shorewall-blrules 5 blrules shorewall Blacklist file /etc/shorewall/blrules Description This file is used to perform blacklisting and whitelisting. Rules in this file are applied depending on the setting of BLACKLISTNEWONLY in shorewall.conf(5). If BLACKLISTNEWONLY=No, then they are applied regardless of the connection tracking state of the packet. If BLACKLISTNEWONLY=Yes, they are applied to connections in the NEW and INVALID states. The format of rules in this file is the same as the format of rules in shorewall-rules (5). The differece in the two files lies in the ACTION (first) column. ACTION- {ACCEPT|BLACKLIST|blacklog|CONTINUE|DROP|A_DROP|REJECT|A_REJECT|WHITELIST|LOG|QUEUE|NFQUEUE[(queuenumber)]|[?]COMMENT|action|macro[(target)]}[:{log-level|none}[!][:tag]] Specifies the action to be taken if the packet matches the rule. Must be one of the following. BLACKLIST Added in Shorewall 4.5.3. This is actually a macro that expands as follows: If BLACKLIST_LOGLEVEL is specified in shorewall.conf(5), then the macro expands to blacklog. Otherwise it expands to the action specified for BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION in shorewall.conf(5). blacklog May only be used if BLACKLIST_LOGLEVEL is specified in shorewall.conf (5). Logs, audits (if specified) and applies the BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION specified in shorewall.conf (5). ACCEPT|CONTINUE|WHITELIST Exempt the packet from the remaining rules in this file. DROP Ignore the packet. A_DROP and A_DROP! Audited versions of DROP. Requires AUDIT_TARGET support in the kernel and ip6tables. REJECT disallow the packet and return an icmp-unreachable or an RST packet. A_REJECT Audited versions of REJECT. Require AUDIT_TARGET support in the kernel and ip6tables. LOG Simply log the packet and continue with the next rule. QUEUE Queue the packet to a user-space application such as ftwall ( The application may reinsert the packet for further processing. NFLOG[(nflog-parameters)] queues matching packets to a backend logging daemon via a netlink socket then continues to the next rule. See NFQUEUE Queues the packet to a user-space application using the nfnetlink_queue mechanism. If a queuenumber is not specified, queue zero (0) is assumed. [?]COMMENT The rest of the line will be attached as a comment to the Netfilter rule(s) generated by the following entries. The comment will appear delimited by "/* ... */" in the output of "shorewall show <chain>". To stop the comment from being attached to further rules, simply include COMMENT on a line by itself. Beginning with Shorewall 4.5.11, ?COMMENT is a synonym for COMMENT and is preferred. action The name of an action declared in shorewall-actions(5) or in /usr/share/shorewall/actions.std. macro The name of a macro defined in a file named macro.macro. If the macro accepts an action parameter (Look at the macro source to see if it has PARAM in the TARGET column) then the macro name is followed by the parenthesized target (ACCEPT, DROP, REJECT, ...) to be substituted for the parameter. Example: FTP(ACCEPT). The ACTION may optionally be followed by ":" and a syslog log level (e.g, REJECT:info or Web(ACCEPT):debug). This causes the packet to be logged at the specified level. If the ACTION names an action declared in shorewall-actions(5) or in /usr/share/shorewall/actions.std then: If the log level is followed by "!' then all rules in the action are logged at the log level. If the log level is not followed by "!" then only those rules in the action that do not specify logging are logged at the specified level. The special log level none! suppresses logging by the action. You may also specify NFLOG (must be in upper case) as a log level.This will log to the NFLOG target for routing to a separate log through use of ulogd ( Actions specifying logging may be followed by a log tag (a string of alphanumeric characters) which is appended to the string generated by the LOGPREFIX (in shorewall.conf(5)). For the remaining columns, see shorewall-rules (5). Example Example 1: Drop Teredo packets from the net. DROP net:[2001::/32] all Example 2: Don't subject packets from 2001:DB8::/64 to the remaining rules in the file. WHITELIST net:[2001:DB8::/64] all FILES /etc/shorewall/blrules See ALSO shorewall(8), shorewall-accounting(5), shorewall-actions(5), shorewall-hosts(5), shorewall-interfaces(5), shorewall-maclist(5), shoewall6-netmap(5),shorewall-params(5), shorewall-policy(5), shorewall-providers(5), shorewall-rtrules(5), shorewall-routestopped(5), shorewall-rules(5), shorewall.conf(5), shorewall-secmarks(5), shorewall-tcclasses(5), shorewall-tcdevices(5), shorewall-tcrules(5), shorewall-tos(5), shorewall-tunnels(5), shorewall-zones(5)