"description":"Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.",
"description":"API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.",
"description":"OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.",
"description":"Returns response with indentations and line breaks.",
"description":"The application ID from the Google Play developer console.",
"description":"The maximum number of resource configurations to return in the response, used for paging. For any response, the actual number of resources returned may be less than the specified maxResults.",
"description":"The token returned by the previous request.",
"description":"The application ID from the Google Play developer console.",
"description":"The maximum number of resource configurations to return in the response, used for paging. For any response, the actual number of resources returned may be less than the specified maxResults.",
"description":"The token returned by the previous request.",
"description":"This is a JSON template for an achievement configuration resource.",
"description":"The type of the achievement.\nPossible values are: \n- \"STANDARD\" - Achievement is either locked or unlocked. \n- \"INCREMENTAL\" - Achievement is incremental.",
"description":"The draft data of the achievement."
"description":"The ID of the achievement.",
"description":"The initial state of the achievement.\nPossible values are: \n- \"HIDDEN\" - Achievement is hidden. \n- \"REVEALED\" - Achievement is revealed. \n- \"UNLOCKED\" - Achievement is unlocked.",
"description":"This is a JSON template for a number affix resource.",
"description":"When the language requires special treatment of \"small\" numbers (as with 2, 3, and 4 in Czech; or numbers ending 2, 3, or 4 but not 12, 13, or 14 in Polish)."
"description":"When the language requires special treatment of \"large\" numbers (as with numbers ending 11-99 in Maltese)."
"description":"When the language requires special treatment of numbers like one (as with the number 1 in English and most other languages; in Russian, any number ending in 1 but not ending in 11 is in this class)."
"description":"When the language does not require special treatment of the given quantity (as with all numbers in Chinese, or 42 in English)."
"description":"When the language requires special treatment of numbers like two (as with 2 in Welsh, or 102 in Slovenian)."
"description":"When the language requires special treatment of the number 0 (as in Arabic)."
"description":"This is a JSON template for a number format resource.",
"description":"The curreny code string. Only used for CURRENCY format type.",
"description":"The number of decimal places for number. Only used for NUMERIC format type.",
"description":"The formatting for the number.\nPossible values are: \n- \"NUMERIC\" - Numbers are formatted to have no digits or a fixed number of digits after the decimal point according to locale. An optional custom unit can be added.\n- \"TIME_DURATION\" - Numbers are formatted to hours, minutes and seconds.\n- \"CURRENCY\" - Numbers are formatted to currency according to locale.",
"description":"An optional suffix for the NUMERIC format type. These strings follow the same plural rules as all Android string resources."
"description":"This is a JSON template for an image configuration resource.",
"description":"Uniquely identifies the type of this resource. Value is always the fixed string gamesConfiguration#leaderboardConfiguration.",
"description":"The read-only published data of the leaderboard."
"description":"Maximum score that can be posted to this leaderboard.",
"description":"Minimum score that can be posted to this leaderboard.",
"description":"The type of the leaderboard.\nPossible values are: \n- \"LARGER_IS_BETTER\" - Larger scores posted are ranked higher. \n- \"SMALLER_IS_BETTER\" - Smaller scores posted are ranked higher.",
"description":"The token for this resource.",
"description":"This is a JSON template for a leaderboard configuration detail.",
"description":"The icon url of this leaderboard. Writes to this field are ignored.",