#!/usr/bin/env python """ wal - Generate and change colorschemes on the fly. Created by Dylan Araps """ import argparse import re import random import glob import shutil import subprocess import os import pathlib # wal files. CACHE_DIR = "%s%s" % (os.path.expanduser("~"), "/.cache/wal/") SCHEME_DIR = "%s%s" % (CACHE_DIR, "schemes/") SEQUENCE_FILE = "%s%s" % (CACHE_DIR, "sequences") WAL_FILE = "%s%s" % (CACHE_DIR, "wal") PLAIN_FILE = "%s%s" % (CACHE_DIR, "colors") XRDB_FILE = "%s%s" % (CACHE_DIR, "xcolors") # Internal variables. COLOR_COUNT = 16 OS = os.uname # ARGS {{{ def get_args(): """Get the script arguments.""" description = "wal - Generate colorschemes on the fly" arg = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) # Add the args. # arg.add_argument('-a', metavar='0-100', type=int, # help='Set terminal background transparency. \ # *Only works in URxvt*') arg.add_argument('-c', action='store_true', help='Delete all cached colorschemes.') # arg.add_argument('-f', metavar='"/path/to/colors"', # help='Load colors directly from a colorscheme file.') arg.add_argument('-i', metavar='"/path/to/img.jpg"', help='Which image or directory to use.') # arg.add_argument('-n', action='store_true', # help='Skip setting the wallpaper.') # arg.add_argument('-o', metavar='script_name', # help='External script to run after "wal".') # arg.add_argument('-q', action='store_true', # help='Quiet mode, don\'t print anything.') arg.add_argument('-r', action='store_true', help='Reload current colorscheme.') arg.add_argument('-t', action='store_true', help='Fix artifacts in VTE Terminals. \ (Termite, xfce4-terminal)') # arg.add_argument('-x', action='store_true', # help='Use extended 16-color palette.') return arg.parse_args() def process_args(args): """Process the arguments.""" # -c if args.c: shutil.rmtree(SCHEME_DIR) quit() # -r if args.r: reload_colors(args.t) # }}} # RELOAD COLORS {{{ def reload_colors(vte): """Reload colors.""" with open(SEQUENCE_FILE) as file: sequences = file.read() # If vte mode was used, remove the problem sequence. if vte: sequences = re.sub(r'\]708;\#.{6}', '', sequences) # Decode the string. sequences = bytes(sequences, "utf-8").decode("unicode_escape") print(sequences, end='') quit() # }}} # COLORSCHEME GENERATION {{{ def get_image(img): """Validate image input.""" image = pathlib.Path(img) # Check if the user has Imagemagick installed. if not shutil.which("convert"): print("error: imagemagick not found, exiting...") print("error: wal requires imagemagick to function.") exit(1) if image.is_file(): wal_img = image elif image.is_dir(): rand = random.choice(os.listdir(image)) rand_img = "%s/%s" % (str(image), rand) rand_img = pathlib.Path(rand_img) if rand_img.is_file(): wal_img = rand_img print("image: Using image", wal_img) return wal_img def magic(color_count, img): """Call Imagemagick to generate a scheme.""" colors = subprocess.Popen(["convert", img, "+dither", "-colors", str(color_count), "-unique-colors", "txt:-"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return colors.stdout.readlines() def gen_colors(img): """Generate a color palette using imagemagick.""" # Generate initial scheme. magic_output = magic(COLOR_COUNT, img) # If imagemagick finds less than 16 colors, use a larger source number # of colors. index = 0 while len(magic_output) - 1 <= 15: index += 1 magic_output = magic(COLOR_COUNT + index, img) print("colors: Imagemagick couldn't generate a", COLOR_COUNT, "color palette, trying a larger palette size", COLOR_COUNT + index) # Remove the first element, which isn't a color. del magic_output[0] # Create a list of hex colors. colors = [re.search('#.{6}', str(col)).group(0) for col in magic_output] return colors def get_colors(img): """Generate a colorscheme using imagemagick.""" # Cache file. cache_file = "%s%s" % (SCHEME_DIR, img.replace('/', '_')) cache_file = pathlib.Path(cache_file) # Cache the wallpaper name. with open(WAL_FILE, 'w') as file: file.write("%s\n" % (img)) if cache_file.is_file(): with open(cache_file) as file: colors = file.readlines() # Strip newlines from each list element. colors = [x.strip() for x in colors] else: print("colors: Generating a colorscheme...") # Generate the colors. colors = gen_colors(img) # Cache the colorscheme. with open(cache_file, 'w') as file: file.write("\n".join(colors)) print("colors: Generated colorscheme") return colors # }}} # SEND SEQUENCES {{{ def set_special(index, color): """Build the escape sequence for special colors.""" return "\\033]%s;%s\\007" % (str(index), color) def set_color(index, color): """Build the escape sequence we need for each color.""" return "\\033]4;%s;%s\\007" % (str(index), color) def get_grey(color, color2): """Set a grey color based on brightness of color0""" return { 0: "#666666", 1: "#666666", 2: "#757575", 3: "#999999", 4: "#999999", 5: "#8a8a8a", 6: "#a1a1a1", 7: "#a1a1a1", 8: "#a1a1a1", 9: "#a1a1a1", }.get(int(color[1]), color2) def send_sequences(colors, vte): """Send colors to all open terminals.""" seq = [] seq.append(set_special(10, colors[15])) seq.append(set_special(11, colors[0])) seq.append(set_special(12, colors[15])) seq.append(set_special(13, colors[15])) seq.append(set_special(14, colors[0])) # This escape sequence doesn't work in VTE terminals. if not vte: seq.append(set_special(708, colors[0])) seq.append(set_color(0, colors[0])) seq.append(set_color(1, colors[9])) seq.append(set_color(2, colors[10])) seq.append(set_color(3, colors[11])) seq.append(set_color(4, colors[12])) seq.append(set_color(5, colors[13])) seq.append(set_color(6, colors[14])) seq.append(set_color(7, colors[15])) seq.append(set_color(8, get_grey(colors[0], colors[7]))) seq.append(set_color(9, colors[9])) seq.append(set_color(10, colors[10])) seq.append(set_color(11, colors[11])) seq.append(set_color(12, colors[12])) seq.append(set_color(13, colors[13])) seq.append(set_color(14, colors[14])) seq.append(set_color(15, colors[15])) # Set a blank color that isn't affected by bold highlighting. seq.append(set_color(66, colors[0])) # Create the string. sequences = ''.join(seq) # Decode the string. sequences = bytes(sequences, "utf-8").decode("unicode_escape") # Send the sequences to all open terminals. for term in glob.glob("/dev/pts/[0-9]*"): with open(term, 'w') as file: file.write(sequences) # Cache the sequences. with open(SEQUENCE_FILE, 'w') as file: file.write(sequences) print("colors: Set terminal colors") # }}} # WALLPAPER SETTING {{{ def set_wallpaper(img): """Set the wallpaper.""" if shutil.which("feh"): subprocess.Popen(["feh", "--bg-fill", img]) elif shutil.which("nitrogen"): subprocess.Popen(["nitrogen", "--set-zoom-fill", img]) elif shutil.which("bgs"): subprocess.Popen(["bgs", img]) elif shutil.which("hsetroot"): subprocess.Popen(["hsetroot", "-fill", img]) elif shutil.which("habak"): subprocess.Popen(["habak", "-mS", img]) elif OS == "Darwin": subprocess.Popen(["osascript", "-e", "'tell application \"Finder\" to set \ desktop picture to POSIX file\'" + img + "\'"]) else: subprocess.Popen(["gsettings", "set", "org.gnome.desktop.background", "picture-uri", img]) print("wallpaper: Set the new wallpaper") return 0 # }}} # EXPORT COLORS {{{ def export_plain(colors): """Export colors to a plain text file.""" with open(PLAIN_FILE, 'w') as file: file.write('\n'.join(colors)) def export_xrdb(colors): """Export colors to xrdb.""" x_colors = """ URxvt*foreground: %s XTerm*forefround: %s URxvt*background: %s XTerm*background: %s URxvt*cursorColor: %s XTerm*cursorColor: %s *.color0: %s *.color1: %s *.color2: %s *.color3: %s *.color4: %s *.color5: %s *.color6: %s *.color7: %s *.color8: %s *.color9: %s *.color10: %s *.color11: %s *.color12: %s *.color13: %s *.color14: %s *.color15: %s """ % (colors[15], colors[15], colors[0], colors[0], colors[15], colors[15], colors[0], colors[9], colors[10], colors[11], colors[12], colors[13], colors[14], colors[15], get_grey(colors[0], colors[7]), colors[9], colors[10], colors[11], colors[12], colors[13], colors[14], colors[15]) # Write the colors to the file. with open(XRDB_FILE, 'w') as file: file.write(x_colors) # Merge the colors into the X db so new terminals use them. subprocess.Popen(["xrdb", "-merge", XRDB_FILE]) print("export: Exported xrdb colors.") # }}} def main(): """Main script function.""" # Create colorscheme dir. pathlib.Path(SCHEME_DIR).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) args = get_args() process_args(args) if args.i: image = str(get_image(args.i)) # Get the colors. colors = get_colors(image) # Set the wallpaper. set_wallpaper(image) # Set the colors. send_sequences(colors, args.t) export_plain(colors) export_xrdb(colors) return 0 main()