# Search Engine Scraper This node module supports scraping several search engines. Right now scraping the search engines * Google * Google News * Google News New (https://news.google.com) * Google Image * Bing * Baidu * Youtube * Infospace * Duckduckgo * Webcrawler is supported. Additionally **se-scraper** supports investment ticker search from the following sites: * Bloomberg * Reuters * cnbc * Marketwatch This module uses puppeteer. It was created by the Developer of https://github.com/NikolaiT/GoogleScraper, a module with 1800 Stars on Github. ### Quickstart Install with ```bash npm install se-scraper ``` then create a file with the following contents and start scraping. ```js const se_scraper = require('se-scraper'); let config = { search_engine: 'google', debug: false, verbose: false, keywords: ['news', 'scraping scrapeulous.com'], num_pages: 3, output_file: 'data.json', }; function callback(err, response) { if (err) { console.error(err) } console.dir(response, {depth: null, colors: true}); } se_scraper.scrape(config, callback); ``` ### Technical Notes Scraping is done with a headless chromium browser using the automation library puppeteer. Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol. No multithreading is supported for now. Only one scraping worker per `scrape()` call. If you need to deploy scraping to the cloud (AWS or Azure), you can contact me on hire@incolumitas.com The chromium browser is started with the following flags to prevent scraping detection. ```js var ADDITIONAL_CHROME_FLAGS = [ '--disable-infobars', '--window-position=0,0', '--ignore-certifcate-errors', '--ignore-certifcate-errors-spki-list', '--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox', '--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--disable-accelerated-2d-canvas', '--disable-gpu', '--window-size=1920x1080', '--hide-scrollbars', ]; ``` Furthermore, to avoid loading unnecessary ressources and to speed up scraping a great deal, we instruct chrome to not load images and css: ```js await page.setRequestInterception(true); page.on('request', (req) => { let type = req.resourceType(); const block = ['stylesheet', 'font', 'image', 'media']; if (block.includes(type)) { req.abort(); } else { req.continue(); } }); ``` #### Making puppeteer and headless chrome undetectable Consider the following resources: * https://intoli.com/blog/making-chrome-headless-undetectable/ ### Advanced Usage Use se-scraper by calling it with a script such as the one below. ```js const se_scraper = require('se-scraper'); const resolve = require('path').resolve; let config = { // the user agent to scrape with user_agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.110 Safari/537.36', // if random_user_agent is set to True, a random user agent is chosen random_user_agent: true, // get meta data of scraping in return object write_meta_data: false, // how long to sleep between requests. a random sleep interval within the range [a,b] // is drawn before every request. empty string for no sleeping. sleep_range: '[1,2]', // which search engine to scrape search_engine: 'google', // whether debug information should be printed // debug info is useful for developers when debugging debug: false, // whether verbose program output should be printed // this output is informational verbose: false, // an array of keywords to scrape keywords: ['scraping scrapeulous.com'], // alternatively you can specify a keyword_file. this overwrites the keywords array keyword_file: '', // the number of pages to scrape for each keyword num_pages: 2, // whether to start the browser in headless mode headless: true, // path to output file, data will be stored in JSON output_file: 'data.json', // whether to prevent images, css, fonts from being loaded // will speed up scraping a great deal block_assets: true, // path to js module that extends functionality // this module should export the functions: // get_browser, handle_metadata, close_browser // must be an absolute path to the module //custom_func: resolve('examples/pluggable.js'), custom_func: '', // use a proxy for all connections // example: 'socks5://' // example: '' //proxy: 'socks5://', }; function callback(err, response) { if (err) { console.error(err) } /* response object has the following properties: response.results - json object with the scraping results response.metadata - json object with metadata information response.statusCode - status code of the scraping process */ console.dir(response.results, {depth: null, colors: true}); } se_scraper.scrape(config, callback); ``` Supported options for the `search_engine` config key: ```javascript 'google' 'google_news_old' 'google_news' 'google_image' 'bing' 'bing_news' 'infospace' 'webcrawler' 'baidu' 'youtube' 'duckduckgo_news' 'yahoo_news' 'bloomberg' 'reuters' 'cnbc' 'marketwatch' ``` Output for the above script on my machine: ```text { 'scraping scrapeulous.com': { '1': { time: 'Tue, 29 Jan 2019 21:39:22 GMT', num_results: 'Ungefähr 145 Ergebnisse (0,18 Sekunden) ', no_results: false, effective_query: '', results: [ { link: 'https://scrapeulous.com/', title: 'Scrapeuloushttps://scrapeulous.com/Im CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: 'Scrapeulous.com allows you to scrape various search engines automatically ... or to find hidden links, Scrapeulous.com enables you to scrape a ever increasing ...', visible_link: 'https://scrapeulous.com/', date: '', rank: 1 }, { link: 'https://scrapeulous.com/about/', title: 'About - Scrapeuloushttps://scrapeulous.com/about/Im CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: 'Scrapeulous.com allows you to scrape various search engines automatically and in large quantities. The business requirement to scrape information from ...', visible_link: 'https://scrapeulous.com/about/', date: '', rank: 2 }, { link: 'https://scrapeulous.com/howto/', title: 'Howto - Scrapeuloushttps://scrapeulous.com/howto/Im CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: 'We offer scraping large amounts of keywords for the Google Search Engine. Large means any number of keywords between 40 and 50000. Additionally, we ...', visible_link: 'https://scrapeulous.com/howto/', date: '', rank: 3 }, { link: 'https://github.com/NikolaiT/se-scraper', title: 'GitHub - NikolaiT/se-scraper: Javascript scraping module based on ...https://github.com/NikolaiT/se-scraperIm CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: '24.12.2018 - Javascript scraping module based on puppeteer for many different search ... for many different search engines... https://scrapeulous.com/.', visible_link: 'https://github.com/NikolaiT/se-scraper', date: '24.12.2018 - ', rank: 4 }, { link: 'https://github.com/NikolaiT/GoogleScraper/blob/master/README.md', title: 'GoogleScraper/README.md at master · NikolaiT/GoogleScraper ...https://github.com/NikolaiT/GoogleScraper/blob/.../README.mdIm CacheÄhnliche SeitenDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: 'GoogleScraper - Scraping search engines professionally. Scrapeulous.com - Scraping Service. GoogleScraper is a open source tool and will remain a open ...', visible_link: 'https://github.com/NikolaiT/GoogleScraper/blob/.../README.md', date: '', rank: 5 }, { link: 'https://googlescraper.readthedocs.io/', title: 'Welcome to GoogleScraper\'s documentation! — GoogleScraper ...https://googlescraper.readthedocs.io/Im CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: 'Welcome to GoogleScraper\'s documentation!¶. Contents: GoogleScraper - Scraping search engines professionally · Scrapeulous.com - Scraping Service ...', visible_link: 'https://googlescraper.readthedocs.io/', date: '', rank: 6 }, { link: 'https://incolumitas.com/pages/scrapeulous/', title: 'Coding, Learning and Business Ideas – Scrapeulous.com - Incolumitashttps://incolumitas.com/pages/scrapeulous/Im CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: 'A scraping service for scientists, marketing professionals, analysts or SEO folk. In autumn 2018, I created a scraping service called scrapeulous.com. There you ...', visible_link: 'https://incolumitas.com/pages/scrapeulous/', date: '', rank: 7 }, { link: 'https://incolumitas.com/', title: 'Coding, Learning and Business Ideashttps://incolumitas.com/Im CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: 'Scraping Amazon Reviews using Headless Chrome Browser and Python3. Posted on Mi ... GoogleScraper Tutorial - How to scrape 1000 keywords with Google.', visible_link: 'https://incolumitas.com/', date: '', rank: 8 }, { link: 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_engine_scraping', title: 'Search engine scraping - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_engine_scrapingIm CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: 'Search engine scraping is the process of harvesting URLs, descriptions, or other information from search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo. This is a ...', visible_link: 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_engine_scraping', date: '', rank: 9 }, { link: 'https://readthedocs.org/projects/googlescraper/downloads/pdf/latest/', title: 'GoogleScraper Documentation - Read the Docshttps://readthedocs.org/projects/googlescraper/downloads/.../latest...Im CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: '23.12.2018 - Contents: 1 GoogleScraper - Scraping search engines professionally. 1. 1.1 ... For this reason, I created the web service scrapeulous.com.', visible_link: 'https://readthedocs.org/projects/googlescraper/downloads/.../latest...', date: '23.12.2018 - ', rank: 10 } ] }, '2': { time: 'Tue, 29 Jan 2019 21:39:24 GMT', num_results: 'Seite 2 von ungefähr 145 Ergebnissen (0,20 Sekunden) ', no_results: false, effective_query: '', results: [ { link: 'https://pypi.org/project/CountryGoogleScraper/', title: 'CountryGoogleScraper · PyPIhttps://pypi.org/project/CountryGoogleScraper/Im CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: 'A module to scrape and extract links, titles and descriptions from various search ... Look [here to get an idea how to use asynchronous mode](http://scrapeulous.', visible_link: 'https://pypi.org/project/CountryGoogleScraper/', date: '', rank: 1 }, { link: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6xn6rc9GbI', title: 'scrapeulous intro - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6xn6rc9GbIDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: 'scrapeulous intro. Scrapeulous Scrapeulous. Loading... Unsubscribe from ... on Dec 16, 2018. Introduction ...', visible_link: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6xn6rc9GbI', date: '', rank: 3 }, { link: 'https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/2tii3r/scraping_260_search_queries_in_bing_in_a_matter/', title: 'Scraping 260 search queries in Bing in a matter of seconds using ...https://www.reddit.com/.../scraping_260_search_queries_in_bing...Im CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: '24.01.2015 - Scraping 260 search queries in Bing in a matter of seconds using asyncio and aiohttp. (scrapeulous.com). submitted 3 years ago by ...', visible_link: 'https://www.reddit.com/.../scraping_260_search_queries_in_bing...', date: '24.01.2015 - ', rank: 4 }, { link: 'https://twitter.com/incolumitas_?lang=de', title: 'Nikolai Tschacher (@incolumitas_) | Twitterhttps://twitter.com/incolumitas_?lang=deIm CacheÄhnliche SeitenDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: 'Learn how to scrape millions of url from yandex and google or bing with: http://scrapeulous.com/googlescraper-market-analysis.html … 0 replies 0 retweets 0 ...', visible_link: 'https://twitter.com/incolumitas_?lang=de', date: '', rank: 5 }, { link: 'http://blog.shodan.io/hostility-in-the-python-package-index/', title: 'Hostility in the Cheese Shop - Shodan Blogblog.shodan.io/hostility-in-the-python-package-index/Im CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: '22.02.2015 - https://zzz.scrapeulous.com/r? According to the author of the website, these hostile packages are used as honeypots. Honeypots are usually ...', visible_link: 'blog.shodan.io/hostility-in-the-python-package-index/', date: '22.02.2015 - ', rank: 6 }, { link: 'https://libraries.io/github/NikolaiT/GoogleScraper', title: 'NikolaiT/GoogleScraper - Libraries.iohttps://libraries.io/github/NikolaiT/GoogleScraperIm CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: 'A Python module to scrape several search engines (like Google, Yandex, Bing, ... https://scrapeulous.com/ ... You can install GoogleScraper comfortably with pip:', visible_link: 'https://libraries.io/github/NikolaiT/GoogleScraper', date: '', rank: 7 }, { link: 'https://pydigger.com/pypi/CountryGoogleScraper', title: 'CountryGoogleScraper - PyDiggerhttps://pydigger.com/pypi/CountryGoogleScraperDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: '19.10.2016 - Look [here to get an idea how to use asynchronous mode](http://scrapeulous.com/googlescraper-260-keywords-in-a-second.html). ### Table ...', visible_link: 'https://pydigger.com/pypi/CountryGoogleScraper', date: '19.10.2016 - ', rank: 8 }, { link: 'https://hub.docker.com/r/cimenx/data-mining-penandtest/', title: 'cimenx/data-mining-penandtest - Docker Hubhttps://hub.docker.com/r/cimenx/data-mining-penandtest/Im CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: 'Container. OverviewTagsDockerfileBuilds · http://scrapeulous.com/googlescraper-260-keywords-in-a-second.html. Docker Pull Command. Owner. profile ...', visible_link: 'https://hub.docker.com/r/cimenx/data-mining-penandtest/', date: '', rank: 9 }, { link: 'https://www.revolvy.com/page/Search-engine-scraping', title: 'Search engine scraping | Revolvyhttps://www.revolvy.com/page/Search-engine-scrapingIm CacheDiese Seite übersetzen', snippet: 'Search engine scraping is the process of harvesting URLs, descriptions, or other information from search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo. This is a ...', visible_link: 'https://www.revolvy.com/page/Search-engine-scraping', date: '', rank: 10 } ] } } } ```