mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 16:41:20 +01:00
Break up generate_matrix()
Signed-off-by: Tom Eastep <teastep@shorewall.net>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1443,6 +1443,396 @@ sub add_interface_jumps {
# Do the initial matrix processing for a complex zone
sub handle_complex_zone( $$ ) {
my ( $zone, $zoneref ) = @_;
our %input_jump_added;
our %output_jump_added;
our %forward_jump_added;
our %ipsec_jump_added;
# Complex zone or we have more than two off-firewall zones -- Shorewall::Rules::classic_blacklist created a zone forwarding chain
my $frwd_ref = $filter_table->{zone_forward_chain( $zone )};
assert( $frwd_ref, $zone );
# Add Zone mark if any
add_ijump( $frwd_ref , j => 'MARK --set-mark ' . in_hex( $zoneref->{mark} ) . '/' . in_hex( $globals{ZONE_MASK} ) ) if $zoneref->{mark};
if ( have_ipsec ) {
# Prior to KLUDGEFREE, policy match could only match an 'in' or an 'out' policy (but not both), so we place the
# '--pol ipsec --dir in' rules at the front of the (interface) forwarding chains. Otherwise, decrypted packets
# can match '--pol none --dir out' rules and send the packets down the wrong rules chain.
my $type = $zoneref->{type};
my $source_ref = ( $zoneref->{hosts}{ipsec} ) || {};
for my $interface ( sort { interface_number( $a ) <=> interface_number( $b ) } keys %$source_ref ) {
my $sourcechainref = $filter_table->{forward_chain $interface};
my @interfacematch;
my $interfaceref = find_interface $interface;
if ( use_forward_chain( $interface, $sourcechainref ) ) {
if ( $interfaceref->{ports} && $interfaceref->{options}{bridge} ) {
@interfacematch = imatch_source_dev $interface;
copy_rules( $sourcechainref, $frwd_ref, 1 ) unless $ipsec_jump_added{$zone}++;
$sourcechainref = $filter_table->{FORWARD};
} elsif ( $interfaceref->{options}{port} ) {
# The forwarding chain for a bridge with ports is always used
add_ijump( $filter_table->{ forward_chain $interfaceref->{bridge} } ,
j => $sourcechainref ,
imatch_source_dev( $interface , 1 ) )
unless $forward_jump_added{$interface}++;
} else {
add_ijump $filter_table->{FORWARD} , j => $sourcechainref, imatch_source_dev( $interface ) unless $forward_jump_added{$interface}++;
} else {
if ( $interfaceref->{options}{port} ) {
# The forwarding chain for a bridge with ports is always used
$sourcechainref = $filter_table->{ forward_chain $interfaceref->{bridge} };
@interfacematch = imatch_source_dev $interface, 1;
} else {
$sourcechainref = $filter_table->{FORWARD};
@interfacematch = imatch_source_dev $interface;
move_rules( $filter_table->{forward_chain $interface} , $frwd_ref );
my $arrayref = $source_ref->{$interface};
for my $hostref ( @{$arrayref} ) {
my @ipsec_match = match_ipsec_in $zone , $hostref;
for my $net ( @{$hostref->{hosts}} ) {
@{$zoneref->{parents}} ? 'j' : 'g' => source_exclusion( $hostref->{exclusions}, $frwd_ref ),
@interfacematch ,
imatch_source_net( $net ),
# The passed zone is a sub-zone. We need to determine if
# a) A parent zone defines DNAT/REDIRECT or notrack rules; and
# b) The current zone has a CONTINUE policy to some other zone.
# If a) but not b), then we must avoid sending packets from this
# zone through the DNAT/REDIRECT or notrack chain for the parent.
sub handle_nested_zone( $$ ) {
my ( $zone, $zoneref ) = @_;
# Function returns this 3-tuple
my ( $nested, $parenthasnat, $parenthasnotrack ) = ( 1, 0, 0 );
for my $parent ( @{$zoneref->{parents}} ) {
my $ref1 = $nat_table->{dnat_chain $parent} || {};
my $ref2 = $raw_table->{notrack_chain $parent} || {};
$parenthasnat = 1 if $ref1->{referenced};
$parenthasnotrack = 1 if $ref2->{referenced};
last if $parenthasnat && $parenthasnotrack;
if ( $parenthasnat || $parenthasnotrack ) {
for my $zone1 ( all_zones ) {
if ( $filter_table->{rules_chain( ${zone}, ${zone1} )}->{policy} eq 'CONTINUE' ) {
# This zone has a continue policy to another zone. We must
# send packets from this zone through the parent's DNAT/REDIRECT/NOTRACK chain.
$nested = 0;
} else {
# No parent has DNAT or notrack so there is nothing to worry about. Don't bother to generate needless RETURN rules in the 'dnat' or 'notrack' chain.
$nested = 0;
( $nested, $parenthasnat, $parenthasnotrack );
# Generate the PREROUTING, INPUT and OUTPUT jumps for the passed ($zone:$typeref:$interface)
sub handle_pio_jumps( $$$$$$$$ ) {
my ( $zone,
) = @_;
our @vservers;
our %input_jump_added;
our %output_jump_added;
our %forward_jump_added;
my $arrayref = $typeref->{$interface};
my $interfaceref = find_interface $interface;
my $isport = $interfaceref->{options}{port};
my $bridge = $interfaceref->{bridge};
my $notrackref = ensure_chain 'raw' , notrack_chain( $zone );
my $chain1 = rules_target firewall_zone , $zone;
my $chain2 = rules_target $zone, firewall_zone;
for my $hostref ( @$arrayref ) {
my @ipsec_in_match = match_ipsec_in $zone , $hostref;
my @ipsec_out_match = match_ipsec_out $zone , $hostref;
my $exclusions = $hostref->{exclusions};
for my $net ( @{$hostref->{hosts}} ) {
my @dest = imatch_dest_net $net;
if ( $chain1 && ! ( zone_type( $zone) & BPORT ) ) {
# Policy from the firewall to this zone is not 'CONTINUE' and this isn't a bport zone
my $chain1ref = $filter_table->{$chain1};
my $nextchain = dest_exclusion( $exclusions, $chain1 );
my $outputref;
my $interfacechainref = $filter_table->{output_chain $interface};
my @interfacematch;
my $use_output = 0;
if ( @vservers || use_output_chain( $interface, $interfacechainref ) || ( @{$interfacechainref->{rules}} && ! $chain1ref ) ) {
$outputref = $interfacechainref;
if ( $isport ) {
add_ijump( $filter_table->{ output_chain $bridge },
j => $outputref ,
imatch_dest_dev( $interface, 1 ) )
unless $output_jump_added{$interface}++;
} else {
add_ijump $filter_table->{OUTPUT}, j => $outputref, imatch_dest_dev( $interface ) unless $output_jump_added{$interface}++;
$use_output = 1;
unless ( lc $net eq IPv6_LINKLOCAL ) {
for my $vzone ( vserver_zones ) {
generate_source_rules ( $outputref, $vzone, $zone, @dest );
} elsif ( $isport ) {
$outputref = $filter_table->{ output_chain $bridge };
@interfacematch = imatch_dest_dev $interface, 1;
} else {
$outputref = $filter_table->{OUTPUT};
@interfacematch = imatch_dest_dev $interface;
add_ijump $outputref , j => $nextchain, @interfacematch, @dest, @ipsec_out_match;
add_ijump( $outputref , j => $nextchain, @interfacematch, d => '' , @ipsec_out_match )
if $family == F_IPV4 && $hostref->{options}{broadcast};
move_rules( $interfacechainref , $chain1ref ) unless $use_output;
unless( $hostref->{options}{destonly} ) {
my $dnatref = ensure_chain 'nat' , dnat_chain( $zone );
my $preroutingref = ensure_chain 'nat', 'dnat';
my @source = imatch_source_net $net;
if ( $dnatref->{referenced} ) {
# There are DNAT/REDIRECT rules with this zone as the source.
# Add a jump from this source network to this zone's DNAT/REDIRECT chain
add_ijump( $preroutingref,
j => source_exclusion( $exclusions, $dnatref),
imatch_source_dev( $interface),
@ipsec_in_match );
if ( get_physical( $interface ) eq '+' ) {
# The jump from the PREROUTING chain to dnat may not have been added above
addnatjump 'PREROUTING', 'dnat' unless $preroutingref->{references}{PREROUTING};
check_optimization( $dnatref ) if @source;
if ( $notrackref->{referenced} ) {
# There are notrack rules with this zone as the source.
# Add a jump from this source network to this zone's notrack chain
add_ijump $raw_table->{PREROUTING}, j => source_exclusion( $exclusions, $notrackref), imatch_source_dev( $interface), @source, @ipsec_in_match;
# If this zone has parents with DNAT/REDIRECT or notrack rules and there are no CONTINUE polcies with this zone as the source
# then add a RETURN jump for this source network.
if ( $nested ) {
add_ijump $preroutingref, j => 'RETURN', imatch_source_dev( $interface), @source, @ipsec_in_match if $parenthasnat;
add_ijump $raw_table->{PREROUTING}, j => 'RETURN', imatch_source_dev( $interface), @source, @ipsec_in_match if $parenthasnotrack;
my $chain2ref = $filter_table->{$chain2};
my $inputchainref;
my $interfacechainref = $filter_table->{input_chain $interface};
my @interfacematch;
my $use_input;
if ( @vservers || use_input_chain( $interface, $interfacechainref ) || ! $chain2 || ( @{$interfacechainref->{rules}} && ! $chain2ref ) ) {
$inputchainref = $interfacechainref;
if ( $isport ) {
add_ijump( $filter_table->{ input_chain $bridge },
j => $inputchainref ,
imatch_source_dev($interface, 1) )
unless $input_jump_added{$interface}++;
} else {
add_ijump $filter_table->{INPUT}, j => $inputchainref, imatch_source_dev($interface) unless $input_jump_added{$interface}++;
$use_input = 1;
unless ( lc $net eq IPv6_LINKLOCAL ) {
for my $vzone ( @vservers ) {
my $target = rules_target( $zone, $vzone );
generate_dest_rules( $inputchainref, $target, $vzone, @source, @ipsec_in_match ) if $target;
} elsif ( $isport ) {
$inputchainref = $filter_table->{ input_chain $bridge };
@interfacematch = imatch_source_dev $interface, 1;
} else {
$inputchainref = $filter_table->{INPUT};
@interfacematch = imatch_source_dev $interface;
if ( $chain2 ) {
add_ijump $inputchainref, j => source_exclusion( $exclusions, $chain2 ), @interfacematch, @source, @ipsec_in_match;
move_rules( $interfacechainref , $chain2ref ) unless $use_input;
if ( $frwd_ref && $hostref->{ipsec} ne 'ipsec' ) {
my $ref = source_exclusion( $exclusions, $frwd_ref );
my $forwardref = $filter_table->{forward_chain $interface};
if ( use_forward_chain $interface, $forwardref ) {
add_ijump $forwardref , j => $ref, @source, @ipsec_in_match;
if ( $isport ) {
add_ijump( $filter_table->{ forward_chain $bridge } ,
j => $forwardref ,
imatch_source_dev( $interface , 1 ) )
unless $forward_jump_added{$interface}++;
} else {
add_ijump $filter_table->{FORWARD} , j => $forwardref, imatch_source_dev( $interface ) unless $forward_jump_added{$interface}++;
} else {
if ( $isport ) {
add_ijump( $filter_table->{ forward_chain $bridge } ,
j => $ref ,
imatch_source_dev( $interface, 1 ) ,
@ipsec_in_match );
} else {
add_ijump $filter_table->{FORWARD} , j => $ref, imatch_source_dev( $interface ) , @source, @ipsec_in_match;
move_rules ( $forwardref , $frwd_ref );
} # Complex non-IPSEC host group
} # Not a destonly host group
} # Network Loop
} # Host Group Loop
# Generate the list of destination zones from the passed source zone when optimization level 1 is selected
sub optimize1_zones( $$@ ) {
my $zone = shift;
my $zoneref = shift;
my $last_chain = '';
my @dest_zones;
my @temp_zones;
for my $zone1 ( @_ ) {
my $zone1ref = find_zone( $zone1 );
my $policy = $filter_table->{rules_chain( ${zone}, ${zone1} )}->{policy};
next if $policy eq 'NONE';
my $chain = rules_target $zone, $zone1;
next unless $chain;
if ( $zone eq $zone1 ) {
next if ( scalar ( keys( %{ $zoneref->{interfaces}} ) ) < 2 ) && ! $zoneref->{options}{in_out}{routeback};
if ( $zone1ref->{type} & BPORT ) {
next unless $zoneref->{bridge} eq $zone1ref->{bridge};
if ( $chain =~ /(2all|-all)$/ ) {
if ( $chain ne $last_chain ) {
$last_chain = $chain;
push @dest_zones, @temp_zones;
@temp_zones = ( $zone1 );
} elsif ( $policy eq 'ACCEPT' ) {
push @temp_zones , $zone1;
} else {
$last_chain = $chain;
@temp_zones = ( $zone1 );
} else {
push @dest_zones, @temp_zones, $zone1;
@temp_zones = ();
$last_chain = '';
if ( $last_chain && @temp_zones == 1 ) {
push @dest_zones, @temp_zones;
$last_chain = '';
( $last_chain, @dest_zones );
# Generate the rules matrix.
# Stealing a comment from the Burroughs B6700 MCP Operating System source, "generate_matrix makes a sow's ear out of a silk purse".
@ -1458,20 +1848,15 @@ sub generate_matrix() {
# Should this be the real PREROUTING chain?
my $preroutingref = ensure_chain 'nat', 'dnat';
my @zones = off_firewall_zones;
our @vservers = vserver_zones;
my $fw = firewall_zone;
my @zones = off_firewall_zones;
my @vservers = vserver_zones;
my $notrackref = $raw_table->{notrack_chain $fw};
my @state = $config{BLACKLISTNEWONLY} ? $globals{UNTRACKED} ? state_imatch 'NEW,INVALID,UNTRACKED' : state_imatch 'NEW,INVALID' : ();
my $interface_jumps_added = 0;
our %input_jump_added = ();
our %output_jump_added = ();
our %forward_jump_added = ();
my %ipsec_jump_added = ();
our %ipsec_jump_added = ();
progress_message2 'Generating Rule Matrix...';
progress_message ' Handling complex zones...';
@ -1481,86 +1866,14 @@ sub generate_matrix() {
for my $zone ( @zones ) {
my $zoneref = find_zone( $zone );
next if @zones <= 2 && ! $zoneref->{complex};
# Complex zone or we have more than two off-firewall zones -- Shorewall::Rules::classic_blacklist created a zone forwarding chain
my $frwd_ref = $filter_table->{zone_forward_chain( $zone )};
assert( $frwd_ref, $zone );
# Add Zone mark if any
add_ijump( $frwd_ref , j => 'MARK --set-mark ' . in_hex( $zoneref->{mark} ) . '/' . in_hex( $globals{ZONE_MASK} ) ) if $zoneref->{mark};
if ( have_ipsec ) {
# Prior to KLUDGEFREE, policy match could only match an 'in' or an 'out' policy (but not both), so we place the
# '--pol ipsec --dir in' rules at the front of the (interface) forwarding chains. Otherwise, decrypted packets
# can match '--pol none --dir out' rules and send the packets down the wrong rules chain.
my $type = $zoneref->{type};
my $source_ref = ( $zoneref->{hosts}{ipsec} ) || {};
for my $interface ( sort { interface_number( $a ) <=> interface_number( $b ) } keys %$source_ref ) {
my $sourcechainref = $filter_table->{forward_chain $interface};
my @interfacematch;
my $interfaceref = find_interface $interface;
if ( use_forward_chain( $interface, $sourcechainref ) ) {
if ( $interfaceref->{ports} && $interfaceref->{options}{bridge} ) {
@interfacematch = imatch_source_dev $interface;
copy_rules( $sourcechainref, $frwd_ref, 1 ) unless $ipsec_jump_added{$zone}++;
$sourcechainref = $filter_table->{FORWARD};
} elsif ( $interfaceref->{options}{port} ) {
# The forwarding chain for a bridge with ports is always used
add_ijump( $filter_table->{ forward_chain $interfaceref->{bridge} } ,
j => $sourcechainref ,
imatch_source_dev( $interface , 1 ) )
unless $forward_jump_added{$interface}++;
} else {
add_ijump $filter_table->{FORWARD} , j => $sourcechainref, imatch_source_dev( $interface ) unless $forward_jump_added{$interface}++;
} else {
if ( $interfaceref->{options}{port} ) {
# The forwarding chain for a bridge with ports is always used
$sourcechainref = $filter_table->{ forward_chain $interfaceref->{bridge} };
@interfacematch = imatch_source_dev $interface, 1;
} else {
$sourcechainref = $filter_table->{FORWARD};
@interfacematch = imatch_source_dev $interface;
move_rules( $filter_table->{forward_chain $interface} , $frwd_ref );
my $arrayref = $source_ref->{$interface};
for my $hostref ( @{$arrayref} ) {
my @ipsec_match = match_ipsec_in $zone , $hostref;
for my $net ( @{$hostref->{hosts}} ) {
@{$zoneref->{parents}} ? 'j' : 'g' => source_exclusion( $hostref->{exclusions}, $frwd_ref ),
@interfacematch ,
imatch_source_net( $net ),
handle_complex_zone( $zone, $zoneref ) if @zones > 2 || $zoneref->{complex};
# NOTRACK from firewall
add_ijump $raw_table->{OUTPUT}, j => $notrackref if $notrackref->{referenced};
if ( ( my $notrackref = $raw_table->{notrack_chain(firewall_zone)}) ) {
add_ijump $raw_table->{OUTPUT}, j => $notrackref if $notrackref->{referenced};
# Main source-zone matrix-generation loop
@ -1569,63 +1882,17 @@ sub generate_matrix() {
for my $zone ( @zones ) {
my $zoneref = find_zone( $zone );
my $source_hosts_ref = $zoneref->{hosts};
my $chain1 = rules_target firewall_zone , $zone;
my $chain2 = rules_target $zone, firewall_zone;
my $type = $zoneref->{type};
my $frwd_ref = $filter_table->{zone_forward_chain $zone};
my $chain = 0;
my $dnatref = ensure_chain 'nat' , dnat_chain( $zone );
my $notrackref = ensure_chain 'raw' , notrack_chain( $zone );
my $nested = @{$zoneref->{parents}};
my $parenthasnat = 0;
my $parenthasnotrack = 0;
if ( $nested ) {
# This is a sub-zone. We need to determine if
# a) A parent zone defines DNAT/REDIRECT or notrack rules; and
# b) The current zone has a CONTINUE policy to some other zone.
# If a) but not b), then we must avoid sending packets from this
# zone through the DNAT/REDIRECT or notrack chain for the parent.
for my $parent ( @{$zoneref->{parents}} ) {
my $ref1 = $nat_table->{dnat_chain $parent} || {};
my $ref2 = $raw_table->{notrack_chain $parent} || {};
$parenthasnat = 1 if $ref1->{referenced};
$parenthasnotrack = 1 if $ref2->{referenced};
last if $parenthasnat && $parenthasnotrack;
if ( $parenthasnat || $parenthasnotrack ) {
for my $zone1 ( all_zones ) {
if ( $filter_table->{rules_chain( ${zone}, ${zone1} )}->{policy} eq 'CONTINUE' ) {
# This zone has a continue policy to another zone. We must
# send packets from this zone through the parent's DNAT/REDIRECT/NOTRACK chain.
$nested = 0;
} else {
# No parent has DNAT or notrack so there is nothing to worry about. Don't bother to generate needless RETURN rules in the 'dnat' or 'notrack' chain.
$nested = 0;
( $nested, $parenthasnat, $parenthasnotrack) = handle_nested_zone( $zone, $zoneref ) if $nested;
# Take care of PREROUTING, INPUT and OUTPUT jumps
for my $typeref ( values %$source_hosts_ref ) {
for my $interface ( sort { interface_number( $a ) <=> interface_number( $b ) } keys %$typeref ) {
my $arrayref = $typeref->{$interface};
my $interfaceref = find_interface $interface;
my $isport = $interfaceref->{options}{port};
my $bridge = $interfaceref->{bridge};
if ( get_physical( $interface ) eq '+' ) {
# Insert the interface-specific jumps before this one which is not interface-specific
@ -1633,174 +1900,17 @@ sub generate_matrix() {
add_interface_jumps(@interfaces) unless $interface_jumps_added++;
for my $hostref ( @$arrayref ) {
my @ipsec_in_match = match_ipsec_in $zone , $hostref;
my @ipsec_out_match = match_ipsec_out $zone , $hostref;
my $exclusions = $hostref->{exclusions};
for my $net ( @{$hostref->{hosts}} ) {
my @dest = imatch_dest_net $net;
if ( $chain1 && ! ( zone_type( $zone) & BPORT ) ) {
my $chain1ref = $filter_table->{$chain1};
my $nextchain = dest_exclusion( $exclusions, $chain1 );
my $outputref;
my $interfacechainref = $filter_table->{output_chain $interface};
my @interfacematch;
my $use_output = 0;
if ( @vservers || use_output_chain( $interface, $interfacechainref ) || ( @{$interfacechainref->{rules}} && ! $chain1ref ) ) {
$outputref = $interfacechainref;
if ( $isport ) {
add_ijump( $filter_table->{ output_chain $bridge },
j => $outputref ,
imatch_dest_dev( $interface, 1 ) )
unless $output_jump_added{$interface}++;
} else {
add_ijump $filter_table->{OUTPUT}, j => $outputref, imatch_dest_dev( $interface ) unless $output_jump_added{$interface}++;
$use_output = 1;
unless ( lc $net eq IPv6_LINKLOCAL ) {
for my $vzone ( vserver_zones ) {
generate_source_rules ( $outputref, $vzone, $zone, @dest );
} elsif ( $isport ) {
$outputref = $filter_table->{ output_chain $bridge };
@interfacematch = imatch_dest_dev $interface, 1;
} else {
$outputref = $filter_table->{OUTPUT};
@interfacematch = imatch_dest_dev $interface;
add_ijump $outputref , j => $nextchain, @interfacematch, @dest, @ipsec_out_match;
add_ijump( $outputref , j => $nextchain, @interfacematch, d => '' , @ipsec_out_match )
if $family == F_IPV4 && $hostref->{options}{broadcast};
move_rules( $interfacechainref , $chain1ref ) unless $use_output;
next if $hostref->{options}{destonly};
my @source = imatch_source_net $net;
if ( $dnatref->{referenced} ) {
# There are DNAT/REDIRECT rules with this zone as the source.
# Add a jump from this source network to this zone's DNAT/REDIRECT chain
add_ijump( $preroutingref,
j => source_exclusion( $exclusions, $dnatref),
imatch_source_dev( $interface),
@ipsec_in_match );
if ( get_physical( $interface ) eq '+' ) {
# The jump from the PREROUTING chain to dnat may not have been added above
addnatjump 'PREROUTING', 'dnat' unless $preroutingref->{references}{PREROUTING};
check_optimization( $dnatref ) if @source;
if ( $notrackref->{referenced} ) {
# There are notrack rules with this zone as the source.
# Add a jump from this source network to this zone's notrack chain
add_ijump $raw_table->{PREROUTING}, j => source_exclusion( $exclusions, $notrackref), imatch_source_dev( $interface), @source, @ipsec_in_match;
# If this zone has parents with DNAT/REDIRECT or notrack rules and there are no CONTINUE polcies with this zone as the source
# then add a RETURN jump for this source network.
if ( $nested ) {
add_ijump $preroutingref, j => 'RETURN', imatch_source_dev( $interface), @source, @ipsec_in_match if $parenthasnat;
add_ijump $raw_table->{PREROUTING}, j => 'RETURN', imatch_source_dev( $interface), @source, @ipsec_in_match if $parenthasnotrack;
my $chain2ref = $filter_table->{$chain2};
my $inputchainref;
my $interfacechainref = $filter_table->{input_chain $interface};
my @interfacematch;
my $use_input;
if ( @vservers || use_input_chain( $interface, $interfacechainref ) || ! $chain2 || ( @{$interfacechainref->{rules}} && ! $chain2ref ) ) {
$inputchainref = $interfacechainref;
if ( $isport ) {
add_ijump( $filter_table->{ input_chain $bridge },
j => $inputchainref ,
imatch_source_dev($interface, 1) )
unless $input_jump_added{$interface}++;
} else {
add_ijump $filter_table->{INPUT}, j => $inputchainref, imatch_source_dev($interface) unless $input_jump_added{$interface}++;
$use_input = 1;
unless ( lc $net eq IPv6_LINKLOCAL ) {
for my $vzone ( @vservers ) {
my $target = rules_target( $zone, $vzone );
generate_dest_rules( $inputchainref, $target, $vzone, @source, @ipsec_in_match ) if $target;
} elsif ( $isport ) {
$inputchainref = $filter_table->{ input_chain $bridge };
@interfacematch = imatch_source_dev $interface, 1;
} else {
$inputchainref = $filter_table->{INPUT};
@interfacematch = imatch_source_dev $interface;
if ( $chain2 ) {
add_ijump $inputchainref, j => source_exclusion( $exclusions, $chain2 ), @interfacematch, @source, @ipsec_in_match;
move_rules( $interfacechainref , $chain2ref ) unless $use_input;
if ( $frwd_ref && $hostref->{ipsec} ne 'ipsec' ) {
my $ref = source_exclusion( $exclusions, $frwd_ref );
my $forwardref = $filter_table->{forward_chain $interface};
if ( use_forward_chain $interface, $forwardref ) {
add_ijump $forwardref , j => $ref, @source, @ipsec_in_match;
if ( $isport ) {
add_ijump( $filter_table->{ forward_chain $bridge } ,
j => $forwardref ,
imatch_source_dev( $interface , 1 ) )
unless $forward_jump_added{$interface}++;
} else {
add_ijump $filter_table->{FORWARD} , j => $forwardref, imatch_source_dev( $interface ) unless $forward_jump_added{$interface}++;
} else {
if ( $isport ) {
add_ijump( $filter_table->{ forward_chain $bridge } ,
j => $ref ,
imatch_source_dev( $interface, 1 ) ,
@ipsec_in_match );
} else {
add_ijump $filter_table->{FORWARD} , j => $ref, imatch_source_dev( $interface ) , @source, @ipsec_in_match;
move_rules ( $forwardref , $frwd_ref );
handle_pio_jumps( $zone,
# F O R W A R D I N G
@ -1808,48 +1918,7 @@ sub generate_matrix() {
my $last_chain = '';
if ( $config{OPTIMIZE} & 1 ) {
my @temp_zones;
for my $zone1 ( @zones ) {
my $zone1ref = find_zone( $zone1 );
my $policy = $filter_table->{rules_chain( ${zone}, ${zone1} )}->{policy};
next if $policy eq 'NONE';
my $chain = rules_target $zone, $zone1;
next unless $chain;
if ( $zone eq $zone1 ) {
next if ( scalar ( keys( %{ $zoneref->{interfaces}} ) ) < 2 ) && ! $zoneref->{options}{in_out}{routeback};
if ( $zone1ref->{type} & BPORT ) {
next unless $zoneref->{bridge} eq $zone1ref->{bridge};
if ( $chain =~ /(2all|-all)$/ ) {
if ( $chain ne $last_chain ) {
$last_chain = $chain;
push @dest_zones, @temp_zones;
@temp_zones = ( $zone1 );
} elsif ( $policy eq 'ACCEPT' ) {
push @temp_zones , $zone1;
} else {
$last_chain = $chain;
@temp_zones = ( $zone1 );
} else {
push @dest_zones, @temp_zones, $zone1;
@temp_zones = ();
$last_chain = '';
if ( $last_chain && @temp_zones == 1 ) {
push @dest_zones, @temp_zones;
$last_chain = '';
( $last_chain , @dest_zones ) = optimize1_zones($zone, $zoneref, @zones );
} else {
@dest_zones = @zones ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user