#!/bin/sh # # Shorewall Release Processing -- (C) 2003,2004,2005 -- Tom Eastep (teastep@shorewall.net) # # This program is under GPL [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.htm] # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of Version 2 of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA # # I install this script in /usr/local/bin/makeshorewall. # # Usage: # # makeshorewall [ -trhxl ] [ ] # # -t Build tarball # -r Build RPM # -h Build HTML documentation # -x Build XML documentation # -l Build LRP # # If no options are given, all options are assumed. # # If is given, a patch file reflecting the differences # between that version and the current version ( ) is # generated. The directory ./shorewall- must exist and # contain the version against which the patch is generated. ################################################################################ # C O N F I G U R A T I O N ################################################################################ # # XSL Stylesheet to use for XML->HTML conversion # STYLESHEET=/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/current/xhtml/docbook.xsl # # Directory where the build log will be placed. The log has the name # shorewall_build_.log # LOGDIR=$PWD # # Your RPM build directory # RPMDIR=~/rpm/ # # Directory where you want the release to be built # DIR=$PWD # # CVS Root # export CVSROOT=:ext:${USER}@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/shorewall ################################################################################ # V A R I A B L E S ################################################################################ VERSION= OLDVERSION= SHOREWALLDIR= SOURCEDIR= LRPPROJ= LRPDIR= LRP= CVSTAG= #CVSSTABLE= XMLPROJ= RPMNAME= TARBALL= LOGFILE= HTMLDIR= BUILDTARBALL= BUILDRPM= BUILDXML= BUILDHTML= BUILDLRP= SAMPLES= ################################################################################ # F U N C T I O N S ################################################################################ progress_message() { echo >> $LOGFILE echo "$@" | tee -a $LOGFILE echo >> $LOGFILE } report() { echo "$@" | tee -a $LOGFILE } do_or_die() { eval $@ || { progress_message "Step \"$*\" FAILED" ; exit 2; } } fatal_error() { progress_message "$*" exit 2 } list_search() # $1 = element to search for , $2-$n = list { local e=$1 while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do shift [ "x$e" = "x$1" ] && return 0 done return 1 } usage() { echo "usage: $(basename $0) [ -trhxl] [ ]" exit 2 } ################################################################################ # E X E C U T I O N S T A R T S H E R E ################################################################################ set -e set -u done= [ $# -eq 0 ] && usage case $1 in -*) ;; *) BUILDTARBALL=Yes BUILDRPM=Yes BUILDHTML=Yes BUILDXML=Yes BUILDRPM=Yes BUILDLRP=Yes done=Yes ;; esac while [ -z "$done" ]; do [ $# -eq 0 ] && break option=$1 case $option in -*) option=${option#-} [ -z "$option" ] && break while [ -n "$option" ]; do case $option in t*) BUILDTARBALL=Yes option=${option#t} ;; r*) BUILDTARBALL=Yes BUILDRPM=Yes option=${option#r} ;; h*) BUILDHTML=Yes option=${option#h} ;; x*) BUILDXML=Yes option=${option#x} ;; l*) BUILDLRP=Yes option=${option#l} ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift ;; *) done=Yes ;; esac done case $# in 1) ;; 2) OLDVERSION=$2 ;; *) usage ;; esac VERSION=$1 LOGFILE=$LOGDIR/shorewall_build_${VERSION}.log # location and options for GnuPG GPG="/usr/bin/gpg -ab --batch --comment 'To verify this, you can download our public key at https://lists.shorewall.net/shorewall.gpg.key'" touch $LOGFILE progress_message "Build of Shorewall $VERSION on $(date)" case $VERSION in 2.0.*) CVSTAG=SHOREWALL-2_0 DOCTAG=HEAD XMLPROJ=Shorewall-docs LRP=shorwall-${VERSION}.lrp LRPPROJ=Lrp ;; 2.2.*) CVSTAG=SHOREWALL-2_2 DOCTAG=SHOREWALL_2_4 XMLPROJ=Shorewall-docs2 LRP=shorewall-lrp-${VERSION}.tgz LRPPROJ=Lrp2 ;; 2.4.*) CVSTAG=SHOREWALL-2_4 DOCTAG=SHOREWALL_2_4 XMLPROJ=Shorewall-docs2 BUILDLRP= ;; *ex) CVSTAG=EXPERIMENTAL DOCTAG=HEAD XMLPROJ=Shorewall-docs2 BUILDLRP= ;; 2.5.*|3.0.0*) CVSTAG=HEAD DOCTAG=HEAD XMLPROJ=Shorewall-docs2 BUILDLRP= SAMPLES=Yes ;; *) echo "Unsupported Version: $VERSION" exit 2 ;; esac [ -d $DIR ] || { echo "Directory $DIR does not exist or is unaccessible" ; exit 2 ; } progress_message "Distribution directory is $DIR" cd $DIR case $VERSION in *Beta*|*RC*) # # Beta or Release Canditate # SHOREWALLDIR=shorewall-${VERSION%-*} TARBALL=shorewall-${VERSION%-*}.tgz RPMNAME=shorewall-${VERSION%-*}-0${VERSION#*-}.noarch.rpm ;; *) # # Normal Release # SHOREWALLDIR=shorewall-$VERSION TARBALL=shorewall-$VERSION.tgz RPMNAME=shorewall-${VERSION}-1.noarch.rpm ;; esac HTMLDIR=shorewall-docs-html-$VERSION LRPDIR=shorewall-lrp-$VERSION if [ -n "${BUILDTARBALL}${BUILDRPM}" ]; then report "Shorewall directory is $DIR/$SHOREWALLDIR" report "CVS tag is $CVSTAG" [ -n "$BUILDTARBALL" ] && report "TARBALL is $TARBALL" [ -n "$BUILDRPM" ] && report "RPM is $RPMNAME" fi [ -n "$BUILDHTML" ] && report "HTML Directory is $HTMLDIR" [ -n "$BUILDLRP" ] && report "LRP Directory is $LRPDIR" if [ -n "${BUILDTARBALL}${BUILDRPM}" ]; then progress_message "Exporting $CVSTAG from CVS..." rm -rf $SHOREWALLDIR do_or_die "cvs -z3 export -r $CVSTAG -d $SHOREWALLDIR Shorewall >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" fgrep VERSION=$VERSION $SHOREWALLDIR/install.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 || fatal_error "install.sh has wrong version" fgrep VERSION=$VERSION $SHOREWALLDIR/uninstall.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 || fatal_error "uninstall.sh has wrong version" fgrep VERSION=$VERSION $SHOREWALLDIR/fallback.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 || fatal_error "fallback.sh has wrong version" if [ -n "$SAMPLES" ]; then do_or_die "cvs -z3 export -r $CVSTAG -d $DIR/$SHOREWALLDIR/Samples Samples >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" fi if [ -n "$BUILDTARBALL" ]; then progress_message "Creating $DIR/$TARBALL..." do_or_die "tar -zcvf $TARBALL $SHOREWALLDIR >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" do_or_die "tar -jcvf shorewall-${VERSION%-*}.tar.bz2 $SHOREWALLDIR >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" for shoresuffix in tgz tar.bz2; do shoreball=shorewall-${VERSION%-*}.${shoresuffix} report "Creating $DIR/$shoreball tarball sha1sums.." do_or_die "sha1sum $shoreball >> $VERSION.sha1sums" report "Creating $DIR/$shoreball tarball md5sums.." do_or_die "md5sum $shoreball >> $VERSION.md5sums" report "GPG signing $DIR/$shoreball" rm -f ${shoreball}.asc do_or_die "$GPG $shoreball" done fi if [ -n "$BUILDRPM" ]; then progress_message "Building $RPMNAME..." do_or_die "rpmbuild -tb --sign $TARBALL >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" do_or_die cp -a $RPMDIR/RPMS/noarch/$RPMNAME . progress_message "Creating $RPMNAME sha1sums.." do_or_die "sha1sum $RPMNAME >> $VERSION.sha1sums" progress_message "Creating $RPMNAME md5sums.." do_or_die "md5sum $RPMNAME >> $VERSION.md5sums" fi fi if [ -n "${BUILDXML}${BUILDHTML}" ]; then progress_message "Exporting $XMLPROJ from CVS..." rm -rf $XMLPROJ rm -rf shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION do_or_die "cvs -z3 export -r $DOCTAG $XMLPROJ >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" do_or_die mv $XMLPROJ shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION rm -f shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION/images/*.vsd rm -f shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION/images/~* rm -f shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION/images/*.JPG rm -f shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION/images/publish rm -f shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION/images/Thumbs.db if [ -n "$BUILDXML" ]; then progress_message "Creating $DIR/shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION tarballs" do_or_die "tar -zcvf shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION.tgz shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" do_or_die "tar -jcvf shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION.tar.bz2 shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" for shoresuffix in tgz tar.bz2; do xmlball=shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION.${shoresuffix} report "Creating $DIR/$xmlball tarball sha1sums.." do_or_die "sha1sum $xmlball >> $VERSION.sha1sums" report "Creating $DIR/$xmlball tarball md5sums.." do_or_die "md5sum $xmlball >> $VERSION.md5sums" report "GPG signing $DIR/$xmlball tarball" rm -f ${xmlball}.asc do_or_die "$GPG $xmlball" done fi if [ -n "$BUILDHTML" ]; then progress_message "Building $HTMLDIR ..." rm -rf $HTMLDIR do_or_die mkdir $HTMLDIR do_or_die mkdir $HTMLDIR/images # # The original HTML documents were created using MS FrontPage and used # the .htm suffix. The remainder use the .html suffix. # HTMFILES=" 6to4.htm blacklisting_support.htm configuration_file_basics.htm CorpNetwork.htm dhcp.htm Documentation.htm errata.htm fallback.htm FAQ.htm GnuCopyright.htm Install.htm IPIP.htm IPSEC.htm kernel.htm myfiles.htm NAT.htm ports.htm PPTP.htm ProxyARP.htm quotes.htm samba.htm shorewall_extension_scripts.htm shorewall_features.htm shorewall_mirrors.htm shorewall_prerequisites.htm shorewall_quickstart_guide.htm shorewall_setup_guide_fr.htm shorewall_setup_guide.htm Shorewall_sfindex_frame.htm standalone.htm starting_and_stopping_shorewall.htm support.htm three-interface.htm traffic_shaping.htm troubleshoot.htm two-interface.htm upgrade_issues.htm VPN.htm whitelisting_under_shorewall.htm" for file in shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION/*.xml; do a=$(basename $file) b=${a%.*} list_search $b.htm $HTMFILES && b=$b.htm || b=$b.html f="shorewall-docs-html-$VERSION/$b" report "Converting $DIR/$file from XML to HTML ($DIR/$f) ..." do_or_die xsltproc --output $f --stringparam html.stylesheet html.css --stringparam ulink.target _self -param toc.section.depth 3 $STYLESHEET $file done progress_message "Copying images to $DIR/$HTMLDIR/images ..." do_or_die cp -a shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION/images/*.png $HTMLDIR/images do_or_die cp -a shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION/images/*.gif $HTMLDIR/images do_or_die cp -a shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION/images/*.jpg $HTMLDIR/images do_or_die cp -a shorewall-docs-xml-$VERSION/*.css $HTMLDIR do_or_die ln -s Documentation_Index.html shorewall-docs-html-$VERSION/index.html progress_message "Creating $DIR/shorewall-docs-html-$VERSION tarballs ..." do_or_die "tar -zcvf shorewall-docs-html-$VERSION.tgz shorewall-docs-html-$VERSION >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" do_or_die "tar -jcvf shorewall-docs-html-$VERSION.tar.bz2 shorewall-docs-html-$VERSION >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" for shoresuffix in tgz tar.bz2; do htmlball=shorewall-docs-html-$VERSION.${shoresuffix} report "Creating $DIR/$htmlball tarball sha1sums" do_or_die "sha1sum $htmlball >> $VERSION.sha1sums" report "Creating $DIR/$htmlball tarball md5sums" do_or_die "md5sum $htmlball >> $VERSION.md5sums" report "GPG signing $DIR/$htmlball tarball" rm -f ${htmlball}.asc do_or_die "$GPG $htmlball" done fi fi [ -n "$BUILDTARBALL" ] && case $VERSION in *Beta*|*RC*) # # The original tarball created above didn't include the -Beta or -RC portion of the # name in either the tarball name or the directory name. Create it here # progress_message "Creating $DIR/shorewall-$VERSION..." rm -rf shorewall-$VERSION do_or_die mv $SHOREWALLDIR shorewall-$VERSION progress_message "Creating $DIR/shorewall-${VERSION}.tgz ..." do_or_die "tar -zcvf shorewall-${VERSION}.tgz shorewall-$VERSION >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" do_or_die "tar -jcvf shorewall-$VERSION.tar.bz2 shorewall-$VERSION >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" for shoresuffix in tgz tar.bz2; do betaball=shorewall-$VERSION.${shoresuffix} report "Creating $DIR/shorewall-$VERSION tarball sha1sums" do_or_die "sha1sum $betaball >> $VERSION.sha1sums" report "Creating $DIR/shorewall-$VERSION tarball md5sums" do_or_die "md5sum $betaball >> $VERSION.md5sums" report "GPG signing $DIR/$betaball tarball" rm -f ${betaball}.asc do_or_die "$GPG $betaball" done ;; esac if [ -n "$BUILDLRP" ]; then progress_message "Exporting $LRPPROJ from CVS ..." rm -rf $LRPDIR rm -rf $LRPPROJ do_or_die "cvs -z3 export -D now $LRPPROJ >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" do_or_die mv $LRPPROJ $LRPDIR cd $LRPDIR [ "$VERSION" = $(cat usr/share/shorewall/version) ] || fatal_error "$LRPPROJ has wrong version" rm -f var/lib/lrpkg/shorwall.version do_or_die ln -s ../../../usr/share/shorewall/version var/lib/lrpkg/shorwall.version [ -d var/lib/shorewall ] || do_or_die mkdir var/lib/shorewall do_or_die chmod 700 etc etc/init.d etc/shorewall sbin usr usr/share usr/share/shorewall var var/lib var/lib/lrpkg var/lib/shorewall do_or_die chmod 600 etc/shorewall/* do_or_die chmod 700 etc/init.d/shorewall do_or_die chmod 700 sbin/shorewall do_or_die chmod 600 usr/share/shorewall/* do_or_die chmod 700 usr/share/shorewall/firewall do_or_die chmod 600 var/lib/lrpkg/shorwall.help do_or_die chmod 600 var/lib/lrpkg/shorwall.list do_or_die chmod 600 var/lib/lrpkg/shorwall.conf case $VERSION in 2.*) [ -d etc/shorewall/start.d ] || do_or_die mkdir etc/shorewall/start.d [ -d etc/shorewall/stop.d ] || do_or_die mkdir etc/shorewall/stop.d do_or_die chmod 755 etc/shorewall/start.d do_or_die chmod 755 etc/shorewall/stop.d ;; esac progress_message "Creating $DIR/$LRP ..." do_or_die "tar -zcvf ../$LRP $(cat var/lib/lrpkg/shorwall.list) >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" cd $DIR fi if [ -n "$OLDVERSION" ]; then progress_message "Creating patch-$VERSION ..." diff -Nau shorewall-$OLDVERSION shorewall-$VERSION > patch-$VERSION fi progress_message "Shorewall $VERSION Build complete - $(date)"