net.split(":", 1)[1].strip() other_cnt = compose.container_names_by_service[other_srv][0] net_args.append(f"--network=container:{other_cnt}") elif net.startswith("container:"): other_cnt = net.split(":", 1)[1].strip() net_args.append(f"--network=container:{other_cnt}") elif net.startswith("bridge"): is_bridge = True else: log.fatal("unknown network_mode [%s]", net) sys.exit(1) else: is_bridge = True cnt_nets = cnt.get("networks", None) aliases = [service_name] # NOTE: from podman manpage: # NOTE: A container will only have access to aliases on the first network # that it joins. This is a limitation that will be removed in a later # release. ip = None ip6 = None ip_assignments = 0 if cnt.get("_aliases", None): aliases.extend(cnt.get("_aliases", None)) if cnt_nets and isinstance(cnt_nets, dict): prioritized_cnt_nets = [] # cnt_nets is {net_key: net_value, ...} for net_key, net_value in cnt_nets.items(): net_value = net_value or {} aliases.extend(norm_as_list(net_value.get("aliases", None))) if net_value.get("ipv4_address", None) is not None: ip_assignments = ip_assignments + 1 if net_value.get("ipv6_address", None) is not None: ip_assignments = ip_assignments + 1 if not ip: ip = net_value.get("ipv4_address", None) if not ip6: ip6 = net_value.get("ipv6_address", None) net_priority = net_value.get("priority", 0) prioritized_cnt_nets.append(( net_priority, net_key, )) # sort dict by priority prioritized_cnt_nets.sort(reverse=True) cnt_nets = [net_key for _, net_key in prioritized_cnt_nets] cnt_nets = norm_as_list(cnt_nets or compose.default_net) net_names = [] for net in cnt_nets: net_desc = compose.networks[net] or {} is_ext = net_desc.get("external", None) ext_desc = is_ext if isinstance(is_ext, str) else {} default_net_name = default_network_name_for_project(compose, net, is_ext) net_name = ext_desc.get("name", None) or net_desc.get("name", None) or default_net_name net_names.append(net_name) net_names_str = ",".join(net_names) # TODO: add support for per-interface aliases # See https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/compose-file-v3/#aliases # Even though podman accepts network-specific aliases (e.g., --network=bridge:alias=foo, # podman currently ignores this if a per-container network-alias is set; as pdoman-compose # always sets a network-alias to the container name, is currently doesn't make sense to # implement this. multiple_nets = cnt.get("networks", None) if multiple_nets and len(multiple_nets) > 1: # networks can be specified as a dict with config per network or as a plain list without # config. Support both cases by converting the plain list to a dict with empty config. if is_list(multiple_nets): multiple_nets = {net: {} for net in multiple_nets} else: multiple_nets = {net: net_config or {} for net, net_config in multiple_nets.items()} # if a mac_address was specified on the container level, we need to check that it is not # specified on the network level as well if mac_address is not None: for net_config_ in multiple_nets.values(): network_mac = net_config_.get("x-podman.mac_address", None) if network_mac is not None: raise RuntimeError( f"conflicting mac addresses {mac_address} and {network_mac}:" "specifying mac_address on both container and network level " "is not supported" ) for net_, net_config_ in multiple_nets.items(): net_desc = compose.networks[net_] or {} is_ext = net_desc.get("external", None) ext_desc = is_ext if isinstance(is_ext, str) else {} default_net_name = default_network_name_for_project(compose, net_, is_ext) net_name = ext_desc.get("name", None) or net_desc.get("name", None) or default_net_name ipv4 = net_config_.get("ipv4_address", None) ipv6 = net_config_.get("ipv6_address", None) # custom extension; not supported by docker-compose v3 mac = net_config_.get("x-podman.mac_address", None) # if a mac_address was specified on the container level, apply it to the first network # This works for Python > 3.6, because dict insert ordering is preserved, so we are # sure that the first network we encounter here is also the first one specified by # the user if mac is None and mac_address is not None: mac = mac_address mac_address = None net_options = [] if ipv4: net_options.append(f"ip={ipv4}") if ipv6: net_options.append(f"ip={ipv6}") if mac: net_options.append(f"mac={mac}") if net_options: net_args.append(f"--network={net_name}:" + ",".join(net_options)) else: net_args.append(f"--network={net_name}") else: if is_bridge: if net_names_str: net_args.append(f"--network={net_names_str}") else: net_args.append("--network=bridge") if ip: net_args.append(f"--ip={ip}") if ip6: net_args.append(f"--ip6={ip6}") if mac_address: net_args.append(f"--mac-address={mac_address}") if is_bridge: for alias in aliases: net_args.extend([f"--network-alias={alias}"]) return net_args async def container_to_args(compose, cnt, detached=True): # TODO: double check -e , --add-host, -v, --read-only dirname = compose.dirname pod = cnt.get("pod", None) or "" name = cnt["name"] podman_args = [f"--name={name}"] if detached: podman_args.append("-d") if pod: podman_args.append(f"--pod={pod}") deps = [] for dep_srv in cnt.get("_deps", None) or []: deps.extend(compose.container_names_by_service.get(dep_srv, None) or []) if deps: deps_csv = ",".join(deps) podman_args.append(f"--requires={deps_csv}") sec = norm_as_list(cnt.get("security_opt", None)) for sec_item in sec: podman_args.extend(["--security-opt", sec_item]) ann = norm_as_list(cnt.get("annotations", None)) for a in ann: podman_args.extend(["--annotation", a]) if cnt.get("read_only", None): podman_args.append("--read-only") if cnt.get("http_proxy", None) is False: podman_args.append("--http-proxy=false") for i in cnt.get("labels", []): podman_args.extend(["--label", i]) for c in cnt.get("cap_add", []): podman_args.extend(["--cap-add", c]) for c in cnt.get("cap_drop", []): podman_args.extend(["--cap-drop", c]) for item in cnt.get("group_add", []): podman_args.extend(["--group-add", item]) for item in cnt.get("devices", []): podman_args.extend(["--device", item]) for item in norm_as_list(cnt.get("dns", None)): podman_args.extend(["--dns", item]) for item in norm_as_list(cnt.get("dns_opt", None)): podman_args.extend(["--dns-opt", item]) for item in norm_as_list(cnt.get("dns_search", None)): podman_args.extend(["--dns-search", item]) env_file = cnt.get("env_file", []) if isinstance(env_file, (dict, str)): env_file = [env_file] for i in env_file: if isinstance(i, str): i = {"path": i} path = i["path"] required = i.get("required", True) i = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(dirname, path)) if not os.path.exists(i): if not required: continue raise ValueError("Env file at {} does not exist".format(i)) dotenv_dict = {} dotenv_dict = dotenv_to_dict(i) env = norm_as_list(dotenv_dict) for e in env: podman_args.extend(["-e", e]) env = norm_as_list(cnt.get("environment", {})) for e in env: podman_args.extend(["-e", e]) tmpfs_ls = cnt.get("tmpfs", []) if isinstance(tmpfs_ls, str): tmpfs_ls = [tmpfs_ls] for i in tmpfs_ls: podman_args.extend(["--tmpfs", i]) for volume in cnt.get("volumes", []): podman_args.extend(await get_mount_args(compose, cnt, volume)) await assert_cnt_nets(compose, cnt) podman_args.extend(get_net_args(compose, cnt)) log_config = cnt.get("logging", None) if log_config is not None: podman_args.append(f'--log-driver={log_config.get("driver", "k8s-file")}') log_opts = log_config.get("options") or {} podman_args += [f"--log-opt={name}={value}" for name, value in log_opts.items()] for secret in cnt.get("secrets", []): podman_args.extend(get_secret_args(compose, cnt, secret)) for i in cnt.get("extra_hosts", []): podman_args.extend(["--add-host", i]) for i in cnt.get("expose", []): podman_args.extend(["--expose", i]) if cnt.get("publishall", None): podman_args.append("-P") ports = cnt.get("ports", None) or [] if isinstance(ports, str): ports = [ports] for port in ports: if isinstance(port, dict): port = port_dict_to_str(port) elif not isinstance(port, str): raise TypeError("port should be either string or dict") podman_args.extend(["-p", port]) userns_mode = cnt.get("userns_mode", None) if userns_mode is not None: podman_args.extend(["--userns", userns_mode]) user = cnt.get("user", None) if user is not None: podman_args.extend(["-u", user]) if cnt.get("working_dir", None) is not None: podman_args.extend(["-w", cnt["working_dir"]]) if cnt.get("hostname", None): podman_args.extend(["--hostname", cnt["hostname"]]) if cnt.get("shm_size", None): podman_args.extend(["--shm-size", str(cnt["shm_size"])]) if cnt.get("stdin_open", None): podman_args.append("-i") if cnt.get("stop_signal", None): podman_args.extend(["--stop-signal", cnt["stop_signal"]]) sysctls = cnt.get("sysctls") if sysctls is not None: if isinstance(sysctls, dict): for sysctl, value in sysctls.items(): podman_args.extend(["--sysctl", "{}={}".format(sysctl, value)]) elif isinstance(sysctls, list): for i in sysctls: podman_args.extend(["--sysctl", i]) else: raise TypeError("sysctls should be either dict or list") if cnt.get("tty", None): podman_args.append("--tty") if cnt.get("privileged", None): podman_args.append("--privileged") if cnt.get("pid", None): podman_args.extend(["--pid", cnt["pid"]]) pull_policy = cnt.get("pull_policy", None) if pull_policy is not None and pull_policy != "build": podman_args.extend(["--pull", pull_policy]) if cnt.get("restart", None) is not None: podman_args.extend(["--restart", cnt["restart"]]) container_to_ulimit_args(cnt, podman_args) container_to_res_args(cnt, podman_args) # currently podman shipped by fedora does not package this if cnt.get("init", None): podman_args.append("--init") if cnt.get("init-path", None): podman_args.extend(["--init-path", cnt["init-path"]]) entrypoint = cnt.get("entrypoint", None) if entrypoint is not None: if isinstance(entrypoint, str): entrypoint = shlex.split(entrypoint) podman_args.extend(["--entrypoint", json.dumps(entrypoint)]) platform = cnt.get("platform", None) if platform is not None: podman_args.extend(["--platform", platform]) if cnt.get("runtime", None): podman_args.extend(["--runtime", cnt["runtime"]]) # WIP: healthchecks are still work in progress healthcheck = cnt.get("healthcheck", None) or {} if not isinstance(healthcheck, dict): raise ValueError("'healthcheck' must be a key-value mapping") healthcheck_disable = healthcheck.get("disable", False) healthcheck_test = healthcheck.get("test", None) if healthcheck_disable: healthcheck_test = ["NONE"] if healthcheck_test: # If it's a string, it's equivalent to specifying CMD-SHELL if isinstance(healthcheck_test, str): # podman does not add shell to handle command with whitespace podman_args.extend([ "--healthcheck-command", "/bin/sh -c " + cmd_quote(healthcheck_test), ]) elif is_list(healthcheck_test): healthcheck_test = healthcheck_test.copy() # If it's a list, first item is either NONE, CMD or CMD-SHELL. healthcheck_type = healthcheck_test.pop(0) if healthcheck_type == "NONE": podman_args.append("--no-healthcheck") elif healthcheck_type == "CMD": cmd_q = "' '".join([cmd_quote(i) for i in healthcheck_test]) podman_args.extend(["--healthcheck-command", "/bin/sh -c " + cmd_q]) elif healthcheck_type == "CMD-SHELL": if len(healthcheck_test) != 1: raise ValueError("'CMD_SHELL' takes a single string after it") cmd_q = cmd_quote(healthcheck_test[0]) podman_args.extend(["--healthcheck-command", "/bin/sh -c " + cmd_q]) else: raise ValueError( f"unknown healthcheck test type [{healthcheck_type}],\ expecting NONE, CMD or CMD-SHELL." ) else: raise ValueError("'healthcheck.test' either a string or a list") # interval, timeout and start_period are specified as durations. if "interval" in healthcheck: podman_args.extend(["--healthcheck-interval", healthcheck["interval"]]) if "timeout" in healthcheck: podman_args.extend(["--healthcheck-timeout", healthcheck["timeout"]]) if "start_period" in healthcheck: podman_args.extend(["--healthcheck-start-period", healthcheck["start_period"]]) # convert other parameters to string if "retries" in healthcheck: podman_args.extend(["--healthcheck-retries", str(healthcheck["retries"])]) # handle podman extension if 'x-podman' in cnt: raise ValueError( 'Configuration under x-podman has been migrated to x-podman.uidmaps and ' 'x-podman.gidmaps fields' ) rootfs_mode = False for uidmap in cnt.get('x-podman.uidmaps', []): podman_args.extend(["--uidmap", uidmap]) for gidmap in cnt.get('x-podman.gidmaps', []): podman_args.extend(["--gidmap", gidmap]) rootfs = cnt.get('x-podman.rootfs', None) if rootfs is not None: rootfs_mode = True podman_args.extend(["--rootfs", rootfs]) log.warning("WARNING: x-podman.rootfs and image both specified, image field ignored") if not rootfs_mode: podman_args.append(cnt["image"]) # command, ..etc. command = cnt.get("command", None) if command is not None: if isinstance(command, str): podman_args.extend(shlex.split(command)) else: podman_args.extend([str(i) for i in command]) return podman_args def rec_deps(services, service_name, start_point=None): """ return all dependencies of service_name recursively """ if not start_point: start_point = service_name deps = services[service_name]["_deps"] for dep_name in deps.copy(): # avoid A depens on A if dep_name == service_name: continue dep_srv = services.get(dep_name, None) if not dep_srv: continue # NOTE: avoid creating loops, A->B->A if start_point and start_point in dep_srv["_deps"]: continue new_deps = rec_deps(services, dep_name, start_point) deps.update(new_deps) return deps def flat_deps(services, with_extends=False): """ create dependencies "_deps" or update it recursively for all services """ for name, srv in services.items(): deps = set() srv["_deps"] = deps if with_extends: ext = srv.get("extends", {}).get("service", None) if ext: if ext != name: deps.add(ext) continue deps_ls = srv.get("depends_on", None) or [] if isinstance(deps_ls, str): deps_ls = [deps_ls] elif isinstance(deps_ls, dict): deps_ls = list(deps_ls.keys()) deps.update(deps_ls) # parse link to get service name and remove alias links_ls = srv.get("links", None) or [] if not is_list(links_ls): links_ls = [links_ls] deps.update([(c.split(":")[0] if ":" in c else c) for c in links_ls]) for c in links_ls: if ":" in c: dep_name, dep_alias = c.split(":") if "_aliases" not in services[dep_name]: services[dep_name]["_aliases"] = set() services[dep_name]["_aliases"].add(dep_alias) for name, srv in services.items(): rec_deps(services, name) async def wait_with_timeout(coro, timeout): """ Asynchronously waits for the given coroutine to complete with a timeout. Args: coro: The coroutine to wait for. timeout (int or float): The maximum number of seconds to wait for. Raises: TimeoutError: If the coroutine does not complete within the specified timeout. """ try: return await asyncio.wait_for(coro, timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError as exc: raise TimeoutError from exc ################### # podman and compose classes ################### class Podman: def __init__( self, compose, podman_path="podman", dry_run=False, semaphore: asyncio.Semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(sys.maxsize), ): self.compose = compose self.podman_path = podman_path self.dry_run = dry_run self.semaphore = semaphore async def output(self, podman_args, cmd="", cmd_args=None): async with self.semaphore: cmd_args = cmd_args or [] xargs = self.compose.get_podman_args(cmd) if cmd else [] cmd_ls = [self.podman_path, *podman_args, cmd] + xargs + cmd_args log.info(str(cmd_ls)) p = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *cmd_ls, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE ) stdout_data, stderr_data = await p.communicate() if p.returncode == 0: return stdout_data raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, " ".join(cmd_ls), stderr_data) def exec( self, podman_args, cmd="", cmd_args=None, ): cmd_args = list(map(str, cmd_args or [])) xargs = self.compose.get_podman_args(cmd) if cmd else [] cmd_ls = [self.podman_path, *podman_args, cmd] + xargs + cmd_args log.info(" ".join([str(i) for i in cmd_ls])) os.execlp(self.podman_path, *cmd_ls) async def run( # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value self, podman_args, cmd="", cmd_args=None, log_formatter=None, *, # Intentionally mutable default argument to hold references to tasks task_reference=set(), ) -> int: async with self.semaphore: cmd_args = list(map(str, cmd_args or [])) xargs = self.compose.get_podman_args(cmd) if cmd else [] cmd_ls = [self.podman_path, *podman_args, cmd] + xargs + cmd_args log.info(" ".join([str(i) for i in cmd_ls])) if self.dry_run: return None if log_formatter is not None: async def format_out(stdout): while True: line = await stdout.readline() if line: print(log_formatter, line.decode('utf-8'), end='') if stdout.at_eof(): break p = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *cmd_ls, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE ) # pylint: disable=consider-using-with # This is hacky to make the tasks not get garbage collected # https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/91887 out_t = asyncio.create_task(format_out(p.stdout)) task_reference.add(out_t) out_t.add_done_callback(task_reference.discard) err_t = asyncio.create_task(format_out(p.stderr)) task_reference.add(err_t) err_t.add_done_callback(task_reference.discard) else: p = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd_ls) # pylint: disable=consider-using-with try: exit_code = await p.wait() except asyncio.CancelledError: log.info("Sending termination signal") p.terminate() try: exit_code = await wait_with_timeout(p.wait(), 10) except TimeoutError: log.warning("container did not shut down after 10 seconds, killing") p.kill() exit_code = await p.wait() log.info("exit code: %s", exit_code) return exit_code async def volume_ls(self): output = ( await self.output( [], "volume", [ "ls", "--noheading", "--filter", f"label=io.podman.compose.project={self.compose.project_name}", "--format", "{{.Name}}", ], ) ).decode("utf-8") volumes = output.splitlines() return volumes def normalize_service(service, sub_dir=""): if "build" in service: build = service["build"] if isinstance(build, str): service["build"] = {"context": build} if sub_dir and "build" in service: build = service["build"] context = build.get("context", None) or "" if context or sub_dir: if context.startswith("./"): context = context[2:] if sub_dir: context = os.path.join(sub_dir, context) context = context.rstrip("/") if not context: context = "." service["build"]["context"] = context if "build" in service and "additional_contexts" in service["build"]: if isinstance(build["additional_contexts"], dict): new_additional_contexts = [] for k, v in build["additional_contexts"].items(): new_additional_contexts.append(f"{k}={v}") build["additional_contexts"] = new_additional_contexts for key in ("command", "entrypoint"): if key in service: if isinstance(service[key], str): service[key] = shlex.split(service[key]) for key in ("env_file", "security_opt", "volumes"): if key not in service: continue if isinstance(service[key], str): service[key] = [service[key]] if "security_opt" in service: sec_ls = service["security_opt"] for ix, item in enumerate(sec_ls): if item in ("seccomp:unconfined", "apparmor:unconfined"): sec_ls[ix] = item.replace(":", "=") for key in ("environment", "labels"): if key not in service: continue service[key] = norm_as_dict(service[key]) if "extends" in service: extends = service["extends"] if isinstance(extends, str): extends = {"service": extends} service["extends"] = extends if "depends_on" in service: deps = service["depends_on"] if isinstance(deps, str): deps = [deps] if is_list(deps): deps_dict = {} for d in deps: deps_dict[d] = {'condition': 'service_started'} service["depends_on"] = deps_dict return service def normalize(compose): """ convert compose dict of some keys from string or dicts into arrays """ services = compose.get("services", None) or {} for service in services.values(): normalize_service(service) return compose def normalize_service_final(service: dict, project_dir: str) -> dict: if "build" in service: build = service["build"] context = build if isinstance(build, str) else build.get("context", ".") context = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(project_dir, context)) if not isinstance(service["build"], dict): service["build"] = {} service["build"]["context"] = context return service def normalize_final(compose: dict, project_dir: str) -> dict: services = compose.get("services", None) or {} for service in services.values(): normalize_service_final(service, project_dir) return compose def clone(value): return value.copy() if is_list(value) or isinstance(value, dict) else value def rec_merge_one(target, source): """ update target from source recursively """ done = set() for key, value in source.items(): if key in target: continue target[key] = clone(value) done.add(key) for key, value in target.items(): if key in done: continue if key not in source: continue value2 = source[key] if key in ("command", "entrypoint"): target[key] = clone(value2) continue if not isinstance(value2, type(value)): value_type = type(value) value2_type = type(value2) raise ValueError(f"can't merge value of [{key}] of type {value_type} and {value2_type}") if is_list(value2): if key == "volumes": # clean duplicate mount targets pts = {v.split(":", 2)[1] for v in value2 if ":" in v} del_ls = [ ix for (ix, v) in enumerate(value) if ":" in v and v.split(":", 2)[1] in pts ] for ix in reversed(del_ls): del value[ix] value.extend(value2) else: value.extend(value2) elif isinstance(value2, dict): rec_merge_one(value, value2) else: target[key] = value2 return target def rec_merge(target, *sources): """ update target recursively from sources """ for source in sources: ret = rec_merge_one(target, source) return ret def resolve_extends(services, service_names, environ): for name in service_names: service = services[name] ext = service.get("extends", {}) if isinstance(ext, str): ext = {"service": ext} from_service_name = ext.get("service", None) if not from_service_name: continue filename = ext.get("file", None) if filename: if filename.startswith("./"): filename = filename[2:] with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: content = yaml.safe_load(f) or {} if "services" in content: content = content["services"] subdirectory = os.path.dirname(filename) content = rec_subs(content, environ) from_service = content.get(from_service_name, {}) or {} normalize_service(from_service, subdirectory) else: from_service = services.get(from_service_name, {}).copy() del from_service["_deps"] try: del from_service["extends"] except KeyError: pass new_service = rec_merge({}, from_service, service) services[name] = new_service def dotenv_to_dict(dotenv_path): if not os.path.isfile(dotenv_path): return {} return dotenv_values(dotenv_path) COMPOSE_DEFAULT_LS = [ "compose.yaml", "compose.yml", "compose.override.yaml", "compose.override.yml", "podman-compose.yaml", "podman-compose.yml", "docker-compose.yml", "docker-compose.yaml", "docker-compose.override.yml", "docker-compose.override.yaml", "container-compose.yml", "container-compose.yaml", "container-compose.override.yml", "container-compose.override.yaml", ] class PodmanCompose: def __init__(self): self.podman: Podman self.podman_version = None self.environ = {} self.exit_code = None self.commands = {} self.global_args = argparse.Namespace() self.project_name = None self.dirname = None self.pods = None self.containers = [] self.vols = None self.networks = {} self.default_net = "default" self.declared_secrets = None self.container_names_by_service = None self.container_by_name = None self.services = None self.all_services = set() self.prefer_volume_over_mount = True self.x_podman = {} self.merged_yaml = None self.yaml_hash = "" self.console_colors = [ "\x1b[1;32m", "\x1b[1;33m", "\x1b[1;34m", "\x1b[1;35m", "\x1b[1;36m", ] def assert_services(self, services): if isinstance(services, str): services = [services] given = set(services or []) missing = given - self.all_services if missing: missing_csv = ",".join(missing) log.warning("missing services [%s]", missing_csv) sys.exit(1) def get_podman_args(self, cmd): xargs = [] for args in self.global_args.podman_args: xargs.extend(shlex.split(args)) cmd_norm = cmd if cmd != "create" else "run" cmd_args = self.global_args.__dict__.get(f"podman_{cmd_norm}_args", None) or [] for args in cmd_args: xargs.extend(shlex.split(args)) return xargs async def run(self, argv=None): log.info("podman-compose version: %s", __version__) args = self._parse_args(argv) podman_path = args.podman_path if podman_path != "podman": if os.path.isfile(podman_path) and os.access(podman_path, os.X_OK): podman_path = os.path.realpath(podman_path) else: # this also works if podman hasn't been installed now if args.dry_run is False: log.fatal("Binary %s has not been found.", podman_path) sys.exit(1) self.podman = Podman(self, podman_path, args.dry_run, asyncio.Semaphore(args.parallel)) if not args.dry_run: # just to make sure podman is running try: self.podman_version = (await self.podman.output(["--version"], "", [])).decode( "utf-8" ).strip() or "" self.podman_version = (self.podman_version.split() or [""])[-1] except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self.podman_version = None if not self.podman_version: log.fatal("it seems that you do not have `podman` installed") sys.exit(1) log.info("using podman version: %s", self.podman_version) cmd_name = args.command compose_required = cmd_name != "version" and ( cmd_name != "systemd" or args.action != "create-unit" ) if compose_required: self._parse_compose_file() cmd = self.commands[cmd_name] retcode = await cmd(self, args) if isinstance(retcode, int): sys.exit(retcode) def resolve_in_pod(self): if self.global_args.in_pod_bool is None: self.global_args.in_pod_bool = self.x_podman.get("in_pod", True) # otherwise use `in_pod` value provided by command line return self.global_args.in_pod_bool def _parse_compose_file(self): args = self.global_args # cmd = args.command dirname = os.environ.get("COMPOSE_PROJECT_DIR", None) if dirname and os.path.isdir(dirname): os.chdir(dirname) pathsep = os.environ.get("COMPOSE_PATH_SEPARATOR", None) or os.pathsep if not args.file: default_str = os.environ.get("COMPOSE_FILE", None) if default_str: default_ls = default_str.split(pathsep) else: default_ls = COMPOSE_DEFAULT_LS args.file = list(filter(os.path.exists, default_ls)) files = args.file if not files: log.fatal( "no compose.yaml, docker-compose.yml or container-compose.yml file found, " "pass files with -f" ) sys.exit(-1) ex = map(lambda x: x == '-' or os.path.exists(x), files) missing = [fn0 for ex0, fn0 in zip(ex, files) if not ex0] if missing: log.fatal("missing files: %s", missing) sys.exit(1) # make absolute relative_files = files filename = files[0] project_name = args.project_name # no_ansi = args.no_ansi # no_cleanup = args.no_cleanup # dry_run = args.dry_run # host_env = None dirname = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(filename)) dir_basename = os.path.basename(dirname) self.dirname = dirname # env-file is relative to the CWD dotenv_dict = {} if args.env_file: # Load .env from the Compose file's directory to preserve # behavior prior to 1.1.0 and to match with Docker Compose (v2). if ".env" == args.env_file: project_dotenv_file = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(dirname, ".env")) if os.path.exists(project_dotenv_file): dotenv_dict.update(dotenv_to_dict(project_dotenv_file)) dotenv_path = os.path.realpath(args.env_file) dotenv_dict.update(dotenv_to_dict(dotenv_path)) # TODO: remove next line os.chdir(dirname) os.environ.update({ key: value for key, value in dotenv_dict.items() if key.startswith("PODMAN_") }) self.environ = dotenv_dict self.environ.update(dict(os.environ)) # see: https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/envvars/ # see: https://docs.docker.com/compose/env-file/ self.environ.update({ "COMPOSE_PROJECT_DIR": dirname, "COMPOSE_FILE": pathsep.join(relative_files), "COMPOSE_PATH_SEPARATOR": pathsep, }) if args and 'env' in args and args.env: env_vars = norm_as_dict(args.env) self.environ.update(env_vars) compose = {} # Iterate over files primitively to allow appending to files in-loop files_iter = iter(files) while True: try: filename = next(files_iter) except StopIteration: break if filename.strip().split('/')[-1] == '-': content = yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin) else: with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: content = yaml.safe_load(f) # log(filename, json.dumps(content, indent = 2)) if not isinstance(content, dict): sys.stderr.write( "Compose file does not contain a top level object: %s\n" % filename ) sys.exit(1) content = normalize(content) # log(filename, json.dumps(content, indent = 2)) content = rec_subs(content, self.environ) rec_merge(compose, content) # If `include` is used, append included files to files include = compose.get("include", None) if include: files.extend(include) # As compose obj is updated and tested with every loop, not deleting `include` # from it, results in it being tested again and again, original values for # `include` be appended to `files`, and, included files be processed for ever. # Solution is to remove 'include' key from compose obj. This doesn't break # having `include` present and correctly processed in included files del compose["include"] resolved_services = self._resolve_profiles(compose.get("services", {}), set(args.profile)) compose["services"] = resolved_services if not getattr(args, "no_normalize", None): compose = normalize_final(compose, self.dirname) self.merged_yaml = yaml.safe_dump(compose) merged_json_b = json.dumps(compose, separators=(",", ":")).encode("utf-8") self.yaml_hash = hashlib.sha256(merged_json_b).hexdigest() compose["_dirname"] = dirname # debug mode if len(files) > 1: log.debug(" ** merged:\n%s", json.dumps(compose, indent=2)) # ver = compose.get('version', None) if not project_name: project_name = compose.get("name", None) if project_name is None: # More strict then actually needed for simplicity: # podman requires [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]* project_name = ( self.environ.get("COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME", None) or dir_basename.lower() ) project_name = norm_re.sub("", project_name) if not project_name: raise RuntimeError(f"Project name [{dir_basename}] normalized to empty") self.project_name = project_name self.environ.update({"COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME": self.project_name}) services = compose.get("services", None) if services is None: services = {} log.warning("WARNING: No services defined") # include services with no profile defined or the selected profiles services = self._resolve_profiles(services, set(args.profile)) # NOTE: maybe add "extends.service" to _deps at this stage flat_deps(services, with_extends=True) service_names = sorted([(len(srv["_deps"]), name) for name, srv in services.items()]) service_names = [name for _, name in service_names] resolve_extends(services, service_names, self.environ) flat_deps(services) service_names = sorted([(len(srv["_deps"]), name) for name, srv in services.items()]) service_names = [name for _, name in service_names] nets = compose.get("networks", None) or {} if not nets: nets["default"] = None self.networks = nets if len(self.networks) == 1: self.default_net = list(nets.keys())[0] elif "default" in nets: self.default_net = "default" else: self.default_net = None allnets = set() for name, srv in services.items(): srv_nets = srv.get("networks", None) or self.default_net srv_nets = ( list(srv_nets.keys()) if isinstance(srv_nets, dict) else norm_as_list(srv_nets) ) allnets.update(srv_nets) given_nets = set(nets.keys()) missing_nets = allnets - given_nets unused_nets = given_nets - allnets - set(["default"]) if len(unused_nets): unused_nets_str = ",".join(unused_nets) log.warning("WARNING: unused networks: %s", unused_nets_str) if len(missing_nets): missing_nets_str = ",".join(missing_nets) raise RuntimeError(f"missing networks: {missing_nets_str}") # volumes: [...] self.vols = compose.get("volumes", {}) podman_compose_labels = [ "io.podman.compose.config-hash=" + self.yaml_hash, "io.podman.compose.project=" + project_name, "io.podman.compose.version=" + __version__, f"PODMAN_SYSTEMD_UNIT=podman-compose@{project_name}.service", "com.docker.compose.project=" + project_name, "com.docker.compose.project.working_dir=" + dirname, "com.docker.compose.project.config_files=" + ",".join(relative_files), ] # other top-levels: # networks: {driver: ...} # configs: {...} self.declared_secrets = compose.get("secrets", {}) given_containers = [] container_names_by_service = {} self.services = services for service_name, service_desc in services.items(): replicas = try_int(service_desc.get("deploy", {}).get("replicas"), fallback=1) container_names_by_service[service_name] = [] for num in range(1, replicas + 1): name0 = f"{project_name}_{service_name}_{num}" if num == 1: name = service_desc.get("container_name", name0) else: name = name0 container_names_by_service[service_name].append(name) # log(service_name,service_desc) cnt = { "name": name, "num": num, "service_name": service_name, **service_desc, } x_podman = service_desc.get("x-podman", None) rootfs_mode = x_podman is not None and x_podman.get("rootfs", None) is not None if "image" not in cnt and not rootfs_mode: cnt["image"] = f"{project_name}_{service_name}" labels = norm_as_list(cnt.get("labels", None)) cnt["ports"] = norm_ports(cnt.get("ports", None)) labels.extend(podman_compose_labels) labels.extend([ f"com.docker.compose.container-number={num}", "com.docker.compose.service=" + service_name, ]) cnt["labels"] = labels cnt["_service"] = service_name cnt["_project"] = project_name given_containers.append(cnt) volumes = cnt.get("volumes", None) or [] for volume in volumes: mnt_dict = get_mnt_dict(self, cnt, volume) if ( mnt_dict.get("type", None) == "volume" and mnt_dict["source"] and mnt_dict["source"] not in self.vols ): vol_name = mnt_dict["source"] raise RuntimeError(f"volume [{vol_name}] not defined in top level") self.container_names_by_service = container_names_by_service self.all_services = set(container_names_by_service.keys()) container_by_name = {c["name"]: c for c in given_containers} # log("deps:", [(c["name"], c["_deps"]) for c in given_containers]) given_containers = list(container_by_name.values()) given_containers.sort(key=lambda c: len(c.get("_deps", None) or [])) # log("sorted:", [c["name"] for c in given_containers]) self.x_podman = compose.get("x-podman", {}) args.in_pod_bool = self.resolve_in_pod() pods, containers = transform(args, project_name, given_containers) self.pods = pods self.containers = containers self.container_by_name = {c["name"]: c for c in containers} def _resolve_profiles(self, defined_services, requested_profiles=None): """ Returns a service dictionary (key = service name, value = service config) compatible with the requested_profiles list. The returned service dictionary contains all services which do not include/reference a profile in addition to services that match the requested_profiles. :param defined_services: The service dictionary :param requested_profiles: The profiles requested using the --profile arg. """ if requested_profiles is None: requested_profiles = set() services = {} for name, config in defined_services.items(): service_profiles = set(config.get("profiles", [])) if not service_profiles or requested_profiles.intersection(service_profiles): services[name] = config return services def _parse_args(self, argv=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) self._init_global_parser(parser) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="command", dest="command") subparser = subparsers.add_parser("help", help="show help") for cmd_name, cmd in self.commands.items(): subparser = subparsers.add_parser(cmd_name, help=cmd.desc) # pylint: disable=protected-access for cmd_parser in cmd._parse_args: # pylint: disable=protected-access cmd_parser(subparser) self.global_args = parser.parse_args(argv) if self.global_args.in_pod is not None and self.global_args.in_pod.lower() not in ( '', 'true', '1', 'false', '0', ): raise ValueError( f'Invalid --in-pod value: \'{self.global_args.in_pod}\'. ' 'It must be set to either of: empty value, true, 1, false, 0' ) if self.global_args.in_pod == '' or self.global_args.in_pod is None: self.global_args.in_pod_bool = None else: self.global_args.in_pod_bool = self.global_args.in_pod.lower() in ('true', '1') if self.global_args.version: self.global_args.command = "version" if not self.global_args.command or self.global_args.command == "help": parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) logging.basicConfig(level=("DEBUG" if self.global_args.verbose else "WARN")) return self.global_args @staticmethod def _init_global_parser(parser): parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", help="show version", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "--in-pod", help="pod creation", metavar="in_pod", type=str, default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--pod-args", help="custom arguments to be passed to `podman pod`", metavar="pod_args", type=str, default="--infra=false --share=", ) parser.add_argument( "--env-file", help="Specify an alternate environment file", metavar="env_file", type=str, default=".env", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--file", help="Specify an compose file (default: docker-compose.yml) or '-' to read from stdin.", metavar="file", action="append", default=[], ) parser.add_argument( "--profile", help="Specify a profile to enable", metavar="profile", action="append", default=[], ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--project-name", help="Specify an alternate project name (default: directory name)", type=str, default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--podman-path", help="Specify an alternate path to podman (default: use location in $PATH variable)", type=str, default="podman", ) parser.add_argument( "--podman-args", help="custom global arguments to be passed to `podman`", metavar="args", action="append", default=[], ) for podman_cmd in PODMAN_CMDS: parser.add_argument( f"--podman-{podman_cmd}-args", help=f"custom arguments to be passed to `podman {podman_cmd}`", metavar="args", action="append", default=[], ) parser.add_argument( "--no-ansi", help="Do not print ANSI control characters", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-cleanup", help="Do not stop and remove existing pod & containers", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", help="No action; perform a simulation of commands", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--parallel", type=int, default=os.environ.get("COMPOSE_PARALLEL_LIMIT", sys.maxsize) ) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", help="Print debugging output", action="store_true", ) podman_compose = PodmanCompose() ################### # decorators to add commands and parse options ################### class PodmanComposeError(Exception): pass class cmd_run: # pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, compose, cmd_name, cmd_desc=None): self.compose = compose self.cmd_name = cmd_name self.cmd_desc = cmd_desc def __call__(self, func): def wrapped(*args, **kw): return func(*args, **kw) if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): raise PodmanComposeError("Command must be async") wrapped._compose = self.compose # Trim extra indentation at start of multiline docstrings. wrapped.desc = self.cmd_desc or re.sub(r"^\s+", "", func.__doc__) wrapped._parse_args = [] self.compose.commands[self.cmd_name] = wrapped return wrapped class cmd_parse: # pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, compose, cmd_names): self.compose = compose self.cmd_names = cmd_names if is_list(cmd_names) else [cmd_names] def __call__(self, func): def wrapped(*args, **kw): return func(*args, **kw) for cmd_name in self.cmd_names: self.compose.commands[cmd_name]._parse_args.append(wrapped) return wrapped ################### # actual commands ################### @cmd_run(podman_compose, "version", "show version") async def compose_version(compose, args): if getattr(args, "short", False): print(__version__) return if getattr(args, "format", "pretty") == "json": res = {"version": __version__} print(json.dumps(res)) return print("podman-compose version", __version__) await compose.podman.run(["--version"], "", []) def is_local(container: dict) -> bool: """Test if a container is local, i.e. if it is * prefixed with localhost/ * has a build section and is not prefixed """ return ( "/" not in container["image"] if "build" in container else container["image"].startswith("localhost/") ) @cmd_run(podman_compose, "wait", "wait running containers to stop") async def compose_wait(compose, args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument containers = [cnt["name"] for cnt in compose.containers] cmd_args = ["--"] cmd_args.extend(containers) await compose.podman.exec([], "wait", cmd_args) @cmd_run(podman_compose, "systemd") async def compose_systemd(compose, args): """ create systemd unit file and register its compose stacks When first installed type `sudo podman-compose systemd -a create-unit` later you can add a compose stack by running `podman-compose systemd -a register` then you can start/stop your stack with `systemctl --user start podman-compose@` """ stacks_dir = ".config/containers/compose/projects" if args.action == "register": proj_name = compose.project_name fn = os.path.expanduser(f"~/{stacks_dir}/{proj_name}.env") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fn), exist_ok=True) log.debug("writing [%s]: ...", fn) with open(fn, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: for k, v in compose.environ.items(): if k.startswith("COMPOSE_") or k.startswith("PODMAN_"): f.write(f"{k}={v}\n") log.debug("writing [%s]: done.", fn) log.info("\n\ncreating the pod without starting it: ...\n\n") username = getpass.getuser() print( f""" you can use systemd commands like enable, start, stop, status, cat all without `sudo` like this: \t\tsystemctl --user enable --now 'podman-compose@{proj_name}' \t\tsystemctl --user status 'podman-compose@{proj_name}' \t\tjournalctl --user -xeu 'podman-compose@{proj_name}' and for that to work outside a session you might need to run the following command *once* \t\tsudo loginctl enable-linger '{username}' you can use podman commands like: \t\tpodman pod ps \t\tpodman pod stats 'pod_{proj_name}' \t\tpodman pod logs --tail=10 -f 'pod_{proj_name}' """ ) elif args.action in ("list", "ls"): ls = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(f"~/{stacks_dir}/*.env")) for i in ls: print(os.path.basename(i[:-4])) elif args.action == "create-unit": fn = "/etc/systemd/user/podman-compose@.service" out = f"""\ # {fn} [Unit] Description=%i rootless pod (podman-compose) [Service] Type=simple EnvironmentFile=%h/{stacks_dir}/%i.env ExecStartPre=-{script} up --no-start ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/podman pod start pod_%i ExecStart={script} wait ExecStop=/usr/bin/podman pod stop pod_%i [Install] WantedBy=default.target """ if os.access(os.path.dirname(fn), os.W_OK): log.debug("writing [%s]: ...", fn) with open(fn, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(out) log.debug("writing [%s]: done.", fn) print( """ while in your project type `podman-compose systemd -a register` """ ) else: print(out) log.warning("Could not write to [%s], use 'sudo'", fn) @cmd_run(podman_compose, "pull", "pull stack images") async def compose_pull(compose, args): img_containers = [cnt for cnt in compose.containers if "image" in cnt] if args.services: services = set(args.services) img_containers = [cnt for cnt in img_containers if cnt["_service"] in services] images = {cnt["image"] for cnt in img_containers} if not args.force_local: local_images = {cnt["image"] for cnt in img_containers if is_local(cnt)} images -= local_images await asyncio.gather(*[compose.podman.run([], "pull", [image]) for image in images]) @cmd_run(podman_compose, "push", "push stack images") async def compose_push(compose, args): services = set(args.services) for cnt in compose.containers: if "build" not in cnt: continue if services and cnt["_service"] not in services: continue await compose.podman.run([], "push", [cnt["image"]]) async def build_one(compose, args, cnt): if "build" not in cnt: return None if getattr(args, "if_not_exists", None): try: img_id = await compose.podman.output( [], "inspect", ["-t", "image", "-f", "{{.Id}}", cnt["image"]] ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: img_id = None if img_id: return None build_desc = cnt["build"] if not hasattr(build_desc, "items"): build_desc = {"context": build_desc} ctx = build_desc.get("context", ".") dockerfile = build_desc.get("dockerfile", None) if dockerfile: dockerfile = os.path.join(ctx, dockerfile) else: dockerfile_alts = [ "Containerfile", "ContainerFile", "containerfile", "Dockerfile", "DockerFile", "dockerfile", ] for dockerfile in dockerfile_alts: dockerfile = os.path.join(ctx, dockerfile) if os.path.exists(dockerfile): break if not os.path.exists(dockerfile): raise OSError("Dockerfile not found in " + ctx) build_args = ["-f", dockerfile, "-t", cnt["image"]] if "platform" in cnt: build_args.extend(["--platform", cnt["platform"]]) for secret in build_desc.get("secrets", []): build_args.extend(get_secret_args(compose, cnt, secret, podman_is_building=True)) for tag in build_desc.get("tags", []): build_args.extend(["-t", tag]) labels = build_desc.get("labels", []) if isinstance(labels, dict): labels = [f"{k}={v}" for (k, v) in labels.items()] for label in labels: build_args.extend(["--label", label]) for additional_ctx in build_desc.get("additional_contexts", {}): build_args.extend([f"--build-context={additional_ctx}"]) if "target" in build_desc: build_args.extend(["--target", build_desc["target"]]) container_to_ulimit_build_args(cnt, build_args) if getattr(args, "no_cache", None): build_args.append("--no-cache") if getattr(args, "pull_always", None): build_args.append("--pull-always") elif getattr(args, "pull", None): build_args.append("--pull") args_list = norm_as_list(build_desc.get("args", {})) for build_arg in args_list + args.build_arg: build_args.extend(( "--build-arg", build_arg, )) build_args.append(ctx) status = await compose.podman.run([], "build", build_args) return status @cmd_run(podman_compose, "build", "build stack images") async def compose_build(compose, args): tasks = [] if args.services: container_names_by_service = compose.container_names_by_service compose.assert_services(args.services) for service in args.services: cnt = compose.container_by_name[container_names_by_service[service][0]] tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(build_one(compose, args, cnt))) else: for cnt in compose.containers: tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(build_one(compose, args, cnt))) status = 0 for t in asyncio.as_completed(tasks): s = await t if s is not None: status = s return status async def pod_exists(compose, name): exit_code = await compose.podman.run([], "pod", ["exists", name]) return exit_code == 0 async def create_pods(compose, args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument for pod in compose.pods: if await pod_exists(compose, pod["name"]): continue podman_args = [ "create", "--name=" + pod["name"], ] if args.pod_args: podman_args.extend(shlex.split(args.pod_args)) # if compose.podman_version and not strverscmp_lt(compose.podman_version, "3.4.0"): # podman_args.append("--infra-name={}_infra".format(pod["name"])) ports = pod.get("ports", None) or [] if isinstance(ports, str): ports = [ports] for i in ports: podman_args.extend(["-p", str(i)]) await compose.podman.run([], "pod", podman_args) def get_excluded(compose, args): excluded = set() if args.services: excluded = set(compose.services) for service in args.services: excluded -= compose.services[service]["_deps"] excluded.discard(service) log.debug("** excluding: %s", excluded) return excluded @cmd_run(podman_compose, "up", "Create and start the entire stack or some of its services") async def compose_up(compose: PodmanCompose, args): excluded = get_excluded(compose, args) if not args.no_build: # `podman build` does not cache, so don't always build build_args = argparse.Namespace(if_not_exists=(not args.build), **args.__dict__) if await compose.commands["build"](compose, build_args) != 0: log.error("Build command failed") hashes = ( ( await compose.podman.output( [], "ps", [ "--filter", f"label=io.podman.compose.project={compose.project_name}", "-a", "--format", '{{ index .Labels "io.podman.compose.config-hash"}}', ], ) ) .decode("utf-8") .splitlines() ) diff_hashes = [i for i in hashes if i and i != compose.yaml_hash] if args.force_recreate or len(diff_hashes): log.info("recreating: ...") down_args = argparse.Namespace(**dict(args.__dict__, volumes=False)) await compose.commands["down"](compose, down_args) log.info("recreating: done\n\n") # args.no_recreate disables check for changes (which is not implemented) podman_command = "run" if args.detach and not args.no_start else "create" await create_pods(compose, args) for cnt in compose.containers: if cnt["_service"] in excluded: log.debug("** skipping: %s", cnt["name"]) continue podman_args = await container_to_args(compose, cnt, detached=args.detach) subproc = await compose.podman.run([], podman_command, podman_args) if podman_command == "run" and subproc is not None: await compose.podman.run([], "start", [cnt["name"]]) if args.no_start or args.detach or args.dry_run: return # TODO: handle already existing # TODO: if error creating do not enter loop # TODO: colors if sys.stdout.isatty() exit_code_from = args.__dict__.get("exit_code_from", None) if exit_code_from: args.abort_on_container_exit = True max_service_length = 0 for cnt in compose.containers: curr_length = len(cnt["_service"]) max_service_length = curr_length if curr_length > max_service_length else max_service_length tasks = set() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, lambda: [t.cancel("User exit") for t in tasks]) for i, cnt in enumerate(compose.containers): # Add colored service prefix to output by piping output through sed color_idx = i % len(compose.console_colors) color = compose.console_colors[color_idx] space_suffix = " " * (max_service_length - len(cnt["_service"]) + 1) log_formatter = "{}[{}]{}|\x1b[0m".format(color, cnt["_service"], space_suffix) if cnt["_service"] in excluded: log.debug("** skipping: %s", cnt["name"]) continue tasks.add( asyncio.create_task( compose.podman.run([], "start", ["-a", cnt["name"]], log_formatter=log_formatter), name=cnt["_service"], ) ) def _task_cancelled(task: Task) -> bool: if task.cancelled(): return True # Task.cancelling() is new in python 3.11 if sys.version_info >= (3, 11) and task.cancelling(): return True return False exit_code = 0 exiting = False while tasks: done, tasks = await asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) if args.abort_on_container_exit: if not exiting: # If 2 containers exit at the exact same time, the cancellation of the other ones # cause the status to overwrite. Sleeping for 1 seems to fix this and make it match # docker-compose await asyncio.sleep(1) for t in tasks: if not _task_cancelled(t): t.cancel() t: Task exiting = True for t in done: if t.get_name() == exit_code_from: exit_code = t.result() return exit_code def get_volume_names(compose, cnt): basedir = compose.dirname srv_name = cnt["_service"] ls = [] for volume in cnt.get("volumes", []): if isinstance(volume, str): volume = parse_short_mount(volume, basedir) volume = fix_mount_dict(compose, volume, srv_name) mount_type = volume["type"] if mount_type != "volume": continue volume_name = (volume.get("_vol", None) or {}).get("name", None) ls.append(volume_name) return ls @cmd_run(podman_compose, "down", "tear down entire stack") async def compose_down(compose, args): excluded = get_excluded(compose, args) podman_args = [] timeout_global = getattr(args, "timeout", None) containers = list(reversed(compose.containers)) down_tasks = [] for cnt in containers: if cnt["_service"] in excluded: continue podman_stop_args = [*podman_args] timeout = timeout_global if timeout is None: timeout_str = cnt.get("stop_grace_period", None) or STOP_GRACE_PERIOD timeout = str_to_seconds(timeout_str) if timeout is not None: podman_stop_args.extend(["-t", str(timeout)]) down_tasks.append( asyncio.create_task( compose.podman.run([], "stop", [*podman_stop_args, cnt["name"]]), name=cnt["name"] ) ) await asyncio.gather(*down_tasks) for cnt in containers: if cnt["_service"] in excluded: continue await compose.podman.run([], "rm", [cnt["name"]]) if args.remove_orphans: names = ( ( await compose.podman.output( [], "ps", [ "--filter", f"label=io.podman.compose.project={compose.project_name}", "-a", "--format", "{{ .Names }}", ], ) ) .decode("utf-8") .splitlines() ) for name in names: await compose.podman.run([], "stop", [*podman_args, name]) for name in names: await compose.podman.run([], "rm", [name]) if args.volumes: vol_names_to_keep = set() for cnt in containers: if cnt["_service"] not in excluded: continue vol_names_to_keep.update(get_volume_names(compose, cnt)) log.debug("keep %s", vol_names_to_keep) for volume_name in await compose.podman.volume_ls(): if volume_name in vol_names_to_keep: continue await compose.podman.run([], "volume", ["rm", volume_name]) if excluded: return for pod in compose.pods: await compose.podman.run([], "pod", ["rm", pod["name"]]) @cmd_run(podman_compose, "ps", "show status of containers") async def compose_ps(compose, args): ps_args = ["-a", "--filter", f"label=io.podman.compose.project={compose.project_name}"] if args.quiet is True: ps_args.extend(["--format", "{{.ID}}"]) elif args.format: ps_args.extend(["--format", args.format]) await compose.podman.run( [], "ps", ps_args, ) @cmd_run( podman_compose, "run", "create a container similar to a service to run a one-off command", ) async def compose_run(compose, args): await create_pods(compose, args) compose.assert_services(args.service) container_names = compose.container_names_by_service[args.service] container_name = container_names[0] cnt = dict(compose.container_by_name[container_name]) deps = cnt["_deps"] if deps and not args.no_deps: up_args = argparse.Namespace( **dict( args.__dict__, detach=True, services=deps, # defaults no_build=False, build=None, force_recreate=False, no_start=False, no_cache=False, build_arg=[], parallel=1, remove_orphans=True, ) ) await compose.commands["up"](compose, up_args) build_args = argparse.Namespace( services=[args.service], if_not_exists=(not args.build), build_arg=[], **args.__dict__ ) await compose.commands["build"](compose, build_args) compose_run_update_container_from_args(compose, cnt, args) # run podman podman_args = await container_to_args(compose, cnt, args.detach) if not args.detach: podman_args.insert(1, "-i") if args.rm: podman_args.insert(1, "--rm") p = await compose.podman.run([], "run", podman_args) sys.exit(p) def compose_run_update_container_from_args(compose, cnt, args): # adjust one-off container options name0 = "{}_{}_tmp{}".format(compose.project_name, args.service, random.randrange(0, 65536)) cnt["name"] = args.name or name0 if args.entrypoint: cnt["entrypoint"] = args.entrypoint if args.user: cnt["user"] = args.user if args.workdir: cnt["working_dir"] = args.workdir env = dict(cnt.get("environment", {})) if args.env: additional_env_vars = dict(map(lambda each: each.split("=", maxsplit=1), args.env)) env.update(additional_env_vars) cnt["environment"] = env if not args.service_ports: for k in ("expose", "publishall", "ports"): try: del cnt[k] except KeyError: pass if args.publish: ports = cnt.get("ports", []) ports.extend(norm_ports(args.publish)) cnt["ports"] = ports if args.volume: # TODO: handle volumes volumes = clone(cnt.get("volumes", None) or []) volumes.extend(args.volume) cnt["volumes"] = volumes cnt["tty"] = not args.T if args.cnt_command is not None and len(args.cnt_command) > 0: cnt["command"] = args.cnt_command # can't restart and --rm if args.rm and "restart" in cnt: del cnt["restart"] @cmd_run(podman_compose, "exec", "execute a command in a running container") async def compose_exec(compose, args): compose.assert_services(args.service) container_names = compose.container_names_by_service[args.service] container_name = container_names[args.index - 1] cnt = compose.container_by_name[container_name] podman_args = compose_exec_args(cnt, container_name, args) p = await compose.podman.run([], "exec", podman_args) sys.exit(p) def compose_exec_args(cnt, container_name, args): podman_args = ["--interactive"] if args.privileged: podman_args += ["--privileged"] if args.user: podman_args += ["--user", args.user] if args.workdir: podman_args += ["--workdir", args.workdir] if not args.T: podman_args += ["--tty"] env = dict(cnt.get("environment", {})) if args.env: additional_env_vars = dict( map(lambda each: each.split("=", maxsplit=1) if "=" in each else (each, None), args.env) ) env.update(additional_env_vars) for name, value in env.items(): podman_args += ["--env", f"{name}" if value is None else f"{name}={value}"] podman_args += [container_name] if args.cnt_command is not None and len(args.cnt_command) > 0: podman_args += args.cnt_command return podman_args async def transfer_service_status(compose, args, action): # TODO: handle dependencies, handle creations container_names_by_service = compose.container_names_by_service if not args.services: args.services = container_names_by_service.keys() compose.assert_services(args.services) targets = [] for service in args.services: if service not in container_names_by_service: raise ValueError("unknown service: " + service) targets.extend(container_names_by_service[service]) if action in ["stop", "restart"]: targets = list(reversed(targets)) timeout_global = getattr(args, "timeout", None) tasks = [] for target in targets: podman_args = [] if action != "start": timeout = timeout_global if timeout is None: timeout_str = ( compose.container_by_name[target].get("stop_grace_period", None) or STOP_GRACE_PERIOD ) timeout = str_to_seconds(timeout_str) if timeout is not None: podman_args.extend(["-t", str(timeout)]) tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(compose.podman.run([], action, podman_args + [target]))) await asyncio.gather(*tasks) @cmd_run(podman_compose, "start", "start specific services") async def compose_start(compose, args): await transfer_service_status(compose, args, "start") @cmd_run(podman_compose, "stop", "stop specific services") async def compose_stop(compose, args): await transfer_service_status(compose, args, "stop") @cmd_run(podman_compose, "restart", "restart specific services") async def compose_restart(compose, args): await transfer_service_status(compose, args, "restart") @cmd_run(podman_compose, "logs", "show logs from services") async def compose_logs(compose, args): container_names_by_service = compose.container_names_by_service if not args.services and not args.latest: args.services = container_names_by_service.keys() compose.assert_services(args.services) targets = [] for service in args.services: targets.extend(container_names_by_service[service]) podman_args = [] if args.follow: podman_args.append("-f") if args.latest: podman_args.append("-l") if args.names: podman_args.append("-n") if args.since: podman_args.extend(["--since", args.since]) # the default value is to print all logs which is in podman = 0 and not # needed to be passed if args.tail and args.tail != "all": podman_args.extend(["--tail", args.tail]) if args.timestamps: podman_args.append("-t") if args.until: podman_args.extend(["--until", args.until]) for target in targets: podman_args.append(target) await compose.podman.run([], "logs", podman_args) @cmd_run(podman_compose, "config", "displays the compose file") async def compose_config(compose, args): if args.services: for service in compose.services: print(service) return print(compose.merged_yaml) @cmd_run(podman_compose, "port", "Prints the public port for a port binding.") async def compose_port(compose, args): # TODO - deal with pod index compose.assert_services(args.service) containers = compose.container_names_by_service[args.service] container_ports = list( itertools.chain(*(compose.container_by_name[c]["ports"] for c in containers)) ) def _published_target(port_string): published, target = port_string.split(":")[-2:] return int(published), int(target) select_udp = args.protocol == "udp" published, target = None, None for p in container_ports: is_udp = p[-4:] == "/udp" if select_udp and is_udp: published, target = _published_target(p[-4:]) if not select_udp and not is_udp: published, target = _published_target(p) if target == args.private_port: print(published) return @cmd_run(podman_compose, "pause", "Pause all running containers") async def compose_pause(compose, args): container_names_by_service = compose.container_names_by_service if not args.services: args.services = container_names_by_service.keys() targets = [] for service in args.services: targets.extend(container_names_by_service[service]) await compose.podman.run([], "pause", targets) @cmd_run(podman_compose, "unpause", "Unpause all running containers") async def compose_unpause(compose, args): container_names_by_service = compose.container_names_by_service if not args.services: args.services = container_names_by_service.keys() targets = [] for service in args.services: targets.extend(container_names_by_service[service]) await compose.podman.run([], "unpause", targets) @cmd_run(podman_compose, "kill", "Kill one or more running containers with a specific signal") async def compose_kill(compose, args): # to ensure that the user did not execute the command by mistake if not args.services and not args.all: log.fatal( "Error: you must provide at least one service name or use (--all) to kill all services" ) sys.exit() container_names_by_service = compose.container_names_by_service podman_args = [] if args.signal: podman_args.extend(["--signal", args.signal]) if args.all is True: services = container_names_by_service.keys() targets = [] for service in services: targets.extend(container_names_by_service[service]) for target in targets: podman_args.append(target) await compose.podman.run([], "kill", podman_args) elif args.services: targets = [] for service in args.services: targets.extend(container_names_by_service[service]) for target in targets: podman_args.append(target) await compose.podman.run([], "kill", podman_args) @cmd_run( podman_compose, "stats", "Display percentage of CPU, memory, network I/O, block I/O and PIDs for services.", ) async def compose_stats(compose, args): container_names_by_service = compose.container_names_by_service if not args.services: args.services = container_names_by_service.keys() targets = [] podman_args = [] if args.interval: podman_args.extend(["--interval", args.interval]) if args.format: podman_args.extend(["--format", args.format]) if args.no_reset: podman_args.append("--no-reset") if args.no_stream: podman_args.append("--no-stream") for service in args.services: targets.extend(container_names_by_service[service]) for target in targets: podman_args.append(target) try: await compose.podman.run([], "stats", podman_args) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass @cmd_run(podman_compose, "images", "List images used by the created containers") async def compose_images(compose, args): img_containers = [cnt for cnt in compose.containers if "image" in cnt] data = [] if args.quiet is True: for img in img_containers: name = img["name"] output = await compose.podman.output([], "images", ["--quiet", img["image"]]) data.append(output.decode("utf-8").split()) else: data.append(["CONTAINER", "REPOSITORY", "TAG", "IMAGE ID", "SIZE", ""]) for img in img_containers: name = img["name"] output = await compose.podman.output( [], "images", [ "--format", "table " + name + " {{.Repository}} {{.Tag}} {{.ID}} {{.Size}}", "-n", img["image"], ], ) data.append(output.decode("utf-8").split()) # Determine the maximum length of each column column_widths = [max(map(len, column)) for column in zip(*data)] # Print each row for row in data: # Format each cell using the maximum column width formatted_row = [cell.ljust(width) for cell, width in zip(row, column_widths)] formatted_row[-2:] = ["".join(formatted_row[-2:]).strip()] print("\t".join(formatted_row)) ################### # command arguments parsing ################### @cmd_parse(podman_compose, "version") def compose_version_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "-f", "--format", choices=["pretty", "json"], default="pretty", help="Format the output", ) parser.add_argument( "--short", action="store_true", help="Shows only Podman Compose's version number", ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, "up") def compose_up_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "-d", "--detach", action="store_true", help="Detached mode: Run container in the background, print new container name. \ Incompatible with --abort-on-container-exit.", ) parser.add_argument("--no-color", action="store_true", help="Produce monochrome output.") parser.add_argument( "--quiet-pull", action="store_true", help="Pull without printing progress information.", ) parser.add_argument("--no-deps", action="store_true", help="Don't start linked services.") parser.add_argument( "--force-recreate", action="store_true", help="Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven't changed.", ) parser.add_argument( "--always-recreate-deps", action="store_true", help="Recreate dependent containers. Incompatible with --no-recreate.", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-recreate", action="store_true", help="If containers already exist, don't recreate them. Incompatible with --force-recreate " "and -V.", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-build", action="store_true", help="Don't build an image, even if it's missing.", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-start", action="store_true", help="Don't start the services after creating them.", ) parser.add_argument( "--build", action="store_true", help="Build images before starting containers." ) parser.add_argument( "--abort-on-container-exit", action="store_true", help="Stops all containers if any container was stopped. Incompatible with -d.", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--timeout", type=int, default=None, help="Use this timeout in seconds for container shutdown when attached or when containers " "are already running. (default: 10)", ) parser.add_argument( "-V", "--renew-anon-volumes", action="store_true", help="Recreate anonymous volumes instead of retrieving data from the previous containers.", ) parser.add_argument( "--remove-orphans", action="store_true", help="Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file.", ) parser.add_argument( "--scale", metavar="SERVICE=NUM", action="append", help="Scale SERVICE to NUM instances. Overrides the `scale` setting in the Compose file if " "present.", ) parser.add_argument( "--exit-code-from", metavar="SERVICE", type=str, default=None, help="Return the exit code of the selected service container. " "Implies --abort-on-container-exit.", ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, "down") def compose_down_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "-v", "--volumes", action="store_true", default=False, help="Remove named volumes declared in the `volumes` section of the Compose file and " "anonymous volumes attached to containers.", ) parser.add_argument( "--remove-orphans", action="store_true", help="Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file.", ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, "run") def compose_run_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "--build", action="store_true", help="Build images before starting containers." ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--detach", action="store_true", help="Detached mode: Run container in the background, print new container name.", ) parser.add_argument("--name", type=str, default=None, help="Assign a name to the container") parser.add_argument( "--entrypoint", type=str, default=None, help="Override the entrypoint of the image.", ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--env", metavar="KEY=VAL", action="append", help="Set an environment variable (can be used multiple times)", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--label", metavar="KEY=VAL", action="append", help="Add or override a label (can be used multiple times)", ) parser.add_argument( "-u", "--user", type=str, default=None, help="Run as specified username or uid" ) parser.add_argument("--no-deps", action="store_true", help="Don't start linked services") parser.add_argument( "--rm", action="store_true", help="Remove container after run. Ignored in detached mode.", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--publish", action="append", help="Publish a container's port(s) to the host (can be used multiple times)", ) parser.add_argument( "--service-ports", action="store_true", help="Run command with the service's ports enabled and mapped to the host.", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--volume", action="append", help="Bind mount a volume (can be used multiple times)", ) parser.add_argument( "-T", action="store_true", help="Disable pseudo-tty allocation. By default `podman-compose run` allocates a TTY.", ) parser.add_argument( "-w", "--workdir", type=str, default=None, help="Working directory inside the container", ) parser.add_argument("service", metavar="service", nargs=None, help="service name") parser.add_argument( "cnt_command", metavar="command", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="command and its arguments", ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, "exec") def compose_exec_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "-d", "--detach", action="store_true", help="Detached mode: Run container in the background, print new container name.", ) parser.add_argument( "--privileged", action="store_true", default=False, help="Give the process extended Linux capabilities inside the container", ) parser.add_argument( "-u", "--user", type=str, default=None, help="Run as specified username or uid" ) parser.add_argument( "-T", action="store_true", help="Disable pseudo-tty allocation. By default `podman-compose run` allocates a TTY.", ) parser.add_argument( "--index", type=int, default=1, help="Index of the container if there are multiple instances of a service", ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--env", metavar="KEY=VAL", action="append", help="Set an environment variable (can be used multiple times)", ) parser.add_argument( "-w", "--workdir", type=str, default=None, help="Working directory inside the container", ) parser.add_argument("service", metavar="service", nargs=None, help="service name") parser.add_argument( "cnt_command", metavar="command", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="command and its arguments", ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, ["down", "stop", "restart"]) def compose_parse_timeout(parser): parser.add_argument( "-t", "--timeout", help="Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. ", type=int, default=None, ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, ["logs"]) def compose_logs_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "-f", "--follow", action="store_true", help="Follow log output. The default is false", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--latest", action="store_true", help="Act on the latest container podman is aware of", ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--names", action="store_true", help="Output the container name in the log", ) parser.add_argument("--since", help="Show logs since TIMESTAMP", type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument("-t", "--timestamps", action="store_true", help="Show timestamps.") parser.add_argument( "--tail", help="Number of lines to show from the end of the logs for each " "container.", type=str, default="all", ) parser.add_argument("--until", help="Show logs until TIMESTAMP", type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument( "services", metavar="services", nargs="*", default=None, help="service names" ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, "systemd") def compose_systemd_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "-a", "--action", choices=["register", "create-unit", "list", "ls"], default="register", help="create systemd unit file or register compose stack to it", ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, "pull") def compose_pull_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "--force-local", action="store_true", default=False, help="Also pull unprefixed images for services which have a build section", ) parser.add_argument("services", metavar="services", nargs="*", help="services to pull") @cmd_parse(podman_compose, "push") def compose_push_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "--ignore-push-failures", action="store_true", help="Push what it can and ignores images with push failures. (not implemented)", ) parser.add_argument("services", metavar="services", nargs="*", help="services to push") @cmd_parse(podman_compose, "ps") def compose_ps_parse(parser): parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="Only display container IDs", action="store_true") @cmd_parse(podman_compose, ["build", "up"]) def compose_build_up_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "--pull", help="attempt to pull a newer version of the image", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--pull-always", help="attempt to pull a newer version of the image, Raise an error even if the image is " "present locally.", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--build-arg", metavar="key=val", action="append", default=[], help="Set build-time variables for services.", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-cache", help="Do not use cache when building the image.", action="store_true", ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, ["build", "up", "down", "start", "stop", "restart"]) def compose_build_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "services", metavar="services", nargs="*", default=None, help="affected services", ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, "config") def compose_config_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "--no-normalize", help="Don't normalize compose model.", action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument( "--services", help="Print the service names, one per line.", action="store_true" ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, "port") def compose_port_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "--index", type=int, default=1, help="index of the container if there are multiple instances of a service", ) parser.add_argument( "--protocol", choices=["tcp", "udp"], default="tcp", help="tcp or udp", ) parser.add_argument("service", metavar="service", nargs=None, help="service name") parser.add_argument( "private_port", metavar="private_port", nargs=None, type=int, help="private port", ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, ["pause", "unpause"]) def compose_pause_unpause_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "services", metavar="services", nargs="*", default=None, help="service names" ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, ["kill"]) def compose_kill_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "services", metavar="services", nargs="*", default=None, help="service names" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--signal", type=str, help="Signal to send to the container (default 'KILL')", ) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--all", help="Signal all running containers", action="store_true", ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, "images") def compose_images_parse(parser): parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="Only display images IDs", action="store_true") @cmd_parse(podman_compose, ["stats"]) def compose_stats_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "services", metavar="services", nargs="*", default=None, help="service names" ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--interval", type=int, help="Time in seconds between stats reports (default 5)", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-reset", help="Disable resetting the screen between intervals", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-stream", help="Disable streaming stats and only pull the first result", action="store_true", ) @cmd_parse(podman_compose, ["ps", "stats"]) def compose_format_parse(parser): parser.add_argument( "-f", "--format", type=str, help="Pretty-print container statistics to JSON or using a Go template", ) async def async_main(): await podman_compose.run() def main(): asyncio.run(async_main()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()