# # Shorewall -- /usr/share/shorewall/action.GlusterFS # # GlusterFS Handler for GlusterFS 3.4 and Later # # Parameters: # # Bricks - Number of bricks # IB - 0 or 1, indicating whether Infiniband is used or not # ############################################################################### DEFAULTS 2,0 ?if @1 !~ /^\d+/ || ! @1 || @1 > 1024 ?error Invalid value (@1) for the GlusterFS Bricks argument ?elsif @2 !~ /^[01]$/ ?error Invalid value (@2) for the GlusterFS IB argument ?endif #ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DPORT ACCEPT - - udp 111,2049 ACCEPT - - tcp 38465:38467 ?if @{2} ACCEPT - - tcp 24007:24008 ?else ACCEPT - - tcp 24007 ?endif ?set last_port 49150 + @{1} ACCEPT - - tcp 49151:$last_port