#!/usr/bin/python """ Make single page versions of the documentation for release and conversion into man pages etc. """ import os import re from datetime import datetime docpath = "docs/content" outfile = "MANUAL.md" # Order to add docs segments to make outfile docs = [ "about.md", "install.md", "docs.md", "remote_setup.md", "filtering.md", "overview.md", "drive.md", "s3.md", "swift.md", "dropbox.md", "googlecloudstorage.md", "amazonclouddrive.md", "onedrive.md", "hubic.md", "b2.md", "yandex.md", "local.md", "changelog.md", "bugs.md", "faq.md", "licence.md", "authors.md", "contact.md", ] # Docs which aren't made into outfile ignore_docs = [ "downloads.md", "privacy.md", "donate.md", ] def read_doc(doc): """Read file as a string""" path = os.path.join(docpath, doc) with open(path) as fd: contents = fd.read() parts = contents.split("---\n", 2) if len(parts) != 3: raise ValueError("Couldn't find --- markers: found %d parts" % len(parts)) contents = parts[2].strip()+"\n\n" # Remove icons contents = re.sub(r'<i class="fa.*?</i>\s*', "", contents) # Make [...](/links/) absolute contents = re.sub(r'\((\/.*?\/)\)', r"(http://rclone.org\1)", contents) return contents def check_docs(docpath): """Check all the docs are in docpath""" files = set(f for f in os.listdir(docpath) if f.endswith(".md")) files -= set(ignore_docs) docs_set = set(docs) if files == docs_set: return print "Files on disk but not in docs variable: %s" % ", ".join(files - docs_set) print "Files in docs variable but not on disk: %s" % ", ".join(docs_set - files) raise ValueError("Missing files") def main(): check_docs(docpath) with open(outfile, "w") as out: out.write("""\ %% rclone(1) User Manual %% Nick Craig-Wood %% %s """ % datetime.now().strftime("%b %d, %Y")) for doc in docs: out.write(read_doc(doc)) print "Written '%s'" % outfile if __name__ == "__main__": main()