Merge branch 'EdW'

This commit is contained in:
Tom Eastep 2011-08-24 17:51:48 -07:00
commit f6920cf061
4 changed files with 116 additions and 100 deletions

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@ -704,7 +704,13 @@ sub compiler {
# (Writes the setup_routing_and_traffic_shaping() function to the compiled script)
# Generate a function to bring up each provider
# [Re-]establish Routing
if ( $scriptfilename || $debug ) {
emit( "\n#",
'# Setup routing and traffic shaping',
@ -713,11 +719,9 @@ sub compiler {
# [Re-]establish Routing
# TCRules and Traffic Shaping

View File

@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ use Shorewall::Chains qw(:DEFAULT :internal);
use strict;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw( setup_providers @routemarked_interfaces handle_stickiness handle_optional_interfaces );
our @EXPORT = qw( process_providers
handle_optional_interfaces );
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( initialize lookup_provider );
@ -242,13 +246,16 @@ sub balance_fallback_route( $$$$ ) {
sub start_provider( $$$ ) {
my ($table, $number, $test ) = @_;
emit "\n#\n# Add Provider $table ($number)\n#";
emit "start_provider_$table() {";
emit $test;
emit "#\n# Add Provider $table ($number)\n#";
emit "qt ip -$family route flush table $number";
emit "echo \"qt \$IP -$family route flush table $number\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing";
emit "echo \"qt \$IP -$family route flush table $number\" > \${VARDIR}/undo_${table}_routing";
emit "echo \". \${VARDIR}/undo_${table}_routing\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing";
sub add_a_provider( ) {
@ -257,6 +264,8 @@ sub add_a_provider( ) {
fatal_error "Duplicate provider ($table)" if $providers{$table};
fatal_error "Invalid Provider Name ($table)" unless $table =~ /^[\w]+$/;
my $num = numeric_value $number;
fatal_error "Invalid Provider number ($number)" unless defined $num;
@ -394,7 +403,10 @@ sub add_a_provider( ) {
gateway => $gateway ,
gatewaycase => $gatewaycase ,
shared => $shared ,
default => $default };
default => $default ,
rules => [] ,
routes => [] ,
if ( $track ) {
fatal_error "The 'track' option requires a numeric value in the MARK column" if $mark eq '-';
@ -444,7 +456,7 @@ sub add_a_provider( ) {
emit ( "qt \$IP -$family rule del fwmark ${mark}${mask}" ) if $config{DELETE_THEN_ADD};
emit ( "run_ip rule add fwmark ${mark}${mask} pref $pref table $number",
"echo \"qt \$IP -$family rule del fwmark ${mark}${mask}\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing"
"echo \"qt \$IP -$family rule del fwmark ${mark}${mask}\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_${table}_routing"
@ -494,10 +506,10 @@ sub add_a_provider( ) {
emit qq(qt \$IP -6 route del default via $gateway src $address dev $physical table ) . DEFAULT_TABLE . qq( metric $number);
emit qq(run_ip route add default via $gateway src $address dev $physical table ) . DEFAULT_TABLE . qq( metric $number);
emit qq(echo "qt \$IP -$family route del default via $gateway table ) . DEFAULT_TABLE . qq(" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing);
emit qq(echo "qt \$IP -$family route del default via $gateway table ) . DEFAULT_TABLE . qq(" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_${table}_routing);
} else {
emit qq(run_ip route add default table ) . DEFAULT_TABLE . qq( dev $physical metric $number);
emit qq(echo "qt \$IP -$family route del default dev $physical table ) . DEFAULT_TABLE . qq(" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing);
emit qq(echo "qt \$IP -$family route del default dev $physical table ) . DEFAULT_TABLE . qq(" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_${table}_routing);
@ -516,7 +528,7 @@ sub add_a_provider( ) {
} elsif ( $shared ) {
emit "qt \$IP -$family rule del from $address" if $config{DELETE_THEN_ADD};
emit( "run_ip rule add from $address pref 20000 table $number" ,
"echo \"qt \$IP -$family rule del from $address\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing" );
"echo \"qt \$IP -$family rule del from $address\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_${table}_routing" );
} else {
my $rulebase = 20000 + ( 256 * ( $number - 1 ) );
@ -525,12 +537,15 @@ sub add_a_provider( ) {
emit ( "find_interface_addresses $physical | while read address; do" );
emit ( " qt \$IP -$family rule del from \$address" ) if $config{DELETE_THEN_ADD};
emit ( " run_ip rule add from \$address pref \$(( $rulebase + \$rulenum )) table $number",
" echo \"qt \$IP -$family rule del from \$address\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing",
" echo \"qt \$IP -$family rule del from \$address\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_${table}_routing",
' rulenum=$(($rulenum + 1))',
emit "\nadd_${table}_routing_rules";
emit "add_${table}_routes";
emit qq(\nprogress_message " Provider $table ($number) Added"\n);
@ -550,34 +565,17 @@ sub add_a_provider( ) {
emit "fi\n";
emit 'fi';
emit "}\n";
push @providers, $table;
progress_message " Provider \"$currentline\" $done";
# Begin an 'if' statement testing whether the passed interface is available
sub start_new_if( $ ) {
our $current_if = shift;
emit ( '', qq(if [ -n "\$SW_${current_if}_IS_USABLE" ]; then) );
# Complete any current 'if' statement in the output script
sub finish_current_if() {
if ( our $current_if ) {
emit ( "fi\n" );
$current_if = '';
sub add_an_rtrule( ) {
my ( $source, $dest, $provider, $priority ) = split_line 4, 4, 'route_rules file';
@ -601,6 +599,10 @@ sub add_an_rtrule( ) {
fatal_error "Unknown provider ($provider)" unless $found;
my $providerref = $providers{$provider};
my $number = $providerref->{number};
fatal_error "You must specify either the source or destination in a route_rules entry" if $source eq '-' && $dest eq '-';
if ( $dest eq '-' ) {
@ -641,20 +643,9 @@ sub add_an_rtrule( ) {
$priority = "priority $priority";
finish_current_if, emit ( "qt \$IP -$family rule del $source $dest $priority" ) if $config{DELETE_THEN_ADD};
my ( $optional, $number ) = ( $providers{$provider}{optional} , $providers{$provider}{number} );
if ( $optional ) {
my $base = uc chain_base( $providers{$provider}{physical} );
finish_current_if if $base ne $current_if;
start_new_if( $base ) unless $current_if;
} else {
emit ( "run_ip rule add $source $dest $priority table $number",
"echo \"qt \$IP -$family rule del $source $dest $priority\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing" );
push @{$providerref->{rules}}, "qt \$IP -$family rule del $source $dest $priority" if $config{DELETE_THEN_ADD};
push @{$providerref->{rules}}, "run_ip rule add $source $dest $priority table $number";
push @{$providerref->{rules}}, "echo \"qt \$IP -$family rule del $source $dest $priority\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_${provider}_routing";
progress_message " Routing rule \"$currentline\" $done";
@ -687,30 +678,23 @@ sub add_a_route( ) {
validate_address ( $gateway, 1 ) if $gateway ne '-';
my ( $optional, $number ) = ( $providers{$provider}{optional} , $providers{$provider}{number} );
my $providerref = $providers{$provider};
my $number = $providerref->{number};
my $physical = $device eq '-' ? $providers{$provider}{physical} : physical_name( $device );
if ( $providers{$provider}{optional} ) {
my $base = uc chain_base( $physical );
finish_current_if if $base ne $current_if;
start_new_if ( $base ) unless $current_if;
} else {
my $routes = $providerref->{routes};
if ( $gateway ne '-' ) {
if ( $device ne '-' ) {
emit qq(run_ip route add $dest via $gateway dev $physical table $number);
emit qq(echo "qt \$IP -$family route del $dest via $gateway dev $physical table $number" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing) if $number >= DEFAULT_TABLE;
push @$routes, qq(run_ip route add $dest via $gateway dev $physical table $number);
emit qq(echo "qt \$IP -$family route del $dest via $gateway dev $physical table $number" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_${provider}_routing) if $number >= DEFAULT_TABLE;
} else {
emit qq(run_ip route add $dest via $gateway table $number);
emit qq(echo "\$IP -$family route del $dest via $gateway table $number" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing) if $number >= DEFAULT_TABLE;
push @$routes, qq(run_ip route add $dest via $gateway table $number);
emit qq(echo "\$IP -$family route del $dest via $gateway table $number" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_${provider}_routing) if $number >= DEFAULT_TABLE;
} else {
fatal_error "You must specify a device for this route" unless $physical;
emit qq(run_ip route add $dest dev $physical table $number);
emit qq(echo "\$IP -$family route del $dest dev $physical table $number" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing) if $number >= DEFAULT_TABLE;
push @$routes, qq(run_ip route add $dest dev $physical table $number);
emit qq(echo "\$IP -$family route del $dest dev $physical table $number" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_${provider}_routing) if $number >= DEFAULT_TABLE;
progress_message " Route \"$currentline\" $done";
@ -844,53 +828,81 @@ sub finish_providers() {
sub setup_providers() {
my $providers = 0;
sub process_providers() {
our $providers = 0;
$lastmark = 0;
if ( my $fn = open_file 'providers' ) {
first_entry sub() {
progress_message2 "$doing $fn...";
emit "\nif [ -z \"\$g_noroutes\" ]; then";
start_providers; };
first_entry "$doing $fn...";
add_a_provider, $providers++ while read_a_line;
if ( $providers ) {
my $fn = open_file 'routes';
my $fn = open_file 'route_rules';
if ( $fn ) {
our $current_if = '';
first_entry "$doing $fn...";
emit '';
add_a_route while read_a_line;
$fn = open_file 'route_rules';
if ( $fn ) {
our $current_if = '';
first_entry "$doing $fn...";
emit '';
add_an_rtrule while read_a_line;
$fn = open_file 'routes';
if ( $fn ) {
first_entry "$doing $fn...";
emit '';
add_a_route while read_a_line;
for my $provider ( @providers ) {
emit "\n#\n# Add ${provider}'s Routing Rules\n#\nadd_${provider}_routing_rules() {";
if ( @{$providers{$provider}->{rules}} ) {
emit $_ for @{$providers{$provider}->{rules}};
} else {
emit 'true';
emit '}';
for my $provider ( @providers ) {
emit "\n#\n# Add ${provider}'s Routes\n#\nadd_${provider}_routes() {";
if ( @{$providers{$provider}->{rules}} ) {
emit $_ for @{$providers{$provider}->{rules}};
} else {
emit 'true';
emit '}';
sub setup_providers() {
our $providers;
if ( $providers ) {
emit "\nif [ -z \"\$g_noroutes\" ]; then";
emit "start_provider_$_" for @providers;
emit '';
setup_null_routing if $config{NULL_ROUTE_RFC1918};
emit "\nrun_ip route flush cache";

View File

@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ undo_routing() {
if [ -f ${VARDIR}/undo_routing ]; then
. ${VARDIR}/undo_routing
progress_message "Shorewall-generated routing tables and routing rules removed"
rm -f ${VARDIR}/undo_routing
rm -f ${VARDIR}/undo_*routing

View File

@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ undo_routing() {
if [ -f ${VARDIR}/undo_routing ]; then
. ${VARDIR}/undo_routing
progress_message "Shorewall-generated routing tables and routing rules removed"
rm -f ${VARDIR}/undo_routing
rm -f ${VARDIR}/undo_*routing