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synced 2025-03-13 14:59:01 +01:00
In this commit
fspath: Implement a connection string parser #4996
The parsing code was re-written. This didn't quite work as before,
failing to adjust local paths on Windows when it should.
This patch fixes the problem and implements tests for it.
343 lines
9.9 KiB
343 lines
9.9 KiB
// Package fspath contains routines for fspath manipulation
package fspath
import (
const (
configNameRe = `[\w_ -]+`
remoteNameRe = `^(:?` + configNameRe + `)`
var (
errInvalidCharacters = errors.New("config name contains invalid characters - may only contain `0-9`, `A-Z`, `a-z`, `_`, `-` and space")
errCantBeEmpty = errors.New("can't use empty string as a path")
errCantStartWithDash = errors.New("config name starts with `-`")
errBadConfigParam = errors.New("config parameters may only contain `0-9`, `A-Z`, `a-z` and `_`")
errEmptyConfigParam = errors.New("config parameters can't be empty")
errConfigNameEmpty = errors.New("config name can't be empty")
errConfigName = errors.New("config name needs a trailing `:`")
errParam = errors.New("config parameter must end with `,` or `:`")
errValue = errors.New("unquoted config value must end with `,` or `:`")
errQuotedValue = errors.New("unterminated quoted config value")
errAfterQuote = errors.New("expecting `:` or `,` or another quote after a quote")
errSyntax = errors.New("syntax error in config string")
// configNameMatcher is a pattern to match an rclone config name
configNameMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + configNameRe + `$`)
// remoteNameMatcher is a pattern to match an rclone remote name at the start of a config
remoteNameMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + remoteNameRe + `(:$|,)`)
// CheckConfigName returns an error if configName is invalid
func CheckConfigName(configName string) error {
if !configNameMatcher.MatchString(configName) {
return errInvalidCharacters
// Reject configName, if it starts with -, complicates usage. (#4261)
if strings.HasPrefix(configName, "-") {
return errCantStartWithDash
return nil
// checkRemoteName returns an error if remoteName is invalid
func checkRemoteName(remoteName string) error {
if remoteName == ":" || remoteName == "::" {
return errConfigNameEmpty
if !remoteNameMatcher.MatchString(remoteName) {
return errInvalidCharacters
return nil
// Return true if c is a valid character for a config parameter
func isConfigParam(c rune) bool {
return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
c == '_')
// Parsed is returned from Parse with the results of the connection string decomposition
// If Name is "" then it is a local path in Path
// Note that ConfigString + ":" + Path is equal to the input of Parse except that Path may have had
// \ converted to /
type Parsed struct {
Name string // Just the name of the config: "remote" or ":backend"
ConfigString string // The whole config string: "remote:" or ":backend,value=6:"
Path string // The file system path, may be empty
Config configmap.Simple // key/value config parsed out of ConfigString may be nil
// Parse deconstructs a path into a Parsed structure
// If the path is a local path then parsed.Name will be returned as "".
// So "remote:path/to/dir" will return Parsed{Name:"remote", Path:"path/to/dir"},
// and "/path/to/local" will return Parsed{Name:"", Path:"/path/to/local"}
// Note that this will turn \ into / in the fsPath on Windows
// An error may be returned if the remote name has invalid characters or the
// parameters are invalid or the path is empty.
func Parse(path string) (parsed Parsed, err error) {
parsed.Path = filepath.ToSlash(path)
if path == "" {
return parsed, errCantBeEmpty
// If path has no `:` in, it must be a local path
if strings.IndexRune(path, ':') < 0 {
return parsed, nil
// States for parser
const (
stateConfigName = uint8(iota)
var (
state = stateConfigName // current state of parser
i int // position in path
prev int // previous position in path
c rune // current rune under consideration
quote rune // kind of quote to end this quoted string
param string // current parameter value
doubled bool // set if had doubled quotes
for i, c = range path {
// Example Parse
// remote,param=value,param2="qvalue":/path/to/file
switch state {
// Parses "remote,"
case stateConfigName:
if i == 0 && c == ':' {
} else if c == '/' || c == '\\' {
// `:` or `,` not before a path separator must be a local path,
// except if the path started with `:` in which case it was intended
// to be an on the fly remote so return an error.
if path[0] == ':' {
return parsed, errInvalidCharacters
return parsed, nil
} else if c == ':' || c == ',' {
parsed.Name = path[:i]
err := checkRemoteName(parsed.Name + ":")
if err != nil {
return parsed, err
prev = i + 1
if c == ':' {
// If we parsed a drive letter, must be a local path
if driveletter.IsDriveLetter(parsed.Name) {
parsed.Name = ""
return parsed, nil
state = stateDone
break loop
state = stateParam
parsed.Config = make(configmap.Simple)
// Parses param= and param2=
case stateParam:
if c == ':' || c == ',' || c == '=' {
param = path[prev:i]
if len(param) == 0 {
return parsed, errEmptyConfigParam
prev = i + 1
if c == '=' {
state = stateValue
parsed.Config[param] = "true"
if c == ':' {
state = stateDone
break loop
state = stateParam
} else if !isConfigParam(c) {
return parsed, errBadConfigParam
// Parses value
case stateValue:
if c == '\'' || c == '"' {
if i == prev {
quote = c
state = stateQuotedValue
prev = i + 1
doubled = false
} else if c == ':' || c == ',' {
value := path[prev:i]
prev = i + 1
parsed.Config[param] = value
if c == ':' {
state = stateDone
break loop
state = stateParam
// Parses "qvalue"
case stateQuotedValue:
if c == quote {
state = stateAfterQuote
// Parses : or , or quote after "qvalue"
case stateAfterQuote:
if c == ':' || c == ',' {
value := path[prev : i-1]
// replace any doubled quotes if there were any
if doubled {
value = strings.Replace(value, string(quote)+string(quote), string(quote), -1)
prev = i + 1
parsed.Config[param] = value
if c == ':' {
state = stateDone
break loop
} else {
state = stateParam
} else if c == quote {
// Here is a doubled quote to indicate a literal quote
state = stateQuotedValue
doubled = true
} else {
return parsed, errAfterQuote
// Depending on which state we were in when we fell off the
// end of the state machine we can return a sensible error.
switch state {
return parsed, errSyntax
case stateConfigName:
return parsed, errConfigName
case stateParam:
return parsed, errParam
case stateValue:
return parsed, errValue
case stateQuotedValue:
return parsed, errQuotedValue
case stateAfterQuote:
return parsed, errAfterQuote
case stateDone:
parsed.ConfigString = path[:i]
parsed.Path = path[i+1:]
// change native directory separators to / if there are any
parsed.Path = filepath.ToSlash(parsed.Path)
return parsed, nil
// SplitFs splits a remote a remoteName and an remotePath.
// SplitFs("remote:path/to/file") -> ("remote:", "path/to/file")
// SplitFs("/to/file") -> ("", "/to/file")
// If it returns remoteName as "" then remotePath is a local path
// The returned values have the property that remoteName + remotePath ==
// remote (except under Windows where \ will be translated into /)
func SplitFs(remote string) (remoteName string, remotePath string, err error) {
parsed, err := Parse(remote)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
remoteName, remotePath = parsed.ConfigString, parsed.Path
if remoteName != "" {
remoteName += ":"
return remoteName, remotePath, nil
// Split splits a remote into a parent and a leaf
// if it returns leaf as an empty string then remote is a directory
// if it returns parent as an empty string then that means the current directory
// The returned values have the property that parent + leaf == remote
// (except under Windows where \ will be translated into /)
func Split(remote string) (parent string, leaf string, err error) {
remoteName, remotePath, err := SplitFs(remote)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
// Construct new remote name without last segment
parent, leaf = path.Split(remotePath)
return remoteName + parent, leaf, nil
// Make filePath absolute so it can't read above the root
func makeAbsolute(filePath string) string {
leadingSlash := strings.HasPrefix(filePath, "/")
filePath = path.Join("/", filePath)
if !leadingSlash && strings.HasPrefix(filePath, "/") {
filePath = filePath[1:]
return filePath
// JoinRootPath joins filePath onto remote
// If the remote has a leading "//" this is preserved to allow Windows
// network paths to be used as remotes.
// If filePath is empty then remote will be returned.
// If the path contains \ these will be converted to / on Windows.
func JoinRootPath(remote, filePath string) string {
remote = filepath.ToSlash(remote)
if filePath == "" {
return remote
filePath = filepath.ToSlash(filePath)
filePath = makeAbsolute(filePath)
if strings.HasPrefix(remote, "//") {
return "/" + path.Join(remote, filePath)
parsed, err := Parse(remote)
remoteName, remotePath := parsed.ConfigString, parsed.Path
if err != nil {
// Couldn't parse so assume it is a path
remoteName = ""
remotePath = remote
remotePath = path.Join(remotePath, filePath)
if remoteName != "" {
remoteName += ":"
// if have remote: then normalise the remotePath
if remotePath == "." {
remotePath = ""
return remoteName + remotePath