"description":"Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.",
"description":"API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.",
"description":"OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.",
"description":"Returns response with indentations and line breaks.",
"description":"Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. Overrides userIp if both are provided.",
"description":"IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to enforce per-user limits.",
"description":"Request to fetch stored insertion orders, line items, TrueView ad groups and ads.",
"description":"File types that will be returned.",
"description":"The IDs of the specified filter type. This is used to filter entities to fetch. At least one ID must be specified. Only one ID is allowed for the ADVERTISER_ID filter type. For INSERTION_ORDER_ID or LINE_ITEM_ID filter types, all IDs must be from the same Advertiser.",
"description":"Filter type used to filter line items to fetch.",
"description":"SDF Version (column names, types, order) in which the entities will be returned. Default to 3."
"description":"Download response.",
"description":"Retrieved ad groups in SDF format."
"description":"Retrieved ads in SDF format."
"description":"Retrieved insertion orders in SDF format."
"description":"Retrieved line items in SDF format."
"description":"Filter used to match traffic data in your report.",
"description":"Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string \"doubleclickbidmanager#query\".",
"description":"Query metadata."
"description":"Query parameters."
"description":"Query ID.",
"description":"The ending time for the data that is shown in the report. Note, reportDataEndTimeMs is required if metadata.dataRange is CUSTOM_DATES and ignored otherwise.",
"description":"The starting time for the data that is shown in the report. Note, reportDataStartTimeMs is required if metadata.dataRange is CUSTOM_DATES and ignored otherwise.",
"description":"Information on how often and when to run a query."
"description":"Canonical timezone code for report data time. Defaults to America/New_York."
"description":"Query metadata.",
"description":"Range of report data.",
"description":"Format of the generated report.",
"description":"The path to the location in Google Cloud Storage where the latest report is stored."
"description":"The path in Google Drive for the latest report."
"description":"The time when the latest report started to run.",
"description":"Locale of the generated reports. Valid values are cs CZECH de GERMAN en ENGLISH es SPANISH fr FRENCH it ITALIAN ja JAPANESE ko KOREAN pl POLISH pt-BR BRAZILIAN_PORTUGUESE ru RUSSIAN tr TURKISH uk UKRAINIAN zh-CN CHINA_CHINESE zh-TW TAIWAN_CHINESE\n\nAn locale string not in the list above will generate reports in English."
"description":"Number of reports that have been generated for the query.",
"description":"Whether the latest report is currently running."
"description":"Whether to send an email notification when a report is ready. Default to false."
"description":"List of email addresses which are sent email notifications when the report is finished. Separate from sendNotification.",
"description":"Query title. It is used to name the reports generated from this query."
"description":"Information on how frequently and when to run a query.",
"description":"Datetime to periodically run the query until.",
"description":"How often the query is run.",
"description":"Time of day at which a new report will be generated, represented as minutes past midnight. Range is 0 to 1439. Only applies to scheduled reports.",
"description":"Canonical timezone code for report generation time. Defaults to America/New_York."
"description":"Represents a report.",
"description":"Key used to identify a report."
"description":"Report metadata."
"description":"Report parameters."
"description":"An explanation of a report failure.",
"description":"Error code that shows why the report was not created.",
"description":"The path to the location in Google Cloud Storage where the report is stored."
"description":"The ending time for the data that is shown in the report.",
"description":"The starting time for the data that is shown in the report.",
"description":"Report status."
"description":"Report status.",
"description":"If the report failed, this records the cause."
"description":"The time when this report either completed successfully or failed.",
"description":"The file type of the report.",
"description":"The state of the report.",
"description":"Represents the upload status of a row in the request.",
"description":"Whether the stored entity is changed as a result of upload."
"description":"Entity Id.",
"description":"Entity name."
"description":"Reasons why the entity can't be uploaded.",
"description":"Whether the entity is persisted."
"description":"Row number.",
"description":"Request to run a stored query to generate a report.",
"description":"Report data range used to generate the report.",
"description":"The ending time for the data that is shown in the report. Note, reportDataEndTimeMs is required if dataRange is CUSTOM_DATES and ignored otherwise.",
"description":"The starting time for the data that is shown in the report. Note, reportDataStartTimeMs is required if dataRange is CUSTOM_DATES and ignored otherwise.",
"description":"Canonical timezone code for report data time. Defaults to America/New_York."
"description":"Request to upload line items.",
"description":"Set to true to get upload status without actually persisting the line items."
"description":"Format the line items are in. Default to CSV.",
"description":"Line items in CSV to upload. Refer to Entity Write File Format for more information on file format."
"description":"Upload line items response.",
"description":"Status of upload."
"description":"Represents the status of upload.",
"description":"Reasons why upload can't be completed.",