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    <refmiscinfo>Configuration Files</refmiscinfo>


    <refpurpose>Shorewall6 Lite file</refpurpose>



    <para>This file does not exist by default. You may create the file if you
    want to change the directory used by Shorewall6 Lite to store state
    information, including compiled firewall scripts. By default, the
    directory used is <filename>/var/lib/shorewall6-lite/</filename>.</para>

    <para>The file contains a single variable assignment:</para>


    <para>where <replaceable>directory</replaceable> is the name of a
    directory. If you add this file, you should copy the files from
    <filename>/var/lib/shorewall6-lite</filename> to the new directory before
    performing a <command>shorewall6-lite restart</command>.</para>

      <para>Beginning with Shorewall 4.5.2, use of this file is deprecated in
      favor of specifying VARDIR in the <filename>shorewallrc</filename> file
      used during installation of Shorewall Core. While the name of the
      variable remains VARDIR, the meaning is slightly different. When set in
      shorewallrc, Shorewall6 Lite will create a directory under the specified
      path name to hold state information.</para>



        <para>The state directory for Shorewall Lite will be

      <para>When VARDIR is set in
      <filename>/etc/shorewall6-lite/vardir</filename>, Shorewall Lite will
      save its state in the <replaceable>directory</replaceable>





    <title>See ALSO</title>

    <para>shorewall6(8), shorewall6-accounting(5), shorewall6-actions(5),
    shorewall6-blacklist(5), shorewall6-hosts(5), shorewall6-interfaces(5),
    shorewall6-maclist(5), shorewall6-params(5), shorewall6-policy(5),
    shorewall6-providers(5), shorewall6-route_rules(5),
    shorewall6-routestopped(5), shorewall6-rules(5), shorewall6.conf(5),
    shorewall6-tcclasses(5), shorewall6-tcdevices(5), shorewall6-tcrules(5),
    shorewall6-tos(5), shorewall6-tunnels(5), shorewall6-zones(5)</para>