Shorewall Installation and Upgrade Tom Eastep 2004-05-09 2001 2002 2003 2004 Thomas M. Eastep Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License.
Install using RPM Before attempting installation, I strongly urge you to read and print a copy of the Shorewall QuickStart Guide for the configuration that most closely matches your own. If you have RedHat 7.2 and are running iptables version 1.2.3 (at a shell prompt, type /sbin/iptables --version), you must upgrade to version 1.2.4 either from the RedHat update site or from the Shorewall Errata page before attempting to start Shorewall. To install Shorewall using the RPM: Install the RPM rpm -ivh <shorewall rpm> Some SuSE users have encountered a problem whereby rpm reports a conflict with kernel <= 2.2 even though a 2.4 kernel is installed. If this happens, simply use the --nodeps option to rpm. rpm -ivh --nodeps <shorewall rpm> Beginning with Shorewall 1.4.0, Shorewall is dependent on the iproute package. Unfortunately, some distributions call this package iproute2 which will cause the installation of Shorewall to fail with the diagnostic: error: failed dependencies:iproute is needed by shorewall-1.4.x-1 This may be worked around by using the --nodeps option of rpm. rpm -ivh --nodeps <shorewall rpm> Edit the configuration files to match your configuration. YOU CAN NOT SIMPLY INSTALL THE RPM AND ISSUE A shorewall start COMMAND. SOME CONFIGURATION IS REQUIRED BEFORE THE FIREWALL WILL START. IF YOU ISSUE A start COMMAND AND THE FIREWALL FAILS TO START, YOUR SYSTEM WILL NO LONGER ACCEPT ANY NETWORK TRAFFIC. IF THIS HAPPENS, ISSUE A shorewall clear COMMAND TO RESTORE NETWORK CONNECTIVITY. Start the firewall by typing shorewall start
Install using tarball Before attempting installation, I strongly urge you to read and print a copy of the Shorewall QuickStart Guide for the configuration that most closely matches your own. To install Shorewall using the tarball and install script: unpack the tarball (tar -zxf shorewall-x.y.z.tgz). cd to the shorewall directory (the version is encoded in the directory name as in shorewall-1.1.10). If you are running Slackware, you need Shorewall 2.0.2 RC1 or later. You must also edit the file and change the lines DEST="/etc/init.d" INIT="shorewall" to DEST="/etc/rc.d" INIT="rc.firewall" Type ./ Edit the configuration files to match your configuration. Enable Startup by removing /etc/shorewall/startup_disabled (Debian users will edit /etc/default/shorewall and set startup=1). Start the firewall by typing shorewall start If the install script was unable to configure Shorewall to be started automatically at boot, see these instructions.
Install the .lrp Before attempting installation, I strongly urge you to read and print a copy of the Shorewall QuickStart Guide for the configuration that most closely matches your own. To install my version of Shorewall on a fresh Bering disk, simply replace the shorwall.lrp file on the image with the file that you downloaded. See the two-interface QuickStart Guide for information about further steps required.
Upgrade using RPM Before upgrading, be sure to review the Upgrade Issues. If you already have the Shorewall RPM installed and are upgrading to a new version: If you are upgrading from a 1.2 version of Shorewall to a 1.4 version or and you have entries in the /etc/shorewall/hosts file then please check your /etc/shorewall/interfaces file to be sure that it contains an entry for each interface mentioned in the hosts file. Also, there are certain 1.2 rule forms that are no longer supported under 1.4 (you must use the new 1.4 syntax). See the upgrade issues for details. Upgrade the RPM rpm -Uvh <shorewall rpm file> Some SuSE users have encountered a problem whereby rpm reports a conflict with kernel <= 2.2 even though a 2.4 kernel is installed. If this happens, simply use the --nodeps option to rpm. rpm -Uvh --nodeps <shorewall rpm> Beginning with Shorewall 1.4.0, Shorewall is dependent on the iproute package. Unfortunately, some distributions call this package iproute2 which will cause the upgrade of Shorewall to fail with the diagnostic: error: failed dependencies:iproute is needed by shorewall-1.4.0-1 This may be worked around by using the --nodeps option of rpm. rpm -Uvh --nodeps <shorewall rpm> See if there are any incompatibilities between your configuration and the new Shorewall version and correct as necessary. shorewall check Restart the firewall. shorewall restart
Upgrade using tarball Before upgrading, be sure to review the Upgrade Issues. If you already have Shorewall installed and are upgrading to a new version using the tarball: If you are upgrading from a 1.2 version of Shorewall to a 1.4 version and you have entries in the /etc/shorewall/hosts file then please check your /etc/shorewall/interfaces file to be sure that it contains an entry for each interface mentioned in the hosts file. Also, there are certain 1.2 rule forms that are no longer supported under 1.4 (you must use the new 1.4 syntax). See the upgrade issues for details. unpack the tarball. tar -zxf shorewall-x.y.z.tgz cd to the shorewall directory (the version is encoded in the directory name as in shorewall-3.0.1). If you are running Slackware, you should use Shorewall 2.0.2 RC1 or later. You must also edit the file and change the lines DEST="/etc/init.d" INIT="shorewall" to DEST="/etc/rc.d" INIT="rc.firewall" Type ./ See if there are any incompatibilities between your configuration and the new Shorewall version and correct as necessary. shorewall check Start the firewall by typing shorewall start If the install script was unable to configure Shorewall to be started automatically at boot, see these instructions.
Upgrade the .lrp Before upgrading, be sure to review the Upgrade Issues. There appears to be no standard method for upgrading LEAF/Bering packages — Sorry to be so unhelpful.
Configuring Shorewall You will need to edit some or all of the configuration files to match your setup. In most cases, the Shorewall QuickStart Guides contain all of the information you need.
Uninstall/Fallback See Fallback and Uninstall.