This commit modernizes Go usage. This was done with:
go run -fix -test ./...
Then files needed to be `go fmt`ed and a few comments needed to be
The modernizations include replacing
- if/else conditional assignment by a call to the built-in min or max functions added in go1.21
- sort.Slice(x, func(i, j int) bool) { return s[i] < s[j] } by a call to slices.Sort(s), added in go1.21
- interface{} by the 'any' type added in go1.18
- append([]T(nil), s...) by slices.Clone(s) or slices.Concat(s), added in go1.21
- loop around an m[k]=v map update by a call to one of the Collect, Copy, Clone, or Insert functions from the maps package, added in go1.21
- []byte(fmt.Sprintf...) by fmt.Appendf(nil, ...), added in go1.19
- append(s[:i], s[i+1]...) by slices.Delete(s, i, i+1), added in go1.21
- a 3-clause for i := 0; i < n; i++ {} loop by for i := range n {}, added in go1.22
1. The maximum number of objects on a page should be no more than
1000. Currently it is 1024, for this reason the listing always ends on
the first page with the error “object not found”, rclone tries to
upload the file again, Linkbox stores it with the name “filename(N)”,
and so the storage fills up indefinitely.
2. A hyphen is added to the list of allowed characters, that makes
queries more optimized (no need to load all files in a directory for
an entity with a hyphen).
The LinkBox API does not allow searching by more than 25 Unicode
characters in the name, for this reason it is currently impossible to
work with files and folders named longer than 8 Unicode chars (if
encoded in base32).
This fix queries all files in a directory for long names and checks
their names one by one, thus solving the issue.
- convert to directoryCache - makes backend much more efficient
- don't force --low-level-retries to 2
- don't wrap paced calls in pacer
- fix shouldRetry
- fix file list searching mechanism