package cache

import bolt ""

// PurgeTempUploads will remove all the pending uploads from the queue
func (b *Persistent) PurgeTempUploads() {
	defer b.tempQueueMux.Unlock()

	_ = b.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
		_ = tx.DeleteBucket([]byte(tempBucket))
		_, _ = tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(tempBucket))
		return nil

// SetPendingUploadToStarted is a way to mark an entry as started (even if it's not already)
func (b *Persistent) SetPendingUploadToStarted(remote string) error {
	return b.updatePendingUpload(remote, func(item *tempUploadInfo) error {
		item.Started = true
		return nil