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package auth
import (
func TestAuthDigest(t *testing.T) {
secrets := HtdigestFileProvider("test.htdigest")
da := &DigestAuth{Opaque: "U7H+ier3Ae8Skd/g",
Realm: "example.com",
Secrets: secrets,
clients: map[string]*digest_client{}}
r := &http.Request{}
r.Method = "GET"
if u, _ := da.CheckAuth(r); u != "" {
t.Fatal("non-empty auth for empty request header")
r.Header = http.Header(make(map[string][]string))
r.Header.Set("Authorization", "Digest blabla")
if u, _ := da.CheckAuth(r); u != "" {
t.Fatal("non-empty auth for bad request header")
r.Header.Set("Authorization", `Digest username="test", realm="example.com", nonce="Vb9BP/h81n3GpTTB", uri="/t2", cnonce="NjE4MTM2", nc=00000001, qop="auth", response="ffc357c4eba74773c8687e0bc724c9a3", opaque="U7H+ier3Ae8Skd/g", algorithm="MD5"`)
if u, _ := da.CheckAuth(r); u != "" {
t.Fatal("non-empty auth for unknown client")
r.URL, _ = url.Parse("/t2")
da.clients["Vb9BP/h81n3GpTTB"] = &digest_client{nc: 0, last_seen: time.Now().UnixNano()}
if u, _ := da.CheckAuth(r); u != "test" {
t.Fatal("empty auth for legitimate client")
// our nc is now 0, client nc is 1
if u, _ := da.CheckAuth(r); u != "" {
t.Fatal("non-empty auth for outdated nc")
// try again with nc checking off
da.IgnoreNonceCount = true
if u, _ := da.CheckAuth(r); u != "test" {
t.Fatal("empty auth for outdated nc even though nc checking is off")
da.IgnoreNonceCount = false
r.URL, _ = url.Parse("/")
da.clients["Vb9BP/h81n3GpTTB"] = &digest_client{nc: 0, last_seen: time.Now().UnixNano()}
if u, _ := da.CheckAuth(r); u != "" {
t.Fatal("non-empty auth for bad request path")
r.URL, _ = url.Parse("/t3")
da.clients["Vb9BP/h81n3GpTTB"] = &digest_client{nc: 0, last_seen: time.Now().UnixNano()}
if u, _ := da.CheckAuth(r); u != "" {
t.Fatal("non-empty auth for bad request path")
da.clients["+RbVXSbIoa1SaJk1"] = &digest_client{nc: 0, last_seen: time.Now().UnixNano()}
r.Header.Set("Authorization", `Digest username="test", realm="example.com", nonce="+RbVXSbIoa1SaJk1", uri="/", cnonce="NjE4NDkw", nc=00000001, qop="auth", response="c08918024d7faaabd5424654c4e3ad1c", opaque="U7H+ier3Ae8Skd/g", algorithm="MD5"`)
if u, _ := da.CheckAuth(r); u != "test" {
t.Fatal("empty auth for valid request in subpath")
func TestDigestAuthParams(t *testing.T) {
const authorization = `Digest username="test", realm="", nonce="FRPnGdb8lvM1UHhi", uri="/css?family=Source+Sans+Pro:400,700,400italic,700italic|Source+Code+Pro", algorithm=MD5, response="fdcdd78e5b306ffed343d0ec3967f2e5", opaque="lEgVjogmIar2fg/t", qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce="e76b05db27a3b323"`
params := DigestAuthParams(authorization)
want := "/css?family=Source+Sans+Pro:400,700,400italic,700italic|Source+Code+Pro"
if params["uri"] != want {
t.Fatalf("failed to parse uri with embedded commas, got %q want %q", params["uri"], want)