2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
package assert
import (
2018-06-17 18:59:12 +02:00
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
var (
i interface { }
zeros = [ ] interface { } {
false ,
byte ( 0 ) ,
complex64 ( 0 ) ,
complex128 ( 0 ) ,
float32 ( 0 ) ,
float64 ( 0 ) ,
int ( 0 ) ,
int8 ( 0 ) ,
int16 ( 0 ) ,
int32 ( 0 ) ,
int64 ( 0 ) ,
rune ( 0 ) ,
uint ( 0 ) ,
uint8 ( 0 ) ,
uint16 ( 0 ) ,
uint32 ( 0 ) ,
uint64 ( 0 ) ,
uintptr ( 0 ) ,
"" ,
[ 0 ] interface { } { } ,
[ ] interface { } ( nil ) ,
struct { x int } { } ,
( * interface { } ) ( nil ) ,
( func ( ) ) ( nil ) ,
nil ,
interface { } ( nil ) ,
map [ interface { } ] interface { } ( nil ) ,
( chan interface { } ) ( nil ) ,
( <- chan interface { } ) ( nil ) ,
( chan <- interface { } ) ( nil ) ,
nonZeros = [ ] interface { } {
true ,
byte ( 1 ) ,
complex64 ( 1 ) ,
complex128 ( 1 ) ,
float32 ( 1 ) ,
float64 ( 1 ) ,
int ( 1 ) ,
int8 ( 1 ) ,
int16 ( 1 ) ,
int32 ( 1 ) ,
int64 ( 1 ) ,
rune ( 1 ) ,
uint ( 1 ) ,
uint8 ( 1 ) ,
uint16 ( 1 ) ,
uint32 ( 1 ) ,
uint64 ( 1 ) ,
uintptr ( 1 ) ,
"s" ,
[ 1 ] interface { } { 1 } ,
[ ] interface { } { } ,
struct { x int } { 1 } ,
( * interface { } ) ( & i ) ,
( func ( ) ) ( func ( ) { } ) ,
interface { } ( 1 ) ,
map [ interface { } ] interface { } { } ,
( chan interface { } ) ( make ( chan interface { } ) ) ,
( <- chan interface { } ) ( make ( chan interface { } ) ) ,
( chan <- interface { } ) ( make ( chan interface { } ) ) ,
// AssertionTesterInterface defines an interface to be used for testing assertion methods
type AssertionTesterInterface interface {
TestMethod ( )
// AssertionTesterConformingObject is an object that conforms to the AssertionTesterInterface interface
type AssertionTesterConformingObject struct {
func ( a * AssertionTesterConformingObject ) TestMethod ( ) {
// AssertionTesterNonConformingObject is an object that does not conform to the AssertionTesterInterface interface
type AssertionTesterNonConformingObject struct {
func TestObjectsAreEqual ( t * testing . T ) {
if ! ObjectsAreEqual ( "Hello World" , "Hello World" ) {
t . Error ( "objectsAreEqual should return true" )
if ! ObjectsAreEqual ( 123 , 123 ) {
t . Error ( "objectsAreEqual should return true" )
if ! ObjectsAreEqual ( 123.5 , 123.5 ) {
t . Error ( "objectsAreEqual should return true" )
if ! ObjectsAreEqual ( [ ] byte ( "Hello World" ) , [ ] byte ( "Hello World" ) ) {
t . Error ( "objectsAreEqual should return true" )
if ! ObjectsAreEqual ( nil , nil ) {
t . Error ( "objectsAreEqual should return true" )
if ObjectsAreEqual ( map [ int ] int { 5 : 10 } , map [ int ] int { 10 : 20 } ) {
t . Error ( "objectsAreEqual should return false" )
if ObjectsAreEqual ( 'x' , "x" ) {
t . Error ( "objectsAreEqual should return false" )
if ObjectsAreEqual ( "x" , 'x' ) {
t . Error ( "objectsAreEqual should return false" )
if ObjectsAreEqual ( 0 , 0.1 ) {
t . Error ( "objectsAreEqual should return false" )
if ObjectsAreEqual ( 0.1 , 0 ) {
t . Error ( "objectsAreEqual should return false" )
if ObjectsAreEqual ( uint32 ( 10 ) , int32 ( 10 ) ) {
t . Error ( "objectsAreEqual should return false" )
if ! ObjectsAreEqualValues ( uint32 ( 10 ) , int32 ( 10 ) ) {
t . Error ( "ObjectsAreEqualValues should return true" )
if ObjectsAreEqualValues ( 0 , nil ) {
t . Fail ( )
if ObjectsAreEqualValues ( nil , 0 ) {
t . Fail ( )
func TestImplements ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if ! Implements ( mockT , ( * AssertionTesterInterface ) ( nil ) , new ( AssertionTesterConformingObject ) ) {
t . Error ( "Implements method should return true: AssertionTesterConformingObject implements AssertionTesterInterface" )
if Implements ( mockT , ( * AssertionTesterInterface ) ( nil ) , new ( AssertionTesterNonConformingObject ) ) {
t . Error ( "Implements method should return false: AssertionTesterNonConformingObject does not implements AssertionTesterInterface" )
2018-01-16 14:20:59 +01:00
if Implements ( mockT , ( * AssertionTesterInterface ) ( nil ) , nil ) {
t . Error ( "Implements method should return false: nil does not implement AssertionTesterInterface" )
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
func TestIsType ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if ! IsType ( mockT , new ( AssertionTesterConformingObject ) , new ( AssertionTesterConformingObject ) ) {
t . Error ( "IsType should return true: AssertionTesterConformingObject is the same type as AssertionTesterConformingObject" )
if IsType ( mockT , new ( AssertionTesterConformingObject ) , new ( AssertionTesterNonConformingObject ) ) {
t . Error ( "IsType should return false: AssertionTesterConformingObject is not the same type as AssertionTesterNonConformingObject" )
func TestEqual ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if ! Equal ( mockT , "Hello World" , "Hello World" ) {
t . Error ( "Equal should return true" )
if ! Equal ( mockT , 123 , 123 ) {
t . Error ( "Equal should return true" )
if ! Equal ( mockT , 123.5 , 123.5 ) {
t . Error ( "Equal should return true" )
if ! Equal ( mockT , [ ] byte ( "Hello World" ) , [ ] byte ( "Hello World" ) ) {
t . Error ( "Equal should return true" )
if ! Equal ( mockT , nil , nil ) {
t . Error ( "Equal should return true" )
if ! Equal ( mockT , int32 ( 123 ) , int32 ( 123 ) ) {
t . Error ( "Equal should return true" )
if ! Equal ( mockT , uint64 ( 123 ) , uint64 ( 123 ) ) {
t . Error ( "Equal should return true" )
if ! Equal ( mockT , & struct { } { } , & struct { } { } ) {
t . Error ( "Equal should return true (pointer equality is based on equality of underlying value)" )
var m map [ string ] interface { }
if Equal ( mockT , m [ "bar" ] , "something" ) {
t . Error ( "Equal should return false" )
// bufferT implements TestingT. Its implementation of Errorf writes the output that would be produced by
// testing.T.Errorf to an internal bytes.Buffer.
type bufferT struct {
buf bytes . Buffer
func ( t * bufferT ) Errorf ( format string , args ... interface { } ) {
// implementation of decorate is copied from testing.T
decorate := func ( s string ) string {
_ , file , line , ok := runtime . Caller ( 3 ) // decorate + log + public function.
if ok {
// Truncate file name at last file name separator.
if index := strings . LastIndex ( file , "/" ) ; index >= 0 {
file = file [ index + 1 : ]
} else if index = strings . LastIndex ( file , "\\" ) ; index >= 0 {
file = file [ index + 1 : ]
} else {
file = "???"
line = 1
buf := new ( bytes . Buffer )
// Every line is indented at least one tab.
buf . WriteByte ( '\t' )
fmt . Fprintf ( buf , "%s:%d: " , file , line )
lines := strings . Split ( s , "\n" )
if l := len ( lines ) ; l > 1 && lines [ l - 1 ] == "" {
lines = lines [ : l - 1 ]
for i , line := range lines {
if i > 0 {
// Second and subsequent lines are indented an extra tab.
buf . WriteString ( "\n\t\t" )
buf . WriteString ( line )
buf . WriteByte ( '\n' )
return buf . String ( )
t . buf . WriteString ( decorate ( fmt . Sprintf ( format , args ... ) ) )
2018-06-17 18:59:12 +02:00
func TestStringEqual ( t * testing . T ) {
for i , currCase := range [ ] struct {
equalWant string
equalGot string
msgAndArgs [ ] interface { }
want string
} {
{ equalWant : "hi, \nmy name is" , equalGot : "what,\nmy name is" , want : "\tassertions.go:\\d+: \n\t+Error Trace:\t\n\t+Error:\\s+Not equal:\\s+\n\\s+expected: \"hi, \\\\nmy name is\"\n\\s+actual\\s+: \"what,\\\\nmy name is\"\n\\s+Diff:\n\\s+-+ Expected\n\\s+\\++ Actual\n\\s+@@ -1,2 \\+1,2 @@\n\\s+-hi, \n\\s+\\+what,\n\\s+my name is" } ,
} {
mockT := & bufferT { }
Equal ( mockT , currCase . equalWant , currCase . equalGot , currCase . msgAndArgs ... )
Regexp ( t , regexp . MustCompile ( currCase . want ) , mockT . buf . String ( ) , "Case %d" , i )
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
func TestEqualFormatting ( t * testing . T ) {
for i , currCase := range [ ] struct {
equalWant string
equalGot string
msgAndArgs [ ] interface { }
want string
} {
2018-06-17 18:59:12 +02:00
{ equalWant : "want" , equalGot : "got" , want : "\tassertions.go:\\d+: \n\t+Error Trace:\t\n\t+Error:\\s+Not equal:\\s+\n\\s+expected: \"want\"\n\\s+actual\\s+: \"got\"\n\\s+Diff:\n\\s+-+ Expected\n\\s+\\++ Actual\n\\s+@@ -1 \\+1 @@\n\\s+-want\n\\s+\\+got\n" } ,
{ equalWant : "want" , equalGot : "got" , msgAndArgs : [ ] interface { } { "hello, %v!" , "world" } , want : "\tassertions.go:[0-9]+: \n\t+Error Trace:\t\n\t+Error:\\s+Not equal:\\s+\n\\s+expected: \"want\"\n\\s+actual\\s+: \"got\"\n\\s+Diff:\n\\s+-+ Expected\n\\s+\\++ Actual\n\\s+@@ -1 \\+1 @@\n\\s+-want\n\\s+\\+got\n\\s+Messages:\\s+hello, world!\n" } ,
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
} {
mockT := & bufferT { }
Equal ( mockT , currCase . equalWant , currCase . equalGot , currCase . msgAndArgs ... )
Regexp ( t , regexp . MustCompile ( currCase . want ) , mockT . buf . String ( ) , "Case %d" , i )
func TestFormatUnequalValues ( t * testing . T ) {
expected , actual := formatUnequalValues ( "foo" , "bar" )
Equal ( t , ` "foo" ` , expected , "value should not include type" )
Equal ( t , ` "bar" ` , actual , "value should not include type" )
expected , actual = formatUnequalValues ( 123 , 123 )
Equal ( t , ` 123 ` , expected , "value should not include type" )
Equal ( t , ` 123 ` , actual , "value should not include type" )
expected , actual = formatUnequalValues ( int64 ( 123 ) , int32 ( 123 ) )
Equal ( t , ` int64(123) ` , expected , "value should include type" )
Equal ( t , ` int32(123) ` , actual , "value should include type" )
expected , actual = formatUnequalValues ( int64 ( 123 ) , nil )
Equal ( t , ` int64(123) ` , expected , "value should include type" )
Equal ( t , ` <nil>(<nil>) ` , actual , "value should include type" )
type testStructType struct {
Val string
expected , actual = formatUnequalValues ( & testStructType { Val : "test" } , & testStructType { Val : "test" } )
Equal ( t , ` &assert.testStructType { Val:"test"} ` , expected , "value should not include type annotation" )
Equal ( t , ` &assert.testStructType { Val:"test"} ` , actual , "value should not include type annotation" )
func TestNotNil ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if ! NotNil ( mockT , new ( AssertionTesterConformingObject ) ) {
t . Error ( "NotNil should return true: object is not nil" )
if NotNil ( mockT , nil ) {
t . Error ( "NotNil should return false: object is nil" )
if NotNil ( mockT , ( * struct { } ) ( nil ) ) {
t . Error ( "NotNil should return false: object is (*struct{})(nil)" )
func TestNil ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if ! Nil ( mockT , nil ) {
t . Error ( "Nil should return true: object is nil" )
if ! Nil ( mockT , ( * struct { } ) ( nil ) ) {
t . Error ( "Nil should return true: object is (*struct{})(nil)" )
if Nil ( mockT , new ( AssertionTesterConformingObject ) ) {
t . Error ( "Nil should return false: object is not nil" )
func TestTrue ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if ! True ( mockT , true ) {
t . Error ( "True should return true" )
if True ( mockT , false ) {
t . Error ( "True should return false" )
func TestFalse ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if ! False ( mockT , false ) {
t . Error ( "False should return true" )
if False ( mockT , true ) {
t . Error ( "False should return false" )
func TestExactly ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
a := float32 ( 1 )
b := float64 ( 1 )
c := float32 ( 1 )
d := float32 ( 2 )
if Exactly ( mockT , a , b ) {
t . Error ( "Exactly should return false" )
if Exactly ( mockT , a , d ) {
t . Error ( "Exactly should return false" )
if ! Exactly ( mockT , a , c ) {
t . Error ( "Exactly should return true" )
if Exactly ( mockT , nil , a ) {
t . Error ( "Exactly should return false" )
if Exactly ( mockT , a , nil ) {
t . Error ( "Exactly should return false" )
func TestNotEqual ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if ! NotEqual ( mockT , "Hello World" , "Hello World!" ) {
t . Error ( "NotEqual should return true" )
if ! NotEqual ( mockT , 123 , 1234 ) {
t . Error ( "NotEqual should return true" )
if ! NotEqual ( mockT , 123.5 , 123.55 ) {
t . Error ( "NotEqual should return true" )
if ! NotEqual ( mockT , [ ] byte ( "Hello World" ) , [ ] byte ( "Hello World!" ) ) {
t . Error ( "NotEqual should return true" )
if ! NotEqual ( mockT , nil , new ( AssertionTesterConformingObject ) ) {
t . Error ( "NotEqual should return true" )
funcA := func ( ) int { return 23 }
funcB := func ( ) int { return 42 }
2017-07-23 09:51:42 +02:00
if NotEqual ( mockT , funcA , funcB ) {
t . Error ( "NotEqual should return false" )
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
if NotEqual ( mockT , "Hello World" , "Hello World" ) {
t . Error ( "NotEqual should return false" )
if NotEqual ( mockT , 123 , 123 ) {
t . Error ( "NotEqual should return false" )
if NotEqual ( mockT , 123.5 , 123.5 ) {
t . Error ( "NotEqual should return false" )
if NotEqual ( mockT , [ ] byte ( "Hello World" ) , [ ] byte ( "Hello World" ) ) {
t . Error ( "NotEqual should return false" )
if NotEqual ( mockT , new ( AssertionTesterConformingObject ) , new ( AssertionTesterConformingObject ) ) {
t . Error ( "NotEqual should return false" )
if NotEqual ( mockT , & struct { } { } , & struct { } { } ) {
t . Error ( "NotEqual should return false" )
type A struct {
Name , Value string
func TestContains ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
list := [ ] string { "Foo" , "Bar" }
complexList := [ ] * A {
{ "b" , "c" } ,
{ "d" , "e" } ,
{ "g" , "h" } ,
{ "j" , "k" } ,
simpleMap := map [ interface { } ] interface { } { "Foo" : "Bar" }
if ! Contains ( mockT , "Hello World" , "Hello" ) {
t . Error ( "Contains should return true: \"Hello World\" contains \"Hello\"" )
if Contains ( mockT , "Hello World" , "Salut" ) {
t . Error ( "Contains should return false: \"Hello World\" does not contain \"Salut\"" )
if ! Contains ( mockT , list , "Bar" ) {
t . Error ( "Contains should return true: \"[\"Foo\", \"Bar\"]\" contains \"Bar\"" )
if Contains ( mockT , list , "Salut" ) {
t . Error ( "Contains should return false: \"[\"Foo\", \"Bar\"]\" does not contain \"Salut\"" )
if ! Contains ( mockT , complexList , & A { "g" , "h" } ) {
t . Error ( "Contains should return true: complexList contains {\"g\", \"h\"}" )
if Contains ( mockT , complexList , & A { "g" , "e" } ) {
t . Error ( "Contains should return false: complexList contains {\"g\", \"e\"}" )
if Contains ( mockT , complexList , & A { "g" , "e" } ) {
t . Error ( "Contains should return false: complexList contains {\"g\", \"e\"}" )
if ! Contains ( mockT , simpleMap , "Foo" ) {
t . Error ( "Contains should return true: \"{\"Foo\": \"Bar\"}\" contains \"Foo\"" )
if Contains ( mockT , simpleMap , "Bar" ) {
t . Error ( "Contains should return false: \"{\"Foo\": \"Bar\"}\" does not contains \"Bar\"" )
func TestNotContains ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
list := [ ] string { "Foo" , "Bar" }
simpleMap := map [ interface { } ] interface { } { "Foo" : "Bar" }
if ! NotContains ( mockT , "Hello World" , "Hello!" ) {
t . Error ( "NotContains should return true: \"Hello World\" does not contain \"Hello!\"" )
if NotContains ( mockT , "Hello World" , "Hello" ) {
t . Error ( "NotContains should return false: \"Hello World\" contains \"Hello\"" )
if ! NotContains ( mockT , list , "Foo!" ) {
t . Error ( "NotContains should return true: \"[\"Foo\", \"Bar\"]\" does not contain \"Foo!\"" )
if NotContains ( mockT , list , "Foo" ) {
t . Error ( "NotContains should return false: \"[\"Foo\", \"Bar\"]\" contains \"Foo\"" )
if NotContains ( mockT , simpleMap , "Foo" ) {
t . Error ( "Contains should return true: \"{\"Foo\": \"Bar\"}\" contains \"Foo\"" )
if ! NotContains ( mockT , simpleMap , "Bar" ) {
t . Error ( "Contains should return false: \"{\"Foo\": \"Bar\"}\" does not contains \"Bar\"" )
2017-07-23 09:51:42 +02:00
func TestSubset ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if ! Subset ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , nil ) {
t . Error ( "Subset should return true: given subset is nil" )
if ! Subset ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , [ ] int { } ) {
t . Error ( "Subset should return true: any set contains the nil set" )
if ! Subset ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , [ ] int { 1 , 2 } ) {
t . Error ( "Subset should return true: [1, 2, 3] contains [1, 2]" )
if ! Subset ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } ) {
t . Error ( "Subset should return true: [1, 2, 3] contains [1, 2, 3]" )
if ! Subset ( mockT , [ ] string { "hello" , "world" } , [ ] string { "hello" } ) {
t . Error ( "Subset should return true: [\"hello\", \"world\"] contains [\"hello\"]" )
if Subset ( mockT , [ ] string { "hello" , "world" } , [ ] string { "hello" , "testify" } ) {
t . Error ( "Subset should return false: [\"hello\", \"world\"] does not contain [\"hello\", \"testify\"]" )
if Subset ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , [ ] int { 4 , 5 } ) {
t . Error ( "Subset should return false: [1, 2, 3] does not contain [4, 5]" )
if Subset ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , [ ] int { 1 , 5 } ) {
t . Error ( "Subset should return false: [1, 2, 3] does not contain [1, 5]" )
func TestNotSubset ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if NotSubset ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , nil ) {
t . Error ( "NotSubset should return false: given subset is nil" )
if NotSubset ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , [ ] int { } ) {
t . Error ( "NotSubset should return false: any set contains the nil set" )
if NotSubset ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , [ ] int { 1 , 2 } ) {
t . Error ( "NotSubset should return false: [1, 2, 3] contains [1, 2]" )
if NotSubset ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } ) {
t . Error ( "NotSubset should return false: [1, 2, 3] contains [1, 2, 3]" )
if NotSubset ( mockT , [ ] string { "hello" , "world" } , [ ] string { "hello" } ) {
t . Error ( "NotSubset should return false: [\"hello\", \"world\"] contains [\"hello\"]" )
if ! NotSubset ( mockT , [ ] string { "hello" , "world" } , [ ] string { "hello" , "testify" } ) {
t . Error ( "NotSubset should return true: [\"hello\", \"world\"] does not contain [\"hello\", \"testify\"]" )
if ! NotSubset ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , [ ] int { 4 , 5 } ) {
t . Error ( "NotSubset should return true: [1, 2, 3] does not contain [4, 5]" )
if ! NotSubset ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , [ ] int { 1 , 5 } ) {
t . Error ( "NotSubset should return true: [1, 2, 3] does not contain [1, 5]" )
2018-01-16 14:20:59 +01:00
func TestNotSubsetNil ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
NotSubset ( mockT , [ ] string { "foo" } , nil )
if ! mockT . Failed ( ) {
t . Error ( "NotSubset on nil set should have failed the test" )
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
func Test_includeElement ( t * testing . T ) {
list1 := [ ] string { "Foo" , "Bar" }
list2 := [ ] int { 1 , 2 }
simpleMap := map [ interface { } ] interface { } { "Foo" : "Bar" }
ok , found := includeElement ( "Hello World" , "World" )
True ( t , ok )
True ( t , found )
ok , found = includeElement ( list1 , "Foo" )
True ( t , ok )
True ( t , found )
ok , found = includeElement ( list1 , "Bar" )
True ( t , ok )
True ( t , found )
ok , found = includeElement ( list2 , 1 )
True ( t , ok )
True ( t , found )
ok , found = includeElement ( list2 , 2 )
True ( t , ok )
True ( t , found )
ok , found = includeElement ( list1 , "Foo!" )
True ( t , ok )
False ( t , found )
ok , found = includeElement ( list2 , 3 )
True ( t , ok )
False ( t , found )
ok , found = includeElement ( list2 , "1" )
True ( t , ok )
False ( t , found )
ok , found = includeElement ( simpleMap , "Foo" )
True ( t , ok )
True ( t , found )
ok , found = includeElement ( simpleMap , "Bar" )
True ( t , ok )
False ( t , found )
ok , found = includeElement ( 1433 , "1" )
False ( t , ok )
False ( t , found )
2018-01-16 14:20:59 +01:00
func TestElementsMatch ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if ! ElementsMatch ( mockT , nil , nil ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return true" )
if ! ElementsMatch ( mockT , [ ] int { } , [ ] int { } ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return true" )
if ! ElementsMatch ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 } , [ ] int { 1 } ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return true" )
if ! ElementsMatch ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 1 } , [ ] int { 1 , 1 } ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return true" )
if ! ElementsMatch ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 } , [ ] int { 1 , 2 } ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return true" )
if ! ElementsMatch ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 } , [ ] int { 2 , 1 } ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return true" )
if ! ElementsMatch ( mockT , [ 2 ] int { 1 , 2 } , [ 2 ] int { 2 , 1 } ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return true" )
if ! ElementsMatch ( mockT , [ ] string { "hello" , "world" } , [ ] string { "world" , "hello" } ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return true" )
if ! ElementsMatch ( mockT , [ ] string { "hello" , "hello" } , [ ] string { "hello" , "hello" } ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return true" )
if ! ElementsMatch ( mockT , [ ] string { "hello" , "hello" , "world" } , [ ] string { "hello" , "world" , "hello" } ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return true" )
if ! ElementsMatch ( mockT , [ 3 ] string { "hello" , "hello" , "world" } , [ 3 ] string { "hello" , "world" , "hello" } ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return true" )
if ! ElementsMatch ( mockT , [ ] int { } , nil ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return true" )
if ElementsMatch ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 } , [ ] int { 1 , 1 } ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return false" )
if ElementsMatch ( mockT , [ ] int { 1 , 2 } , [ ] int { 2 , 2 } ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return false" )
if ElementsMatch ( mockT , [ ] string { "hello" , "hello" } , [ ] string { "hello" } ) {
t . Error ( "ElementsMatch should return false" )
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
func TestCondition ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if ! Condition ( mockT , func ( ) bool { return true } , "Truth" ) {
t . Error ( "Condition should return true" )
if Condition ( mockT , func ( ) bool { return false } , "Lie" ) {
t . Error ( "Condition should return false" )
func TestDidPanic ( t * testing . T ) {
if funcDidPanic , _ := didPanic ( func ( ) {
panic ( "Panic!" )
} ) ; ! funcDidPanic {
t . Error ( "didPanic should return true" )
if funcDidPanic , _ := didPanic ( func ( ) {
} ) ; funcDidPanic {
t . Error ( "didPanic should return false" )
func TestPanics ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if ! Panics ( mockT , func ( ) {
panic ( "Panic!" )
} ) {
t . Error ( "Panics should return true" )
if Panics ( mockT , func ( ) {
} ) {
t . Error ( "Panics should return false" )
2017-07-23 09:51:42 +02:00
func TestPanicsWithValue ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if ! PanicsWithValue ( mockT , "Panic!" , func ( ) {
panic ( "Panic!" )
} ) {
t . Error ( "PanicsWithValue should return true" )
if PanicsWithValue ( mockT , "Panic!" , func ( ) {
} ) {
t . Error ( "PanicsWithValue should return false" )
if PanicsWithValue ( mockT , "at the disco" , func ( ) {
panic ( "Panic!" )
} ) {
t . Error ( "PanicsWithValue should return false" )
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
func TestNotPanics ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
if ! NotPanics ( mockT , func ( ) {
} ) {
t . Error ( "NotPanics should return true" )
if NotPanics ( mockT , func ( ) {
panic ( "Panic!" )
} ) {
t . Error ( "NotPanics should return false" )
func TestNoError ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
// start with a nil error
var err error
True ( t , NoError ( mockT , err ) , "NoError should return True for nil arg" )
// now set an error
err = errors . New ( "some error" )
False ( t , NoError ( mockT , err ) , "NoError with error should return False" )
// returning an empty error interface
err = func ( ) error {
var err * customError
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( "err should be nil here" )
return err
} ( )
if err == nil { // err is not nil here!
2017-07-23 09:51:42 +02:00
t . Errorf ( "Error should be nil due to empty interface: %s" , err )
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
False ( t , NoError ( mockT , err ) , "NoError should fail with empty error interface" )
type customError struct { }
func ( * customError ) Error ( ) string { return "fail" }
func TestError ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
// start with a nil error
var err error
False ( t , Error ( mockT , err ) , "Error should return False for nil arg" )
// now set an error
err = errors . New ( "some error" )
True ( t , Error ( mockT , err ) , "Error with error should return True" )
2017-07-23 09:51:42 +02:00
// go vet check
True ( t , Errorf ( mockT , err , "example with %s" , "formatted message" ) , "Errorf with error should rturn True" )
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
// returning an empty error interface
err = func ( ) error {
var err * customError
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( "err should be nil here" )
return err
} ( )
if err == nil { // err is not nil here!
2017-07-23 09:51:42 +02:00
t . Errorf ( "Error should be nil due to empty interface: %s" , err )
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
True ( t , Error ( mockT , err ) , "Error should pass with empty error interface" )
func TestEqualError ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
// start with a nil error
var err error
False ( t , EqualError ( mockT , err , "" ) ,
"EqualError should return false for nil arg" )
// now set an error
err = errors . New ( "some error" )
False ( t , EqualError ( mockT , err , "Not some error" ) ,
"EqualError should return false for different error string" )
True ( t , EqualError ( mockT , err , "some error" ) ,
"EqualError should return true" )
func Test_isEmpty ( t * testing . T ) {
chWithValue := make ( chan struct { } , 1 )
chWithValue <- struct { } { }
True ( t , isEmpty ( "" ) )
True ( t , isEmpty ( nil ) )
True ( t , isEmpty ( [ ] string { } ) )
True ( t , isEmpty ( 0 ) )
True ( t , isEmpty ( int32 ( 0 ) ) )
True ( t , isEmpty ( int64 ( 0 ) ) )
True ( t , isEmpty ( false ) )
True ( t , isEmpty ( map [ string ] string { } ) )
True ( t , isEmpty ( new ( time . Time ) ) )
True ( t , isEmpty ( time . Time { } ) )
True ( t , isEmpty ( make ( chan struct { } ) ) )
False ( t , isEmpty ( "something" ) )
False ( t , isEmpty ( errors . New ( "something" ) ) )
False ( t , isEmpty ( [ ] string { "something" } ) )
False ( t , isEmpty ( 1 ) )
False ( t , isEmpty ( true ) )
False ( t , isEmpty ( map [ string ] string { "Hello" : "World" } ) )
False ( t , isEmpty ( chWithValue ) )
func TestEmpty ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
chWithValue := make ( chan struct { } , 1 )
chWithValue <- struct { } { }
var tiP * time . Time
var tiNP time . Time
var s * string
var f * os . File
2018-01-16 14:20:59 +01:00
sP := & s
x := 1
xP := & x
type TString string
type TStruct struct {
x int
s [ ] int
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
True ( t , Empty ( mockT , "" ) , "Empty string is empty" )
True ( t , Empty ( mockT , nil ) , "Nil is empty" )
True ( t , Empty ( mockT , [ ] string { } ) , "Empty string array is empty" )
True ( t , Empty ( mockT , 0 ) , "Zero int value is empty" )
True ( t , Empty ( mockT , false ) , "False value is empty" )
True ( t , Empty ( mockT , make ( chan struct { } ) ) , "Channel without values is empty" )
True ( t , Empty ( mockT , s ) , "Nil string pointer is empty" )
True ( t , Empty ( mockT , f ) , "Nil os.File pointer is empty" )
True ( t , Empty ( mockT , tiP ) , "Nil time.Time pointer is empty" )
True ( t , Empty ( mockT , tiNP ) , "time.Time is empty" )
2018-01-16 14:20:59 +01:00
True ( t , Empty ( mockT , TStruct { } ) , "struct with zero values is empty" )
True ( t , Empty ( mockT , TString ( "" ) ) , "empty aliased string is empty" )
True ( t , Empty ( mockT , sP ) , "ptr to nil value is empty" )
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
False ( t , Empty ( mockT , "something" ) , "Non Empty string is not empty" )
False ( t , Empty ( mockT , errors . New ( "something" ) ) , "Non nil object is not empty" )
False ( t , Empty ( mockT , [ ] string { "something" } ) , "Non empty string array is not empty" )
False ( t , Empty ( mockT , 1 ) , "Non-zero int value is not empty" )
False ( t , Empty ( mockT , true ) , "True value is not empty" )
False ( t , Empty ( mockT , chWithValue ) , "Channel with values is not empty" )
2018-01-16 14:20:59 +01:00
False ( t , Empty ( mockT , TStruct { x : 1 } ) , "struct with initialized values is empty" )
False ( t , Empty ( mockT , TString ( "abc" ) ) , "non-empty aliased string is empty" )
False ( t , Empty ( mockT , xP ) , "ptr to non-nil value is not empty" )
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
func TestNotEmpty ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
chWithValue := make ( chan struct { } , 1 )
chWithValue <- struct { } { }
False ( t , NotEmpty ( mockT , "" ) , "Empty string is empty" )
False ( t , NotEmpty ( mockT , nil ) , "Nil is empty" )
False ( t , NotEmpty ( mockT , [ ] string { } ) , "Empty string array is empty" )
False ( t , NotEmpty ( mockT , 0 ) , "Zero int value is empty" )
False ( t , NotEmpty ( mockT , false ) , "False value is empty" )
False ( t , NotEmpty ( mockT , make ( chan struct { } ) ) , "Channel without values is empty" )
True ( t , NotEmpty ( mockT , "something" ) , "Non Empty string is not empty" )
True ( t , NotEmpty ( mockT , errors . New ( "something" ) ) , "Non nil object is not empty" )
True ( t , NotEmpty ( mockT , [ ] string { "something" } ) , "Non empty string array is not empty" )
True ( t , NotEmpty ( mockT , 1 ) , "Non-zero int value is not empty" )
True ( t , NotEmpty ( mockT , true ) , "True value is not empty" )
True ( t , NotEmpty ( mockT , chWithValue ) , "Channel with values is not empty" )
func Test_getLen ( t * testing . T ) {
falseCases := [ ] interface { } {
nil ,
0 ,
true ,
false ,
'A' ,
struct { } { } ,
for _ , v := range falseCases {
ok , l := getLen ( v )
False ( t , ok , "Expected getLen fail to get length of %#v" , v )
Equal ( t , 0 , l , "getLen should return 0 for %#v" , v )
ch := make ( chan int , 5 )
ch <- 1
ch <- 2
ch <- 3
trueCases := [ ] struct {
v interface { }
l int
} {
{ [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , 3 } ,
{ [ ... ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , 3 } ,
{ "ABC" , 3 } ,
{ map [ int ] int { 1 : 2 , 2 : 4 , 3 : 6 } , 3 } ,
{ ch , 3 } ,
{ [ ] int { } , 0 } ,
{ map [ int ] int { } , 0 } ,
{ make ( chan int ) , 0 } ,
{ [ ] int ( nil ) , 0 } ,
{ map [ int ] int ( nil ) , 0 } ,
{ ( chan int ) ( nil ) , 0 } ,
for _ , c := range trueCases {
ok , l := getLen ( c . v )
True ( t , ok , "Expected getLen success to get length of %#v" , c . v )
Equal ( t , c . l , l )
func TestLen ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
False ( t , Len ( mockT , nil , 0 ) , "nil does not have length" )
False ( t , Len ( mockT , 0 , 0 ) , "int does not have length" )
False ( t , Len ( mockT , true , 0 ) , "true does not have length" )
False ( t , Len ( mockT , false , 0 ) , "false does not have length" )
False ( t , Len ( mockT , 'A' , 0 ) , "Rune does not have length" )
False ( t , Len ( mockT , struct { } { } , 0 ) , "Struct does not have length" )
ch := make ( chan int , 5 )
ch <- 1
ch <- 2
ch <- 3
cases := [ ] struct {
v interface { }
l int
} {
{ [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , 3 } ,
{ [ ... ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , 3 } ,
{ "ABC" , 3 } ,
{ map [ int ] int { 1 : 2 , 2 : 4 , 3 : 6 } , 3 } ,
{ ch , 3 } ,
{ [ ] int { } , 0 } ,
{ map [ int ] int { } , 0 } ,
{ make ( chan int ) , 0 } ,
{ [ ] int ( nil ) , 0 } ,
{ map [ int ] int ( nil ) , 0 } ,
{ ( chan int ) ( nil ) , 0 } ,
for _ , c := range cases {
True ( t , Len ( mockT , c . v , c . l ) , "%#v have %d items" , c . v , c . l )
cases = [ ] struct {
v interface { }
l int
} {
{ [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , 4 } ,
{ [ ... ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , 2 } ,
{ "ABC" , 2 } ,
{ map [ int ] int { 1 : 2 , 2 : 4 , 3 : 6 } , 4 } ,
{ ch , 2 } ,
{ [ ] int { } , 1 } ,
{ map [ int ] int { } , 1 } ,
{ make ( chan int ) , 1 } ,
{ [ ] int ( nil ) , 1 } ,
{ map [ int ] int ( nil ) , 1 } ,
{ ( chan int ) ( nil ) , 1 } ,
for _ , c := range cases {
False ( t , Len ( mockT , c . v , c . l ) , "%#v have %d items" , c . v , c . l )
func TestWithinDuration ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
a := time . Now ( )
b := a . Add ( 10 * time . Second )
True ( t , WithinDuration ( mockT , a , b , 10 * time . Second ) , "A 10s difference is within a 10s time difference" )
True ( t , WithinDuration ( mockT , b , a , 10 * time . Second ) , "A 10s difference is within a 10s time difference" )
False ( t , WithinDuration ( mockT , a , b , 9 * time . Second ) , "A 10s difference is not within a 9s time difference" )
False ( t , WithinDuration ( mockT , b , a , 9 * time . Second ) , "A 10s difference is not within a 9s time difference" )
False ( t , WithinDuration ( mockT , a , b , - 9 * time . Second ) , "A 10s difference is not within a 9s time difference" )
False ( t , WithinDuration ( mockT , b , a , - 9 * time . Second ) , "A 10s difference is not within a 9s time difference" )
False ( t , WithinDuration ( mockT , a , b , - 11 * time . Second ) , "A 10s difference is not within a 9s time difference" )
False ( t , WithinDuration ( mockT , b , a , - 11 * time . Second ) , "A 10s difference is not within a 9s time difference" )
func TestInDelta ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
True ( t , InDelta ( mockT , 1.001 , 1 , 0.01 ) , "|1.001 - 1| <= 0.01" )
True ( t , InDelta ( mockT , 1 , 1.001 , 0.01 ) , "|1 - 1.001| <= 0.01" )
True ( t , InDelta ( mockT , 1 , 2 , 1 ) , "|1 - 2| <= 1" )
False ( t , InDelta ( mockT , 1 , 2 , 0.5 ) , "Expected |1 - 2| <= 0.5 to fail" )
False ( t , InDelta ( mockT , 2 , 1 , 0.5 ) , "Expected |2 - 1| <= 0.5 to fail" )
False ( t , InDelta ( mockT , "" , nil , 1 ) , "Expected non numerals to fail" )
False ( t , InDelta ( mockT , 42 , math . NaN ( ) , 0.01 ) , "Expected NaN for actual to fail" )
False ( t , InDelta ( mockT , math . NaN ( ) , 42 , 0.01 ) , "Expected NaN for expected to fail" )
cases := [ ] struct {
a , b interface { }
delta float64
} {
{ uint8 ( 2 ) , uint8 ( 1 ) , 1 } ,
{ uint16 ( 2 ) , uint16 ( 1 ) , 1 } ,
{ uint32 ( 2 ) , uint32 ( 1 ) , 1 } ,
{ uint64 ( 2 ) , uint64 ( 1 ) , 1 } ,
{ int ( 2 ) , int ( 1 ) , 1 } ,
{ int8 ( 2 ) , int8 ( 1 ) , 1 } ,
{ int16 ( 2 ) , int16 ( 1 ) , 1 } ,
{ int32 ( 2 ) , int32 ( 1 ) , 1 } ,
{ int64 ( 2 ) , int64 ( 1 ) , 1 } ,
{ float32 ( 2 ) , float32 ( 1 ) , 1 } ,
{ float64 ( 2 ) , float64 ( 1 ) , 1 } ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
True ( t , InDelta ( mockT , tc . a , tc . b , tc . delta ) , "Expected |%V - %V| <= %v" , tc . a , tc . b , tc . delta )
func TestInDeltaSlice ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
True ( t , InDeltaSlice ( mockT ,
[ ] float64 { 1.001 , 0.999 } ,
[ ] float64 { 1 , 1 } ,
0.1 ) , "{1.001, 0.009} is element-wise close to {1, 1} in delta=0.1" )
True ( t , InDeltaSlice ( mockT ,
[ ] float64 { 1 , 2 } ,
[ ] float64 { 0 , 3 } ,
1 ) , "{1, 2} is element-wise close to {0, 3} in delta=1" )
False ( t , InDeltaSlice ( mockT ,
[ ] float64 { 1 , 2 } ,
[ ] float64 { 0 , 3 } ,
0.1 ) , "{1, 2} is not element-wise close to {0, 3} in delta=0.1" )
False ( t , InDeltaSlice ( mockT , "" , nil , 1 ) , "Expected non numeral slices to fail" )
2018-01-16 14:20:59 +01:00
func TestInDeltaMapValues ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
for _ , tc := range [ ] struct {
title string
expect interface { }
actual interface { }
f func ( TestingT , bool , ... interface { } ) bool
delta float64
} {
title : "Within delta" ,
expect : map [ string ] float64 {
"foo" : 1.0 ,
"bar" : 2.0 ,
} ,
actual : map [ string ] float64 {
"foo" : 1.01 ,
"bar" : 1.99 ,
} ,
delta : 0.1 ,
f : True ,
} ,
title : "Within delta" ,
expect : map [ int ] float64 {
1 : 1.0 ,
2 : 2.0 ,
} ,
actual : map [ int ] float64 {
1 : 1.0 ,
2 : 1.99 ,
} ,
delta : 0.1 ,
f : True ,
} ,
title : "Different number of keys" ,
expect : map [ int ] float64 {
1 : 1.0 ,
2 : 2.0 ,
} ,
actual : map [ int ] float64 {
1 : 1.0 ,
} ,
delta : 0.1 ,
f : False ,
} ,
title : "Within delta with zero value" ,
expect : map [ string ] float64 {
"zero" : 0.0 ,
} ,
actual : map [ string ] float64 {
"zero" : 0.0 ,
} ,
delta : 0.1 ,
f : True ,
} ,
title : "With missing key with zero value" ,
expect : map [ string ] float64 {
"zero" : 0.0 ,
"foo" : 0.0 ,
} ,
actual : map [ string ] float64 {
"zero" : 0.0 ,
"bar" : 0.0 ,
} ,
f : False ,
} ,
} {
tc . f ( t , InDeltaMapValues ( mockT , tc . expect , tc . actual , tc . delta ) , tc . title + "\n" + diff ( tc . expect , tc . actual ) )
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
func TestInEpsilon ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
cases := [ ] struct {
a , b interface { }
epsilon float64
} {
{ uint8 ( 2 ) , uint16 ( 2 ) , .001 } ,
{ 2.1 , 2.2 , 0.1 } ,
{ 2.2 , 2.1 , 0.1 } ,
{ - 2.1 , - 2.2 , 0.1 } ,
{ - 2.2 , - 2.1 , 0.1 } ,
{ uint64 ( 100 ) , uint8 ( 101 ) , 0.01 } ,
{ 0.1 , - 0.1 , 2 } ,
{ 0.1 , 0 , 2 } ,
2017-07-23 09:51:42 +02:00
{ time . Second , time . Second + time . Millisecond , 0.002 } ,
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
for _ , tc := range cases {
True ( t , InEpsilon ( t , tc . a , tc . b , tc . epsilon , "Expected %V and %V to have a relative difference of %v" , tc . a , tc . b , tc . epsilon ) , "test: %q" , tc )
cases = [ ] struct {
a , b interface { }
epsilon float64
} {
{ uint8 ( 2 ) , int16 ( - 2 ) , .001 } ,
{ uint64 ( 100 ) , uint8 ( 102 ) , 0.01 } ,
{ 2.1 , 2.2 , 0.001 } ,
{ 2.2 , 2.1 , 0.001 } ,
{ 2.1 , - 2.2 , 1 } ,
{ 2.1 , "bla-bla" , 0 } ,
{ 0.1 , - 0.1 , 1.99 } ,
{ 0 , 0.1 , 2 } , // expected must be different to zero
2017-07-23 09:51:42 +02:00
{ time . Second , time . Second + 10 * time . Millisecond , 0.002 } ,
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
for _ , tc := range cases {
False ( t , InEpsilon ( mockT , tc . a , tc . b , tc . epsilon , "Expected %V and %V to have a relative difference of %v" , tc . a , tc . b , tc . epsilon ) )
func TestInEpsilonSlice ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
True ( t , InEpsilonSlice ( mockT ,
[ ] float64 { 2.2 , 2.0 } ,
[ ] float64 { 2.1 , 2.1 } ,
0.06 ) , "{2.2, 2.0} is element-wise close to {2.1, 2.1} in espilon=0.06" )
False ( t , InEpsilonSlice ( mockT ,
[ ] float64 { 2.2 , 2.0 } ,
[ ] float64 { 2.1 , 2.1 } ,
0.04 ) , "{2.2, 2.0} is not element-wise close to {2.1, 2.1} in espilon=0.04" )
False ( t , InEpsilonSlice ( mockT , "" , nil , 1 ) , "Expected non numeral slices to fail" )
func TestRegexp ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
cases := [ ] struct {
rx , str string
} {
{ "^start" , "start of the line" } ,
{ "end$" , "in the end" } ,
{ "[0-9]{3}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}" , "My phone number is 650.12.34" } ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
True ( t , Regexp ( mockT , tc . rx , tc . str ) )
True ( t , Regexp ( mockT , regexp . MustCompile ( tc . rx ) , tc . str ) )
False ( t , NotRegexp ( mockT , tc . rx , tc . str ) )
False ( t , NotRegexp ( mockT , regexp . MustCompile ( tc . rx ) , tc . str ) )
cases = [ ] struct {
rx , str string
} {
{ "^asdfastart" , "Not the start of the line" } ,
{ "end$" , "in the end." } ,
{ "[0-9]{3}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}" , "My phone number is 650.12a.34" } ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
False ( t , Regexp ( mockT , tc . rx , tc . str ) , "Expected \"%s\" to not match \"%s\"" , tc . rx , tc . str )
False ( t , Regexp ( mockT , regexp . MustCompile ( tc . rx ) , tc . str ) )
True ( t , NotRegexp ( mockT , tc . rx , tc . str ) )
True ( t , NotRegexp ( mockT , regexp . MustCompile ( tc . rx ) , tc . str ) )
func testAutogeneratedFunction ( ) {
defer func ( ) {
if err := recover ( ) ; err == nil {
panic ( "did not panic" )
CallerInfo ( )
} ( )
t := struct {
io . Closer
} { }
var c io . Closer
c = t
c . Close ( )
func TestCallerInfoWithAutogeneratedFunctions ( t * testing . T ) {
NotPanics ( t , func ( ) {
testAutogeneratedFunction ( )
} )
func TestZero ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
for _ , test := range zeros {
True ( t , Zero ( mockT , test , "%#v is not the %v zero value" , test , reflect . TypeOf ( test ) ) )
for _ , test := range nonZeros {
False ( t , Zero ( mockT , test , "%#v is not the %v zero value" , test , reflect . TypeOf ( test ) ) )
func TestNotZero ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
for _ , test := range zeros {
False ( t , NotZero ( mockT , test , "%#v is not the %v zero value" , test , reflect . TypeOf ( test ) ) )
for _ , test := range nonZeros {
True ( t , NotZero ( mockT , test , "%#v is not the %v zero value" , test , reflect . TypeOf ( test ) ) )
2018-01-16 14:20:59 +01:00
func TestFileExists ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
True ( t , FileExists ( mockT , "assertions.go" ) )
mockT = new ( testing . T )
False ( t , FileExists ( mockT , "random_file" ) )
mockT = new ( testing . T )
False ( t , FileExists ( mockT , "../_codegen" ) )
func TestDirExists ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
False ( t , DirExists ( mockT , "assertions.go" ) )
mockT = new ( testing . T )
False ( t , DirExists ( mockT , "random_dir" ) )
mockT = new ( testing . T )
True ( t , DirExists ( mockT , "../_codegen" ) )
2017-05-11 16:39:54 +02:00
func TestJSONEq_EqualSONString ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
True ( t , JSONEq ( mockT , ` { "hello": "world", "foo": "bar"} ` , ` { "hello": "world", "foo": "bar"} ` ) )
func TestJSONEq_EquivalentButNotEqual ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
True ( t , JSONEq ( mockT , ` { "hello": "world", "foo": "bar"} ` , ` { "foo": "bar", "hello": "world"} ` ) )
func TestJSONEq_HashOfArraysAndHashes ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
True ( t , JSONEq ( mockT , "{\r\n\t\"numeric\": 1.5,\r\n\t\"array\": [{\"foo\": \"bar\"}, 1, \"string\", [\"nested\", \"array\", 5.5]],\r\n\t\"hash\": {\"nested\": \"hash\", \"nested_slice\": [\"this\", \"is\", \"nested\"]},\r\n\t\"string\": \"foo\"\r\n}" ,
"{\r\n\t\"numeric\": 1.5,\r\n\t\"hash\": {\"nested\": \"hash\", \"nested_slice\": [\"this\", \"is\", \"nested\"]},\r\n\t\"string\": \"foo\",\r\n\t\"array\": [{\"foo\": \"bar\"}, 1, \"string\", [\"nested\", \"array\", 5.5]]\r\n}" ) )
func TestJSONEq_Array ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
True ( t , JSONEq ( mockT , ` ["foo", { "hello": "world", "nested": "hash"}] ` , ` ["foo", { "nested": "hash", "hello": "world"}] ` ) )
func TestJSONEq_HashAndArrayNotEquivalent ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
False ( t , JSONEq ( mockT , ` ["foo", { "hello": "world", "nested": "hash"}] ` , ` { "foo": "bar", { "nested": "hash", "hello": "world"}} ` ) )
func TestJSONEq_HashesNotEquivalent ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
False ( t , JSONEq ( mockT , ` { "foo": "bar"} ` , ` { "foo": "bar", "hello": "world"} ` ) )
func TestJSONEq_ActualIsNotJSON ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
False ( t , JSONEq ( mockT , ` { "foo": "bar"} ` , "Not JSON" ) )
func TestJSONEq_ExpectedIsNotJSON ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
False ( t , JSONEq ( mockT , "Not JSON" , ` { "foo": "bar", "hello": "world"} ` ) )
func TestJSONEq_ExpectedAndActualNotJSON ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
False ( t , JSONEq ( mockT , "Not JSON" , "Not JSON" ) )
func TestJSONEq_ArraysOfDifferentOrder ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := new ( testing . T )
False ( t , JSONEq ( mockT , ` ["foo", { "hello": "world", "nested": "hash"}] ` , ` [ { "hello": "world", "nested": "hash"}, "foo"] ` ) )
func TestDiff ( t * testing . T ) {
expected := `
Diff :
-- - Expected
++ + Actual
@ @ - 1 , 3 + 1 , 3 @ @
( struct { foo string } ) {
- foo : ( string ) ( len = 5 ) "hello"
+ foo : ( string ) ( len = 3 ) "bar"
actual := diff (
struct { foo string } { "hello" } ,
struct { foo string } { "bar" } ,
Equal ( t , expected , actual )
expected = `
Diff :
-- - Expected
++ + Actual
@ @ - 2 , 5 + 2 , 5 @ @
( int ) 1 ,
- ( int ) 2 ,
( int ) 3 ,
- ( int ) 4
+ ( int ) 5 ,
+ ( int ) 7
actual = diff (
[ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } ,
[ ] int { 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 } ,
Equal ( t , expected , actual )
expected = `
Diff :
-- - Expected
++ + Actual
@ @ - 2 , 4 + 2 , 4 @ @
( int ) 1 ,
- ( int ) 2 ,
- ( int ) 3
+ ( int ) 3 ,
+ ( int ) 5
actual = diff (
[ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } [ 0 : 3 ] ,
[ ] int { 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 } [ 0 : 3 ] ,
Equal ( t , expected , actual )
expected = `
Diff :
-- - Expected
++ + Actual
@ @ - 1 , 6 + 1 , 6 @ @
( map [ string ] int ) ( len = 4 ) {
- ( string ) ( len = 4 ) "four" : ( int ) 4 ,
+ ( string ) ( len = 4 ) "five" : ( int ) 5 ,
( string ) ( len = 3 ) "one" : ( int ) 1 ,
- ( string ) ( len = 5 ) "three" : ( int ) 3 ,
- ( string ) ( len = 3 ) "two" : ( int ) 2
+ ( string ) ( len = 5 ) "seven" : ( int ) 7 ,
+ ( string ) ( len = 5 ) "three" : ( int ) 3
actual = diff (
map [ string ] int { "one" : 1 , "two" : 2 , "three" : 3 , "four" : 4 } ,
map [ string ] int { "one" : 1 , "three" : 3 , "five" : 5 , "seven" : 7 } ,
Equal ( t , expected , actual )
func TestDiffEmptyCases ( t * testing . T ) {
Equal ( t , "" , diff ( nil , nil ) )
Equal ( t , "" , diff ( struct { foo string } { } , nil ) )
Equal ( t , "" , diff ( nil , struct { foo string } { } ) )
Equal ( t , "" , diff ( 1 , 2 ) )
Equal ( t , "" , diff ( 1 , 2 ) )
Equal ( t , "" , diff ( [ ] int { 1 } , [ ] bool { true } ) )
// Ensure there are no data races
func TestDiffRace ( t * testing . T ) {
t . Parallel ( )
expected := map [ string ] string {
"a" : "A" ,
"b" : "B" ,
"c" : "C" ,
actual := map [ string ] string {
"d" : "D" ,
"e" : "E" ,
"f" : "F" ,
// run diffs in parallel simulating tests with t.Parallel()
numRoutines := 10
rChans := make ( [ ] chan string , numRoutines )
for idx := range rChans {
rChans [ idx ] = make ( chan string )
go func ( ch chan string ) {
defer close ( ch )
ch <- diff ( expected , actual )
} ( rChans [ idx ] )
for _ , ch := range rChans {
for msg := range ch {
NotZero ( t , msg ) // dummy assert
type mockTestingT struct {
func ( m * mockTestingT ) Errorf ( format string , args ... interface { } ) { }
func TestFailNowWithPlainTestingT ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := & mockTestingT { }
Panics ( t , func ( ) {
FailNow ( mockT , "failed" )
} , "should panic since mockT is missing FailNow()" )
type mockFailNowTestingT struct {
func ( m * mockFailNowTestingT ) Errorf ( format string , args ... interface { } ) { }
func ( m * mockFailNowTestingT ) FailNow ( ) { }
func TestFailNowWithFullTestingT ( t * testing . T ) {
mockT := & mockFailNowTestingT { }
NotPanics ( t , func ( ) {
FailNow ( mockT , "failed" )
} , "should call mockT.FailNow() rather than panicking" )
2017-07-23 09:51:42 +02:00
func TestBytesEqual ( t * testing . T ) {
var cases = [ ] struct {
a , b [ ] byte
} {
{ make ( [ ] byte , 2 ) , make ( [ ] byte , 2 ) } ,
{ make ( [ ] byte , 2 ) , make ( [ ] byte , 2 , 3 ) } ,
{ nil , make ( [ ] byte , 0 ) } ,
for i , c := range cases {
Equal ( t , reflect . DeepEqual ( c . a , c . b ) , ObjectsAreEqual ( c . a , c . b ) , "case %d failed" , i + 1 )
func BenchmarkBytesEqual ( b * testing . B ) {
const size = 1024 * 8
s := make ( [ ] byte , size )
for i := range s {
s [ i ] = byte ( i % 255 )
s2 := make ( [ ] byte , size )
copy ( s2 , s )
mockT := & mockFailNowTestingT { }
b . ResetTimer ( )
for i := 0 ; i < b . N ; i ++ {
Equal ( mockT , s , s2 )
func TestEqualArgsValidation ( t * testing . T ) {
err := validateEqualArgs ( time . Now , time . Now )
EqualError ( t , err , "cannot take func type as argument" )
2018-06-17 18:59:12 +02:00
func ExampleComparisonAssertionFunc ( ) {
t := & testing . T { } // provided by test
adder := func ( x , y int ) int {
return x + y
type args struct {
x int
y int
tests := [ ] struct {
name string
args args
expect int
assertion ComparisonAssertionFunc
} {
{ "2+2=4" , args { 2 , 2 } , 4 , Equal } ,
{ "2+2!=5" , args { 2 , 2 } , 5 , NotEqual } ,
{ "2+3==5" , args { 2 , 3 } , 5 , Exactly } ,
for _ , tt := range tests {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
tt . assertion ( t , tt . expect , adder ( tt . args . x , tt . args . y ) )
} )
func TestComparisonAssertionFunc ( t * testing . T ) {
type iface interface {
Name ( ) string
tests := [ ] struct {
name string
expect interface { }
got interface { }
assertion ComparisonAssertionFunc
} {
{ "implements" , ( * iface ) ( nil ) , t , Implements } ,
{ "isType" , ( * testing . T ) ( nil ) , t , IsType } ,
{ "equal" , t , t , Equal } ,
{ "equalValues" , t , t , EqualValues } ,
{ "exactly" , t , t , Exactly } ,
{ "notEqual" , t , nil , NotEqual } ,
{ "notContains" , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 } , 4 , NotContains } ,
{ "subset" , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } , [ ] int { 2 , 3 } , Subset } ,
{ "notSubset" , [ ] int { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } , [ ] int { 0 , 3 } , NotSubset } ,
{ "elementsMatch" , [ ] byte ( "abc" ) , [ ] byte ( "bac" ) , ElementsMatch } ,
{ "regexp" , "^t.*y$" , "testify" , Regexp } ,
{ "notRegexp" , "^t.*y$" , "Testify" , NotRegexp } ,
for _ , tt := range tests {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
tt . assertion ( t , tt . expect , tt . got )
} )
func ExampleValueAssertionFunc ( ) {
t := & testing . T { } // provided by test
dumbParse := func ( input string ) interface { } {
var x interface { }
json . Unmarshal ( [ ] byte ( input ) , & x )
return x
tests := [ ] struct {
name string
arg string
assertion ValueAssertionFunc
} {
{ "true is not nil" , "true" , NotNil } ,
{ "empty string is nil" , "" , Nil } ,
{ "zero is not nil" , "0" , NotNil } ,
{ "zero is zero" , "0" , Zero } ,
{ "false is zero" , "false" , Zero } ,
for _ , tt := range tests {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
tt . assertion ( t , dumbParse ( tt . arg ) )
} )
func TestValueAssertionFunc ( t * testing . T ) {
tests := [ ] struct {
name string
value interface { }
assertion ValueAssertionFunc
} {
{ "notNil" , true , NotNil } ,
{ "nil" , nil , Nil } ,
{ "empty" , [ ] int { } , Empty } ,
{ "notEmpty" , [ ] int { 1 } , NotEmpty } ,
{ "zero" , false , Zero } ,
{ "notZero" , 42 , NotZero } ,
for _ , tt := range tests {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
tt . assertion ( t , tt . value )
} )
func ExampleBoolAssertionFunc ( ) {
t := & testing . T { } // provided by test
isOkay := func ( x int ) bool {
return x >= 42
tests := [ ] struct {
name string
arg int
assertion BoolAssertionFunc
} {
{ "-1 is bad" , - 1 , False } ,
{ "42 is good" , 42 , True } ,
{ "41 is bad" , 41 , False } ,
{ "45 is cool" , 45 , True } ,
for _ , tt := range tests {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
tt . assertion ( t , isOkay ( tt . arg ) )
} )
func TestBoolAssertionFunc ( t * testing . T ) {
tests := [ ] struct {
name string
value bool
assertion BoolAssertionFunc
} {
{ "true" , true , True } ,
{ "false" , false , False } ,
for _ , tt := range tests {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
tt . assertion ( t , tt . value )
} )
func ExampleErrorAssertionFunc ( ) {
t := & testing . T { } // provided by test
dumbParseNum := func ( input string , v interface { } ) error {
return json . Unmarshal ( [ ] byte ( input ) , v )
tests := [ ] struct {
name string
arg string
assertion ErrorAssertionFunc
} {
{ "1.2 is number" , "1.2" , NoError } ,
{ "1.2.3 not number" , "1.2.3" , Error } ,
{ "true is not number" , "true" , Error } ,
{ "3 is number" , "3" , NoError } ,
for _ , tt := range tests {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
var x float64
tt . assertion ( t , dumbParseNum ( tt . arg , & x ) )
} )
func TestErrorAssertionFunc ( t * testing . T ) {
tests := [ ] struct {
name string
err error
assertion ErrorAssertionFunc
} {
{ "noError" , nil , NoError } ,
{ "error" , errors . New ( "whoops" ) , Error } ,
for _ , tt := range tests {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
tt . assertion ( t , tt . err )
} )