From e0a506151f4a21c335a9c9d811b5c62c39743914 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: teastep <teastep@fbd18981-670d-0410-9b5c-8dc0c1a9a2bb>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 22:52:10 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Remove traffic shaping reconfiguration from 'shorewall

git-svn-id: fbd18981-670d-0410-9b5c-8dc0c1a9a2bb
 Shorewall/changelog.txt    |   3 +
 Shorewall/compiler         |   1 -
 Shorewall/firewall         | 768 ++-----------------------------------
 Shorewall/releasenotes.txt |   6 +-
 4 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 735 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Shorewall/changelog.txt b/Shorewall/changelog.txt
index 1920c3697..696ca5ad7 100644
--- a/Shorewall/changelog.txt
+++ b/Shorewall/changelog.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Changes in 3.2.0 Beta 5
 1)  Fix compilation problem on LEAF Bering.
+2)  Remove traffic shaping code from the 'firewall' script to avoid
+    unmaintainable code duplication.
 Changes in 3.2.0 Beta 4
 1)  Fix 'routeback' with bridge ports.
diff --git a/Shorewall/compiler b/Shorewall/compiler
index e43785f82..29e4869e7 100755
--- a/Shorewall/compiler
+++ b/Shorewall/compiler
@@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ run_iptables() {
     save_command "$IPTABLES_COMMAND $@"
diff --git a/Shorewall/firewall b/Shorewall/firewall
index eb10a3d1c..ca0e5152c 100755
--- a/Shorewall/firewall
+++ b/Shorewall/firewall
@@ -89,13 +89,15 @@ report () { # $* = message
 # Run iptables and if an error occurs, stop the firewall and quit
 run_iptables() {
-    #
-    # Purge the temporary files that we use to prevent duplicate '-m' specifications
-    #
-    [ -n "$BRIDGING" ]      && [ -f $TMP_DIR/physdev ] && rm -f $TMP_DIR/physdev
-    [ -n "$IPRANGE_MATCH" ] && [ -f $TMP_DIR/iprange ] && rm -f $TMP_DIR/iprange
+    if [ -z "$KLUDGEFREE" ]; then
+	#
+	# Purge the temporary files that we use to prevent duplicate '-m' specifications
+	#
+	[ -n "$BRIDGING" ]      && [ -f $TMP_DIR/physdev ] && rm -f $TMP_DIR/physdev
+	[ -n "$IPRANGE_MATCH" ] && [ -f $TMP_DIR/iprange ] && rm -f $TMP_DIR/iprange
+    fi
-    if ! $IPTABLES $@ ; then
+   if ! $IPTABLES $@ ; then
 	if [ -z "$STOPPING" ]; then
 	    error_message "ERROR: Command \"$IPTABLES $@\" Failed"
@@ -124,11 +126,13 @@ run_iptables2() {
 # Quietly run iptables
 qt_iptables() {
-    #
-    # Purge the temporary files that we use to prevent duplicate '-m' specifications
-    #
-    [ -n "$BRIDGING" ]      && [ -f $TMP_DIR/physdev ] && rm -f $TMP_DIR/physdev
-    [ -n "$IPRANGE_MATCH" ] && [ -f $TMP_DIR/iprange ] && rm -f $TMP_DIR/iprange
+    if [ -z "$KLUDGEFREE" ]; then
+	#
+	# Purge the temporary files that we use to prevent duplicate '-m' specifications
+	#
+	[ -n "$BRIDGING" ]      && [ -f $TMP_DIR/physdev ] && rm -f $TMP_DIR/physdev
+	[ -n "$IPRANGE_MATCH" ] && [ -f $TMP_DIR/iprange ] && rm -f $TMP_DIR/iprange
+    fi
     qt $IPTABLES $@
@@ -443,7 +447,9 @@ first_chains() #$1 = interface
-    if [ -f $TMP_DIR/iprange ]; then
+    if [ -n "$KLUDGEFREE" ]; then
+	echo "-m iprange $@"
+    elif [ -f $TMP_DIR/iprange ]; then
 	echo $@
 	echo "-m iprange $@"
@@ -456,24 +462,28 @@ iprange_echo()
 get_set_flags() # $1 = set name and optional [levels], $2 = src or dst
+    #
+    # Note: There is a lot of unnecessary evaluation in this function just so my text
+    #       editor (kate) doesn't get lost trying to follow the shell syntax for highlighting.
+    #
     local temp setname=$1 options=$2
     [ -n "$IPSET_MATCH" ] || fatal_error "Your kernel and/or iptables does not include ipset match: $1"
     case $1 in
-            temp=${1#*\[}
-	    temp=${temp%\]}
-	    setname=${1%\[*}
+	    eval temp='${1#*\[}'
+	    eval temp='${temp%\]}'
+	    eval setname='${1%\[*}'
 	    while [ $temp -gt 1 ]; do
 	       temp=$(($temp - 1))
-	    options=${1#*\[}
-	    options=${options%\]}
-	    setname=${1%\[*}
+	    eval options='${1#*\[}'
+	    eval options='${options%\]}'
+	    eval setname='${1%\[*}'
@@ -487,7 +497,9 @@ get_set_flags() # $1 = set name and optional [levels], $2 = src or dst
-    if [ -f $TMP_DIR/physdev ]; then
+    if [ -n "$KLUDGEFREE" ]; then
+	echo -m physdev $@
+    elif [ -f $TMP_DIR/physdev ]; then
 	echo $@
 	echo -m physdev $@
@@ -1551,677 +1563,6 @@ setup_ecn() # $1 = file name
-# Set up an exclusion chain
-build_exclusion_chain() # $1 = variable to store chain name into $2 = table, $3 = SOURCE exclusion list, $4 = DESTINATION exclusion list
-    local c=excl_${EXCLUSION_SEQ} net
-    run_iptables -t $2 -N $c
-    for net in $(separate_list $3); do
-	run_iptables -t $2 -A $c $(source_ip_range $net) -j RETURN
-    done
-    for net in $(separate_list $4); do
-	run_iptables -t $2 -A $c $(dest_ip_range $net) -j RETURN
-    done
-    case $2 in
-	filter)
-	    eval exists_${c}=Yes
-	    ;;
-	nat)
-	    eval exists_nat_${c}=Yes
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    eval $1=$c
-# Arne Bernin's 'tc4shorewall'
-    local mtu r2q tc_all_devices device mark rate ceil prio options devfile=$(find_file tcdevices) classfile=$(find_file tcclasses) devnum=1
-    mtu=1500
-    r2q=10
-    rate_to_kbit() {
-	local rateunit rate
-	rate=$1
-	rateunit=$( echo $rate | sed -e 's/[0-9]*//')
-	rate=$( echo $rate | sed -e 's/[a-z]*//g')
-	case $rateunit in
-	    kbit)
-		rate=$rate
-		;;
-	    mbit)
-		rate=$(expr $rate \* 1024)
-		;;
-	    mbps)
-		rate=$(expr $rate \* 8192)
-		;;
-	    kbps)
-		rate=$(expr $rate \* 8)
-		;;
-	    *)
-		rate=$(expr $rate / 128)
-		;;
-	esac
-	echo $rate
-    }
-    calculate_quantum() {
-	local rate
-	rate=$1
-	rate=$(rate_to_kbit $rate)
-	rate=$(expr $rate \* 128 / $r2q )
-	if [ $rate -lt $mtu ] ; then
-	    echo $mtu
-	else
-	    echo $rate
-	fi
-    }
-    # get given outbandwidth for device
-    get_outband_for_dev() {
-	local device inband outband
-	while read device inband outband; do
-	    expandv device inband outband
-	    tcdev="$device $inband $outband"
-	    if [ "$1" = "$device" ] ; then
-		echo $outband
-		return
-	    fi
-	done < $TMP_DIR/tcdevices
-    }
-    check_tcclasses_options() {
-	while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do
-	    shift
-	    case $1 in
-		default|tcp-ack|tos-minimize-delay|tos-maximize-throughput|tos-maximize-reliability|tos-minimize-cost|tos-normal-service)
-		    ;;
-		tos=0x[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]|tos=0x[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]/0x[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])
-		    ;;
-		*)
-		    echo $1
-		    return 1
-		    ;;
-	    esac
-	done
-	return 0
-    }
-    get_defmark_for_dev() {
-	local searchdev searchmark device ceil prio options
-	searchdev=$1
-	while read device mark rate ceil prio options; do
-	    expandv device mark rate ceil prio options
-	    options=$(separate_list $options | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
-	    tcdev="$device $mark $rate $ceil $prio $options"
-	    if [ "$searchdev" = "$device" ] ; then
-		list_search "default" $options && echo $mark &&return 0
-	    fi
-	done < $TMP_DIR/tcclasses
-	return 1
-    }
-    check_defmark_for_dev() {
-	get_defmark_for_dev $1 >/dev/null
-    }
-    validate_tcdevices_file() {
-	progress_message2 "Validating $devfile..."
-	local device local device inband outband
-	while read device inband outband; do
-	    expandv device inband outband
-	    tcdev="$device $inband $outband"
-	    check_defmark_for_dev $device || fatal_error "Option default is not defined for any class in tcclasses for interface $device"
-	    case $interface in
-		*:*|+)
-		    fatal_error "Invalid Interface Name: $interface"
-		    ;;
-	    esac
-	    list_search $device $devices && fatal_error "Interface $device is defined more than once in tcdevices"
-	    tc_all_devices="$tc_all_devices $device"
-	done < $TMP_DIR/tcdevices
-    }
-    validate_tcclasses_file() {
-	progress_message2 "Validating $classfile..."
-	local classlist device mark rate ceil prio bandw wrongopt allopts opt
-	allopts=""
-	while read device mark rate ceil prio options; do
-	    expandv device mark rate ceil prio options
-	    tcdev="$device $mark $rate $ceil $prio $options"
-	    ratew=$(get_outband_for_dev $device)
-	    options=$(separate_list $options | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
-	    for opt in $options; do
-	    	case $opt in
-	    	tos=0x??)
-	    	    opt="$opt/0xff"
-	    	    ;;
-		esac
-		    list_search "$device-$opt" $allopts && fatal_error "option $opt already defined in a chain for interface $device in tcclasses"
-		    allopts="$allopts $device-$opt"
-	    done
-	    wrongopt=$(check_tcclasses_options $options) || fatal_error "unknown option $wrongopt for class iface $device mark $mark in tcclasses file"
-	    if [ -z "$ratew" ] ; then
-		fatal_error "device $device seems not to be configured in tcdevices"
-	    fi
-	    list_search "$device-$mark" $classlist && fatal_error "Mark $mark for interface $device defined more than once in tcclasses"
-	    classlist="$classlist $device-$mark"
-	done < $TMP_DIR/tcclasses
-    }
-    add_root_tc() {
-	local defmark
-	defmark=$(get_defmark_for_dev $device)
-	qt tc qdisc del dev $device root
-	qt tc qdisc del dev $device ingress
-	run_tc qdisc add dev $device root handle $devnum: htb default 1$defmark
-	run_tc class add dev $device parent $devnum: classid $devnum:1 htb rate $outband
-	run_tc qdisc add dev $device handle ffff: ingress
-	run_tc filter add dev $device parent ffff: protocol ip prio 50 u32 match ip src police rate ${inband} burst 10k drop flowid :1
-	eval $(chain_base $device)_devnum=$devnum
-	devnum=$(($devnum + 1))
-    }
-    add_tc_class() {
-	local full classid tospair tosmask
-	full=$(get_outband_for_dev $device)
-	full=$(rate_to_kbit $full)
-	if [ -z "$prio" ] ; then
-	    prio=1
-	fi
-	case $rate in
-	    *full*)
-		rate=$(echo $rate | sed -e "s/full/$full/")
-		rate="$(($rate))kbit"
-		;;
-	esac
-	case $ceil in
-	    *full*)
-		ceil=$(echo $ceil | sed -e "s/full/$full/")
-		ceil="$(($ceil))kbit"
-		;;
-	esac
-	eval devnum=\$$(chain_base $device)_devnum
-	classid=$devnum:1$mark
-	[ -n "$devnum" ] || fatal_error "Device $device not defined in $devfile"
-	run_tc class add dev $device parent $devnum:1 classid $classid htb rate $rate ceil $ceil prio $prio quantum $(calculate_quantum $rate)
-	run_tc qdisc add dev $device parent $classid handle 1$mark: sfq perturb 10
-	# add filters
-	if [ -n "$CLASSIFY_TARGET" ]; then
-	    run_iptables -t mangle -A tcpost $(match_dest_dev $device) -m mark --mark $mark -j CLASSIFY --set-class $classid
-	else
-	    run_tc filter add dev $device protocol ip parent $devnum:0 prio 1 handle $mark fw classid $classid
-	fi
-	#options
-	list_search "tcp-ack" $options && run_tc filter add dev $device parent $devnum:0 protocol ip prio 10 u32 match ip protocol 6 0xff match u8 0x05 0x0f at 0 match u16 0x0000 0xffc0 at 2 match u8 0x10 0xff at 33 flowid $classid
-	list_search "tos-minimize-delay" $options       && options="$options tos=0x10/0x10"
-	list_search "tos-maximize-throughput" $options  && options="$options tos=0x08/0x08"
-	list_search "tos-maximize-reliability" $options && options="$options tos=0x04/0x04"
-	list_search "tos-minimize-cost" $options        && options="$options tos=0x02/0x02"
-	list_search "tos-normal-service" $options       && options="$options tos=0x00/0x1e"
-	for tospair in $(list_walk "tos=" $options) ; do
-	    case $tospair in
-	    	*/*)
-		    tosmask=${tospair##*/}
-		    ;;
-		*)
-		    tosmask=0xff
-		    ;;
-	    esac
-	    run_tc filter add dev $device parent $devnum:0 protocol ip prio 10 u32 match ip tos ${tospair%%/*} $tosmask flowid $classid
-	done
-    }
-    strip_file tcdevices $devfile
-    strip_file tcclasses $classfile
-    validate_tcdevices_file
-    validate_tcclasses_file
-    if [ -s $TMP_DIR/tcdevices ]; then
-	progress_message2 "Processing $devfile..."
-	while read device inband outband defmark ackmark; do
-	    expandv device inband outband defmark ackmark
-	    tcdev="$device $inband $outband"
-	    add_root_tc
-	    progress_message "   TC Device $tcdev Added."
-	done < $TMP_DIR/tcdevices
-    fi
-    if [ -s $TMP_DIR/tcclasses ]; then
-	progress_message2 "Processing $classfile..."
-	while read device mark rate ceil prio options; do
-	    expandv device mark rate ceil prio options
-	    tcdev="$device $mark $rate $ceil $prio $options"
-	    options=$(separate_list $options | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
-	    add_tc_class
-	    progress_message "   TC Class \"$tcdev\" Added."
-	done < $TMP_DIR/tcclasses
-    fi
-# Process a TC Rule - $MARKING_CHAIN is assumed to contain the name of the
-#                     default marking chain
-    chain=$MARKING_CHAIN  target="MARK --set-mark" marktest=
-    verify_designator() {
-	[ "$chain" = tcout ] && \
-	    fatal_error "Chain designator not allowed when source is \$FW; rule \"$rule\""
-	chain=$1
-	mark="${mark%:*}"
-    }
-    do_ipp2p()
-    {
-	[ -n "$IPP2P_MATCH" ] || fatal_error "Your kernel and/or iptables does not have IPP2P match support. Rule: \"$rule\""
-	[ "x$port" = "x-" ] && port="ipp2p"
-	case $proto in
-	    *:*)
-		proto=${proto#*:}
-		;;
-	    *)
-		proto=tcp
-		;;
-	esac
-	r="${r}-p $proto -m ipp2p --${port} "
-    }
-    add_a_tc_rule() {
-	r=
-	if [ "x$source" != "x-"	 ]; then
-	    case $source in
-		$FW:*)
-		    [ $chain = tcpost ] || chain=tcout
-		    r="$(source_ip_range ${source#*:}) "
-		    ;;
-		*.*.*|+*|!+*)
-		    r="$(source_ip_range $source) "
-		    ;;
-		~*)
-		    r="$(mac_match $source) "
-		    ;;
-		$FW)
-		    [ $chain = tcpost ] || chain=tcout
-		    ;;
-		*)
-		    verify_interface $source || fatal_error "Unknown interface $source in rule \"$rule\""
-		    r="$(match_source_dev $source) "
-		    ;;
-	    esac
-	fi
-	if [ "x${user:--}" != "x-" ]; then
-	    [ "$chain" != tcout ] && \
-		fatal_error "Invalid use of a user/group: rule \"$rule\""
-	    r="$r-m owner"
-	    case "$user" in
-		*+*)
-		    r="$r --cmd-owner ${user#*+} "
-		    user=${user%+*}
-		    ;;
-	    esac
-	    case "$user" in
-		*:*)
-		    temp="${user%:*}"
-		    [ -n "$temp" ] && r="$r --uid-owner $temp "
-		    temp="${user#*:}"
-		    [ -n "$temp" ] && r="$r --gid-owner $temp "
-		    ;;
-		*)
-		    [ -n "$user" ] && r="$r --uid-owner $user "
-		    ;;
-	    esac
-	fi
-	[ -n "$marktest" ] && r="${r}-m ${marktest}--mark $testval "
-	if [ "x$dest" != "x-"  ]; then
-	    case $dest in
-		*.*.*|+*|!+*)
-		    r="${r}$(dest_ip_range $dest) "
-		    ;;
-		*)
-		    [ "$chain" = tcpre ] && fatal_error "Destination interface is not allowed in the PREROUTING chain"
-		    verify_interface $dest || fatal_error "Unknown interface $dest in rule \"$rule\""
-		    r="${r}$(match_dest_dev $dest) "
-		    ;;
-	    esac
-	fi
-	if [ "x${length:=-}" != "x-" ]; then
-	    [ -n "$LENGTH_MATCH" ] || fatal_error "Your kernel and/or iptables does not have length match support. Rule: \"$rule\""
-	    r="${r}-m length --length ${length} "
-	fi
-	multiport=
-	case $proto in
-	    ipp2p|IPP2P|ipp2p:*|IPP2P:*)
-		do_ipp2p
-		;;
-	    icmp|ICMP|1)
-		r="${r}-p icmp "
-		[ "x$port"  = "x-" ] || r="${r}--icmp-type $port"
-		;;
-	    *)
-		[ "x$proto" = "x-"  ] && proto=all
-		[ "x$proto" = "x"   ] && proto=all
-		[ "$proto"  = "all" ] || r="${r}-p $proto "
-		[ "x$port"  = "x-"  ] || r="${r}--dport $port "
-		;;
-	esac
-	[ "x$sport" = "x-"  ] || r="${r}--sport $sport "
-	if [ -n "${excludesources}${excludedests}" ]; then
-	    build_exclusion_chain chain1 mangle "$excludesources" "$excludedests"
-	    run_iptables2 -t mangle -A $chain $r -j $chain1
-	    run_iptables -t mangle -A $chain1 -j $target $mark
-	else
-	    run_iptables2 -t mangle -A $chain $r -j $target $mark
-	fi
-    }
-    if [ "$mark" != "${mark%:*}" ]; then
-	case "${mark#*:}" in
-	    p|P)
-		verify_designator tcpre
-		;;
-	    cp|CP)
-		verify_designator tcpre
-		target="CONNMARK --set-mark"
-		;;
-	    f|F)
-		verify_designator tcfor
-		;;
-	    cf|CF)
-		verify_designator tcfor
-		target="CONNMARK --set-mark"
-		;;
-	    c|C)
-		target="CONNMARK --set-mark"
-		mark=${mark%:*}
-		;;
-	    *)
-		chain=tcpost
-		target="CLASSIFY --set-class"
-		;;
-	esac
-    fi
-    case $mark in
-	    target="CONNMARK --save-mark --mask 255"
-	    mark=
-	    ;;
-	SAVE/*)
-	    target="CONNMARK --save-mark --mask"
-	    mark=${mark#*/}
-	    verify_mark $mark
-	    ;;
-	    target="CONNMARK --restore-mark --mask 255"
-	    mark=
-	    ;;
-	    target="CONNMARK --restore-mark --mask"
-	    mark=${mark#*/}
-	    verify_mark $mark
-	    ;;
-	    target=RETURN
-	    mark=
-	    ;;
-	*)
-	    if [ "$chain" != tcpost ]; then
-		verify_mark $mark
-	    fi
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    case $testval in
-	-)
-	    ;;
-	!*:C)
-	    marktest="connmark ! "
-	    testval=${testval%:*}
-	    testval=${testval#!}
-	    ;;
-	*:C)
-	    marktest="connmark "
-	    testval=${testval%:*}
-	    ;;
-	!*)
-	    marktest="mark ! "
-	    testval=${testval#!}
-	    ;;
-	*)
-	    [ -n "$testval" ] && marktest="mark "
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    if [ -n "$marktest" ] ; then
-	case $testval in
-	    */*)
-		verify_mark ${testval%/*}
-		verify_mark ${testval#*/}
-		;;
-	    *)
-		verify_mark $testval
-		testval=$testval/255
-		;;
-	esac
-    fi
-    excludesources=
-    case ${sources:=-} in
-	*!*!*)
-	    fatal_error "Invalid SOURCE in rule \"$rule\""
-	    ;;
-	!*)
-	    if [ $(list_count $sourcess) -gt 1 ]; then
-		excludesources=${sources#!}
-		sources=-
-	    fi
-	    ;;
-	*!*)
-	    excludesources=${sources#*!}
-	    sources=${sources%!*}
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    excludedests=
-    case ${dests:=-} in
-	*!*!*)
-	    fatal_error "Invalid DEST in rule \"$rule\""
-	    ;;
-	!*)
-	    if [ $(list_count $dests) -gt 1 ]; then
-		excludedests=${dests#*!}
-		dests=-
-	    fi
-	    ;;
-	*!*)
-	    excludedests=${dests#*!}
-	    dests=${dests%!*}
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    for source in $(separate_list $sources); do
-	for dest in $(separate_list $dests); do
-	    for port in $(separate_list ${ports:=-}); do
-		for sport in $(separate_list ${sports:=-}); do
-		    add_a_tc_rule
-		done
-	    done
-	done
-    done
-    progress_message "   TC Rule \"$rule\" added"
-# Setup queuing and classes
-setup_tc1() {
-    #
-    # Create the TC mangle chains
-    #
-    createmanglechain tcpre
-    createmanglechain tcfor
-    createmanglechain tcout
-    createmanglechain tcpost
-    #
-    # Process the TC Rules File
-    #
-    strip_file tcrules
-    while read mark sources dests proto ports sports user testval length; do
-	expandv mark sources dests proto ports sports user testval length
-	rule=$(echo "$mark $sources $dests $proto $ports $sports $user $testval $length")
-	process_tc_rule
-    done < $TMP_DIR/tcrules
-    #
-    # Link to the TC mangle chains from the main chains
-    #
-    if [ -n "$ROUTEMARK_INTERFACES" ]; then
-	#
-	# Route marks are restored in PREROUTING/OUTPUT prior to these rules. We only send
-	# packets that are not part of a marked connection to the 'tcpre/tcout' chains
-	#
-	run_iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING  -m mark --mark 0 -j tcpre
-	run_iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT      -m mark --mark 0 -j tcout
-    else
-	run_iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j tcpre
-	run_iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT     -j tcout
-    fi
-    run_iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD     -j tcfor
-    run_iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j tcpost
-    if [ -n "$TC_SCRIPT" ]; then
-	run_user_exit $TC_SCRIPT
-    elif [ -n "$TC_ENABLED" ]; then
-	setup_traffic_shaping
-    fi
-setup_tc() {
-    progress_message2 "Setting up Traffic Control Rules..."
-    setup_tc1
-# Clear Traffic Shaping
-    clear_one_tc() {
-	tc qdisc del dev $1 root 2> /dev/null
-	tc qdisc del dev $1 ingress 2> /dev/null
-    }
-    run_user_exit tcclear
-    run_ip link list | \
-    while read inx interface details; do
-	case $inx in
-	    [0-9]*)
-		clear_one_tc ${interface%:}
-		;;
-	    *)
-		;;
-	esac
-    done
-# Refresh queuing and classes
-refresh_tc() {
-    progress_message2 "Refreshing Traffic Control Rules..."
-    [ -n "$CLEAR_TC" ] && delete_tc1
-    [ -n "$MARK_IN_FORWARD_CHAIN" ] && chain=tcfor || chain=tcpre
-    if qt $IPTABLES -t mangle -L $chain -n ; then
-        #
-        # Flush the TC mangle chains
-        #
-	run_iptables -t mangle -F tcfor
-	run_iptables -t mangle -F tcpre
-        run_iptables -t mangle -F tcout
-        run_iptables -t mangle -F tcpost
-        #
-        # Process the TC Rules File
-        #
-        strip_file tcrules
-	while read mark sources dests proto ports sports user testval length; do
-	    expandv mark sources dests proto ports sports user testval length
-	    rule=$(echo "$mark $sources $dests $proto $ports $sports $user $testval $length")
-	    process_tc_rule
-        done < $TMP_DIR/tcrules
-    else
-	setup_tc1
-    fi
-    if [ -n "$TC_SCRIPT" ]; then
-	run_user_exit $TC_SCRIPT
-    elif [ -n "$TC_ENABLED" ]; then
-	setup_traffic_shaping
-    fi
 # Display elements of a list with leading white space
 display_list() # $1 = List Title, rest of $* = list to display
@@ -2229,41 +1570,6 @@ display_list() # $1 = List Title, rest of $* = list to display
     [ $# -gt 1 ] && echo "   $*"
-policy_rules() # $1 = chain to add rules to
-	       # $2 = policy
-	       # $3 = loglevel
-    local target="$2"
-    case "$target" in
-	    [ -n "$ACCEPT_common" ] && run_iptables -A $1 -j $ACCEPT_common
-	    ;;
-	    [ -n "$DROP_common" ] && run_iptables -A $1 -j $DROP_common
-	    ;;
-	    [ -n "$REJECT_common" ] && run_iptables -A $1 -j $REJECT_common
-	    target=reject
-	    ;;
-	    [ -n "$QUEUE_common" ] && run_iptables -A $1 -j $QUEUE_common
-	    ;;
-	    target=
-	    ;;
-	*)
-	    fatal_error "Invalid policy ($policy) for $1"
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    if [ $# -eq 3 -a "x${3}" != "x-" ]; then
-	log_rule $3 $1 $2
-    fi
-    [ -n "$target" ] && run_iptables -A $1 -j $target
 # Add a record to the blacklst chain
@@ -2463,10 +1769,6 @@ refresh_firewall()
     ecn=$(find_file ecn)
     [ -f $ecn ] && [ -n "$MANGLE_ENABLED" ] && setup_ecn $ecn
-    #
-    # Refresh Traffic Control
-    #
-    [ -n "$MANGLE_ENABLED" ] && refresh_tc
     run_user_exit refreshed
@@ -3156,7 +2458,6 @@ do_initialize() {
     FASTACCEPT=$(added_param_value_no FASTACCEPT $FASTACCEPT)
     case ${IPSECFILE:=ipsec} in
@@ -3216,8 +2517,11 @@ do_initialize() {
 	startup_error "Shell $SHOREWALL_SHELL is broken and may not be used with Shorewall"
-    rm -f $TMP_DIR/physdev
-    rm -f $TMP_DIR/iprange
+    if [ -z "$KLUDGEFREE" ]; then
+	rm -f $TMP_DIR/physdev
+	rm -f $TMP_DIR/iprange
+    fi
diff --git a/Shorewall/releasenotes.txt b/Shorewall/releasenotes.txt
index 92ef2baba..5fa5b0e00 100644
--- a/Shorewall/releasenotes.txt
+++ b/Shorewall/releasenotes.txt
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Note to users upgrading from Shorewall 2.x or 3.0
 Problems Corrected in 3.2.0 Beta 5
-1)  On systems such as LEAF Bering that either don't have the 'mktemp' utility
+1) On systems such as LEAF Bering that either don't have the 'mktemp' utility
    or whose 'mktemp' cannot create a temporary directory, firewall compilation
    failed with the message:
@@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ Problems Corrected in 3.2.0 Beta 5
 Other changes in 3.2.0 Beta 5
+1)  The "shorewall refresh" command no longer refreshes traffic shaping.
+    Use "shorewall restart" instead if you need to reprocess the
+    tcrules, tcdevices and tcclasses files.
 Migration Considerations: