Dynamic Zones
Thomas M. Eastep
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There is sometimes a need to be able to define a zone whose members
are unknown at compile-time. For example, you may wish to require
authentication of internal users before allowing them access to the
internet. When a user is authenticated, the user's IP address is added to
the zone of users permitted web access.
Shorewall provides basic support for defining such zones. This
support is based on ipset. Most current
distributions have ipset, but you may need to install the xtables-addons
Dynamic Zones
Prior to Shorewall 4.5.9, when multiple records for a zone appear in
/etc/shorewall/hosts, Shorewall would create a
separate ipset for each interface. This meant that an add or delete
command was required for each of the interface, when the address involved
was reachable via multiple interfaces.
Beginning with Shoreawll 4.5.9, it is possible to have a single
ipset shared among all interfaces. This also simplifies management of
dynamic zone contents for dynamic zones associated with only a single
The earlier implementation described below is still available in
these later releases.
Defining a Dynamic Zone
A dynamic zone is defined by specifying the dynamic_shared option in the zones file and using
the dynamic keyword in the hosts
/etc/shorewall/zones:#NAME TYPE OPTIONS
net ipv4
rsyncok:loc ipv4 dynamic_shared/etc/shorewall/interfaces:
loc eth0 - …
loc eth1 - …
rsyncok eth0:dynamic
rsyncok eth1:dynamic
When the dynamic_shared option is
specified, a single ipset is created; the ipset has the same name as the
In the above example, rsyncok is
a sub-zone of the single zone loc.
Making a dynamic zone a sub-zone of multiple other zones is also
Adding a Host to a Dynamic Zone.
Adding a host to a dynamic zone is accomplished by adding the
host's IP address to the appropriate ipset. Shorewall provldes a command
for doing that:
shorewall add zone
address ...
shorewall add rsyncok
Deleting a Host from a Dynamic Zone
Deleting a host from a dynamic zone is accomplished by removing
the host's IP address from the appropriate ipset. Shorewall provldes a
command for doing that:
shorewall delete
zone address
shorewall delete rsyncok
The command can only be used when the ipset involved is of type
iphash. For other ipset types, the ipset command must
be used directly.
Listing the Contents of a Dynamic Zone
The shorewall show command may be used to list the current
contents of a dynamic zone.
shorewall show dynamic
shorewall show dynamic rsyncok
Dynamic Zone Contents and Shorewall stop/start/restart
When SAVE_IPSETS=Yes in shorewall.conf, the contents of a dynamic
zone survive shorewall stop/shorewall start and
shorewall restart. During shorewall
stop, the contents of the ipsets are saved in the file
${VARDIR}/ipsets.save (usually
/var/lib/shorewall/ipsets.save). During
shorewall start, the contents of that file are restored
to the sets. During both shorewall start and
shorewall restart, any new ipsets required as a result
of a configuration change are added.