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// +build codegen
package api
2018-06-17 18:59:12 +02:00
import (
// EventStreamAPI provides details about the event stream async API and
// associated EventStream shapes.
type EventStreamAPI struct {
Name string
Operation *Operation
Shape *Shape
Inbound *EventStream
Outbound *EventStream
// EventStream represents a single eventstream group (input/output) and the
// modeled events that are known for the stream.
type EventStream struct {
Name string
Shape *Shape
Events []*Event
// Event is a single EventStream event that can be sent or received in an
// EventStream.
type Event struct {
Name string
Shape *Shape
For *EventStream
// ShapeDoc returns the docstring for the EventStream API.
func (esAPI *EventStreamAPI) ShapeDoc() string {
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("eventStreamShapeDoc").Parse(`
{{- $.Name }} provides handling of EventStreams for
the {{ $.Operation.ExportedName }} API.
{{- if $.Inbound }}
Use this type to receive {{ $.Inbound.Name }} events. The events
can be read from the Events channel member.
The events that can be received are:
{{ range $_, $event := $.Inbound.Events }}
* {{ $event.Shape.ShapeName }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if $.Outbound }}
Use this type to send {{ $.Outbound.Name }} events. The events
can be sent with the Send method.
The events that can be sent are:
{{ range $_, $event := $.Outbound.Events -}}
* {{ $event.Shape.ShapeName }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}`))
var w bytes.Buffer
if err := tmpl.Execute(&w, esAPI); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to generate eventstream shape template for %v, %v", esAPI.Name, err))
return commentify(w.String())
func eventStreamAPIShapeRefDoc(refName string) string {
return commentify(fmt.Sprintf("Use %s to use the API's stream.", refName))
func (a *API) setupEventStreams() {
const eventStreamMemberName = "EventStream"
2018-06-17 18:59:12 +02:00
for _, op := range a.Operations {
outbound := setupEventStream(op.InputRef.Shape)
inbound := setupEventStream(op.OutputRef.Shape)
2018-06-17 18:59:12 +02:00
if outbound == nil && inbound == nil {
2018-06-17 18:59:12 +02:00
if outbound != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Outbound stream support not implemented, %s, %s",
outbound.Name, outbound.Shape.ShapeName))
switch a.Metadata.Protocol {
case `rest-json`, `rest-xml`, `json`:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("EventStream not supported for protocol %v",
eventStreamAPI := &EventStreamAPI{
Name: op.ExportedName + eventStreamMemberName,
Operation: op,
Outbound: outbound,
Inbound: inbound,
streamShape := &Shape{
API: a,
ShapeName: eventStreamAPI.Name,
Documentation: eventStreamAPI.ShapeDoc(),
Type: "structure",
EventStreamAPI: eventStreamAPI,
streamShapeRef := &ShapeRef{
API: a,
ShapeName: streamShape.ShapeName,
Shape: streamShape,
Documentation: eventStreamAPIShapeRefDoc(eventStreamMemberName),
streamShape.refs = []*ShapeRef{streamShapeRef}
eventStreamAPI.Shape = streamShape
if _, ok := op.OutputRef.Shape.MemberRefs[eventStreamMemberName]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("shape ref already exists, %s.%s",
op.OutputRef.Shape.ShapeName, eventStreamMemberName))
op.OutputRef.Shape.MemberRefs[eventStreamMemberName] = streamShapeRef
op.OutputRef.Shape.EventStreamsMemberName = eventStreamMemberName
if _, ok := a.Shapes[streamShape.ShapeName]; ok {
panic("shape already exists, " + streamShape.ShapeName)
a.Shapes[streamShape.ShapeName] = streamShape
a.HasEventStream = true
func setupEventStream(topShape *Shape) *EventStream {
var eventStream *EventStream
for refName, ref := range topShape.MemberRefs {
if !ref.Shape.IsEventStream {
if eventStream != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("multiple shape ref eventstreams, %s, prev: %s",
refName, eventStream.Name))
eventStream = &EventStream{
Name: ref.Shape.ShapeName,
Shape: ref.Shape,
for _, eventRefName := range ref.Shape.MemberNames() {
eventRef := ref.Shape.MemberRefs[eventRefName]
if !eventRef.Shape.IsEvent {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected non-event member reference %s.%s",
ref.Shape.ShapeName, eventRefName))
eventRef.Shape.EventFor = append(eventRef.Shape.EventFor, eventStream)
eventStream.Events = append(eventStream.Events, &Event{
Name: eventRefName,
Shape: eventRef.Shape,
For: eventStream,
// Remove the eventstream references as they will be added elsewhere.
delete(topShape.MemberRefs, refName)
delete(topShape.API.Shapes, ref.Shape.ShapeName)
return eventStream
func updateEventPayloadRef(parent *Shape) {
refName := parent.PayloadRefName()
if len(refName) == 0 {
payloadRef := parent.MemberRefs[refName]
if payloadRef.Shape.Type == "blob" {
if len(payloadRef.LocationName) != 0 {
payloadRef.LocationName = refName
func renderEventStreamAPIShape(w io.Writer, s *Shape) error {
// Imports needed by the EventStream APIs.
s.API.imports["bytes"] = true
s.API.imports["io"] = true
s.API.imports["sync"] = true
s.API.imports["sync/atomic"] = true
s.API.imports["github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/eventstream"] = true
s.API.imports["github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/eventstream/eventstreamapi"] = true
return eventStreamAPIShapeTmpl.Execute(w, s)
// EventStreamReaderInterfaceName returns the interface name for the
// EventStream's reader interface.
func EventStreamReaderInterfaceName(s *Shape) string {
return s.ShapeName + "Reader"
// Template for an EventStream API Shape that will provide read/writing events
// across the EventStream. This is a special shape that's only public members
// are the Events channel and a Close and Err method.
// Executed in the context of a Shape.
var eventStreamAPIShapeTmpl = func() *template.Template {
t := template.Must(
"eventStreamAPIReaderTmpl", eventStreamAPIReaderTmpl.Tree),
return t
const eventStreamAPITmplDef = `
{{ $.Documentation }}
type {{ $.ShapeName }} struct {
{{- if $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound }}
// Reader is the EventStream reader for the {{ $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound.Name }}
// events. This value is automatically set by the SDK when the API call is made
// Use this member when unit testing your code with the SDK to mock out the
// EventStream Reader.
// Must not be nil.
Reader {{ $.ShapeName }}Reader
{{ end -}}
{{- if $.EventStreamAPI.Outbound }}
// Writer is the EventStream reader for the {{ $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound.Name }}
// events. This value is automatically set by the SDK when the API call is made
// Use this member when unit testing your code with the SDK to mock out the
// EventStream Writer.
// Must not be nil.
Writer *{{ $.ShapeName }}Writer
{{ end -}}
// StreamCloser is the io.Closer for the EventStream connection. For HTTP
// EventStream this is the response Body. The stream will be closed when
// the Close method of the EventStream is called.
StreamCloser io.Closer
// Close closes the EventStream. This will also cause the Events channel to be
// closed. You can use the closing of the Events channel to terminate your
// application's read from the API's EventStream.
{{- if $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound }}
// Will close the underlying EventStream reader. For EventStream over HTTP
// connection this will also close the HTTP connection.
{{ end -}}
// Close must be called when done using the EventStream API. Not calling Close
// may result in resource leaks.
func (es *{{ $.ShapeName }}) Close() (err error) {
{{- if $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound }}
{{ end -}}
{{- if $.EventStreamAPI.Outbound }}
{{ end -}}
return es.Err()
// Err returns any error that occurred while reading EventStream Events from
// the service API's response. Returns nil if there were no errors.
func (es *{{ $.ShapeName }}) Err() error {
{{- if $.EventStreamAPI.Outbound }}
if err := es.Writer.Err(); err != nil {
return err
{{ end -}}
{{- if $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound }}
if err := es.Reader.Err(); err != nil {
return err
{{ end -}}
return nil
{{ if $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound }}
// Events returns a channel to read EventStream Events from the
// {{ $.EventStreamAPI.Operation.ExportedName }} API.
// These events are:
// {{ range $_, $event := $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound.Events }}
// * {{ $event.Shape.ShapeName }}
{{- end }}
func (es *{{ $.ShapeName }}) Events() <-chan {{ $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound.Name }}Event {
return es.Reader.Events()
2018-06-17 18:59:12 +02:00
{{ template "eventStreamAPIReaderTmpl" $ }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $.EventStreamAPI.Outbound }}
// TODO writer helper method.
{{ end }}
var eventStreamAPIReaderTmpl = template.Must(template.New("eventStreamAPIReaderTmpl").
// {{ $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound.Name }}Event groups together all EventStream
// events read from the {{ $.EventStreamAPI.Operation.ExportedName }} API.
// These events are:
// {{ range $_, $event := $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound.Events }}
// * {{ $event.Shape.ShapeName }}
{{- end }}
type {{ $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound.Name }}Event interface {
event{{ $.EventStreamAPI.Name }}()
// {{ $.ShapeName }}Reader provides the interface for reading EventStream
// Events from the {{ $.EventStreamAPI.Operation.ExportedName }} API. The
// default implementation for this interface will be {{ $.ShapeName }}.
// The reader's Close method must allow multiple concurrent calls.
// These events are:
// {{ range $_, $event := $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound.Events }}
// * {{ $event.Shape.ShapeName }}
{{- end }}
type {{ $.ShapeName }}Reader interface {
// Returns a channel of events as they are read from the event stream.
Events() <-chan {{ $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound.Name }}Event
// Close will close the underlying event stream reader. For event stream over
// HTTP this will also close the HTTP connection.
Close() error
// Returns any error that has occured while reading from the event stream.
Err() error
type read{{ $.ShapeName }} struct {
eventReader *eventstreamapi.EventReader
stream chan {{ $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound.Name }}Event
errVal atomic.Value
done chan struct{}
closeOnce sync.Once
2018-06-17 18:59:12 +02:00
func newRead{{ $.ShapeName }}(
reader io.ReadCloser,
unmarshalers request.HandlerList,
logger aws.Logger,
logLevel aws.LogLevelType,
) *read{{ $.ShapeName }} {
r := &read{{ $.ShapeName }}{
stream: make(chan {{ $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound.Name }}Event),
done: make(chan struct{}),
r.eventReader = eventstreamapi.NewEventReader(
Unmarshalers: unmarshalers,
r.eventReader.UseLogger(logger, logLevel)
return r
// Close will close the underlying event stream reader. For EventStream over
// HTTP this will also close the HTTP connection.
func (r *read{{ $.ShapeName }}) Close() error {
return r.Err()
func (r *read{{ $.ShapeName }}) safeClose() {
err := r.eventReader.Close()
if err != nil {
func (r *read{{ $.ShapeName }}) Err() error {
if v := r.errVal.Load(); v != nil {
return v.(error)
return nil
func (r *read{{ $.ShapeName }}) Events() <-chan {{ $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound.Name }}Event {
return r.stream
func (r *read{{ $.ShapeName }}) readEventStream() {
defer close(r.stream)
for {
event, err := r.eventReader.ReadEvent()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
select {
case <-r.done:
// If closed already ignore the error
select {
case r.stream <- event.({{ $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound.Name }}Event):
case <-r.done:
2018-06-17 18:59:12 +02:00
2018-06-17 18:59:12 +02:00
func (r *read{{ $.ShapeName }}) unmarshalerForEventType(
eventType string,
) (eventstreamapi.Unmarshaler, error) {
switch eventType {
{{- range $_, $event := $.EventStreamAPI.Inbound.Events }}
case {{ printf "%q" $event.Name }}:
return &{{ $event.Shape.ShapeName }}{}, nil
{{ end -}}
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"unknown event type name, %s, for {{ $.ShapeName }}", eventType)
2018-06-17 18:59:12 +02:00
// Template for the EventStream API Output shape that contains the EventStream
// member.
// Executed in the context of a Shape.
var eventStreamAPILoopMethodTmpl = template.Must(
func (s *{{ $.ShapeName }}) runEventStreamLoop(r *request.Request) {
if r.Error != nil {
{{- $esMemberRef := index $.MemberRefs $.EventStreamsMemberName }}
{{- if $esMemberRef.Shape.EventStreamAPI.Inbound }}
reader := newRead{{ $esMemberRef.ShapeName }}(
go reader.readEventStream()
eventStream := &{{ $esMemberRef.ShapeName }} {
StreamCloser: r.HTTPResponse.Body,
Reader: reader,
{{ end -}}
s.{{ $.EventStreamsMemberName }} = eventStream
// Template for an EventStream Event shape. This is a normal API shape that is
// decorated as an EventStream Event.
// Executed in the context of a Shape.
var eventStreamEventShapeTmpl = template.Must(template.New("eventStreamEventShapeTmpl").Parse(`
{{ range $_, $eventstream := $.EventFor }}
// The {{ $.ShapeName }} is and event in the {{ $eventstream.Name }} group of events.
func (s *{{ $.ShapeName }}) event{{ $eventstream.Name }}() {}
{{ end }}
// UnmarshalEvent unmarshals the EventStream Message into the {{ $.ShapeName }} value.
// This method is only used internally within the SDK's EventStream handling.
func (s *{{ $.ShapeName }}) UnmarshalEvent(
payloadUnmarshaler protocol.PayloadUnmarshaler,
msg eventstream.Message,
) error {
{{- range $fieldIdx, $fieldName := $.MemberNames }}
{{- $fieldRef := index $.MemberRefs $fieldName -}}
{{ if $fieldRef.IsEventHeader }}
// TODO handle event header, {{ $fieldName }}
{{- else if (and ($fieldRef.IsEventPayload) (eq $fieldRef.Shape.Type "blob")) }}
s.{{ $fieldName }} = make([]byte, len(msg.Payload))
copy(s.{{ $fieldName }}, msg.Payload)
{{- else }}
if err := payloadUnmarshaler.UnmarshalPayload(
bytes.NewReader(msg.Payload), s,
); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal payload, %v", err)
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
return nil
var eventStreamTestTmpl = template.Must(template.New("eventStreamTestTmpl").Parse(`