1. Make sure your auth is configured correctly by visiting
https://code.googlesource.com, clicking "Generate Password", and following
the directions.
1. Make changes and create a change by running `git codereview change <name>`,
provide a commit message, and use `git codereview mail` to create a Gerrit CL.
1. Keep amending to the change with `git codereview change` and mail as your receive
feedback. Each new mailed amendment will create a new patch set for your change in Gerrit.
## Integration Tests
In addition to the unit tests, you may run the integration test suite.
To run the integrations tests, creating and configuration of a project in the
Google Developers Console is required.
After creating a project, you must [create a service account](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2ServiceAccount#creatinganaccount).
Ensure the project-level **Owner** [IAM role](console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/iam/project)
(or **Editor** and **Logs Configuration Writer** roles) are added to the
service account.
Once you create a project, set the following environment variables to be able to
run the against the actual APIs.
- **GCLOUD_TESTS_GOLANG_PROJECT_ID**: Developers Console project's ID (e.g. bamboo-shift-455)
- **GCLOUD_TESTS_GOLANG_KEY**: The path to the JSON key file.
Install the [gcloud command-line tool][gcloudcli] to your machine and use it
to create some resources used in integration tests.
From the project's root directory:
``` sh
# Set the default project in your env.
$ gcloud config set project $GCLOUD_TESTS_GOLANG_PROJECT_ID
# Authenticate the gcloud tool with your account.
$ gcloud auth login
# Create the indexes used in the datastore integration tests.