<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd"> <article id="IPSEC"> <!--$Id$--> <articleinfo> <title>IPSEC using Linux Kernel 2.6</title> <authorgroup> <author> <firstname>Tom</firstname> <surname>Eastep</surname> </author> </authorgroup> <pubdate><?dbtimestamp format="Y/m/d"?></pubdate> <copyright> <year>2004</year> <year>2005</year> <year>2006</year> <holder>Thomas M. Eastep</holder> </copyright> <legalnotice> <para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled <quote><ulink url="GnuCopyright.htm">GNU Free Documentation License</ulink></quote>.</para> </legalnotice> </articleinfo> <caution> <para><emphasis role="bold">This article applies to Shorewall 3.0 and later. If you are running a version of Shorewall earlier than Shorewall 3.0.0 then please see the documentation for that release.</emphasis></para> </caution> <important> <para>The information in this article is only applicable if you plan to have IPSEC end-points on the same system where Shorewall is used.</para> </important> <warning> <para>To use the features described in this article, your kernel must be 2.6.16 or later <emphasis role="bold">or</emphasis> your kernel and iptables must include the Netfilter+ipsec patches and policy match support. The Netfilter patches are available from Netfilter Patch-O-Matic-NG and are also included in some commercial distributions (most notably <trademark>SUSE</trademark> 9.1 through 10.0).</para> </warning> <warning> <para>As of this writing, the Netfilter+ipsec and policy match support are broken when used with a bridge device. The problem has been reported to the responsible Netfilter developer who has confirmed the problem. The problem was presumably corrected in Kernel 2.6.20 as a result of the removal of defered FORWARD/OUTPUT processing of traffic destined for a bridge. See the <ulink url="NewBridge.html">"<emphasis>Bridging without using physdev match support</emphasis>"</ulink> article.</para> </warning> <section id="Overview"> <title>Shorewall 3.0 and Kernel 2.6 IPSEC</title> <para>This is <emphasis role="bold">not</emphasis> a HOWTO for Kernel 2.6 IPSEC -- for that, please see <ulink url="http://www.ipsec-howto.org/">http://www.ipsec-howto.org/</ulink>.</para> <para>The 2.6 Linux Kernel introduces new facilities for defining encrypted communication between hosts in a network. The network administrator defines a set of <firstterm>Security Policies</firstterm> which are stored in the kernel as a <firstterm>Security Policy Database</firstterm> (SPD). Security policies determine which traffic is subject to encryption. <firstterm>Security Associations</firstterm> are created between pairs of hosts in the network (one SA for traffic in each direction); these SAs define how traffic is to be encrypted. Outgoing traffic that is to be encrypted according to the contents of the SPD requires an appropriate SA to exist. SAs may be created manually using <command>setkey</command>(8) but most often, they are created by a cooperative process involving the ISAKMP protocol and daemons such as<command> racoon</command> or <command>isakmpd</command>. Incoming traffic is verified against the SPD to ensure that no unencrypted traffic is accepted in violation of the administrator's policies.</para> <para>There are three ways in which IPSEC traffic can interact with Shorewall policies and rules:</para> <orderedlist> <listitem> <para>Traffic that is encrypted on the firewall system. The traffic passes through Netfilter twice -- first as unencrypted then encrypted.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Traffic that is decrypted on the firewall system. The traffic passes through Netfilter twice -- first as encrypted then as unencrypted.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Encrypted traffic that is passed through the firewall system. The traffic passes through Netfilter once.</para> </listitem> </orderedlist> <para>In cases 1 and 2, the encrypted traffic is handled by entries in <filename>/etc/shorewall/tunnels</filename> (don't be mislead by the name of the file -- <emphasis>transport mode</emphasis> encrypted traffic is also handled by entries in that file). The unencrypted traffic is handled by normal rules and policies.</para> <para>Under the 2.4 Linux Kernel, the association of unencrypted traffic and zones was made easy by the presense of IPSEC pseudo-interfaces with names of the form <filename class="devicefile">ipsecn</filename> (e.g. <filename class="devicefile">ipsec0</filename>). Outgoing unencrypted traffic (case 1.) was send through an <filename class="devicefile">ipsecn</filename> device while incoming unencrypted traffic (case 2) arrived from an <filename class="devicefile">ipsecn</filename> device. The 2.6 kernel-based implementation does away with these pseudo-interfaces. Outgoing traffic that is going to be encrypted and incoming traffic that has been decrypted must be matched against policies in the SPD and/or the appropriate SA.</para> <para>Shorewall provides support for policy matching in three ways:</para> <orderedlist> <listitem> <para>In <filename>/etc/shorewall/masq</filename>, traffic that will later be encrypted is exempted from MASQUERADE/SNAT using existing entries. If you want to MASQUERADE/SNAT outgoing traffic that will later be encrypted, you must include the appropriate indication in the new IPSEC column in that file.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>The<filename> </filename><ulink url="manpages/shorewall-zones.html"><filename>/etc/shorewall/zones</filename></ulink> file allows you to associate zones with traffic that will be encrypted or that has been decrypted.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>A new option (<emphasis role="bold">ipsec</emphasis>) has been provided for entries in <filename>/etc/shorewall/hosts</filename>. When an entry has this option specified, traffic to/from the hosts described in the entry is assumed to be encrypted.</para> </listitem> </orderedlist> <para>In summary, Shorewall provides the facilities to replace the use of ipsec pseudo-interfaces in zone and MASQUERADE/SNAT definition.</para> <para>There are two cases to consider:</para> <orderedlist> <listitem> <para>Encrypted communication is used to/from all hosts in a zone.</para> <para>The value <emphasis role="bold">ipsec</emphasis> is placed in the TYPE column of the <filename>/etc/shorewall/zones</filename> entry for the zone.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>By default, encrypted communication is not used to communicate with the hosts in a zone.</para> <para>The value <emphasis role="bold">ipv4</emphasis> is placed in the TYPE column of the <filename>/etc/shorewall/zones</filename> entry for the zone and the new <emphasis role="bold">ipsec</emphasis> option is specified in <filename>/etc/shorewall/hosts</filename> for any hosts requiring secure communication.</para> </listitem> </orderedlist> <note> <para>For simple zones such as are shown in the following examples, the two techniques are equivalent and are used interchangably.</para> </note> <note> <para>It is redundent to have <emphasis role="bold">ipsec</emphasis> in the TYPE column of the <filename>/etc/shorewall/zones</filename> entry for a zone and to also have the <emphasis role="bold">ipsec</emphasis> option in <filename>/etc/shorewall/hosts</filename> entries for that zone.</para> </note> <para>Finally, the OPTIONS, IN OPTIONS and OUT OPTIONS columns in /etc/shorewall/zones can be used to match the zone to a particular (set of) SA(s) used to encrypt and decrypt traffic to/from the zone and the security policies that select which traffic to encrypt/decrypt.</para> <para>This article assumes the use of ipsec-tools (<ulink url="http://ipsec-tools.sourceforge.net">http://ipsec-tools.sourceforge.net</ulink>). As of this writing, I recommend that you run at least version 0.5.2. Debian users, please note that there are separate Debian packages for ipsec-tools and racoon although the ipsec-tools project releases them as a single package.</para> <para>For more information on IPSEC, Kernel 2.6 and Shorewall see <ulink url="LinuxFest.pdf">my presentation on the subject given at LinuxFest NW 2005</ulink>. Be warned though that the presentation is based on Shorewall 2.2 and there are some differences in the details of how IPSEC is configured.</para> </section> <section id="GwFw"> <title>IPSec Gateway on the Firewall System</title> <para>Suppose that we have the following sutuation:</para> <graphic fileref="images/TwoNets1.png" /> <para>We want systems in the sub-network to be able to communicate with systems in the network. We assume that on both systems A and B, eth0 is the internet interface.</para> <para>To make this work, we need to do two things:</para> <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha"> <listitem> <para>Open the firewall so that the IPSEC tunnel can be established (allow the ESP and AH protocols and UDP Port 500).</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Allow traffic through the tunnel.</para> </listitem> </orderedlist> <para>Opening the firewall for the IPSEC tunnel is accomplished by adding an entry to the <filename>/etc/shorewall/tunnels</filename> file.</para> <para>In <filename>/etc/shorewall/tunnels</filename> on system A, we need the following</para> <blockquote> <para><filename><filename>/etc/shorewall/tunnels</filename></filename> — System A:</para> <programlisting>#TYPE ZONE GATEWAY GATEWAY ZONE ipsec net #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</programlisting> <para><filename><filename>/etc/shorewall/tunnels</filename></filename> — System B:</para> <programlisting>#TYPE ZONE GATEWAY GATEWAY ZONE ipsec net #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</programlisting> </blockquote> <note> <para>If either of the endpoints is behind a NAT gateway then the tunnels file entry on the <emphasis role="bold">other</emphasis> endpoint should specify a tunnel type of ipsecnat rather than ipsec and the GATEWAY address should specify the external address of the NAT gateway.</para> </note> <para>You need to define a zone for the remote subnet or include it in your local zone. In this example, we'll assume that you have created a zone called <quote>vpn</quote> to represent the remote subnet.</para> <blockquote> <para><filename><filename>/etc/shorewall/zones</filename></filename> — Systems A and B:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE TYPE OPTIONS IN OUT # OPTIONS OPTIONS vpn ipv4 net ipv4 #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</programlisting> </blockquote> <para>Remember the assumption that both systems A and B have eth0 as their internet interface.</para> <para>You must define the vpn zone using the <filename>/etc/shorewall/hosts</filename> file. The hosts file entries below assume that you want the remote gateway to be part of the vpn zone — If you don't wish the remote gateway included, simply omit its IP address from the HOSTS column.</para> <blockquote> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/hosts</filename> — System A</para> <programlisting>#ZONE HOSTS OPTIONS vpn eth0:, <emphasis role="bold"> ipsec</emphasis> #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/hosts</filename> — System B</para> <programlisting>#ZONE HOSTS OPTIONS vpn eth0:, <emphasis role="bold">ipsec</emphasis> #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</programlisting> </blockquote> <para>Assuming that you want to give each local network free access to the remote network and vice versa, you would need the following <filename>/etc/shorewall/policy</filename> entries on each system:</para> <blockquote> <programlisting>#SOURCE DESTINATION POLICY LEVEL BURST:LIMIT loc vpn ACCEPT vpn loc ACCEPT</programlisting> </blockquote> <para>If you need access from each firewall to hosts in the other network, then you could add:</para> <blockquote> <programlisting>#SOURCE DESTINATION POLICY LEVEL BURST:LIMIT $FW vpn ACCEPT</programlisting> </blockquote> <para>If you need access between the firewall's, you should describe the access in your /etc/shorewall/rules file. For example, to allow SSH access from System B, add this rule on system A:</para> <blockquote> <programlisting>#ACTION SOURCE DESTINATION PROTO POLICY ACCEPT vpn: $FW</programlisting> </blockquote> <para>Note that your Security Policies must also be set up to send traffic between and through the tunnel (see below).</para> <para>Once you have these entries in place, restart Shorewall (type shorewall restart); you are now ready to configure IPSEC.</para> <para>For full encrypted connectivity in this configuration (between the subnets, between each subnet and the opposite gateway, and between the gateways), you will need eight policies in <filename>/etc/racoon/setkey.conf</filename>. For example, on gateway A:</para> <blockquote> <programlisting># First of all flush the SPD and SAD databases spdflush; flush; # Add some SPD rules spdadd any -P out ipsec esp/tunnel/; spdadd any -P out ipsec esp/tunnel/; spdadd any -P out ipsec esp/tunnel/; spdadd any -P out ipsec esp/tunnel/; spdadd any -P in ipsec esp/tunnel/; spdadd any -P in ipsec esp/tunnel/; spdadd any -P in ipsec esp/tunnel/; spdadd any -P in ipsec esp/tunnel/;</programlisting> </blockquote> <para>The <filename>setkey.conf</filename> file on gateway B would be similar.</para> <para>A sample <filename>/etc/racoon/racoon.conf</filename> file using X.509 certificates might look like:</para> <blockquote> <programlisting>path certificates "/etc/certs" ; listen { isakmp; } remote { exchange_mode main ; certificate_type x509 "GatewayA.pem" "GatewayA_key.pem" ; verify_cert on; my_identifier asn1dn ; peers_identifier asn1dn ; verify_identifier on ; lifetime time 24 hour ; proposal { encryption_algorithm blowfish; hash_algorithm sha1; authentication_method rsasig ; dh_group 2 ; } } sainfo address any address any { pfs_group 2; lifetime time 12 hour ; encryption_algorithm blowfish ; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1, hmac_md5 ; compression_algorithm deflate ; } sainfo address any address any { pfs_group 2; lifetime time 12 hour ; encryption_algorithm blowfish ; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1, hmac_md5 ; compression_algorithm deflate ; } sainfo address any address any { pfs_group 2; lifetime time 12 hour ; encryption_algorithm blowfish ; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1, hmac_md5 ; compression_algorithm deflate ; } sainfo address any address any { pfs_group 2; lifetime time 12 hour ; encryption_algorithm blowfish ; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1, hmac_md5 ; compression_algorithm deflate ; }</programlisting> <warning> <para>If you have hosts that access the internet through an IPSEC tunnel, then it is a good idea to set the MSS value for traffic from those hosts explicitly in the <filename>/etc/shorewall/zones</filename> file. For example, if hosts in the <emphasis role="bold">sec</emphasis> zone access the internet through an ESP tunnel then the following entry would be appropriate:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE TYPE OPTIONS IN OUT # OPTIONS OPTIONS sec ipsec mode=tunnel <emphasis role="bold">mss=1400</emphasis></programlisting> <para>Note that CLAMPMSS=Yes in <filename>shorewall.conf</filename> isn't effective with the 2.6 native IPSEC implementation because there is no separate ipsec device with a lower mtu as there was under the 2.4 and earlier kernels.</para> </warning> </blockquote> </section> <section id="RoadWarrior"> <title>Mobile System (Road Warrior)</title> <para>Suppose that you have a laptop system (B) that you take with you when you travel and you want to be able to establish a secure connection back to your local network.</para> <graphic fileref="images/Mobile.png" /> <example id="roadWarrior"> <title>Road Warrior VPN</title> <para>You need to define a zone for the laptop or include it in your local zone. In this example, we'll assume that you have created a zone called <quote>vpn</quote> to represent the remote host.</para> <blockquote> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/zones</filename> — System A</para> <programlisting>#ZONE TYPE OPTIONS IN OUT # OPTIONS OPTIONS vpn ipsec net ipv4 loc ipv4 #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</programlisting> </blockquote> <para>In this instance, the mobile system (B) has IP address but that cannot be determined in advance. In the <filename>/etc/shorewall/tunnels</filename> file on system A, the following entry should be made:<blockquote> <programlisting>#TYPE ZONE GATEWAY GATEWAY ZONE ipsec net vpn #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</programlisting> </blockquote></para> <para><note> <para>the GATEWAY ZONE column contains the name of the zone corresponding to peer subnetworks. This indicates that the gateway system itself comprises the peer subnetwork; in other words, the remote gateway is a standalone system.</para> </note></para> <para>The VPN zone is defined using the /etc/shorewall/hosts file:</para> <blockquote> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/hosts</filename> — System A:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE HOSTS OPTIONS vpn eth0: #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</programlisting> </blockquote> <para>You will need to configure your <quote>through the tunnel</quote> policy as shown under the first example above.</para> <para>On the laptop:</para> <blockquote> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/zones</filename> - System B:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE TYPE OPTIONS IN OUT # OPTIONS OPTIONS vpn ipsec net ipv4 loc ipv4 #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/tunnels</filename> - System B:</para> <programlisting>#TYPE ZONE GATEWAY GATEWAY ZONE ipsec net vpn #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/hosts</filename> - System B:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE HOSTS OPTIONS vpn eth0: #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</programlisting> </blockquote> <para>On system A, here are the IPSEC files:</para> <blockquote> <para><filename>/etc/racoon/racoon.conf</filename> - System A:</para> <programlisting>path certificate "/etc/certs" ; listen { isakmp; } remote <emphasis role="bold">anonymous</emphasis> { exchange_mode main ; <emphasis role="bold">generate_policy on</emphasis> ; <emphasis role="bold">passive on</emphasis> ; certificate_type x509 "GatewayA.pem" "GatewayA_key.pem" ; verify_cert on; my_identifier asn1dn ; peers_identifier asn1dn ; verify_identifier on ; lifetime time 24 hour ; proposal { encryption_algorithm blowfish ; hash_algorithm sha1; authentication_method rsasig ; dh_group 2 ; } } sainfo <emphasis role="bold">anonymous</emphasis> { pfs_group 2; lifetime time 12 hour ; encryption_algorithm blowfish ; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1, hmac_md5 ; compression_algorithm deflate ; }</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/racoon/setkey.conf</filename> - System A:</para> <programlisting>flush; spdflush;</programlisting> </blockquote> <para>If system A is running kernel 2.6.10 or later then it must also be running ipsec-tools (racoon) 0.5rc1 or later.</para> <para>On the mobile system (system B), it is not possible to create a static IPSEC configuration because the IP address of the laptop's internet connection isn't static. I have created an 'ipsecvpn' script and included in the tarball and in the RPM's documentation directory; this script can be used to start and stop the connection.</para> <para>The ipsecvpn script has some variable assignments at the top -- in the above case, these would be as follows:</para> <blockquote> <programlisting># # External Interface # INTERFACE=eth0 # # Remote IPSEC Gateway # GATEWAY= # # Networks behind the remote gateway # NETWORKS="" # # Directory where X.509 certificates are stored. # CERTS=/etc/certs # # Certificate to be used for this connection. The cert # directory must contain: # # ${CERT}.pem - the certificate # ${CERT}_key.pem - the certificates's key # CERT=roadwarrior # # The setkey binary # SETKEY=/usr/sbin/setkey # # The racoon binary # RACOON=/usr/sbin/racoon</programlisting> </blockquote> <para>The ipsecvpn script can be installed in /etc/init.d/ but it is probably best installed in /usr/local/sbin and run manually:</para> <blockquote> <para><command>ipsecvpn start </command># Starts the tunnel</para> <para><command>ipsecvpn stop</command> # Stops the tunnel</para> </blockquote> </example> <warning> <para>Although the ipsecvpn script allows you to specify multiple remote NETWORKS as a space-separated list, SAs are created on the gateway only during ISAKMP negotiation. So in practice, only the first remote network accessed will be accessible from the roadwarrior.</para> </warning> </section> <section id="Transport"> <title>Transport Mode</title> <para>In today's wireless world, it is often the case that individual hosts in a network need to establish secure connections with the other hosts in that network. In that case, IPSEC transport mode is an appropriate solution.</para> <para><graphic fileref="images/TransportMode.png" />Here's an example using the ipsec-tools package. The files shown are from host; the configuration of the other nodes is similar.</para> <blockquote> <para><filename>/etc/racoon/racoon.conf</filename>:</para> <programlisting>path pre_shared_key "/etc/racoon/psk.txt" ; remote anonymous { exchange_mode main ; my_identifier address ; lifetime time 24 hour ; proposal { encryption_algorithm blowfish ; hash_algorithm sha1; authentication_method pre_shared_key ; dh_group 2 ; } } sainfo anonymous { pfs_group 2; lifetime time 12 hour ; encryption_algorithm blowfish ; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1, hmac_md5 ; compression_algorithm deflate ; } </programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/racoon/setkey.conf</filename>:</para> <programlisting># First of all flush the SPD database spdflush; # Add some SPD rules spdadd any -P out ipsec esp/transport/; spdadd any -P in ipsec esp/transport/; spdadd any -P out ipsec esp/transport/; spdadd any -P in ipsec esp/transport/; spdadd any -P out ipsec esp/transport/; spdadd any -P in ipsec esp/transport/; </programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/racoon/psk.txt</filename>:</para> <programlisting> <key for<->> <key for<->> <key for<->></programlisting> <para>Note that the <emphasis role="bold">same key</emphasis>must be used in both directions.</para> </blockquote> <para>Shorewall configuration goes as follows:</para> <blockquote> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/interfaces</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE INTERFACE BROADCAST OPTIONS net eth0 detect routefilter,dhcp,tcpflags #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES BEFORE THIS ONE -- DO NOT REMOVE</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/tunnels</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#TYPE ZONE GATEWAY GATEWAY # ZONE ipsec:noah net loc</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/zones</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE TYPE OPTIONS IN OUT # OPTIONS OPTIONS loc ipsec mode=transport net ipv4</programlisting> <para><filename><filename>/etc/shorewall/hosts</filename></filename>:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE HOST(S) OPTIONS loc eth0: #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES BEFORE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</programlisting> <para>It is worth noting that although <emphasis>loc</emphasis> is a sub-zone of <emphasis>net</emphasis>, because <emphasis>loc</emphasis> is an IPSEC-only zone it does not need to be defined before <emphasis>net</emphasis> in <emphasis>/etc/shorewall/zones</emphasis>.</para> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/policy</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#SOURCE DEST POLICY LOG LEVEL LIMIT:BURST $FW all ACCEPT loc $FW ACCEPT net loc NONE loc net NONE net all DROP info # The FOLLOWING POLICY MUST BE LAST all all REJECT info #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES ABOVE THIS LINE -- DO NOT REMOVE</programlisting> <para>Since there are no cases where net<->loc traffic should occur, NONE policies are used.</para> </blockquote> </section> <section id="XP"> <title>IPSEC and <trademark>Windows</trademark> XP</title> <para>I have successfully configured my work laptop to use IPSEC with X.509 certificates for wireless IP communication when it is undocked at home. I looked at dozens of sites and the one I found most helpful was <ulink url="http://ipsec.math.ucla.edu/services/ipsec-windows.html">http://ipsec.math.ucla.edu/services/ipsec-windows.html</ulink>. The instructions on that site are directed to students at UCLA but they worked fine for me (once I followed them very carefully).</para> <warning> <para>The instructions found on the UCLA site are complex and do not include any information on the generation of X.509 certificates. There are lots of sites however that can tell you how to generate certificates, including <ulink url="http://www.ipsec-howto.org/">http://www.ipsec-howto.org/</ulink>.</para> <para>One piece of information that may not be so easy to find is "How do I generate a PKCS#12 certificate to import into Windows?". Here's the openssl command that I used:</para> <programlisting><command>openssl pkcs12 -export -in eastepnc6000.pem -inkey eastepnc6000_key.pem -out eastepnc6000.pfx -name "IPSEC Cert for Home Wireless"</command> </programlisting> <para>I was prompted for a password to associate with the certificate. This password is entered on the Windows system during import.</para> <para>In the above command:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para><filename>eastepnc6000.pem</filename> was the laptop's certificate in PEM format.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para><filename>eastepnc6000_key.pem</filename> was the laptop's private key (actually, it's the original signing request which includes the private key).</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para><filename>eastepnc6000.pfx</filename> is the PKCS#12 output file.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>"IPSEC Cert for Home Wireless" is the friendly name for the certificate.</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> <para>I started to write an article about how to do this, complete with graphics captured from my laptop. I gave up. I had captured 12 images and hadn't really started yet. The Windows interface for configuring IPSEC is the worst GUI that I have ever used. What can be displayed on one split Emacs screen (racoon.conf plus setkey.conf) takes 20+ different dialog boxes on Windows XP!!!</para> </warning> </section> <section id="More"> <title>Source of Additional Samples</title> <para>Be sure to check out the <filename class="directory">src/racoon/samples</filename> subdirectory in the ipsec-tools source tree. It has a wide variety of sample racoon configuration files.</para> </section> </article>