package fs import ( "fmt" "math" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) // Duration is a time.Duration with some more parsing options type Duration time.Duration // DurationOff is the default value for flags which can be turned off const DurationOff = Duration((1 << 63) - 1) // Turn Duration into a string func (d Duration) String() string { if d == DurationOff { return "off" } for i := len(ageSuffixes) - 2; i >= 0; i-- { ageSuffix := &ageSuffixes[i] if math.Abs(float64(d)) >= float64(ageSuffix.Multiplier) { timeUnits := float64(d) / float64(ageSuffix.Multiplier) return strconv.FormatFloat(timeUnits, 'f', -1, 64) + ageSuffix.Suffix } } return time.Duration(d).String() } // IsSet returns if the duration is != DurationOff func (d Duration) IsSet() bool { return d != DurationOff } // We use time conventions var ageSuffixes = []struct { Suffix string Multiplier time.Duration }{ {Suffix: "d", Multiplier: time.Hour * 24}, {Suffix: "w", Multiplier: time.Hour * 24 * 7}, {Suffix: "M", Multiplier: time.Hour * 24 * 30}, {Suffix: "y", Multiplier: time.Hour * 24 * 365}, // Default to second {Suffix: "", Multiplier: time.Second}, } // parse the age as suffixed ages func parseDurationSuffixes(age string) (time.Duration, error) { var period float64 for _, ageSuffix := range ageSuffixes { if strings.HasSuffix(age, ageSuffix.Suffix) { numberString := age[:len(age)-len(ageSuffix.Suffix)] var err error period, err = strconv.ParseFloat(numberString, 64) if err != nil { return time.Duration(0), err } period *= float64(ageSuffix.Multiplier) break } } return time.Duration(period), nil } // time formats to try parsing ages as - in order var timeFormats = []string{ time.RFC3339, "2006-01-02T15:04:05", "2006-01-02 15:04:05", "2006-01-02", } // parse the age as time before the epoch in various date formats func parseDurationDates(age string, epoch time.Time) (t time.Duration, err error) { var instant time.Time for _, timeFormat := range timeFormats { instant, err = time.Parse(timeFormat, age) if err == nil { return epoch.Sub(instant), nil } } return t, err } // parseDurationFromNow parses a duration string. Allows ParseDuration to match the time // package and easier testing within the fs package. func parseDurationFromNow(age string, getNow func() time.Time) (d time.Duration, err error) { if age == "off" { return time.Duration(DurationOff), nil } // Attempt to parse as a time.Duration first d, err = time.ParseDuration(age) if err == nil { return d, nil } d, err = parseDurationSuffixes(age) if err == nil { return d, nil } d, err = parseDurationDates(age, getNow()) if err == nil { return d, nil } return d, err } // ParseDuration parses a duration string. Accept ms|s|m|h|d|w|M|y suffixes. Defaults to second if not provided func ParseDuration(age string) (time.Duration, error) { return parseDurationFromNow(age, time.Now) } // ReadableString parses d into a human readable duration. // Based on func (d Duration) ReadableString() string { switch d { case DurationOff: return "off" case 0: return "0s" } readableString := "" // Check for minus durations. if d < 0 { readableString += "-" } duration := time.Duration(math.Abs(float64(d))) // Convert duration. seconds := int64(duration.Seconds()) % 60 minutes := int64(duration.Minutes()) % 60 hours := int64(duration.Hours()) % 24 days := int64(duration/(24*time.Hour)) % 365 % 7 // Edge case between 364 and 365 days. // We need to calculate weeks from what is left from years leftYearDays := int64(duration/(24*time.Hour)) % 365 weeks := leftYearDays / 7 if leftYearDays >= 364 && leftYearDays < 365 { weeks = 52 } years := int64(duration/(24*time.Hour)) / 365 milliseconds := int64(duration/time.Millisecond) - (seconds * 1000) - (minutes * 60000) - (hours * 3600000) - (days * 86400000) - (weeks * 604800000) - (years * 31536000000) // Create a map of the converted duration time. durationMap := map[string]int64{ "ms": milliseconds, "s": seconds, "m": minutes, "h": hours, "d": days, "w": weeks, "y": years, } // Construct duration string. for _, u := range [...]string{"y", "w", "d", "h", "m", "s", "ms"} { v := durationMap[u] strval := strconv.FormatInt(v, 10) if v == 0 { continue } readableString += strval + u } return readableString } // Set a Duration func (d *Duration) Set(s string) error { duration, err := ParseDuration(s) if err != nil { return err } *d = Duration(duration) return nil } // Type of the value func (d Duration) Type() string { return "Duration" } // UnmarshalJSON makes sure the value can be parsed as a string or integer in JSON func (d *Duration) UnmarshalJSON(in []byte) error { return UnmarshalJSONFlag(in, d, func(i int64) error { *d = Duration(i) return nil }) } // Scan implements the fmt.Scanner interface func (d *Duration) Scan(s fmt.ScanState, ch rune) error { token, err := s.Token(true, nil) if err != nil { return err } return d.Set(string(token)) }