// Logging for rclone

package fs

import (

// LogLevel describes rclone's logs.  These are a subset of the syslog log levels.
type LogLevel byte

// Log levels.  These are the syslog levels of which we only use a
// subset.
//    LOG_EMERG      system is unusable
//    LOG_ALERT      action must be taken immediately
//    LOG_CRIT       critical conditions
//    LOG_ERR        error conditions
//    LOG_WARNING    warning conditions
//    LOG_NOTICE     normal, but significant, condition
//    LOG_INFO       informational message
//    LOG_DEBUG      debug-level message
const (
	LogLevelEmergency LogLevel = iota
	LogLevelError // Error - can't be suppressed
	LogLevelNotice // Normal logging, -q suppresses
	LogLevelInfo   // Transfers, needs -v
	LogLevelDebug  // Debug level, needs -vv

var logLevelToString = []string{
	LogLevelEmergency: "EMERGENCY",
	LogLevelAlert:     "ALERT",
	LogLevelCritical:  "CRITICAL",
	LogLevelError:     "ERROR",
	LogLevelWarning:   "WARNING",
	LogLevelNotice:    "NOTICE",
	LogLevelInfo:      "INFO",
	LogLevelDebug:     "DEBUG",

// String turns a LogLevel into a string
func (l LogLevel) String() string {
	if l >= LogLevel(len(logLevelToString)) {
		return fmt.Sprintf("LogLevel(%d)", l)
	return logLevelToString[l]

// Flags
var (
	logFile        = StringP("log-file", "", "", "Log everything to this file")
	useSyslog      = BoolP("syslog", "", false, "Use Syslog for logging")
	syslogFacility = StringP("syslog-facility", "", "DAEMON", "Facility for syslog, eg KERN,USER,...")

// logPrint sends the text to the logger of level
var logPrint = func(level LogLevel, text string) {
	text = fmt.Sprintf("%-6s: %s", level, text)

// logPrintf produces a log string from the arguments passed in
func logPrintf(level LogLevel, o interface{}, text string, args ...interface{}) {
	out := fmt.Sprintf(text, args...)
	if o != nil {
		out = fmt.Sprintf("%v: %s", o, out)
	logPrint(level, out)

// Errorf writes error log output for this Object or Fs.  It
// should always be seen by the user.
func Errorf(o interface{}, text string, args ...interface{}) {
	if Config.LogLevel >= LogLevelError {
		logPrintf(LogLevelError, o, text, args...)

// Logf writes log output for this Object or Fs.  This should be
// considered to be Info level logging.  It is the default level.  By
// default rclone should not log very much so only use this for
// important things the user should see.  The user can filter these
// out with the -q flag.
func Logf(o interface{}, text string, args ...interface{}) {
	if Config.LogLevel >= LogLevelNotice {
		logPrintf(LogLevelNotice, o, text, args...)

// Infof writes info on transfers for this Object or Fs.  Use this
// level for logging transfers, deletions and things which should
// appear with the -v flag.
func Infof(o interface{}, text string, args ...interface{}) {
	if Config.LogLevel >= LogLevelInfo {
		logPrintf(LogLevelInfo, o, text, args...)

// Debugf writes debugging output for this Object or Fs.  Use this for
// debug only.  The user must have to specify -vv to see this.
func Debugf(o interface{}, text string, args ...interface{}) {
	if Config.LogLevel >= LogLevelDebug {
		logPrintf(LogLevelDebug, o, text, args...)

// InitLogging start the logging as per the command line flags
func InitLogging() {
	// Log file output
	if *logFile != "" {
		f, err := os.OpenFile(*logFile, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0640)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to open log file: %v", err)
		_, err = f.Seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
		if err != nil {
			Errorf(nil, "Failed to seek log file to end: %v", err)

	// Syslog output
	if *useSyslog {
		if *logFile != "" {
			log.Fatalf("Can't use --syslog and --log-file together")