version: '{build}' clone_folder: C:\projects\go\src\\billziss-gh\cgofuse environment: CPATH: C:\projects\winfsp\inc\fuse GODEBUG: cgocheck=2 GOPATH: C:\projects\go PATH: C:\mingw-w64\x86_64-6.3.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev1\mingw64\bin;%PATH% install: - choco install winfsp --version=1.0.17072 -y - git clone -q C:\projects\winfsp - git -C C:\projects\winfsp checkout -q release/1.2 build_script: - go install -v ./... test_script: - go test -v ./fuse # hard code fsreg parameters because appveyor does not like percents ("--VolumePrefix=%1 %2") - C:\projects\winfsp\tools\fsreg.bat gomemfs "C:\projects\go\bin\memfs.exe" "--VolumePrefix=\gomemfs\share M:" "D:P(A;;RPWPLC;;;WD)" - call "%VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64 - devenv C:\projects\winfsp\build\VStudio\winfsp.sln /build "Release|x64" # test against WinFsp v1.0 - 'net use M: \\gomemfs\share' - 'M: & cd' - C:\projects\winfsp\build\VStudio\build\Release\winfsp-tests-x64.exe --external --resilient --share-prefix=\gomemfs\share -create_allocation_test -create_fileattr_test -getfileinfo_name_test -setfileinfo_test -delete_access_test -setsecurity_test -querydir_namelen_test -reparse* -stream* - 'C: & cd' - 'net use M: /delete' # test against WinFsp v1.2 DLL with chflags, setcrtime and setchgtime # HACK: mixing DLL and FSD versions; do not try this at home - copy C:\projects\winfsp\build\VStudio\build\Release\winfsp-x64.dll C:\projects\go\bin - 'net use M: \\gomemfs\share' - 'M: & cd' - C:\projects\winfsp\build\VStudio\build\Release\winfsp-tests-x64.exe --external --resilient --share-prefix=\gomemfs\share -create_allocation_test -create_fileattr_test -getfileinfo_name_test -delete_access_test -setsecurity_test -querydir_namelen_test -reparse* -stream* - 'C: & cd' - 'net use M: /delete'