Upgrade Issues |
For upgrade instructions see the Install/Upgrade page.
If you have a pair of firewall systems configured for failover or if you have asymmetric routing, you will need to modify your firewall setup slightly under Shorewall versions >= 1.3.8. Beginning with version 1.3.8, you must set NEWNOTSYN=Yes in your /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf file.
Users specifying ALLOWRELATED=No in /etc/shorewall.conf will need to include the following rules in their /etc/shorewall/icmpdef file (creating this file if necessary):
run_iptables -A icmpdef -p ICMP --icmp-type echo-reply -j ACCEPT
run_iptables -A icmpdef -p ICMP --icmp-type source-quench -j ACCEPT
run_iptables -A icmpdef -p ICMP --icmp-type destination-unreachable -j ACCEPT
run_iptables -A icmpdef -p ICMP --icmp-type time-exceeded -j ACCEPT
run_iptables -A icmpdef -p ICMP --icmp-type parameter-problem -j ACCEPT
Users having an /etc/shorewall/icmpdef file may remove the ". /etc/shorewall/icmp.def" command from that file since the icmp.def file is now empty.
To properly upgrade with Shorewall version 1.3.3 and later:
The .lrp that I release isn't set up for a two-interface firewall like Jacques's. You need to follow the instructions for setting up a two-interface firewall plus you also need to add the following two Bering-specific rules to /etc/shorewall/rules:
# Bering specific rules:
# allow loc to fw udp/53 for dnscache to work
# allow loc to fw tcp/80 for weblet to work
ACCEPT loc fw udp 53
ACCEPT loc fw tcp 80
If you have a pair of firewall systems configured for failover or if you have asymmetric routing, you will need to modify your firewall setup slightly under Shorewall versions 1.3.6 and 1.3.7
Create the file /etc/shorewall/newnotsyn and in it add
the following rule
run_iptables -A newnotsyn -j RETURN #
So that the connection tracking table can be rebuilt
# from non-SYN packets
after takeover.
Create /etc/shorewall/common (if you don't already
have that file) and include the following:
run_iptables -A common -p tcp --tcp-flags
ACK,FIN,RST ACK -j ACCEPT #Accept Acks to rebuild connection
#tracking table.
. /etc/shorewall/common.def
Some forms of pre-1.3.0 rules file syntax are no longer supported.
Example 1:
ACCEPT net loc: tcp 11111 - all
Must be replaced with:
DNAT net loc: tcp 11111
Example 2:
ACCEPT loc fw::3128 tcp 80 - all
Must be replaced with:
REDIRECT loc 3128 tcp 80
The functions and versions files together with the 'firewall' symbolic link have moved from /etc/shorewall to /var/lib/shorewall. If you have applications that access these files, those applications should be modified accordingly.
Last updated 9/30/2002 - Tom Eastep
Copyright © 2001, 2002 Thomas M. Eastep.