This is a major release of Shorewall. Function from 1.3 that has been omitted from this version includes: 1) The MERGE_HOSTS variable in shorewall.conf is no longer supported. Shorewall 1.4 behavior is the same as 1.3 with MERGE_HOSTS=Yes. 2. Interface names of the form : in /etc/shorewall/interfaces now generate an error. 3. Shorewall 1.4 implements behavior consistent with OLD_PING_HANDLING=No. OLD_PING_HANDLING=Yes will generate an error at startup as will specification of the 'noping' or 'filterping' interface options. 4. The 'routestopped' option in the /etc/shorewall/interfaces and /etc/shorewall/hosts files is no longer supported and will generate an error at startup if specified. 5. The Shorewall 1.2 syntax for DNAT and REDIRECT rules is no longer accepted. 6. The ALLOWRELATED variable in shorewall.conf is no longer supported. Shorewall 1.4 behavior is the same as 1.3 with ALLOWRELATED=Yes. 7. The 'multi' interface option is no longer supported. Shorewall will generate rules for sending packets back out the same interface that they arrived on in two cases: a) There is an _explicit_ policy for the source zone to the destination zone. An explicit policy names both zones and does not use the 'all' reserved word. b) There are one or more rules for traffic for the source zone to or from the destination zone including rules that use the 'all' reserved word. Exception: If the source and the destination are the same zone then the rule must be explicit - it must name the zone in both the SOURCE and DESTINATION columns. Changes for 1.4 include: 1. shorewall.conf has been completely reorganized into logical sections. 2. LOG is now a valid action for a rule (/etc/shorewall/rules). 3. The firewall script and version file are now installed in /usr/share/shorewall. 4. Late arriving DNS replies are now silently dropped in the common chain by default. 5. In addition to behaving like OLD_PING_HANDLING=No, Shorewall 1.4 no longer unconditionally accepts outbound ICMP packets. So if you want to 'ping' from the firewall, you will need the appropriate rule or policy. 6. CONTINUE is now a valid action for a rule (/etc/shorewall/rules). 7. 802.11b devices with names of the form wlan now support the 'maclist' option.