// Package mailru provides an interface to the Mail.ru Cloud storage system.
package mailru

import (
	gohash "hash"






// Global constants
const (
	minSleepPacer   = 100 * time.Millisecond
	maxSleepPacer   = 5 * time.Second
	decayConstPacer = 2          // bigger for slower decay, exponential
	metaExpirySec   = 20 * 60    // meta server expiration time
	serverExpirySec = 3 * 60     // download server expiration time
	shardExpirySec  = 30 * 60    // upload server expiration time
	maxServerLocks  = 4          // maximum number of locks per single download server
	maxInt32        = 2147483647 // used as limit in directory list request
	speedupMinSize  = 512        // speedup is not optimal if data is smaller than average packet

// Global errors
var (
	ErrorDirAlreadyExists   = errors.New("directory already exists")
	ErrorDirSourceNotExists = errors.New("directory source does not exist")
	ErrorInvalidName        = errors.New("invalid characters in object name")

	// MrHashType is the hash.Type for Mailru
	MrHashType hash.Type

// Description of how to authorize
var oauthConfig = &oauth2.Config{
	ClientID:     api.OAuthClientID,
	ClientSecret: "",
	Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
		AuthURL:   api.OAuthURL,
		TokenURL:  api.OAuthURL,
		AuthStyle: oauth2.AuthStyleInParams,

// Register with Fs
func init() {
	MrHashType = hash.RegisterHash("mailru", "MailruHash", 40, mrhash.New)
		Name:        "mailru",
		Description: "Mail.ru Cloud",
		NewFs:       NewFs,
		Options: append(oauthutil.SharedOptions, []fs.Option{{
			Name:      "user",
			Help:      "User name (usually email).",
			Required:  true,
			Sensitive: true,
		}, {
			Name: "pass",
			Help: `Password.

This must be an app password - rclone will not work with your normal
password. See the Configuration section in the docs for how to make an
app password.
			Required:   true,
			IsPassword: true,
		}, {
			Name:     "speedup_enable",
			Default:  true,
			Advanced: false,
			Help: `Skip full upload if there is another file with same data hash.

This feature is called "speedup" or "put by hash". It is especially efficient
in case of generally available files like popular books, video or audio clips,
because files are searched by hash in all accounts of all mailru users.
It is meaningless and ineffective if source file is unique or encrypted.
Please note that rclone may need local memory and disk space to calculate
content hash in advance and decide whether full upload is required.
Also, if rclone does not know file size in advance (e.g. in case of
streaming or partial uploads), it will not even try this optimization.`,
			Examples: []fs.OptionExample{{
				Value: "true",
				Help:  "Enable",
			}, {
				Value: "false",
				Help:  "Disable",
		}, {
			Name:     "speedup_file_patterns",
			Default:  "*.mkv,*.avi,*.mp4,*.mp3,*.zip,*.gz,*.rar,*.pdf",
			Advanced: true,
			Help: `Comma separated list of file name patterns eligible for speedup (put by hash).

Patterns are case insensitive and can contain '*' or '?' meta characters.`,
			Examples: []fs.OptionExample{{
				Value: "",
				Help:  "Empty list completely disables speedup (put by hash).",
			}, {
				Value: "*",
				Help:  "All files will be attempted for speedup.",
			}, {
				Value: "*.mkv,*.avi,*.mp4,*.mp3",
				Help:  "Only common audio/video files will be tried for put by hash.",
			}, {
				Value: "*.zip,*.gz,*.rar,*.pdf",
				Help:  "Only common archives or PDF books will be tried for speedup.",
		}, {
			Name:     "speedup_max_disk",
			Default:  fs.SizeSuffix(3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024),
			Advanced: true,
			Help: `This option allows you to disable speedup (put by hash) for large files.

Reason is that preliminary hashing can exhaust your RAM or disk space.`,
			Examples: []fs.OptionExample{{
				Value: "0",
				Help:  "Completely disable speedup (put by hash).",
			}, {
				Value: "1G",
				Help:  "Files larger than 1Gb will be uploaded directly.",
			}, {
				Value: "3G",
				Help:  "Choose this option if you have less than 3Gb free on local disk.",
		}, {
			Name:     "speedup_max_memory",
			Default:  fs.SizeSuffix(32 * 1024 * 1024),
			Advanced: true,
			Help:     `Files larger than the size given below will always be hashed on disk.`,
			Examples: []fs.OptionExample{{
				Value: "0",
				Help:  "Preliminary hashing will always be done in a temporary disk location.",
			}, {
				Value: "32M",
				Help:  "Do not dedicate more than 32Mb RAM for preliminary hashing.",
			}, {
				Value: "256M",
				Help:  "You have at most 256Mb RAM free for hash calculations.",
		}, {
			Name:     "check_hash",
			Default:  true,
			Advanced: true,
			Help:     "What should copy do if file checksum is mismatched or invalid.",
			Examples: []fs.OptionExample{{
				Value: "true",
				Help:  "Fail with error.",
			}, {
				Value: "false",
				Help:  "Ignore and continue.",
		}, {
			Name:     "user_agent",
			Default:  "",
			Advanced: true,
			Hide:     fs.OptionHideBoth,
			Help: `HTTP user agent used internally by client.

Defaults to "rclone/VERSION" or "--user-agent" provided on command line.`,
		}, {
			Name:     "quirks",
			Default:  "",
			Advanced: true,
			Hide:     fs.OptionHideBoth,
			Help: `Comma separated list of internal maintenance flags.

This option must not be used by an ordinary user. It is intended only to
facilitate remote troubleshooting of backend issues. Strict meaning of
flags is not documented and not guaranteed to persist between releases.
Quirks will be removed when the backend grows stable.
Supported quirks: atomicmkdir binlist unknowndirs`,
		}, {
			Name:     config.ConfigEncoding,
			Help:     config.ConfigEncodingHelp,
			Advanced: true,
			// Encode invalid UTF-8 bytes as json doesn't handle them properly.
			Default: (encoder.Display |
				encoder.EncodeWin | // :?"*<>|
				encoder.EncodeBackSlash |

// Options defines the configuration for this backend
type Options struct {
	Username        string               `config:"user"`
	Password        string               `config:"pass"`
	UserAgent       string               `config:"user_agent"`
	CheckHash       bool                 `config:"check_hash"`
	SpeedupEnable   bool                 `config:"speedup_enable"`
	SpeedupPatterns string               `config:"speedup_file_patterns"`
	SpeedupMaxDisk  fs.SizeSuffix        `config:"speedup_max_disk"`
	SpeedupMaxMem   fs.SizeSuffix        `config:"speedup_max_memory"`
	Quirks          string               `config:"quirks"`
	Enc             encoder.MultiEncoder `config:"encoding"`

// retryErrorCodes is a slice of error codes that we will retry
var retryErrorCodes = []int{
	429, // Too Many Requests.
	500, // Internal Server Error
	502, // Bad Gateway
	503, // Service Unavailable
	504, // Gateway Timeout
	509, // Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

// shouldRetry returns a boolean as to whether this response and err
// deserve to be retried. It returns the err as a convenience.
// Retries password authorization (once) in a special case of access denied.
func shouldRetry(ctx context.Context, res *http.Response, err error, f *Fs, opts *rest.Opts) (bool, error) {
	if fserrors.ContextError(ctx, &err) {
		return false, err
	if res != nil && res.StatusCode == 403 && f.opt.Password != "" && !f.passFailed {
		reAuthErr := f.reAuthorize(opts, err)
		return reAuthErr == nil, err // return an original error
	return fserrors.ShouldRetry(err) || fserrors.ShouldRetryHTTP(res, retryErrorCodes), err

// errorHandler parses a non 2xx error response into an error
func errorHandler(res *http.Response) (err error) {
	data, err := rest.ReadBody(res)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fileError := &api.FileErrorResponse{}
	err = json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data)).Decode(fileError)
	if err == nil {
		fileError.Message = fileError.Body.Home.Error
		return fileError
	serverError := &api.ServerErrorResponse{}
	err = json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data)).Decode(serverError)
	if err == nil {
		return serverError
	serverError.Message = string(data)
	if serverError.Message == "" || strings.HasPrefix(serverError.Message, "{") {
		// Replace empty or JSON response with a human-readable text.
		serverError.Message = res.Status
	serverError.Status = res.StatusCode
	return serverError

// Fs represents a remote mail.ru
type Fs struct {
	name         string
	root         string             // root path
	opt          Options            // parsed options
	ci           *fs.ConfigInfo     // global config
	speedupGlobs []string           // list of file name patterns eligible for speedup
	speedupAny   bool               // true if all file names are eligible for speedup
	features     *fs.Features       // optional features
	srv          *rest.Client       // REST API client
	cli          *http.Client       // underlying HTTP client (for authorize)
	m            configmap.Mapper   // config reader (for authorize)
	source       oauth2.TokenSource // OAuth token refresher
	pacer        *fs.Pacer          // pacer for API calls
	metaMu       sync.Mutex         // lock for meta server switcher
	metaURL      string             // URL of meta server
	metaExpiry   time.Time          // time to refresh meta server
	shardMu      sync.Mutex         // lock for upload shard switcher
	shardURL     string             // URL of upload shard
	shardExpiry  time.Time          // time to refresh upload shard
	fileServers  serverPool         // file server dispatcher
	authMu       sync.Mutex         // mutex for authorize()
	passFailed   bool               // true if authorize() failed after 403
	quirks       quirks             // internal maintenance flags

// NewFs constructs an Fs from the path, container:path
func NewFs(ctx context.Context, name, root string, m configmap.Mapper) (fs.Fs, error) {
	// fs.Debugf(nil, ">>> NewFs %q %q", name, root)

	// Parse config into Options struct
	opt := new(Options)
	err := configstruct.Set(m, opt)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if opt.Password != "" {
		opt.Password = obscure.MustReveal(opt.Password)

	// Trailing slash signals us to optimize out one file check
	rootIsDir := strings.HasSuffix(root, "/")
	// However the f.root string should not have leading or trailing slashes
	root = strings.Trim(root, "/")

	ci := fs.GetConfig(ctx)
	f := &Fs{
		name: name,
		root: root,
		opt:  *opt,
		ci:   ci,
		m:    m,

	if err := f.parseSpeedupPatterns(opt.SpeedupPatterns); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	f.pacer = fs.NewPacer(ctx, pacer.NewDefault(pacer.MinSleep(minSleepPacer), pacer.MaxSleep(maxSleepPacer), pacer.DecayConstant(decayConstPacer)))

	f.features = (&fs.Features{
		CaseInsensitive:         true,
		CanHaveEmptyDirectories: true,
		// Can copy/move across mailru configs (almost, thus true here), but
		// only when they share common account (this is checked in Copy/Move).
		ServerSideAcrossConfigs: true,
	}).Fill(ctx, f)

	// Override few config settings and create a client
	newCtx, clientConfig := fs.AddConfig(ctx)
	if opt.UserAgent != "" {
		clientConfig.UserAgent = opt.UserAgent
	clientConfig.NoGzip = true // Mimic official client, skip sending "Accept-Encoding: gzip"
	f.cli = fshttp.NewClient(newCtx)

	f.srv = rest.NewClient(f.cli)
	f.srv.SetHeader("Accept", "*/*") // Send "Accept: */*" with every request like official client

	if err = f.authorize(ctx, false); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	f.fileServers = serverPool{
		pool:      make(pendingServerMap),
		fs:        f,
		path:      "/d",
		expirySec: serverExpirySec,

	if !rootIsDir {
		_, dirSize, err := f.readItemMetaData(ctx, f.root)
		rootIsDir = (dirSize >= 0)
		// Ignore non-existing item and other errors
		if err == nil && !rootIsDir {
			root = path.Dir(f.root)
			if root == "." {
				root = ""
			f.root = root
			// Return fs that points to the parent and signal rclone to do filtering
			return f, fs.ErrorIsFile

	return f, nil

// Internal maintenance flags (to be removed when the backend matures).
// Primarily intended to facilitate remote support and troubleshooting.
type quirks struct {
	binlist     bool
	atomicmkdir bool
	unknowndirs bool

func (q *quirks) parseQuirks(option string) {
	for _, flag := range strings.Split(option, ",") {
		switch strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(flag)) {
		case "binlist":
			// The official client sometimes uses a so called "bin" protocol,
			// implemented in the listBin file system method below. This method
			// is generally faster than non-recursive listM1 but results in
			// sporadic deserialization failures if total size of tree data
			// approaches 8Kb (?). The recursive method is normally disabled.
			// This quirk can be used to enable it for further investigation.
			// Remove this quirk when the "bin" protocol support is complete.
			q.binlist = true
		case "atomicmkdir":
			// At the moment rclone requires Mkdir to return success if the
			// directory already exists. However, such programs as borgbackup
			// use mkdir as a locking primitive and depend on its atomicity.
			// Remove this quirk when the above issue is investigated.
			q.atomicmkdir = true
		case "unknowndirs":
			// Accepts unknown resource types as folders.
			q.unknowndirs = true
			// Ignore unknown flags

// Note: authorize() is not safe for concurrent access as it updates token source
func (f *Fs) authorize(ctx context.Context, force bool) (err error) {
	var t *oauth2.Token
	if !force {
		t, err = oauthutil.GetToken(f.name, f.m)

	if err != nil || !tokenIsValid(t) {
		fs.Infof(f, "Valid token not found, authorizing.")
		ctx := oauthutil.Context(ctx, f.cli)
		t, err = oauthConfig.PasswordCredentialsToken(ctx, f.opt.Username, f.opt.Password)
	if err == nil && !tokenIsValid(t) {
		err = errors.New("invalid token")
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to authorize: %w", err)

	if err = oauthutil.PutToken(f.name, f.m, t, false); err != nil {
		return err

	// Mailru API server expects access token not in the request header but
	// in the URL query string, so we must use a bare token source rather than
	// client provided by oauthutil.
	// WARNING: direct use of the returned token source triggers a bug in the
	// `(*token != *ts.token)` comparison in oauthutil.TokenSource.Token()
	// crashing with panic `comparing uncomparable type map[string]interface{}`
	// As a workaround, mimic oauth2.NewClient() wrapping token source in
	// oauth2.ReuseTokenSource
	_, ts, err := oauthutil.NewClientWithBaseClient(ctx, f.name, f.m, oauthConfig, f.cli)
	if err == nil {
		f.source = oauth2.ReuseTokenSource(nil, ts)
	return err

func tokenIsValid(t *oauth2.Token) bool {
	return t.Valid() && t.RefreshToken != "" && t.Type() == "Bearer"

// reAuthorize is called after getting 403 (access denied) from the server.
// It handles the case when user has changed password since a previous
// rclone invocation and obtains a new access token, if needed.
func (f *Fs) reAuthorize(opts *rest.Opts, origErr error) error {
	// lock and recheck the flag to ensure authorize() is attempted only once
	defer f.authMu.Unlock()
	if f.passFailed {
		return origErr
	ctx := context.Background() // Note: reAuthorize is called by ShouldRetry, no context!

	fs.Debugf(f, "re-authorize with new password")
	if err := f.authorize(ctx, true); err != nil {
		f.passFailed = true
		return err

	// obtain new token, if needed
	tokenParameter := ""
	if opts != nil && opts.Parameters.Get("token") != "" {
		tokenParameter = "token"
	if opts != nil && opts.Parameters.Get("access_token") != "" {
		tokenParameter = "access_token"
	if tokenParameter != "" {
		token, err := f.accessToken()
		if err != nil {
			f.passFailed = true
			return err
		opts.Parameters.Set(tokenParameter, token)

	return nil

// accessToken() returns OAuth token and possibly refreshes it
func (f *Fs) accessToken() (string, error) {
	token, err := f.source.Token()
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot refresh access token: %w", err)
	return token.AccessToken, nil

// absPath converts root-relative remote to absolute home path
func (f *Fs) absPath(remote string) string {
	return path.Join("/", f.root, remote)

// relPath converts absolute home path to root-relative remote
// Note that f.root can not have leading and trailing slashes
func (f *Fs) relPath(absPath string) (string, error) {
	target := strings.Trim(absPath, "/")
	if f.root == "" {
		return target, nil
	if target == f.root {
		return "", nil
	if strings.HasPrefix(target+"/", f.root+"/") {
		return target[len(f.root)+1:], nil
	return "", fmt.Errorf("path %q should be under %q", absPath, f.root)

// metaServer returns URL of current meta server
func (f *Fs) metaServer(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
	defer f.metaMu.Unlock()

	if f.metaURL != "" && time.Now().Before(f.metaExpiry) {
		return f.metaURL, nil

	opts := rest.Opts{
		RootURL: api.DispatchServerURL,
		Method:  "GET",
		Path:    "/m",

	var (
		res *http.Response
		url string
		err error
	err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err = f.srv.Call(ctx, &opts)
		if err == nil {
			url, err = readBodyWord(res)
		return fserrors.ShouldRetry(err), err
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	f.metaURL = url
	f.metaExpiry = time.Now().Add(metaExpirySec * time.Second)
	fs.Debugf(f, "new meta server: %s", f.metaURL)
	return f.metaURL, nil

// readBodyWord reads the single line response to completion
// and extracts the first word from the first line.
func readBodyWord(res *http.Response) (word string, err error) {
	var body []byte
	body, err = rest.ReadBody(res)
	if err == nil {
		line := strings.Trim(string(body), " \r\n")
		word = strings.Split(line, " ")[0]
	if word == "" {
		return "", errors.New("empty reply from dispatcher")
	return word, nil

// readItemMetaData returns a file/directory info at given full path
// If it can't be found it fails with fs.ErrorObjectNotFound
// For the return value `dirSize` please see Fs.itemToEntry()
func (f *Fs) readItemMetaData(ctx context.Context, path string) (entry fs.DirEntry, dirSize int, err error) {
	token, err := f.accessToken()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, -1, err

	opts := rest.Opts{
		Method: "GET",
		Path:   "/api/m1/file",
		Parameters: url.Values{
			"access_token": {token},
			"home":         {f.opt.Enc.FromStandardPath(path)},
			"offset":       {"0"},
			"limit":        {strconv.Itoa(maxInt32)},

	var info api.ItemInfoResponse
	err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err := f.srv.CallJSON(ctx, &opts, nil, &info)
		return shouldRetry(ctx, res, err, f, &opts)

	if err != nil {
		if apiErr, ok := err.(*api.FileErrorResponse); ok {
			switch apiErr.Status {
			case 404:
				err = fs.ErrorObjectNotFound
			case 400:
				fs.Debugf(f, "object %q status %d (%s)", path, apiErr.Status, apiErr.Message)
				err = fs.ErrorObjectNotFound

	entry, dirSize, err = f.itemToDirEntry(ctx, &info.Body)

// itemToEntry converts API item to rclone directory entry
// The dirSize return value is:
//	<0 - for a file or in case of error
//	=0 - for an empty directory
//	>0 - for a non-empty directory
func (f *Fs) itemToDirEntry(ctx context.Context, item *api.ListItem) (entry fs.DirEntry, dirSize int, err error) {
	remote, err := f.relPath(f.opt.Enc.ToStandardPath(item.Home))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, -1, err

	modTime := time.Unix(int64(item.Mtime), 0)

	isDir, err := f.isDir(item.Kind, remote)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, -1, err
	if isDir {
		dir := fs.NewDir(remote, modTime).SetSize(item.Size)
		return dir, item.Count.Files + item.Count.Folders, nil

	binHash, err := mrhash.DecodeString(item.Hash)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, -1, err
	file := &Object{
		fs:          f,
		remote:      remote,
		hasMetaData: true,
		size:        item.Size,
		mrHash:      binHash,
		modTime:     modTime,
	return file, -1, nil

// isDir returns true for directories, false for files
func (f *Fs) isDir(kind, path string) (bool, error) {
	switch kind {
	case "":
		return false, errors.New("empty resource type")
	case "file":
		return false, nil
	case "folder":
		// fall thru
	case "camera-upload", "mounted", "shared":
		fs.Debugf(f, "[%s]: folder has type %q", path, kind)
		if !f.quirks.unknowndirs {
			return false, fmt.Errorf("unknown resource type %q", kind)
		fs.Errorf(f, "[%s]: folder has unknown type %q", path, kind)
	return true, nil

// List the objects and directories in dir into entries.
// The entries can be returned in any order but should be for a complete directory.
// dir should be "" to list the root, and should not have trailing slashes.
// This should return ErrDirNotFound if the directory isn't found.
func (f *Fs) List(ctx context.Context, dir string) (entries fs.DirEntries, err error) {
	// fs.Debugf(f, ">>> List: %q", dir)

	if f.quirks.binlist {
		entries, err = f.listBin(ctx, f.absPath(dir), 1)
	} else {
		entries, err = f.listM1(ctx, f.absPath(dir), 0, maxInt32)

	if err == nil && f.ci.LogLevel >= fs.LogLevelDebug {
		names := []string{}
		for _, entry := range entries {
			names = append(names, entry.Remote())
		// fs.Debugf(f, "List(%q): %v", dir, names)


// list using protocol "m1"
func (f *Fs) listM1(ctx context.Context, dirPath string, offset int, limit int) (entries fs.DirEntries, err error) {
	token, err := f.accessToken()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	params := url.Values{}
	params.Set("access_token", token)
	params.Set("offset", strconv.Itoa(offset))
	params.Set("limit", strconv.Itoa(limit))

	data := url.Values{}
	data.Set("home", f.opt.Enc.FromStandardPath(dirPath))

	opts := rest.Opts{
		Method:      "POST",
		Path:        "/api/m1/folder",
		Parameters:  params,
		Body:        strings.NewReader(data.Encode()),
		ContentType: api.BinContentType,

	var (
		info api.FolderInfoResponse
		res  *http.Response
	err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err = f.srv.CallJSON(ctx, &opts, nil, &info)
		return shouldRetry(ctx, res, err, f, &opts)

	if err != nil {
		apiErr, ok := err.(*api.FileErrorResponse)
		if ok && apiErr.Status == 404 {
			return nil, fs.ErrorDirNotFound
		return nil, err

	isDir, err := f.isDir(info.Body.Kind, dirPath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if !isDir {
		return nil, fs.ErrorIsFile

	for _, item := range info.Body.List {
		entry, _, err := f.itemToDirEntry(ctx, &item)
		if err == nil {
			entries = append(entries, entry)
		} else {
			fs.Debugf(f, "Excluding path %q from list: %v", item.Home, err)
	return entries, nil

// list using protocol "bin"
func (f *Fs) listBin(ctx context.Context, dirPath string, depth int) (entries fs.DirEntries, err error) {
	options := api.ListOptDefaults

	req := api.NewBinWriter()

	token, err := f.accessToken()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	metaURL, err := f.metaServer(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	opts := rest.Opts{
		Method:  "POST",
		RootURL: metaURL,
		Parameters: url.Values{
			"client_id": {api.OAuthClientID},
			"token":     {token},
		ContentType: api.BinContentType,
		Body:        req.Reader(),

	var res *http.Response
	err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err = f.srv.Call(ctx, &opts)
		return shouldRetry(ctx, res, err, f, &opts)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	r := api.NewBinReader(res.Body)
	defer closeBody(res)

	// read status
	switch status := r.ReadByteAsInt(); status {
	case api.ListResultOK:
		// go on...
	case api.ListResultNotExists:
		return nil, fs.ErrorDirNotFound
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("directory list error %d", status)

	t := &treeState{
		f:       f,
		r:       r,
		options: options,
		rootDir: parentDir(dirPath),
		lastDir: "",
		level:   0,
	t.currDir = t.rootDir

	// read revision
	if err := t.revision.Read(r); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// read space
	if (options & api.ListOptTotalSpace) != 0 {
		t.totalSpace = int64(r.ReadULong())
	if (options & api.ListOptUsedSpace) != 0 {
		t.usedSpace = int64(r.ReadULong())

	t.fingerprint = r.ReadBytesByLength()

	// deserialize
	for {
		entry, err := t.NextRecord()
		if err != nil {
		if entry != nil {
			entries = append(entries, entry)
	if err != nil && err != fs.ErrorListAborted {
		fs.Debugf(f, "listBin failed at offset %d: %v", r.Count(), err)
		return nil, err
	return entries, nil

func (t *treeState) NextRecord() (fs.DirEntry, error) {
	r := t.r
	parseOp := r.ReadByteAsShort()
	if r.Error() != nil {
		return nil, r.Error()

	switch parseOp {
	case api.ListParseDone:
		return nil, fs.ErrorListAborted
	case api.ListParsePin:
		if t.lastDir == "" {
			return nil, errors.New("last folder is null")
		t.currDir = t.lastDir
		return nil, nil
	case api.ListParsePinUpper:
		if t.currDir == t.rootDir {
			return nil, nil
		if t.level <= 0 {
			return nil, errors.New("no parent folder")
		t.currDir = parentDir(t.currDir)
		return nil, nil
	case api.ListParseUnknown15:
		skip := int(r.ReadPu32())
		for i := 0; i < skip; i++ {
		return nil, nil
	case api.ListParseReadItem:
		// get item (see below)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown parse operation %d", parseOp)

	// get item
	head := r.ReadIntSpl()
	itemType := head & 3
	if (head & 4096) != 0 {
		t.dunnoNodeID = r.ReadNBytes(api.DunnoNodeIDLength)
	name := t.f.opt.Enc.FromStandardPath(string(r.ReadBytesByLength()))
	t.dunno1 = int(r.ReadULong())
	t.dunno2 = 0
	t.dunno3 = 0

	if r.Error() != nil {
		return nil, r.Error()

	var (
		modTime time.Time
		size    int64
		binHash []byte
		dirSize int64
		isDir   = true

	switch itemType {
	case api.ListItemMountPoint:
		t.treeID = r.ReadNBytes(api.TreeIDLength)
		t.dunno2 = int(r.ReadULong())
		t.dunno3 = int(r.ReadULong())
	case api.ListItemFolder:
		t.dunno2 = int(r.ReadULong())
	case api.ListItemSharedFolder:
		t.dunno2 = int(r.ReadULong())
		t.treeID = r.ReadNBytes(api.TreeIDLength)
	case api.ListItemFile:
		isDir = false
		modTime = r.ReadDate()
		size = int64(r.ReadULong())
		binHash = r.ReadNBytes(mrhash.Size)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown item type %d", itemType)

	if isDir {
		t.lastDir = path.Join(t.currDir, name)
		if (t.options & api.ListOptDelete) != 0 {
			t.dunnoDel1 = int(r.ReadPu32())
			t.dunnoDel2 = int(r.ReadPu32())
		if (t.options & api.ListOptFolderSize) != 0 {
			dirSize = int64(r.ReadULong())

	if r.Error() != nil {
		return nil, r.Error()

	if t.f.ci.LogLevel >= fs.LogLevelDebug {
		ctime, _ := modTime.MarshalJSON()
		fs.Debugf(t.f, "binDir %d.%d %q %q (%d) %s", t.level, itemType, t.currDir, name, size, ctime)

	if t.level != 1 {
		// TODO: implement recursion and ListR
		// Note: recursion is broken because maximum buffer size is 8K
		return nil, nil

	remote, err := t.f.relPath(path.Join(t.currDir, name))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if isDir {
		return fs.NewDir(remote, modTime).SetSize(dirSize), nil
	obj := &Object{
		fs:          t.f,
		remote:      remote,
		hasMetaData: true,
		size:        size,
		mrHash:      binHash,
		modTime:     modTime,
	return obj, nil

type treeState struct {
	f           *Fs
	r           *api.BinReader
	options     int
	rootDir     string
	currDir     string
	lastDir     string
	level       int
	revision    treeRevision
	totalSpace  int64
	usedSpace   int64
	fingerprint []byte
	dunno1      int
	dunno2      int
	dunno3      int
	dunnoDel1   int
	dunnoDel2   int
	dunnoNodeID []byte
	treeID      []byte

type treeRevision struct {
	ver       int16
	treeID    []byte
	treeIDNew []byte
	bgn       uint64
	bgnNew    uint64

func (rev *treeRevision) Read(data *api.BinReader) error {
	rev.ver = data.ReadByteAsShort()
	switch rev.ver {
	case 0:
		// Revision()
	case 1, 2:
		rev.treeID = data.ReadNBytes(api.TreeIDLength)
		rev.bgn = data.ReadULong()
	case 3, 4:
		rev.treeID = data.ReadNBytes(api.TreeIDLength)
		rev.bgn = data.ReadULong()
		rev.treeIDNew = data.ReadNBytes(api.TreeIDLength)
		rev.bgnNew = data.ReadULong()
	case 5:
		rev.treeID = data.ReadNBytes(api.TreeIDLength)
		rev.bgn = data.ReadULong()
		rev.treeIDNew = data.ReadNBytes(api.TreeIDLength)
		return fmt.Errorf("unknown directory revision %d", rev.ver)
	return data.Error()

// CreateDir makes a directory (parent must exist)
func (f *Fs) CreateDir(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
	// fs.Debugf(f, ">>> CreateDir %q", path)

	req := api.NewBinWriter()
	req.WritePu16(0) // revision

	token, err := f.accessToken()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	metaURL, err := f.metaServer(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	opts := rest.Opts{
		Method:  "POST",
		RootURL: metaURL,
		Parameters: url.Values{
			"client_id": {api.OAuthClientID},
			"token":     {token},
		ContentType: api.BinContentType,
		Body:        req.Reader(),

	var res *http.Response
	err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err = f.srv.Call(ctx, &opts)
		return shouldRetry(ctx, res, err, f, &opts)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	reply := api.NewBinReader(res.Body)
	defer closeBody(res)

	switch status := reply.ReadByteAsInt(); status {
	case api.MkdirResultOK:
		return nil
	case api.MkdirResultAlreadyExists, api.MkdirResultExistsDifferentCase:
		return ErrorDirAlreadyExists
	case api.MkdirResultSourceNotExists:
		return ErrorDirSourceNotExists
	case api.MkdirResultInvalidName:
		return ErrorInvalidName
		return fmt.Errorf("mkdir error %d", status)

// Mkdir creates the container (and its parents) if it doesn't exist.
// Normally it ignores the ErrorDirAlreadyExist, as required by rclone tests.
// Nevertheless, such programs as borgbackup or restic use mkdir as a locking
// primitive and depend on its atomicity, i.e. mkdir should fail if directory
// already exists. As a workaround, users can add string "atomicmkdir" in the
// hidden `quirks` parameter or in the `--mailru-quirks` command-line option.
func (f *Fs) Mkdir(ctx context.Context, dir string) error {
	// fs.Debugf(f, ">>> Mkdir %q", dir)
	err := f.mkDirs(ctx, f.absPath(dir))
	if err == ErrorDirAlreadyExists && !f.quirks.atomicmkdir {
		return nil
	return err

// mkDirs creates container and its parents by absolute path,
// fails with ErrorDirAlreadyExists if it already exists.
func (f *Fs) mkDirs(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
	if path == "/" || path == "" {
		return nil
	switch err := f.CreateDir(ctx, path); err {
	case nil:
		return nil
	case ErrorDirSourceNotExists:
		fs.Debugf(f, "mkDirs by part %q", path)
		// fall thru...
		return err
	parts := strings.Split(strings.Trim(path, "/"), "/")
	path = ""
	for _, part := range parts {
		if part == "" {
		path += "/" + part
		switch err := f.CreateDir(ctx, path); err {
		case nil, ErrorDirAlreadyExists:
			return err
	return nil

func parentDir(absPath string) string {
	parent := path.Dir(strings.TrimRight(absPath, "/"))
	if parent == "." {
		parent = ""
	return parent

// mkParentDirs creates parent containers by absolute path,
// ignores the ErrorDirAlreadyExists
func (f *Fs) mkParentDirs(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
	err := f.mkDirs(ctx, parentDir(path))
	if err == ErrorDirAlreadyExists {
		return nil
	return err

// Rmdir deletes a directory.
// Returns an error if it isn't empty.
func (f *Fs) Rmdir(ctx context.Context, dir string) error {
	// fs.Debugf(f, ">>> Rmdir %q", dir)
	return f.purgeWithCheck(ctx, dir, true, "rmdir")

// Purge deletes all the files in the directory
// Optional interface: Only implement this if you have a way of deleting
// all the files quicker than just running Remove() on the result of List()
func (f *Fs) Purge(ctx context.Context, dir string) error {
	// fs.Debugf(f, ">>> Purge")
	return f.purgeWithCheck(ctx, dir, false, "purge")

// purgeWithCheck() removes the root directory.
// Refuses if `check` is set and directory has anything in.
func (f *Fs) purgeWithCheck(ctx context.Context, dir string, check bool, opName string) error {
	path := f.absPath(dir)
	if path == "/" || path == "" {
		// Mailru will not allow to purge root space returning status 400
		return fs.ErrorNotDeletingDirs

	_, dirSize, err := f.readItemMetaData(ctx, path)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("%s failed: %w", opName, err)
	if check && dirSize > 0 {
		return fs.ErrorDirectoryNotEmpty
	return f.delete(ctx, path, false)

func (f *Fs) delete(ctx context.Context, path string, hardDelete bool) error {
	token, err := f.accessToken()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	data := url.Values{"home": {f.opt.Enc.FromStandardPath(path)}}
	opts := rest.Opts{
		Method: "POST",
		Path:   "/api/m1/file/remove",
		Parameters: url.Values{
			"access_token": {token},
		Body:        strings.NewReader(data.Encode()),
		ContentType: api.BinContentType,

	var response api.GenericResponse
	err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err := f.srv.CallJSON(ctx, &opts, nil, &response)
		return shouldRetry(ctx, res, err, f, &opts)

	switch {
	case err != nil:
		return err
	case response.Status == 200:
		return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("delete failed with code %d", response.Status)

// Copy src to this remote using server-side copy operations.
// This is stored with the remote path given.
// It returns the destination Object and a possible error.
// Will only be called if src.Fs().Name() == f.Name()
// If it isn't possible then return fs.ErrorCantCopy
func (f *Fs) Copy(ctx context.Context, src fs.Object, remote string) (fs.Object, error) {
	// fs.Debugf(f, ">>> Copy %q %q", src.Remote(), remote)

	srcObj, ok := src.(*Object)
	if !ok {
		fs.Debugf(src, "Can't copy - not same remote type")
		return nil, fs.ErrorCantCopy
	if srcObj.fs.opt.Username != f.opt.Username {
		// Can copy across mailru configs only if they share common account
		fs.Debugf(src, "Can't copy - not same account")
		return nil, fs.ErrorCantCopy

	srcPath := srcObj.absPath()
	dstPath := f.absPath(remote)
	overwrite := false
	// fs.Debugf(f, "copy %q -> %q\n", srcPath, dstPath)

	err := f.mkParentDirs(ctx, dstPath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	data := url.Values{}
	data.Set("home", f.opt.Enc.FromStandardPath(srcPath))
	data.Set("folder", f.opt.Enc.FromStandardPath(parentDir(dstPath)))
	data.Set("email", f.opt.Username)
	data.Set("x-email", f.opt.Username)

	if overwrite {
		data.Set("conflict", "rewrite")
	} else {
		data.Set("conflict", "rename")

	token, err := f.accessToken()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	opts := rest.Opts{
		Method: "POST",
		Path:   "/api/m1/file/copy",
		Parameters: url.Values{
			"access_token": {token},
		Body:        strings.NewReader(data.Encode()),
		ContentType: api.BinContentType,

	var response api.GenericBodyResponse
	err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err := f.srv.CallJSON(ctx, &opts, nil, &response)
		return shouldRetry(ctx, res, err, f, &opts)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't copy file: %w", err)
	if response.Status != 200 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("copy failed with code %d", response.Status)

	tmpPath := f.opt.Enc.ToStandardPath(response.Body)
	if tmpPath != dstPath {
		// fs.Debugf(f, "rename temporary file %q -> %q\n", tmpPath, dstPath)
		err = f.moveItemBin(ctx, tmpPath, dstPath, "rename temporary file")
		if err != nil {
			_ = f.delete(ctx, tmpPath, false) // ignore error
			return nil, err

	// fix modification time at destination
	dstObj := &Object{
		fs:     f,
		remote: remote,
	err = dstObj.readMetaData(ctx, true)
	if err == nil && dstObj.modTime != srcObj.modTime {
		dstObj.modTime = srcObj.modTime
		err = dstObj.addFileMetaData(ctx, true)
	if err != nil {
		dstObj = nil
	return dstObj, err

// Move src to this remote using server-side move operations.
// This is stored with the remote path given.
// It returns the destination Object and a possible error.
// Will only be called if src.Fs().Name() == f.Name()
// If it isn't possible then return fs.ErrorCantMove
func (f *Fs) Move(ctx context.Context, src fs.Object, remote string) (fs.Object, error) {
	// fs.Debugf(f, ">>> Move %q %q", src.Remote(), remote)

	srcObj, ok := src.(*Object)
	if !ok {
		fs.Debugf(src, "Can't move - not same remote type")
		return nil, fs.ErrorCantMove
	if srcObj.fs.opt.Username != f.opt.Username {
		// Can move across mailru configs only if they share common account
		fs.Debugf(src, "Can't move - not same account")
		return nil, fs.ErrorCantMove

	srcPath := srcObj.absPath()
	dstPath := f.absPath(remote)

	err := f.mkParentDirs(ctx, dstPath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	err = f.moveItemBin(ctx, srcPath, dstPath, "move file")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return f.NewObject(ctx, remote)

// move/rename an object using BIN protocol
func (f *Fs) moveItemBin(ctx context.Context, srcPath, dstPath, opName string) error {
	token, err := f.accessToken()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	metaURL, err := f.metaServer(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	req := api.NewBinWriter()
	req.WritePu32(0) // old revision
	req.WritePu32(0) // new revision
	req.WritePu32(0) // dunno

	opts := rest.Opts{
		Method:  "POST",
		RootURL: metaURL,
		Parameters: url.Values{
			"client_id": {api.OAuthClientID},
			"token":     {token},
		ContentType: api.BinContentType,
		Body:        req.Reader(),

	var res *http.Response
	err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err = f.srv.Call(ctx, &opts)
		return shouldRetry(ctx, res, err, f, &opts)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	reply := api.NewBinReader(res.Body)
	defer closeBody(res)

	switch status := reply.ReadByteAsInt(); status {
	case api.MoveResultOK:
		return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("%s failed with error %d", opName, status)

// DirMove moves src, srcRemote to this remote at dstRemote
// using server-side move operations.
// Will only be called if src.Fs().Name() == f.Name()
// If it isn't possible then return fs.ErrorCantDirMove
// If destination exists then return fs.ErrorDirExists
func (f *Fs) DirMove(ctx context.Context, src fs.Fs, srcRemote, dstRemote string) error {
	// fs.Debugf(f, ">>> DirMove %q %q", srcRemote, dstRemote)

	srcFs, ok := src.(*Fs)
	if !ok {
		fs.Debugf(srcFs, "Can't move directory - not same remote type")
		return fs.ErrorCantDirMove
	if srcFs.opt.Username != f.opt.Username {
		// Can move across mailru configs only if they share common account
		fs.Debugf(src, "Can't move - not same account")
		return fs.ErrorCantDirMove
	srcPath := srcFs.absPath(srcRemote)
	dstPath := f.absPath(dstRemote)
	// fs.Debugf(srcFs, "DirMove [%s]%q --> [%s]%q\n", srcRemote, srcPath, dstRemote, dstPath)

	// Refuse to move to or from the root
	if len(srcPath) <= len(srcFs.root) || len(dstPath) <= len(f.root) {
		fs.Debugf(src, "DirMove error: Can't move root")
		return errors.New("can't move root directory")

	err := f.mkParentDirs(ctx, dstPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	_, _, err = f.readItemMetaData(ctx, dstPath)
	switch err {
	case fs.ErrorObjectNotFound:
		// OK!
	case nil:
		return fs.ErrorDirExists
		return err

	return f.moveItemBin(ctx, srcPath, dstPath, "directory move")

// PublicLink generates a public link to the remote path (usually readable by anyone)
func (f *Fs) PublicLink(ctx context.Context, remote string, expire fs.Duration, unlink bool) (link string, err error) {
	// fs.Debugf(f, ">>> PublicLink %q", remote)

	token, err := f.accessToken()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	data := url.Values{}
	data.Set("home", f.opt.Enc.FromStandardPath(f.absPath(remote)))
	data.Set("email", f.opt.Username)
	data.Set("x-email", f.opt.Username)

	opts := rest.Opts{
		Method: "POST",
		Path:   "/api/m1/file/publish",
		Parameters: url.Values{
			"access_token": {token},
		Body:        strings.NewReader(data.Encode()),
		ContentType: api.BinContentType,

	var response api.GenericBodyResponse
	err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err := f.srv.CallJSON(ctx, &opts, nil, &response)
		return shouldRetry(ctx, res, err, f, &opts)

	if err == nil && response.Body != "" {
		return api.PublicLinkURL + response.Body, nil
	if err == nil {
		return "", errors.New("server returned empty link")
	if apiErr, ok := err.(*api.FileErrorResponse); ok && apiErr.Status == 404 {
		return "", fs.ErrorObjectNotFound
	return "", err

// CleanUp permanently deletes all trashed files/folders
func (f *Fs) CleanUp(ctx context.Context) error {
	// fs.Debugf(f, ">>> CleanUp")

	token, err := f.accessToken()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	data := url.Values{
		"email":   {f.opt.Username},
		"x-email": {f.opt.Username},
	opts := rest.Opts{
		Method: "POST",
		Path:   "/api/m1/trashbin/empty",
		Parameters: url.Values{
			"access_token": {token},
		Body:        strings.NewReader(data.Encode()),
		ContentType: api.BinContentType,

	var response api.CleanupResponse
	err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err := f.srv.CallJSON(ctx, &opts, nil, &response)
		return shouldRetry(ctx, res, err, f, &opts)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	switch response.StatusStr {
	case "200":
		return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("cleanup failed (%s)", response.StatusStr)

// About gets quota information
func (f *Fs) About(ctx context.Context) (*fs.Usage, error) {
	// fs.Debugf(f, ">>> About")

	token, err := f.accessToken()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	opts := rest.Opts{
		Method: "GET",
		Path:   "/api/m1/user",
		Parameters: url.Values{
			"access_token": {token},

	var info api.UserInfoResponse
	err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err := f.srv.CallJSON(ctx, &opts, nil, &info)
		return shouldRetry(ctx, res, err, f, &opts)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	total := info.Body.Cloud.Space.BytesTotal
	used := info.Body.Cloud.Space.BytesUsed

	usage := &fs.Usage{
		Total: fs.NewUsageValue(total),
		Used:  fs.NewUsageValue(used),
		Free:  fs.NewUsageValue(total - used),
	return usage, nil

// Put the object
// Copy the reader in to the new object which is returned
// The new object may have been created if an error is returned
func (f *Fs) Put(ctx context.Context, in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo, options ...fs.OpenOption) (fs.Object, error) {
	o := &Object{
		fs:      f,
		remote:  src.Remote(),
		size:    src.Size(),
		modTime: src.ModTime(ctx),
	// fs.Debugf(f, ">>> Put: %q %d '%v'", o.remote, o.size, o.modTime)
	return o, o.Update(ctx, in, src, options...)

// Update an existing object
// Copy the reader into the object updating modTime and size
// The new object may have been created if an error is returned
func (o *Object) Update(ctx context.Context, in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo, options ...fs.OpenOption) error {
	wrapIn := in
	size := src.Size()
	if size < 0 {
		return errors.New("mailru does not support streaming uploads")

	err := o.fs.mkParentDirs(ctx, o.absPath())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var (
		fileBuf  []byte
		fileHash []byte
		newHash  []byte
		slowHash bool
		localSrc bool
	if srcObj := fs.UnWrapObjectInfo(src); srcObj != nil {
		srcFeatures := srcObj.Fs().Features()
		slowHash = srcFeatures.SlowHash
		localSrc = srcFeatures.IsLocal

	// Try speedup if it's globally enabled but skip extra post
	// request if file is small and fits in the metadata request
	trySpeedup := o.fs.opt.SpeedupEnable && size > mrhash.Size

	// Try to get the hash if it's instant
	if trySpeedup && !slowHash {
		if srcHash, err := src.Hash(ctx, MrHashType); err == nil && srcHash != "" {
			fileHash, _ = mrhash.DecodeString(srcHash)
		if fileHash != nil {
			if o.putByHash(ctx, fileHash, src, "source") {
				return nil
			trySpeedup = false // speedup failed, force upload

	// Need to calculate hash, check whether file is still eligible for speedup
	trySpeedup = trySpeedup && o.fs.eligibleForSpeedup(o.Remote(), size, options...)

	// Attempt to put by hash if file is local and eligible
	if trySpeedup && localSrc {
		if srcHash, err := src.Hash(ctx, MrHashType); err == nil && srcHash != "" {
			fileHash, _ = mrhash.DecodeString(srcHash)
		if fileHash != nil && o.putByHash(ctx, fileHash, src, "localfs") {
			return nil
		// If local file hashing has failed, it's pointless to try anymore
		trySpeedup = false

	// Attempt to put by calculating hash in memory
	if trySpeedup && size <= int64(o.fs.opt.SpeedupMaxMem) {
		fileBuf, err = io.ReadAll(in)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		fileHash = mrhash.Sum(fileBuf)
		if o.putByHash(ctx, fileHash, src, "memory") {
			return nil
		wrapIn = bytes.NewReader(fileBuf)
		trySpeedup = false // speedup failed, force upload

	// Attempt to put by hash using a spool file
	if trySpeedup {
		tmpFs, err := fs.TemporaryLocalFs(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			fs.Infof(tmpFs, "Failed to create spool FS: %v", err)
		} else {
			defer func() {
				if err := operations.Purge(ctx, tmpFs, ""); err != nil {
					fs.Infof(tmpFs, "Failed to cleanup spool FS: %v", err)

			spoolFile, mrHash, err := makeTempFile(ctx, tmpFs, wrapIn, src)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("failed to create spool file: %w", err)
			if o.putByHash(ctx, mrHash, src, "spool") {
				// If put by hash is successful, ignore transitive error
				return nil
			if wrapIn, err = spoolFile.Open(ctx); err != nil {
				return err
			fileHash = mrHash

	// Upload object data
	if size <= mrhash.Size {
		// Optimize upload: skip extra request if data fits in the hash buffer.
		if fileBuf == nil {
			fileBuf, err = io.ReadAll(wrapIn)
		if fileHash == nil && err == nil {
			fileHash = mrhash.Sum(fileBuf)
		newHash = fileHash
	} else {
		var hasher gohash.Hash
		if fileHash == nil {
			// Calculate hash in transit
			hasher = mrhash.New()
			wrapIn = io.TeeReader(wrapIn, hasher)
		newHash, err = o.upload(ctx, wrapIn, size, options...)
		if fileHash == nil && err == nil {
			fileHash = hasher.Sum(nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if !bytes.Equal(fileHash, newHash) {
		if o.fs.opt.CheckHash {
			return mrhash.ErrorInvalidHash
		fs.Infof(o, "hash mismatch on upload: expected %x received %x", fileHash, newHash)
	o.mrHash = newHash
	o.size = size
	o.modTime = src.ModTime(ctx)
	return o.addFileMetaData(ctx, true)

// eligibleForSpeedup checks whether file is eligible for speedup method (put by hash)
func (f *Fs) eligibleForSpeedup(remote string, size int64, options ...fs.OpenOption) bool {
	if !f.opt.SpeedupEnable {
		return false
	if size <= mrhash.Size || size < speedupMinSize || size >= int64(f.opt.SpeedupMaxDisk) {
		return false
	_, _, partial := getTransferRange(size, options...)
	if partial {
		return false
	if f.speedupAny {
		return true
	if f.speedupGlobs == nil {
		return false
	nameLower := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(path.Base(remote)))
	for _, pattern := range f.speedupGlobs {
		if matches, _ := filepath.Match(pattern, nameLower); matches {
			return true
	return false

// parseSpeedupPatterns converts pattern string into list of unique glob patterns
func (f *Fs) parseSpeedupPatterns(patternString string) (err error) {
	f.speedupGlobs = nil
	f.speedupAny = false
	uniqueValidPatterns := make(map[string]interface{})

	for _, pattern := range strings.Split(patternString, ",") {
		pattern = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(pattern))
		if pattern == "" {
		if pattern == "*" {
			f.speedupAny = true
		if _, err := filepath.Match(pattern, ""); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("invalid file name pattern %q", pattern)
		uniqueValidPatterns[pattern] = nil
	for pattern := range uniqueValidPatterns {
		f.speedupGlobs = append(f.speedupGlobs, pattern)
	return nil

// putByHash is a thin wrapper around addFileMetaData
func (o *Object) putByHash(ctx context.Context, mrHash []byte, info fs.ObjectInfo, method string) bool {
	oNew := new(Object)
	*oNew = *o
	oNew.mrHash = mrHash
	oNew.size = info.Size()
	oNew.modTime = info.ModTime(ctx)
	if err := oNew.addFileMetaData(ctx, true); err != nil {
		fs.Debugf(o, "Cannot put by hash from %s, performing upload", method)
		return false
	*o = *oNew
	fs.Debugf(o, "File has been put by hash from %s", method)
	return true

func makeTempFile(ctx context.Context, tmpFs fs.Fs, wrapIn io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo) (spoolFile fs.Object, mrHash []byte, err error) {
	// Local temporary file system must support SHA1
	hashType := hash.SHA1

	// Calculate Mailru and spool verification hashes in transit
	hashSet := hash.NewHashSet(MrHashType, hashType)
	hasher, err := hash.NewMultiHasherTypes(hashSet)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	wrapIn = io.TeeReader(wrapIn, hasher)

	// Copy stream into spool file
	tmpInfo := object.NewStaticObjectInfo(src.Remote(), src.ModTime(ctx), src.Size(), false, nil, nil)
	hashOption := &fs.HashesOption{Hashes: hashSet}
	if spoolFile, err = tmpFs.Put(ctx, wrapIn, tmpInfo, hashOption); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	// Validate spool file
	sums := hasher.Sums()
	checkSum := sums[hashType]
	fileSum, err := spoolFile.Hash(ctx, hashType)
	if spoolFile.Size() != src.Size() || err != nil || checkSum == "" || fileSum != checkSum {
		return nil, nil, mrhash.ErrorInvalidHash

	mrHash, err = mrhash.DecodeString(sums[MrHashType])

func (o *Object) upload(ctx context.Context, in io.Reader, size int64, options ...fs.OpenOption) ([]byte, error) {
	token, err := o.fs.accessToken()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	shardURL, err := o.fs.uploadShard(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	opts := rest.Opts{
		Method:        "PUT",
		RootURL:       shardURL,
		Body:          in,
		Options:       options,
		ContentLength: &size,
		Parameters: url.Values{
			"client_id": {api.OAuthClientID},
			"token":     {token},
		ExtraHeaders: map[string]string{
			"Accept": "*/*",

	var (
		res     *http.Response
		strHash string
	err = o.fs.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err = o.fs.srv.Call(ctx, &opts)
		if err == nil {
			strHash, err = readBodyWord(res)
		return fserrors.ShouldRetry(err), err
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	switch res.StatusCode {
	case 200, 201:
		return mrhash.DecodeString(strHash)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("upload failed with code %s (%d)", res.Status, res.StatusCode)

func (f *Fs) uploadShard(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
	defer f.shardMu.Unlock()

	if f.shardURL != "" && time.Now().Before(f.shardExpiry) {
		return f.shardURL, nil

	opts := rest.Opts{
		RootURL: api.DispatchServerURL,
		Method:  "GET",
		Path:    "/u",

	var (
		res *http.Response
		url string
		err error
	err = f.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err = f.srv.Call(ctx, &opts)
		if err == nil {
			url, err = readBodyWord(res)
		return fserrors.ShouldRetry(err), err
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	f.shardURL = url
	f.shardExpiry = time.Now().Add(shardExpirySec * time.Second)
	fs.Debugf(f, "new upload shard: %s", f.shardURL)

	return f.shardURL, nil

// Object describes a mailru object
type Object struct {
	fs          *Fs       // what this object is part of
	remote      string    // The remote path
	hasMetaData bool      // whether info below has been set
	size        int64     // Bytes in the object
	modTime     time.Time // Modified time of the object
	mrHash      []byte    // Mail.ru flavored SHA1 hash of the object

// NewObject finds an Object at the remote.
// If object can't be found it fails with fs.ErrorObjectNotFound
func (f *Fs) NewObject(ctx context.Context, remote string) (fs.Object, error) {
	// fs.Debugf(f, ">>> NewObject %q", remote)
	o := &Object{
		fs:     f,
		remote: remote,
	err := o.readMetaData(ctx, true)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return o, nil

// absPath converts root-relative remote to absolute home path
func (o *Object) absPath() string {
	return o.fs.absPath(o.remote)

// Object.readMetaData reads and fills a file info
// If object can't be found it fails with fs.ErrorObjectNotFound
func (o *Object) readMetaData(ctx context.Context, force bool) error {
	if o.hasMetaData && !force {
		return nil
	entry, dirSize, err := o.fs.readItemMetaData(ctx, o.absPath())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	newObj, ok := entry.(*Object)
	if !ok || dirSize >= 0 {
		return fs.ErrorIsDir
	if newObj.remote != o.remote {
		return fmt.Errorf("file %q path has changed to %q", o.remote, newObj.remote)
	o.hasMetaData = true
	o.size = newObj.size
	o.modTime = newObj.modTime
	o.mrHash = newObj.mrHash
	return nil

// Fs returns the parent Fs
func (o *Object) Fs() fs.Info {
	return o.fs

// Return a string version
func (o *Object) String() string {
	if o == nil {
		return "<nil>"
	//return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]%q", o.fs.root, o.remote)
	return o.remote

// Remote returns the remote path
func (o *Object) Remote() string {
	return o.remote

// ModTime returns the modification time of the object
// It attempts to read the objects mtime and if that isn't present the
// LastModified returned in the http headers
func (o *Object) ModTime(ctx context.Context) time.Time {
	err := o.readMetaData(ctx, false)
	if err != nil {
		fs.Errorf(o, "%v", err)
	return o.modTime

// Size returns the size of an object in bytes
func (o *Object) Size() int64 {
	ctx := context.Background() // Note: Object.Size does not pass context!
	err := o.readMetaData(ctx, false)
	if err != nil {
		fs.Errorf(o, "%v", err)
	return o.size

// Hash returns the MD5 or SHA1 sum of an object
// returning a lowercase hex string
func (o *Object) Hash(ctx context.Context, t hash.Type) (string, error) {
	if t == MrHashType {
		return hex.EncodeToString(o.mrHash), nil
	return "", hash.ErrUnsupported

// Storable returns whether this object is storable
func (o *Object) Storable() bool {
	return true

// SetModTime sets the modification time of the local fs object
// Commits the datastore
func (o *Object) SetModTime(ctx context.Context, modTime time.Time) error {
	// fs.Debugf(o, ">>> SetModTime [%v]", modTime)
	o.modTime = modTime
	return o.addFileMetaData(ctx, true)

func (o *Object) addFileMetaData(ctx context.Context, overwrite bool) error {
	if len(o.mrHash) != mrhash.Size {
		return mrhash.ErrorInvalidHash
	token, err := o.fs.accessToken()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	metaURL, err := o.fs.metaServer(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	req := api.NewBinWriter()
	req.WritePu16(0) // revision

	if overwrite {
		// overwrite
	} else {
		// don't add if not changed, add with rename if changed

	opts := rest.Opts{
		Method:  "POST",
		RootURL: metaURL,
		Parameters: url.Values{
			"client_id": {api.OAuthClientID},
			"token":     {token},
		ContentType: api.BinContentType,
		Body:        req.Reader(),

	var res *http.Response
	err = o.fs.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err = o.fs.srv.Call(ctx, &opts)
		return shouldRetry(ctx, res, err, o.fs, &opts)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	reply := api.NewBinReader(res.Body)
	defer closeBody(res)

	switch status := reply.ReadByteAsInt(); status {
	case api.AddResultOK, api.AddResultNotModified, api.AddResultDunno04, api.AddResultDunno09:
		return nil
	case api.AddResultInvalidName:
		return ErrorInvalidName
		return fmt.Errorf("add file error %d", status)

// Remove an object
func (o *Object) Remove(ctx context.Context) error {
	// fs.Debugf(o, ">>> Remove")
	return o.fs.delete(ctx, o.absPath(), false)

// getTransferRange detects partial transfers and calculates start/end offsets into file
func getTransferRange(size int64, options ...fs.OpenOption) (start int64, end int64, partial bool) {
	var offset, limit int64 = 0, -1

	for _, option := range options {
		switch opt := option.(type) {
		case *fs.SeekOption:
			offset = opt.Offset
		case *fs.RangeOption:
			offset, limit = opt.Decode(size)
			if option.Mandatory() {
				fs.Errorf(nil, "Unsupported mandatory option: %v", option)
	if limit < 0 {
		limit = size - offset
	end = offset + limit
	if end > size {
		end = size
	partial = !(offset == 0 && end == size)
	return offset, end, partial

// Open an object for read and download its content
func (o *Object) Open(ctx context.Context, options ...fs.OpenOption) (in io.ReadCloser, err error) {
	// fs.Debugf(o, ">>> Open")

	token, err := o.fs.accessToken()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	start, end, partialRequest := getTransferRange(o.size, options...)

	headers := map[string]string{
		"Accept":       "*/*",
		"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
	if partialRequest {
		rangeStr := fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", start, end-1)
		headers["Range"] = rangeStr
		// headers["Content-Range"] = rangeStr
		headers["Accept-Ranges"] = "bytes"

	// TODO: set custom timeouts
	opts := rest.Opts{
		Method:  "GET",
		Options: options,
		Path:    url.PathEscape(strings.TrimLeft(o.fs.opt.Enc.FromStandardPath(o.absPath()), "/")),
		Parameters: url.Values{
			"client_id": {api.OAuthClientID},
			"token":     {token},
		ExtraHeaders: headers,

	var res *http.Response
	server := ""
	err = o.fs.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		server, err = o.fs.fileServers.Dispatch(ctx, server)
		if err != nil {
			return false, err
		opts.RootURL = server
		res, err = o.fs.srv.Call(ctx, &opts)
		return shouldRetry(ctx, res, err, o.fs, &opts)
	if err != nil {
		if res != nil && res.Body != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Server should respond with Status 206 and Content-Range header to a range
	// request. Status 200 (and no Content-Range) means a full-content response.
	partialResponse := res.StatusCode == 206

	var (
		hasher     gohash.Hash
		wrapStream io.ReadCloser
	if !partialResponse {
		// Cannot check hash of partial download
		hasher = mrhash.New()
	wrapStream = &endHandler{
		ctx:    ctx,
		stream: res.Body,
		hasher: hasher,
		o:      o,
		server: server,
	if partialRequest && !partialResponse {
		fs.Debugf(o, "Server returned full content instead of range")
		if start > 0 {
			// Discard the beginning of the data
			_, err = io.CopyN(io.Discard, wrapStream, start)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
		wrapStream = readers.NewLimitedReadCloser(wrapStream, end-start)
	return wrapStream, nil

type endHandler struct {
	ctx    context.Context
	stream io.ReadCloser
	hasher gohash.Hash
	o      *Object
	server string
	done   bool

func (e *endHandler) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	n, err = e.stream.Read(p)
	if e.hasher != nil {
		// hasher will not return an error, just panic
		_, _ = e.hasher.Write(p[:n])
	if err != nil { // io.Error or EOF
		err = e.handle(err)

func (e *endHandler) Close() error {
	_ = e.handle(nil) // ignore returned error
	return e.stream.Close()

func (e *endHandler) handle(err error) error {
	if e.done {
		return err
	e.done = true
	o := e.o

	if err != io.EOF || e.hasher == nil {
		return err

	newHash := e.hasher.Sum(nil)
	if bytes.Equal(o.mrHash, newHash) {
		return io.EOF
	if o.fs.opt.CheckHash {
		return mrhash.ErrorInvalidHash
	fs.Infof(o, "hash mismatch on download: expected %x received %x", o.mrHash, newHash)
	return io.EOF

// serverPool backs server dispatcher
type serverPool struct {
	pool      pendingServerMap
	mu        sync.Mutex
	path      string
	expirySec int
	fs        *Fs

type pendingServerMap map[string]*pendingServer

type pendingServer struct {
	locks  int
	expiry time.Time

// Dispatch dispatches next download server.
// It prefers switching and tries to avoid current server
// in use by caller because it may be overloaded or slow.
func (p *serverPool) Dispatch(ctx context.Context, current string) (string, error) {
	now := time.Now()
	url := p.getServer(current, now)
	if url != "" {
		return url, nil

	// Server not found - ask Mailru dispatcher.
	opts := rest.Opts{
		Method:  "GET",
		RootURL: api.DispatchServerURL,
		Path:    p.path,
	var (
		res *http.Response
		err error
	err = p.fs.pacer.Call(func() (bool, error) {
		res, err = p.fs.srv.Call(ctx, &opts)
		if err != nil {
			return fserrors.ShouldRetry(err), err
		url, err = readBodyWord(res)
		return fserrors.ShouldRetry(err), err
	if err != nil || url == "" {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to request file server: %w", err)

	p.addServer(url, now)
	return url, nil

func (p *serverPool) Free(url string) {
	if url == "" {
	defer p.mu.Unlock()

	srv := p.pool[url]
	if srv == nil {

	if srv.locks <= 0 {
		// Getting here indicates possible race
		fs.Infof(p.fs, "Purge file server:  locks -, url %s", url)
		delete(p.pool, url)

	if srv.locks == 0 && time.Now().After(srv.expiry) {
		delete(p.pool, url)
		fs.Debugf(p.fs, "Free file server:   locks 0, url %s", url)
	fs.Debugf(p.fs, "Unlock file server: locks %d, url %s", srv.locks, url)

// Find an underlocked server
func (p *serverPool) getServer(current string, now time.Time) string {
	defer p.mu.Unlock()

	for url, srv := range p.pool {
		if url == "" || srv.locks < 0 {
			continue // Purged server slot
		if url == current {
			continue // Current server - prefer another
		if srv.locks >= maxServerLocks {
			continue // Overlocked server
		if now.After(srv.expiry) {
			continue // Expired server

		fs.Debugf(p.fs, "Lock file server:   locks %d, url %s", srv.locks, url)
		return url

	return ""

func (p *serverPool) addServer(url string, now time.Time) {
	defer p.mu.Unlock()

	expiry := now.Add(time.Duration(p.expirySec) * time.Second)

	expiryStr := []byte("-")
	if p.fs.ci.LogLevel >= fs.LogLevelInfo {
		expiryStr, _ = expiry.MarshalJSON()

	// Attach to a server proposed by dispatcher
	srv := p.pool[url]
	if srv != nil {
		srv.expiry = expiry
		fs.Debugf(p.fs, "Reuse file server:  locks %d, url %s, expiry %s", srv.locks, url, expiryStr)

	// Add new server
	p.pool[url] = &pendingServer{locks: 1, expiry: expiry}
	fs.Debugf(p.fs, "Switch file server: locks 1, url %s, expiry %s", url, expiryStr)

// Name of the remote (as passed into NewFs)
func (f *Fs) Name() string {
	return f.name

// Root of the remote (as passed into NewFs)
func (f *Fs) Root() string {
	return f.root

// String converts this Fs to a string
func (f *Fs) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", f.root)

// Precision return the precision of this Fs
func (f *Fs) Precision() time.Duration {
	return time.Second

// Hashes returns the supported hash sets
func (f *Fs) Hashes() hash.Set {
	return hash.Set(MrHashType)

// Features returns the optional features of this Fs
func (f *Fs) Features() *fs.Features {
	return f.features

// close response body ignoring errors
func closeBody(res *http.Response) {
	if res != nil {
		_ = res.Body.Close()

// Check the interfaces are satisfied
var (
	_ fs.Fs           = (*Fs)(nil)
	_ fs.Purger       = (*Fs)(nil)
	_ fs.Copier       = (*Fs)(nil)
	_ fs.Mover        = (*Fs)(nil)
	_ fs.DirMover     = (*Fs)(nil)
	_ fs.PublicLinker = (*Fs)(nil)
	_ fs.CleanUpper   = (*Fs)(nil)
	_ fs.Abouter      = (*Fs)(nil)
	_ fs.Object       = (*Object)(nil)