diff --git a/docs/configuration_file_basics.xml b/docs/configuration_file_basics.xml
index dadfcb52a..06c555a1c 100644
--- a/docs/configuration_file_basics.xml
+++ b/docs/configuration_file_basics.xml
@@ -713,8 +713,8 @@ SHELL cat /etc/shorewall/rules.d/*.rules
Perl-based compiler, Embedded scripts offer a
richer and more flexible extension capability.
- While inline scripts scripts may be written in either Shell or Perl,
- those written in Perl have a lot more power.
+ While inline scripts may be written in either Shell or Perl, those
+ written in Perl have a lot more power.
Embedded scripts can be either single-line or multi-line. Single
line scripts take one of the following forms:
@@ -740,17 +740,18 @@ SHELL cat /etc/shorewall/rules.d/*.rules
ACCEPT loc fw tcp 22
ACCEPT dmz fw tcp 22
- Perl scripts run in the context of of the compiler process. To
- produce output that will be processed by the compiler as if it were
- embedded in the file at the point of the script, pass that output to the
- shorewall() function. The Perl equivalent of the above SHELL script would
- be:PERL for ( qw/net loc dmz/ ) { shorewall "ACCEPT $_ fw tcp 22"; }Perl
- scripts are implicitly prefixed by the following:
+ Perl scripts run in the context of of the compiler process using
+ Perl's eval() function. Perl scripts are implicitly prefixed by the
+ following:
package Shorewall::User;
use Shorewall::Config qw/shorewall/;
- A couple of more points should be mentioned:
+ To produce output that will be processed by the compiler as if it
+ were embedded in the file at the point of the script, pass that output to
+ the Shorewall::Config::shorewall() function. The Perl equivalent of the
+ above SHELL script would be:PERL for ( qw/net loc dmz/ ) { shorewall "ACCEPT $_ fw tcp 22"; }A
+ couple of more points should be mentioned: