// Package scan does concurrent scanning of an Fs building up a directory tree.
package scan

import (


// Dir represents a directory found in the remote
type Dir struct {
	parent            *Dir
	path              string
	mu                sync.Mutex
	size              int64
	count             int64
	countUnknownSize  int64
	entries           fs.DirEntries
	dirs              map[string]*Dir
	readError         error
	entriesHaveErrors bool

// Attrs contains accumulated properties for a directory entry
// Files with unknown size are counted separately but also included
// in the total count. They are not included in the size, i.e. treated
// as empty files, which means the size may be underestimated.
type Attrs struct {
	ModTime           time.Time
	Size              int64
	Count             int64
	CountUnknownSize  int64
	IsDir             bool
	Readable          bool
	EntriesHaveErrors bool

// AverageSize calculates average size of files in directory
// If there are files with unknown size, this returns the average over
// files with known sizes, which means it may be under- or
// overestimated.
func (a *Attrs) AverageSize() float64 {
	countKnownSize := a.Count - a.CountUnknownSize
	if countKnownSize > 0 {
		return float64(a.Size) / float64(countKnownSize)
	return 0

// Parent returns the directory above this one
func (d *Dir) Parent() *Dir {
	// no locking needed since these are write once in newDir()
	return d.parent

// Path returns the position of the dir in the filesystem
func (d *Dir) Path() string {
	// no locking needed since these are write once in newDir()
	return d.path

// make a new directory
func newDir(parent *Dir, dirPath string, entries fs.DirEntries, err error) *Dir {
	d := &Dir{
		parent:    parent,
		path:      dirPath,
		entries:   entries,
		dirs:      make(map[string]*Dir),
		readError: err,
	// Count size in this dir
	for _, entry := range entries {
		if o, ok := entry.(fs.Object); ok {
			size := o.Size()
			if size < 0 {
				// Some backends may return -1 because size of object is not known
			} else {
				d.size += size
	// Set my directory entry in parent
	if parent != nil {
		leaf := path.Base(dirPath)
		d.parent.dirs[leaf] = d
	// Accumulate counts in parents
	for ; parent != nil; parent = parent.parent {
		parent.size += d.size
		parent.count += d.count
		parent.countUnknownSize += d.countUnknownSize
		if d.readError != nil {
			parent.entriesHaveErrors = true
	return d

// Entries returns a copy of the entries in the directory
func (d *Dir) Entries() fs.DirEntries {
	return append(fs.DirEntries(nil), d.entries...)

// Remove removes the i-th entry from the
// in-memory representation of the remote directory
func (d *Dir) Remove(i int) {
	defer d.mu.Unlock()

// removes the i-th entry from the
// in-memory representation of the remote directory
// Call with d.mu held
func (d *Dir) remove(i int) {
	size := d.entries[i].Size()
	countUnknownSize := int64(0)
	if size < 0 {
		size = 0
		countUnknownSize = 1
	count := int64(1)

	subDir, ok := d.getDir(i)
	if ok {
		size = subDir.size
		count = subDir.count
		countUnknownSize = subDir.countUnknownSize
		delete(d.dirs, path.Base(subDir.path))

	d.size -= size
	d.count -= count
	d.countUnknownSize -= countUnknownSize
	d.entries = append(d.entries[:i], d.entries[i+1:]...)

	dir := d
	// populate changed size and count to parent(s)
	for parent := d.parent; parent != nil; parent = parent.parent {
		parent.dirs[path.Base(dir.path)] = dir
		parent.size -= size
		parent.count -= count
		parent.countUnknownSize -= countUnknownSize
		dir = parent

// gets the directory of the i-th entry
// returns nil if it is a file
// returns a flag as to whether is directory or not
// Call with d.mu held
func (d *Dir) getDir(i int) (subDir *Dir, isDir bool) {
	obj := d.entries[i]
	dir, ok := obj.(fs.Directory)
	if !ok {
		return nil, false
	leaf := path.Base(dir.Remote())
	subDir = d.dirs[leaf]
	return subDir, true

// GetDir returns the Dir of the i-th entry
// returns nil if it is a file
// returns a flag as to whether is directory or not
func (d *Dir) GetDir(i int) (subDir *Dir, isDir bool) {
	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	return d.getDir(i)

// Attr returns the size and count for the directory
func (d *Dir) Attr() (size int64, count int64) {
	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	return d.size, d.count

// attrI returns the size, count and flags for the i-th directory entry
func (d *Dir) attrI(i int) (attrs Attrs, err error) {
	subDir, isDir := d.getDir(i)
	if !isDir {
		return Attrs{time.Time{}, d.entries[i].Size(), 0, 0, false, true, d.entriesHaveErrors}, d.readError
	if subDir == nil {
		return Attrs{time.Time{}, 0, 0, 0, true, false, false}, nil
	size, count := subDir.Attr()
	return Attrs{time.Time{}, size, count, subDir.countUnknownSize, true, true, subDir.entriesHaveErrors}, subDir.readError

// AttrI returns the size, count and flags for the i-th directory entry
func (d *Dir) AttrI(i int) (attrs Attrs, err error) {
	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	return d.attrI(i)

// AttrWithModTimeI returns the modtime, size, count and flags for the i-th directory entry
func (d *Dir) AttrWithModTimeI(ctx context.Context, i int) (attrs Attrs, err error) {
	defer d.mu.Unlock()
	attrs, err = d.attrI(i)
	attrs.ModTime = d.entries[i].ModTime(ctx)

// Scan the Fs passed in, returning a root directory channel and an
// error channel
func Scan(ctx context.Context, f fs.Fs) (chan *Dir, chan error, chan struct{}) {
	ci := fs.GetConfig(ctx)
	root := make(chan *Dir, 1)
	errChan := make(chan error, 1)
	updated := make(chan struct{}, 1)
	go func() {
		parents := map[string]*Dir{}
		err := walk.Walk(ctx, f, "", false, ci.MaxDepth, func(dirPath string, entries fs.DirEntries, err error) error {
			var parent *Dir
			if dirPath != "" {
				parentPath := path.Dir(dirPath)
				if parentPath == "." {
					parentPath = ""
				var ok bool
				parent, ok = parents[parentPath]
				if !ok {
					errChan <- fmt.Errorf("couldn't find parent for %q", dirPath)
			d := newDir(parent, dirPath, entries, err)
			parents[dirPath] = d
			if dirPath == "" {
				root <- d
			// Mark updated
			select {
			case updated <- struct{}{}:
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			errChan <- fmt.Errorf("ncdu listing failed: %w", err)
		errChan <- nil
	return root, errChan, updated