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  <title>Shorewall Features</title>
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      <h1 align="center"><font color="#ffffff">Shorewall Features</font></h1>
      <li>Uses Netfilter's connection tracking facilities for stateful packet 
      <li>Can be used in a <b> wide range of router/firewall/gateway applications</b>.
        <li>Completely customizable using configuration files.</li>
        <li>No limit on the number of network interfaces.</li>
        <li>Allows you to partitions the network into <i><a
 href="Documentation.htm#Zones">zones</a></i>         and gives you complete 
 control over the connections permitted between         each pair of zones.</li>
        <li>Multiple interfaces per zone and multiple zones per interface 
        <li>Supports nested and overlapping zones.</li>
      <li> <a href="shorewall_quickstart_guide.htm">QuickStart Guides (HOWTOs)</a> 
to  help    get your first firewall up and running quickly</li>
  <li>A <b>GUI</b> is available via Webmin 1.060 and later (<a
      <li>Extensive <b> <a
  </b>   included in the .tgz and .rpm downloads.</li>
      <li><b>Flexible address management/routing support</b> (and you can 
use  all     types in the same firewall):                  
        <li><a href="Documentation.htm#Masq">Masquerading/SNAT</a></li>
        <li><a href="Documentation.htm#PortForward">Port Forwarding (DNAT)</a>.</li>
        <li><a href="Documentation.htm#NAT">     Static NAT</a>.</li>
        <li><a href="Documentation.htm#ProxyArp">     Proxy ARP</a>.</li>
        <li>Simple host/subnet Routing</li>
      <li><a href="blacklisting_support.htm"><b>Blacklisting</b></a> of individual
      IP addresses and subnetworks is supported.</li>
      <li><b><a href="starting_and_stopping_shorewall.htm">Operational support</a></b>:
        <li>Commands to start, stop and clear the firewall</li>
        <li>Supports status             monitoring      with an audible alarm 
 when an             "interesting" packet is detected.</li>
        <li>Wide variety of informational commands.</li>
      <li><b>VPN Support</b>                  
        <li><a href="Documentation.htm#Tunnels">IPSEC, GRE,� IPIP     and 
OpenVPN Tunnels</a>.</li>
        <li><a href="PPTP.htm">PPTP </a> clients and Servers.</li>
      <li>Support for <a href="traffic_shaping.htm"><b>Traffic Control/Shaping</b></a>
      <li>Wide support for different <b>GNU/Linux Distributions</b>.    
        <li><a href="Install.htm#Install_RPM"><b>RPM</b></a> and <a
          packages available.</li>
        <li>Includes <a href="Install.htm"><b>automated install, upgrade, 
fallback          and uninstall facilities</b></a> for users who can't use 
or choose  not         to use the RPM or Debian packages.</li>
        <li>Included as a standard part of<b> <a
 href="http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/jnilo">     LEAF/Bering</a> </b>(router/firewall
 on a floppy, CD or compact flash).</li>
     <li><a href="MAC_Validation.html">Media Access Control (<b>MAC</b>)
Address      <b>Verification</b><br>
<p><font size="2">Last updated 2/5/2003 - <a href="support.htm">Tom Eastep</a></font></p>
<p align="left"><font face="Trebuchet MS"><a href="copyright.htm"> <font
 size="2">Copyright</font> � <font size="2">2001-2003 Thomas M. Eastep.</font></a></font><br>