//go:build netbsd

package diskusage

import (

// New returns the disk status for dir.
// May return Unsupported error if it doesn't work on this platform.
func New(dir string) (info Info, err error) {
	var statfs unix.Statvfs_t
	err = unix.Statvfs(dir, &statfs)
	if err != nil {
		return info, err
	// Note that these can be different sizes on different OSes so
	// we upcast them all to uint64
	info.Free = uint64(statfs.Bfree) * uint64(statfs.Bsize)
	info.Available = uint64(statfs.Bavail) * uint64(statfs.Bsize)
	info.Total = uint64(statfs.Blocks) * uint64(statfs.Bsize)
	return info, nil