diff --git a/src/modules/google.js b/src/modules/google.js
index 7ca9cad..2d10422 100644
--- a/src/modules/google.js
+++ b/src/modules/google.js
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ class GoogleScraper extends Scraper {
const results = await this.page.evaluate(() => {
- let _text = (el, s) => {
+ let _text = (el, s, onlyFirstTextNode) => {
let n = el.querySelector(s);
if (n) {
- return n.innerText;
+ return (onlyFirstTextNode) ? n.childNodes[0].nodeValue : n.innerText;
} else {
@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ class GoogleScraper extends Scraper {
tracking_link: _attr(el, '.pla-unit-title a:first-child', 'href'),
link: _attr(el, '.pla-unit-title a:nth-child(2)', 'href'),
title: _text(el, '.pla-unit-title a:nth-child(2) span'),
- price: el.querySelector('.pla-unit-title + div').childNodes[0].nodeValue,
+ price: _text(el, '.pla-unit-title + div', true),
originalPrice: _text(el, '.pla-unit-title + div > span'),
- //shipping: _text(el, '.pla-extensions-container div:nth-of-type(1)'), // TODO get a sample page with this
+ shipping: _text(el, '.pla-extensions-container .cYBBsb'),
vendor_link: _attr(el,'.pla-extensions-container a.FfKHB', 'href'),
merchant_name: _text(el,'.LbUacb span:nth-child(1)'),
diff --git a/test/mocks/google/shopping 2_page1.html b/test/mocks/google/shopping 2_page1.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4342228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/mocks/google/shopping 2_page1.html
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
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diff --git a/test/modules/google.js b/test/modules/google.js
index 22e2285..d008e7a 100644
--- a/test/modules/google.js
+++ b/test/modules/google.js
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ describe('Module Google', function(){
- it('extract google shopping', function () {
+ it('extract google shopping on right', function () {
const googleScraper = new GoogleScraper({
config: {
search_engine_name: 'google',
@@ -195,6 +195,34 @@ describe('Module Google', function(){
+ it('extract google shopping on top', function () {
+ const googleScraper = new GoogleScraper({
+ config: {
+ search_engine_name: 'google',
+ throw_on_detection: true,
+ keywords: ['shopping 2'],
+ logger: testLogger,
+ scrape_from_file: '',
+ num_pages: 1,
+ }
+ });
+ googleScraper.STANDARD_TIMEOUT = 500;
+ return googleScraper.run({page}).then(({results, metadata, num_requests}) => {
+ assert.strictEqual(num_requests, 1, 'One request should be done');
+ assert.strictEqual(results['shopping 2']['1'].results.length, 10, 'Must have 10 organic results parsed on page 1');
+ assert.deepEqual(results['shopping 2']['1'].top_products[2], {
+ "link": "https://www.zalando.fr/lacoste-sideline-cub-chaussons-pour-bebe-whitegreen-la216f003-k11.html?size=17&allophones=0",
+ "merchant_name": "Zalando.fr",
+ "price": "31,95 €",
+ "rank": 3,
+ 'shipping': 'Livraison gratuite',
+ "title": "Lacoste Sideline CUB Cadeau de naissance white/green, gender.kids.unisex, Taille: 17, Blanc - Imitation cuir/textile",
+ "tracking_link": "/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjt7o3yj4nqAhVZhdUKHbshBNwYABASGgJ3cw&sig=AOD64_0usikwrH4jD5vqtbS7vVoCrNxMOg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwj0w4fyj4nqAhWZDGMBHY7HAzAQww96BAgOEFI&adurl=",
+ "vendor_link": "https://fr.shoptail.eu/cheap%20lacoste%20shoes",
+ })
+ });
+ });
it('shopping extract right one product', function () {
const googleScraper = new GoogleScraper({
config: {