""" test_podman_compose_up_down.py Tests the podman compose up and down commands used to create and remove services. """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name import os import time import unittest from .test_podman_compose import run_subprocess from .test_podman_compose import podman_compose_path from .test_podman_compose import test_path class TestPodmanCompose(unittest.TestCase): def test_exit_from(self): up_cmd = [ "coverage", "run", podman_compose_path(), "-f", os.path.join(test_path(), "exit-from", "docker-compose.yaml"), "up", ] out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(up_cmd + ["--exit-code-from", "sh1"]) self.assertEqual(return_code, 1) out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(up_cmd + ["--exit-code-from", "sh2"]) self.assertEqual(return_code, 2) def test_run(self): """ This will test depends_on as well """ run_cmd = [ "coverage", "run", podman_compose_path(), "-f", os.path.join(test_path(), "deps", "docker-compose.yaml"), "run", "--rm", "sleep", "/bin/sh", "-c", "wget -q -O - http://web:8000/hosts", ] out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(run_cmd) self.assertIn(b'\tlocalhost', out) # Run it again to make sure we can run it twice. I saw an issue where a second run, with the container left up, # would fail run_cmd = [ "coverage", "run", podman_compose_path(), "-f", os.path.join(test_path(), "deps", "docker-compose.yaml"), "run", "--rm", "sleep", "/bin/sh", "-c", "wget -q -O - http://web:8000/hosts", ] out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(run_cmd) assert b'\tlocalhost' in out self.assertEqual(return_code, 0) # This leaves a container running. Not sure it's intended, but it matches docker-compose down_cmd = [ "coverage", "run", podman_compose_path(), "-f", os.path.join(test_path(), "deps", "docker-compose.yaml"), "down", ] out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(run_cmd) self.assertEqual(return_code, 0) def test_up_with_ports(self): up_cmd = [ "coverage", "run", podman_compose_path(), "-f", os.path.join(test_path(), "ports", "docker-compose.yml"), "up", "-d", "--force-recreate", ] down_cmd = [ "coverage", "run", podman_compose_path(), "-f", os.path.join(test_path(), "ports", "docker-compose.yml"), "down", "--volumes", ] try: out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(up_cmd) self.assertEqual(return_code, 0) finally: out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(down_cmd) self.assertEqual(return_code, 0) def test_down_with_vols(self): up_cmd = [ "coverage", "run", podman_compose_path(), "-f", os.path.join(test_path(), "vol", "docker-compose.yaml"), "up", "-d", ] down_cmd = [ "coverage", "run", podman_compose_path(), "-f", os.path.join(test_path(), "vol", "docker-compose.yaml"), "down", "--volumes", ] try: out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(["podman", "volume", "create", "my-app-data"]) self.assertEqual(return_code, 0) out, _, return_code = run_subprocess([ "podman", "volume", "create", "actual-name-of-volume", ]) self.assertEqual(return_code, 0) out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(up_cmd) self.assertEqual(return_code, 0) run_subprocess(["podman", "inspect", "volume", ""]) finally: out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(down_cmd) run_subprocess(["podman", "volume", "rm", "my-app-data"]) run_subprocess(["podman", "volume", "rm", "actual-name-of-volume"]) self.assertEqual(return_code, 0) def test_down_with_orphans(self): container_id, _, return_code = run_subprocess([ "podman", "run", "--rm", "-d", "busybox", "/bin/busybox", "httpd", "-f", "-h", "/etc/", "-p", "8000", ]) down_cmd = [ "coverage", "run", podman_compose_path(), "-f", os.path.join(test_path(), "ports", "docker-compose.yml"), "down", "--volumes", "--remove-orphans", ] out, _, return_code = run_subprocess(down_cmd) self.assertEqual(return_code, 0) _, _, exists = run_subprocess([ "podman", "container", "exists", container_id.decode("utf-8"), ]) self.assertEqual(exists, 1)