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Theme file handling.
import logging
import os
import random
import sys
from .settings import CONF_DIR, MODULE_DIR
from . import util
def list_out():
"""List all themes in a pretty format."""
dark_themes = [theme.name.replace(".json", "")
for theme in list_themes()]
ligh_themes = [theme.name.replace(".json", "")
for theme in list_themes(dark=False)]
user_themes = [theme.name.replace(".json", "")
for theme in list_themes_user()]
if user_themes:
print("\033[1;32mUser Themes\033[0m:")
print(" -", "\n - ".join(sorted(user_themes)))
print("\033[1;32mDark Themes\033[0m:")
print(" -", "\n - ".join(sorted(dark_themes)))
print("\033[1;32mLight Themes\033[0m:")
print(" -", "\n - ".join(sorted(ligh_themes)))
print(" - random (select a random dark theme)")
print(" - random_dark (select a random dark theme)")
print(" - random_light (select a random light theme)")
def list_themes(dark=True):
"""List all installed theme files."""
dark = "dark" if dark else "light"
themes = os.scandir(os.path.join(MODULE_DIR, "colorschemes", dark))
return [t for t in themes if os.path.isfile(t.path)]
def list_themes_user():
"""List user theme files."""
themes = [*os.scandir(os.path.join(CONF_DIR, "colorschemes/dark/")),
*os.scandir(os.path.join(CONF_DIR, "colorschemes/light/"))]
return [t for t in themes if os.path.isfile(t.path)]
def terminal_sexy_to_wal(data):
"""Convert terminal.sexy json schema to wal."""
data["colors"] = {}
data["special"] = {
"foreground": data["foreground"],
"background": data["background"],
"cursor": data["color"][9]
for i, color in enumerate(data["color"]):
data["colors"]["color%s" % i] = color
return data
def parse(theme_file):
"""Parse the theme file."""
data = util.read_file_json(theme_file)
if "wallpaper" not in data:
data["wallpaper"] = "None"
if "alpha" not in data:
data["alpha"] = util.Color.alpha_num
# Terminal.sexy format.
if "color" in data:
data = terminal_sexy_to_wal(data)
return data
def get_random_theme(dark=True):
"""Get a random theme file."""
themes = [theme.path for theme in list_themes(dark)]
return themes[0]
def file(input_file, light=False):
"""Import colorscheme from json file."""
util.create_dir(os.path.join(CONF_DIR, "colorschemes/light/"))
util.create_dir(os.path.join(CONF_DIR, "colorschemes/dark/"))
theme_name = ".".join((input_file, "json"))
bri = "light" if light else "dark"
user_theme_file = os.path.join(CONF_DIR, "colorschemes", bri, theme_name)
theme_file = os.path.join(MODULE_DIR, "colorschemes", bri, theme_name)
# Find the theme file.
if input_file in ("random", "random_dark"):
theme_file = get_random_theme()
elif input_file == "random_light":
theme_file = get_random_theme(light)
elif os.path.isfile(user_theme_file):
theme_file = user_theme_file
elif os.path.isfile(input_file):
theme_file = input_file
# Parse the theme file.
if os.path.isfile(theme_file):
logging.info("Set theme to \033[1;37m%s\033[0m.",
return parse(theme_file)
logging.error("No %s colorscheme file found.", bri)
logging.error("Try adding '-l' to set light themes.")
logging.error("Try removing '-l' to set dark themes.")