test extended-filenames # Tests with several files and a subdirectory # that contain UTF-8 code points or whitespace. # # Notes: # - All rclone backends including local return "\n" aka {eol} in file names # as a pseudographic unicode glyph, thus we don't see `\n` in golden logs. # - File names with "\t" aka {tab} pass with local, dropbox, and drive # backends, but fail with FTP. As a workaround, the test currently uses # `name{spc}with{eol}white{spc}space` instead of # `name{tab}with{eol}white{spc}space`. test initial bisync bisync resync test place a newer files on both paths # force specific modification time since file time is lost through git touch-glob 2001-01-02 {datadir/} file1.txt copy-as {datadir/}file1.txt {path2/} New_top_level_mañana_funcionará.txt copy-as {datadir/}file1.txt {path2/} file_enconde_mañana_funcionará.txt copy-as {datadir/}file1.txt {path1/} filename_contains_ࢺ_p1m.txt copy-as {datadir/}file1.txt {path2/} Русский.txt copy-as {datadir/}file1.txt {path1/} file1_with{spc}white{spc}space.txt copy-as {datadir/}file1.txt {path1/}subdir_with_ࢺ_ test.txt copy-as {datadir/}file1.txt {path1/}subdir_with_ࢺ_ mañana_funcionará.txt copy-as {datadir/}file1.txt {path1/}subdir_with_ࢺ_ file_with_測試_.txt copy-as {datadir/}file1.txt {path2/}subdir_with_ࢺ_ filename_contains_ࢺ_p2s.txt copy-as {datadir/}file1.txt {path2/}subdir{spc}with{eol}white{spc}space.txt file2{spc}with{eol}white{spc}space.txt copy-as {datadir/}file1.txt {path2/}subdir_rawchars_{chr:19}_{chr:81}_{chr:fe} file3_{chr:19}_{chr:81}_{chr:fe} test place a new file on both paths copy-as {datadir/}file1.txt {path2/}subdir_with_ࢺ_ filechangedbothpaths_ࢺ_.txt touch-glob 2001-01-03 {datadir/} file1.txt copy-as {datadir/}file1.txt {path1/}subdir_with_ࢺ_ filechangedbothpaths_ࢺ_.txt test delete files on both paths delete-file {path2/}filename_contains_ࢺ_.txt delete-file {path2/}subdir_with_ࢺ_/filename_contains_ě_.txt delete-file {path1/}Русский.txt test bisync run bisync