mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 20:01:09 +01:00
git-svn-id: https://shorewall.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/shorewall/trunk@5529 fbd18981-670d-0410-9b5c-8dc0c1a9a2bb
3965 lines
112 KiB
Executable File
3965 lines
112 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
use lib "$ENV{HOME}/shorewall/trunk/New";
use Shorewall::Common;
use Shorewall::Config;
use Shorewall::Chains;
use Shorewall::Zones;
use Shorewall::Interfaces;
use Shorewall::Hosts;
my ( $command, $doing, $done ) = qw/ compile Compiling Compiled/; #describe the current command, it's present progressive, and it's completion.
my $tempfile = ''; # Temporary object file name
# Set to one if we find a SECTION
my $sectioned = 0;
# Action Table
# %actions{ <action1> => { requires => { <requisite1> = 1,
# <requisite2> = 1,
# ...
# } ,
# actchain => <action chain number> # Used for generating unique chain names for each <level>:<tag> pair.
my %actions;
# Used Actions. Each action that is actually used has an entry with value 1.
my %usedactions;
# Contains an entry for each used <action>:<level>[:<tag>] that maps to the associated chain.
my %logactionchains;
# Maps each used macro to it's 'macro. ...' file.
my %macros;
# Default actions for each policy.
my %default_actions = ( DROP => 'none' ,
REJECT => 'none' ,
ACCEPT => 'none' ,
QUEUE => 'none' );
# This function determines the logging for a subordinate action or a rule within a subordinate action
sub merge_levels ($$) {
my ( $superior, $subordinate ) = @_;
my @supparts = split /:/, $superior;
my @subparts = split /:/, $subordinate;
my $subparts = @subparts;
my $target = $subparts[0];
push @subparts, '' while @subparts < 3; #Avoid undefined values
my $level = $supparts[1];
my $tag = $supparts[2];
if ( @supparts == 3 ) {
return "$target:none!:$tag" if $level eq 'none!';
return "$target:$level:$tag" if $level =~ /!$/;
return $subordinate if $subparts >= 2;
return "$target:$level";
if ( @supparts == 2 ) {
return "$target:none!" if $level eq 'none!';
return "$target:$level" if ($level =~ /!$/) || ($subparts < 2);
# Return ( action, level[:tag] ) from passed full action
sub split_action ( $ ) {
my $action = $_[0];
my @a = split /:/ , $action;
fatal_error "Invalid ACTION $action in rule \"$line\"" if ( $action =~ /::/ ) || ( @a > 3 );
( shift @a, join ":", @a );
# Get Macro Name
sub isolate_action( $ ) {
( split '/' , $_[0] )[0];
# This function substitutes the second argument for the first part of the first argument up to the first colon (":")
# Example:
# substitute_action DNAT PARAM:info:FTP
# produces "DNAT:info:FTP"
sub substitute_action( $$ ) {
my ( $param, $action ) = @_;
if ( $action =~ /:/ ) {
my $logpart = (split_action $action)[1];
$logpart =~ s!/$!!;
return "$param:$logpart";
# Define an Action
sub new_action( $ ) {
my $action = $_[0];
my %h;
$h{actchain} = '';
$h{requires} = {};
$actions{$action} = \%h;
# Add an entry to the requiredby hash
sub add_requiredby ( $$ ) {
my ($requires , $requiredby ) = @_;
$actions{$requiredby}{requires}{$requires} = 1;
# Create and record a log action chain -- Log action chains have names
# that are formed from the action name by prepending a "%" and appending
# a 1- or 2-digit sequence number. In the functions that follow,
# the CHAIN, LEVEL and TAG variable serves as arguments to the user's
# exit. We call the exit corresponding to the name of the action but we
# set CHAIN to the name of the iptables chain where rules are to be added.
# Similarly, LEVEL and TAG contain the log level and log tag respectively.
# For each <action>, we maintain two variables:
# <action>_actchain - The action chain number.
# <action>_chains - List of ( level[:tag] , chainname ) pairs
# The maximum length of a chain name is 30 characters -- since the log
# action chain name is 2-3 characters longer than the base chain name,
# this function truncates the original chain name where necessary before
# it adds the leading "%" and trailing sequence number.#
sub createlogactionchain( $$ ) {
my ( $action, $level ) = @_;
my $chain = $action;
my $actionref = $actions{$action};
my $chainref;
$chain = substr $chain, 0, 28 if ( length $chain ) > 28;
while ( $chain_table{'%' . $chain . $actionref->{actchain}} ) {
$chain = substr $chain, 0, 27 if $actionref->{actchain} == 10 and length $chain == 28;
$actionref = new_action $action unless $actionref;
$level = 'none' unless $level;
$logactionchains{"$action:$level"} = new_chain 'filter', '%' . $chain . $actionref->{actchain}++;
# Fixme -- action file
# Create an action chain and run it's associated user exit
sub createactionchain( $ ) {
my ( $action , $level ) = split_action $_[0];
if ( $level ) {
if ( $level eq 'none' ) {
$logactionchains{"$action:none"} = new_chain 'filter', $action;
} else {
createlogactionchain $action , $level;
} else {
$logactionchains{"$action:none"} = new_chain 'filter', $action;
# Find the chain that handles the passed action. If the chain cannot be found,
# a fatal error is generated and the function does not return.
sub find_logactionchain( $ ) {
my $fullaction = $_[0];
my ( $action, $level ) = split_action $fullaction;
$level = 'none' unless $level;
fatal_error "Fatal error in find_logactionchain" unless $logactionchains{"$action:$level"};
# Combine fields from a macro body with one from the macro invocation
sub merge_macro_source_dest( $$ ) {
my ( $body, $invocation ) = @_;
if ( $invocation ) {
if ( $body ) {
return $body if $invocation eq '-';
return "$body:$invocation" if $invocation =~ /.*?\.*?\.|^\+|^~|^!~/;
return "$invocation:$body";
$body || '';
sub merge_macro_column( $$ ) {
my ( $body, $invocation ) = @_;
if ( $invocation ) {
return ( $body || '') if $invocation eq '-';
$invocation || '';
} else {
$body || '';
# Create a new policy chain and return a reference to it.
sub new_policy_chain($$$)
my ($chain, $policy, $optional) = @_;
my $chainref = new_chain 'filter', $chain;
$chainref->{is_policy} = 1;
$chainref->{policy} = $policy;
$chainref->{is_optional} = $optional;
$chainref->{policychain} = $chainref;
# Set the passed chain's policychain and policy to the passed values.
sub set_policy_chain($$$)
my ($chain1, $chainref, $policy) = @_;
my $chainref1 = $filter_table->{$chain1};
$chainref1 = new_chain 'filter', $chain1 unless $chainref1;
unless ( $chainref1->{policychain} ) {
$chainref1->{policychain} = $chainref;
$chainref1->{policy} = $policy;
# Display a policy
sub print_policy($$$$)
my ( $source, $dest, $policy , $chain ) = @_;
progress_message " Policy for $source to $dest is $policy using chain $chain"
unless ( $source eq $dest ) || ( $source eq 'all' ) || ( $dest eq 'all' );
# Try to find a macro file -- RETURNS false if the file doesn't exist or MACRO if it does.
# If the file exists, the macro is entered into the 'targets' table and the fully-qualified
# name of the file is stored in the 'macro' table.
sub find_macro( $ )
my $macro = $_[0];
my $macrofile = find_file "macro.$macro";
if ( -f $macrofile ) {
$macros{$macro} = $macrofile;
$targets{$macro} = MACRO;
# Process the policy file
sub validate_policy()
my %validpolicies = (
ACCEPT => undef,
REJECT => undef,
DROP => undef,
CONTINUE => undef,
QUEUE => undef,
NONE => undef
my %map = ( DROP_DEFAULT => 'DROP' ,
my $zone;
use constant { OPTIONAL => 1 };
my $action = $config{$option};
next if $action eq 'none';
my $actiontype = $targets{$action};
if ( defined $actiontype ) {
fatal_error "Invalid setting ($action) for $option" unless $actiontype & ACTION;
} else {
fatal_error "Default Action/Macro $option=$action not found";
unless ( $usedactions{$action} ) {
$usedactions{$action} = 1;
createactionchain $action;
$default_actions{$map{$option}} = $action;
for $zone ( @zones ) {
push @policy_chains, ( new_policy_chain "${zone}2${zone}", 'ACCEPT', OPTIONAL );
if ( $config{IMPLICIT_CONTINUE} && ( @{$zones{$zone}{parents}} ) ) {
for my $zone1 ( @zones ) {
next if $zone eq $zone1;
push @policy_chains, ( new_policy_chain "${zone}2${zone1}", 'CONTINUE', OPTIONAL );
push @policy_chains, ( new_policy_chain "${zone1}2${zone}", 'CONTINUE', OPTIONAL );
open POLICY, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/policy" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped policy file: $!";
while ( $line = <POLICY> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ( $client, $server, $policy, $loglevel, $synparams , $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
fatal_error "Invalid policy file entry: $line" if $extra;
$loglevel = '' unless defined $loglevel;
$synparams = '' unless defined $synparams;
$loglevel = '' if $loglevel eq '-';
$synparams = '' if $synparams eq '-';
my $clientwild = ( "\L$client" eq 'all' );
fatal_error "Undefined zone $client" unless $clientwild || $zones{$client};
my $serverwild = ( "\L$server" eq 'all' );
fatal_error "Undefined zone $server" unless $serverwild || $zones{$server};
( $policy , my $default ) = split /:/, $policy;
if ( "\L$policy" eq 'none' ) {
$default = 'none';
} elsif ( $default ) {
my $defaulttype = $targets{$default};
if ( $defaulttype & ACTION ) {
unless ( $usedactions{$default} ) {
$usedactions{$default} = 1;
createactionchain $default;
} else {
fatal_error "Unknown Default Action ($default) in policy \"$line\"";
} else {
$default = $default_actions{$policy} || '';
fatal_error "Invalid policy $policy" unless exists $validpolicies{$policy};
if ( $policy eq 'NONE' ) {
fatal_error "$client, $server, $policy, $loglevel, $synparams: NONE policy not allowed to/from firewall zone"
if ( $zones{$client}{type} eq 'firewall' ) || ( $zones{$server}{type} eq 'firewall' );
fatal_error "$client $server $policy $loglevel $synparams: NONE policy not allowed with \"all\""
if $clientwild || $serverwild;
my $chain = "${client}2${server}";
my $chainref;
if ( defined $filter_table->{$chain} ) {
$chainref = $filter_table->{$chain};
if ( $chainref->{is_policy} ) {
if ( $chainref->{is_optional} ) {
$chainref->{is_optional} = 0;
} else {
fatal_error "Duplicate policy: $client $server $policy";
} else {
$chainref->{is_policy} = 1;
$chainref->{policy} = $policy;
$chainref->{policy_chain} = $chainref;
push @policy_chains, ( $chainref );
} else {
$chainref = new_policy_chain $chain, $policy, 0;
push @policy_chains, ( $chainref );
$chainref->{loglevel} = $loglevel if $loglevel;
$chainref->{synparams} = $synparams if $synparams;
$chainref->{default} = $default if $default;
if ( $clientwild ) {
if ( $serverwild ) {
for my $zone ( @zones , 'all' ) {
for my $zone1 ( @zones , 'all' ) {
set_policy_chain "${zone}2${zone1}", $chainref, $policy;
print_policy $zone, $zone1, $policy, $chain;
} else {
for my $zone ( @zones ) {
set_policy_chain "${zone}2${server}", $chainref, $policy;
print_policy $zone, $server, $policy, $chain;
} elsif ( $serverwild ) {
for my $zone ( @zones , 'all' ) {
set_policy_chain "${client}2${zone}", $chainref, $policy;
print_policy $client, $zone, $policy, $chain;
} else {
print_policy $client, $server, $policy, $chain;
close POLICY;
sub process_tos() {
my $chain = 'pretos';
my $stdchain = 'PREROUTING';
if ( -s "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/tos" ) {
progress_message2 'Setting up TOS...';
my $pretosref = new_chain 'mangle' , 'pretos';
my $outtosref = new_chain 'mangle' , 'outtos';
open TOS, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/tos" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped tos file: $!";
while ( $line = <TOS> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ($source, $dest, $proto, $sports, $ports, $extra) = split /\s+/, $line;
fatal_error "Invalid tos file entry: \"$line\"" if $extra;
close TOS;
$comment = '';
# Handle IPSEC Options in a masq record
sub do_ipsec_options($)
my %validoptions = ( strict => NOTHING,
next => NOTHING,
reqid => NUMERIC,
spi => NUMERIC,
proto => IPSECPROTO,
mode => IPSECMODE,
"tunnel-src" => NETWORK,
"tunnel-dst" => NETWORK,
my $list=$_[0];
my $options = '-m policy';
my $fmt;
for my $e ( split ',' , $list ) {
my $val = undef;
my $invert = '';
if ( $e =~ /([\w-]+)!=(.+)/ ) {
$val = $2;
$e = $1;
$invert = '! ';
} elsif ( $e =~ /([\w-]+)=(.+)/ ) {
$val = $2;
$e = $1;
$fmt = $validoptions{$e};
fatal_error "Invalid Option ($e)" unless $fmt;
if ( $fmt eq NOTHING ) {
fatal_error "Option $e does not take a value" if defined $val;
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid value ($val) for option \"$e\"" unless $val =~ /^($fmt)$/;
$options .= $invert;
$options .= "--$e";
$options .= " $val" if defined $val;
$options . ' ';
# Process a single rule from the the masq file
sub setup_one_masq($$$$$$)
my ($fullinterface, $networks, $addresses, $proto, $ports, $ipsec) = @_;
my $rule = '';
my $pre_nat;
my $add_snat_aliases = $config{ADD_SNAT_ALIASES};
my $destnets = '';
my $target = '-j MASQUERADE ';
# Take care of missing ADDRESSES column
$addresses = '' unless defined $addresses;
$addresses = '' if $addresses eq '-';
# Handle IPSEC options, if any
if ( $ipsec && $ipsec ne '-' ) {
fatal_error "Non-empty IPSEC column requires policy match support in your kernel and iptables" unless $env{ORIGINAL_POLICY_MATCH};
if ( $ipsec =~ /^yes$/i ) {
$rule .= '-m policy --pol ipsec --dir out ';
} elsif ( $ipsec =~ /^no$/i ) {
$rule .= '-m policy --pol none --dir out ';
} else {
$rule .= do_ipsec_options $ipsec;
# Leading '+'
if ( $fullinterface =~ /^\+/ ) {
$pre_nat = 1;
$fullinterface =~ s/\+//;
# Parse the remaining part of the INTERFACE column
if ( $fullinterface =~ /^([^:]+)::([^:]*)$/ ) {
$add_snat_aliases = undef;
$destnets = $2;
$fullinterface = $1;
} elsif ( $fullinterface =~ /^([^:]+:[^:]+):([^:]+)$/ ) {
$destnets = $2;
$fullinterface = $1;
} elsif ( $fullinterface =~ /^([^:]+):$/ ) {
$add_snat_aliases = undef;
$fullinterface = $1;
} elsif ( $fullinterface =~ /^([^:]+):([^:]*)$/ ) {
my ( $one, $two ) = ( $1, $2 );
if ( $2 =~ /\./ ) {
$fullinterface = $one;
$destnets = $two;
# Isolate and verify the interface part
( my $interface = $fullinterface ) =~ s/:.*//;
fatal_error "Unknown interface $interface, rule \"$line\"" unless $interfaces{$interface}{root};
# If there is no source or destination then allow all addresses
$networks = ALLIPv4 unless $networks;
$destnets = ALLIPv4 unless $destnets;
# Handle Protocol and Ports
$rule .= do_proto $proto, $ports, '';
# Parse the ADDRESSES column
if ( $addresses ) {
if ( $addresses =~ /^SAME:nodst:/ ) {
$target = '-j SAME ';
$addresses =~ s/.*://;
for my $addr ( split /,/, $addresses ) {
$target .= "--to $addr ";
} elsif ( $addresses =~ /^SAME:nodst:/ ) {
$target = '-j SAME --nodst ';
$addresses =~ s/.*://;
for my $addr ( split /,/, $addresses ) {
$target .= "--to $addr ";
} else {
my $addrlist = '';
for my $addr ( split /,/, $addresses ) {
if ( $addr =~ /^.*\..*\..*\./ ) {
$target = '-j SNAT ';
$addrlist .= "--to-source $addr ";
} else {
$addr =~ s/^://;
$addrlist .= "--to-ports $addr ";
$target .= $addrlist;
# And Generate the Rule(s)
expand_rule ensure_chain('nat', $pre_nat ? snat_chain $interface : masq_chain $interface), $rule, $networks, $destnets, '', $target, '', '' , '';
progress_message " Masq record \"$line\" $done";
# Process the masq file
sub setup_masq()
open MASQ, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/masq" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped zones file: $!";
while ( $line = <MASQ> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ($fullinterface, $networks, $addresses, $proto, $ports, $ipsec, $extra) = split /\s+/, $line;
if ( $fullinterface eq 'COMMENT' ) {
if ( $capabilities{COMMENTS} ) {
( $comment = $line ) =~ s/^\s*COMMENT\s*//;
$comment =~ s/\s*$//;
} else {
warning_message "COMMENT ignored -- requires comment support in iptables/Netfilter";
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid masq file entry: \"$line\"" if $extra;
setup_one_masq $fullinterface, $networks, $addresses, $proto, $ports, $ipsec;
close MASQ;
$comment = '';
# Validate the ALL INTERFACES or LOCAL column in the NAT file
sub validate_nat_column( $$ ) {
my $ref = $_[1];
my $val = $$ref;
if ( defined $val ) {
unless ( ( $val = "\L$val" ) eq 'yes' ) {
if ( ( $val eq 'no' ) || ( $val eq '-' ) ) {
$$ref = '';
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid value ($val) for $_[0] in NAT entry \"$line\"";
} else {
$$ref = '';
sub add_nat_rule( $$ ) {
add_rule ensure_chain( 'nat', $_[0] ) , $_[1];
# Process a record from the NAT file
sub do_one_nat( $$$$$ )
my ( $external, $interface, $internal, $allints, $localnat ) = @_;
my $add_ip_aliases = $config{ADD_IP_ALIASES};
my $policyin = '';
my $policyout = '';
if ( $capabilities{POLICY_MATCH} ) {
$policyin = ' -m policy --pol none --dir in';
$policyout = '-m policy --pol none --dir out';
fatal_error "Invalid nat file entry \"$line\""
unless defined $interface and defined $internal;
if ( $add_ip_aliases ) {
if ( $interface =~ s/:$// ) {
$add_ip_aliases = '';
} else {
# Fixme
} else {
$interface =~ s/:$//;
validate_nat_column 'ALL INTERFACES', \$allints;
validate_nat_column 'LOCAL' , \$localnat;
if ( $allints ) {
add_nat_rule 'nat_in' , "-d $external $policyin -j DNAT --to-destination $internal";
add_nat_rule 'nat_out' , "-s $internal $policyout -j SNAT --to-source $external";
} else {
add_nat_rule input_chain( $interface ) , "-d $external $policyin -j DNAT --to-destination $internal";
add_nat_rule output_chain( $interface ) , "-s $internal $policyout -j SNAT --to-source $external";
add_nat_rule 'OUTPUT' , "-d $external$policyout -j DNAT --to-destination $internal " if $localnat;
# Fixme -- add_ip_aliases
progress_message " NAT entry \"$line\" $done";
# Process NAT file
sub setup_nat() {
open NAT, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/nat" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped nat file: $!";
while ( $line = <NAT> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ( $external, $interface, $internal, $allints, $localnat, $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
if ( $external eq 'COMMENT' ) {
if ( $capabilities{COMMENTS} ) {
( $comment = $line ) =~ s/^\s*COMMENT\s*//;
$comment =~ s/\s*$//;
} else {
warning_message "COMMENT ignored -- requires comment support in iptables/Netfilter";
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid nat file entry: \"$line\"" if $extra;
do_one_nat $external, $interface, $internal, $allints, $localnat;
close NAT;
$comment = '';
sub add_rule_pair( $$$$ ) {
my ($chainref , $predicate , $target , $level ) = @_;
log_rule $level, $chainref, $target, , $predicate, if $level;
add_rule $chainref , "${predicate}-j $target";
# Returns reference to array of interfaces with the passed option
sub find_interfaces_by_option( $ ) {
my $option = $_[0];
my @ints = ();
for my $interface ( @interfaces ) {
my $optionsref = $interfaces{$interface}{options};
if ( $optionsref && $optionsref->{$option} ) {
push @ints , $interface;
# Returns a reference to a array of host entries. Each entry is a
# reference to an array containing ( interface , group type {ipsec|none} , network );
sub find_hosts_by_option( $ ) {
my $option = $_[0];
my @hosts;
for my $zone ( grep $zones{$_}{type} ne 'firewall' , @zones ) {
while ( my ($type, $interfaceref) = each %{$zones{$zone}{hosts}} ) {
while ( my ( $interface, $arrayref) = ( each %{$interfaceref} ) ) {
for my $host ( @{$arrayref} ) {
if ( $host->{$option} ) {
for my $net ( @{$host->{hosts}} ) {
push @hosts, [ $interface, $type eq 'ipsec4' ? 'ipsec' : 'none' , $net ];
for my $interface ( @interfaces ) {
my $optionsref = $interfaces{$interface}{options};
if ( $optionsref && $optionsref->{$option} ) {
push @hosts, [ $interface, 'none', ALLIPv4 ];
sub setup_rfc1918_filteration( $ ) {
my $listref = $_[0];
my $norfc1918ref = new_standard_chain 'norfc1918';
my $rfc1918ref = new_standard_chain 'rfc1918';
my $chainref = $norfc1918ref;
log_rule $config{RFC1918_LOG_LEVEL} , $rfc1918ref , 'DROP' , '';
add_rule $rfc1918ref , '-j DROP';
if ( $config{RFC1918_STRICT} ) {
$chainref = new_standard_chain 'rfc1918d';
open RFC, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/rfc1918" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped rfc1918 file: $!";
while ( $line = <RFC> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ( $networks, $target, $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
my $s_target;
if ( $target eq 'logdrop' ) {
$target = 'rfc1918';
$s_target = 'rfc1918';
} elsif ( $target eq 'DROP' ) {
$s_target = 'DROP';
} elsif ( $target eq 'RETURN' ) {
$s_target = $config{RFC1918_LOG_LEVEL} ? 'rfc1918d' : 'RETURN';
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid target ($target) for $networks";
for my $network ( split /,/, $networks ) {
add_rule $norfc1918ref , match_source_net( $network ) . "-j $s_target";
add_rule $chainref , match_orig_dest( $network ) . "-j $target" ;
close RFC;
add_rule $norfc1918ref , '-j rfc1918d' if $config{RFC1918_STRICT};
for my $hostref ( @$listref ) {
my $interface = $hostref->[0];
my $ipsec = $hostref->[1];
my $policy = $capabilities{POLICY_MATCH} ? "-m policy --pol $ipsec --dir in " : '';
for my $chain ( @{first_chains $interface}) {
add_rule $filter_table->{$chain} , '-m state --state NEW ' . match_source_net( $hostref->[2]) . "${policy}-j norfc1918";
sub setup_syn_flood_chains() {
for my $chainref ( @policy_chains ) {
my $limit = $chainref->{synparams};
if ( $limit ) {
my $level = $chainref->{loglevel};
( $limit, my $burst ) = split ':', $limit;
$burst = $burst ? "--limit-burst $burst " : '';
my $synchainref = new_chain 'filter' , syn_chain $chainref->{name};
add_rule $synchainref , "-m limit --limit $limit ${burst}-j RETURN";
log_rule_limit $level , $synchainref , $chainref->{name} , 'DROP', '-m limit --limit 5/min --limit-burst 5' , '' , 'add' , '' if $level;
add_rule $synchainref, '-j DROP';
sub setup_blacklist() {
my ( $level, $disposition ) = @config{'BLACKLIST_LOGLEVEL', 'BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION' };
progress_message2 " Setting up Blacklist...";
open BL, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/blacklist" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped blacklist file: $!";
progress_message( " Processing " . find_file 'blacklist' . '...' );
while ( $line = <BL> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ( $networks, $protocol, $ports , $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
fatal_error "Invalid blacklist entry: \"$line\"" if $extra;
ensure_filter_chain( 'blacklst' , 0 ) ,
do_proto( $protocol , $ports, '' ) ,
$networks ,
'' ,
'' ,
'-j ' . ($disposition eq 'REJECT' ? 'reject' : $disposition),
$level ,
$disposition ,
progress_message " \"$line\" added to blacklist";
close BL;
my $hosts = find_hosts_by_option 'blacklist';
my $state = $config{BLACKLISTNEWONLY} ? '-m state --state NEW,INVALID ' : '';
for my $hostref ( @$hosts ) {
my $interface = $hostref->[0];
my $ipsec = $hostref->[1];
my $policy = $capabilities{POLICY_MATCH} ? "-m policy --pol $ipsec --dir in " : '';
my $network = $hostref->[2];
my $source = match_source_net $network;
for my $chain ( @{first_chains $interface}) {
add_rule $filter_table->{$chain} , "${source}${state}${policy}-j blacklst";
progress_message " Blacklisting enabled on ${interface}:${network}";
sub setup_forwarding() {
if ( "\L$config{IP_FORWARDING}" eq 'on' ) {
emit 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward';
emit 'progress_message2 IP Forwarding Enabled';
} elsif ( "\L$config{IP_FORWARDING}" eq 'off' ) {
emit 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward';
emit 'progress_message2 IP Forwarding Disabled!';
emit '';
sub add_common_rules() {
my $interface;
my $chainref;
my $level;
my $target;
my $rule;
my $list;
my $chain;
my $rejectref = new_standard_chain 'reject';
new_standard_chain 'dynamic';
my $state = $config{BLACKLISTNEWONLY} ? '-m state --state NEW,INVALID' : '';
for $interface ( @interfaces ) {
for $chain ( input_chain $interface , forward_chain $interface ) {
add_rule new_standard_chain( $chain ) , "$state -j dynamic";
new_standard_chain output_chain( $interface );
$level = $env{BLACKLIST_LOG_LEVEL} || 'info';
add_rule_pair new_standard_chain( 'logdrop' ), ' ' , 'DROP' , $level ;
add_rule_pair new_standard_chain( 'logreject' ), ' ' , 'REJECT' , $level ;
$list = find_hosts_by_option 'nosmurfs';
if ( $capabilities{ADDRTYPE} ) {
$chainref = new_standard_chain 'smurfs';
add_rule_pair $chainref, '-m addrtype --src-type BROADCAST ', 'DROP', $config{SMURF_LOG_LEVEL} ;
add_rule_pair $chainref, '-m addrtype --src-type MULTICAST ', 'DROP', $config{SMURF_LOG_LEVEL} ;
add_rule $rejectref , '-m addrtype --src-type BROADCAST -j DROP';
add_rule $rejectref , '-m addrtype --src-type MULTICAST -j DROP';
} elsif ( @$list ) {
fatal_error "The nosmurfs option requires Address Type Match in your kernel and iptables";
if ( @$list ) {
progress_message2 ' Adding Anti-smurf Rules';
for my $hostref ( @$list ) {
$interface = $hostref->[0];
my $ipsec = $hostref->[1];
my $policy = $capabilities{POLICY_MATCH} ? "-m policy --pol $ipsec --dir in " : '';
for $chain ( @{first_chains $interface}) {
add_rule $filter_table->{$chain} , '-m state --state NEW,INVALID ' . match_source_net( $hostref->[2]) . "${policy}-j smurfs";
add_rule $rejectref , '-p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset';
if ( $capabilities{ENHANCED_REJECT} ) {
add_rule $rejectref , '-p udp -j REJECT';
add_rule $rejectref, '-p icmp -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-unreachable';
add_rule $rejectref, '-j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited';
} else {
add_rule $rejectref , '-j REJECT';
$list = find_interfaces_by_option 'dhcp';
if ( @$list ) {
progress_message2 ' Adding rules for DHCP';
for $interface ( @$list ) {
for $chain ( @{first_chains $interface}) {
add_rule $filter_table->{$chain} , '-p udp --dport 67:68 -j ACCEPT';
add_rule $filter_table->{forward_chain $interface} , "-p udp -o $interface --dport 67:68 -j ACCEPT" if $interfaces{$interface}{options}{routeback};
$list = find_hosts_by_option 'norfc1918';
if ( @$list ) {
progress_message2 ' Enabling RFC1918 Filtering';
setup_rfc1918_filteration $list;
$list = find_hosts_by_option 'tcpflags';
if ( @$list ) {
my $disposition;
progress_message2 " $doing TCP Flags checking...";
$chainref = new_standard_chain 'tcpflags';
if ( $config{TCP_FLAGS_LOG_LEVEL} ) {
my $logflagsref = new_standard_chain 'logflags';
my $savelogparms = $env{LOGPARMS};
$env{LOGPARMS} = "$env{LOGPARMS} --log-ip-options" unless $config{TCP_FLAGS_LOG_LEVEL} eq 'ULOG';
log_rule $config{TCP_FLAGS_LOG_LEVEL} , $logflagsref , $config{TCP_FLAGS_DISPOSITION}, '';
$env{LOGPARMS} = $savelogparms;
if ( $config{TCP_FLAGS_DISPOSITION} eq 'REJECT' ) {
add_rule $logflagsref , '-j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset';
} else {
add_rule $logflagsref , "-j $config{TCP_FLAGS_DISPOSITION}";
$disposition = 'logflags';
} else {
$disposition = $config{TCP_FLAGS_DISPOSITION};
add_rule $chainref , "-p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN,URG,PSH -j $disposition";
add_rule $chainref , "-p tcp --tcp-flags ALL NONE -j $disposition";
add_rule $chainref , "-p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN,RST -j $disposition";
add_rule $chainref , "-p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,FIN SYN,FIN -j $disposition";
add_rule $chainref , "-p tcp --syn --sport 0 -j $disposition";
for my $hostref ( @$list ) {
$interface = $hostref->[0];
my $ipsec = $hostref->[1];
my $policy = $capabilities{POLICY_MATCH} ? "-m policy --pol $ipsec --dir in " : '';
for $chain ( @{first_chains $interface}) {
add_rule $filter_table->{$chain} , '-p tcp ' . match_source_net( $hostref->[2]) . "${policy}-j tcpflags";
if ( $config{DYNAMIC_ZONES} ) {
for $interface ( @interfaces) {
for $chain ( @{dynamic_chains $interface} ) {
new_standard_chain $chain;
(new_chain 'nat' , $chain = dynamic_in($interface) )->{referenced} = 1;
add_rule $filter_table->{input_chain $interface}, "-j $chain";
add_rule $filter_table->{forward_chain $interface}, '-j ' . dynamic_fwd $interface;
add_rule $filter_table->{output_chain $interface}, '-j ' . dynamic_out $interface;
$list = find_interfaces_by_option 'upnp';
if ( @$list ) {
progress_message2 ' $doing UPnP';
(new_chain 'nat', 'UPnP')->{referenced} = 1;
for $interface ( @$list ) {
add_rule $nat_table->{PREROUTING} , "-i $interface -j UPnP";
# Policy Rule application
sub policy_rules( $$$$ ) {
my ( $chainref , $target, $loglevel, $default ) = @_;
add_rule $chainref, "-j $default" if $default && $default ne 'none';
log_rule $loglevel , $chainref , $target , '' if $loglevel;
fatal_error "Null target in policy_rules()" unless $target;
add_rule $chainref , ( '-j ' . ( $target eq 'REJECT' ? 'reject' : $target ) ) unless $target eq 'CONTINUE';
sub report_syn_flood_protection() {
progress_message ' Enabled SYN flood protection';
sub default_policy( $$$ ) {
my $chainref = $_[0];
my $policyref = $chainref->{policychain};
my $synparams = $policyref->{synparams};
my $default = $policyref->{default};
my $policy = $policyref->{policy};
my $loglevel = $policyref->{loglevel};
fatal_error "No default policy for $_[1] to zone $_[2]" unless $policyref;
if ( $chainref eq $policyref ) {
policy_rules $chainref , $policy, $loglevel , $default;
} else {
if ( $policy eq 'ACCEPT' || $policy eq 'QUEUE' ) {
if ( $synparams ) {
policy_rules $chainref , $policy , $loglevel , $default;
} else {
add_rule $chainref, "-j $policyref->{name}";
$chainref = $policyref;
} elsif ( $policy eq 'CONTINUE' ) {
report_syn_flood_protection if $synparams;
policy_rules $chainref , $policy , $loglevel , $default;
} else {
report_syn_flood_protection if $synparams;
add_rule $chainref , "-j $policyref->{name}";
$chainref = $policyref;
progress_message " Policy $policy from $_[1] to $_[2] using chain $chainref->{name}";
sub apply_policy_rules() {
for my $chainref ( @policy_chains ) {
my $policy = $chainref->{policy};
my $loglevel = $chainref->{loglevel};
my $optional = $chainref->{is_optional};
my $default = $chainref->{default};
my $name = $chainref->{name};
if ( $policy ne 'NONE' ) {
if ( ! $chainref->{referenced} && ( ! $optional && $policy ne 'CONTINUE' ) ) {
ensure_filter_chain $name, 1;
if ( $name =~ /^all2|2all$/ ) {
policy_rules $chainref , $policy, $loglevel , $default;
for my $zone ( @zones ) {
for my $zone1 ( @zones ) {
my $chainref = $filter_table->{"${zone}2${zone1}"};
default_policy $chainref, $zone, $zone1 if $chainref->{referenced};
# Complete a standard chain
# - run any supplied user exit
# - search the policy file for an applicable policy and add rules as
# appropriate
# - If no applicable policy is found, add rules for an assummed
# policy of DROP INFO
sub complete_standard_chain ( $$$ ) {
my ( $stdchainref, $zone, $zone2 ) = @_;
my $ruleschainref = $filter_table->{"${zone}2${zone2}"};
my ( $policy, $loglevel, $default ) = ( 'DROP', 'info', $config{DROP_DEFAULT} );
my $policychainref;
$policychainref = $ruleschainref->{policychain} if $ruleschainref;
if ( $policychainref ) {
$policy = $policychainref->{policy};
$loglevel = $policychainref->{loglevel};
$default = $policychainref->{default};
policy_rules $stdchainref , $policy , $loglevel, $default;
my %tcs = ( t => { chain => 'tcpost',
connmark => 0,
fw => 1
} ,
ct => { chain => 'tcpost' ,
target => 'CONNMARK --set-mark' ,
connmark => 1 ,
fw => 1
} ,
c => { target => 'CONNMARK --set-mark' ,
connmark => 1 ,
fw => 1
} ,
p => { chain => 'tcpre' ,
connmark => 0 ,
fw => 0
} ,
cp => { chain => 'tcpre' ,
target => 'CONNMARK --set-mark' ,
connmark => 1 ,
fw => 0
} ,
f => { chain => 'tcfor' ,
connmark => 0 ,
fw => 0
} ,
cf => { chain => 'tcfor' ,
fw => 0 ,
connmark => 1 ,
} ,
t => { chain => 'tcpost' ,
connmark => 0 ,
fw => 0
} ,
ct => { chain => 'tcpost' ,
target => 'CONNMARK --set-mark' ,
connmark => 1 ,
fw => 0
} ,
c => { target => 'CONNMARK --set-mark' ,
connmark => 1 ,
fw => 0
use constant { NOMARK => 0 ,
my @tccmd = ( { pattern => 'SAVE' ,
target => 'CONNMARK --save-mark --mask' ,
mark => SMALLMARK ,
mask => '0xFF'
} ,
{ pattern => 'RESTORE' ,
target => 'CONNMARK --restore-mark --mask' ,
mark => SMALLMARK ,
mask => '0xFF'
} ,
{ pattern => 'CONTINUE',
target => 'RETURN' ,
mark => NOMARK ,
mask => ''
} ,
{ pattern => '\|.*' ,
target => 'MARK --or-mark' ,
mark => HIGHMARK ,
mask => '' } ,
{ pattern => '&.*' ,
target => 'MARK --and-mark ' ,
mark => HIGHMARK ,
mask => ''
sub process_tc_rule( $$$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ( $mark, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $testval, $length, $tos , $extra ) = @_;
my $original_mark = $mark;
( $mark, my $designator ) = split /:/, $mark;
my $chain = $env{MARKING_CHAIN};
my $target = 'MARK --set-mark';
my $tcsref;
my $connmark = 0;
my $classid = 0;
if ( $source ) {
if ( $source eq $firewall_zone ) {
$chain = 'tcout';
$source = '';
} else {
$chain = 'tcout' if $source =~ s/^($firewall_zone)://;
if ( $designator ) {
$tcsref = $tcs{$designator};
if ( $tcsref ) {
if ( $chain eq 'tcout' ) {
fatal_error "Invalid chain designator for source $firewall_zone; rule \"$line\"" unless $tcsref->{fw};
$chain = $tcsref->{chain} if $tcsref->{chain};
$target = $tcsref->{target} if $tcsref->{target};
$mark = "$mark/0xFF" if $connmark = $tcsref->{connmark};
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid MARK ($original_mark) in rule \"$line\"" unless $mark =~ /^([0-9]+|0x[0-9a-f]+)$/ and $designator =~ /^([0-9]+|0x[0-9a-f]+)$/;
$chain = 'tcpost';
$classid = 1;
$mark = $original_mark;
$target = 'CLASSIFY --set-class';
my $mask = 0xffff;
my ($cmd, $rest) = split '/', $mark;
unless ( $classid )
for my $tccmd ( @tccmd ) {
if ( $cmd =~ /^($tccmd->{pattern})$/ ) {
fatal_error "$mark not valid with :C[FP]" if $connmark;
$target = "$tccmd->{target} ";
my $marktype = $tccmd->{mark};
$mark =~ s/^[!&]//;
if ( $rest ) {
fatal_error "Invalid MARK ($original_mark)" if $marktype == NOMARK;
$mark = $rest if $tccmd->{mask};
if ( $marktype == SMALLMARK ) {
verify_small_mark $mark;
} else {
validate_mark $mark;
} elsif ( $tccmd->{mask} ) {
$mark = $tccmd->{mask};
last MARK;
validate_mark $mark;
fatal_error 'Marks < 256 may not be set in the PREROUTING chain when HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes'
if $cmd || $chain eq 'tcpre' || numeric_value( $cmd ) <= 0xFF || $config{HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS};
ensure_chain( 'mangle' , $chain ) ,
do_proto( $proto, $ports, $sports) . do_test( $testval, $mask ) ,
$source ,
$dest ,
'' ,
"-j $target $mark" ,
'' ,
'' ,
progress_message " TC Rule \"$line\" $done";
# Process the tcrules file
sub process_tcrules() {
open TC, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/tcrules" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped tcrules file: $!";
while ( $line = <TC> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ( $mark, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $testval, $length, $tos , $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
if ( $mark eq 'COMMENT' ) {
if ( $capabilities{COMMENTS} ) {
( $comment = $line ) =~ s/^\s*COMMENT\s*//;
$comment =~ s/\s*$//;
} else {
warning_message "COMMENT ignored -- requires comment support in iptables/Netfilter";
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid tcrule: \"$line\"" if $extra;
process_tc_rule $mark, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $testval, $length, $tos
close NAT;
$comment = '';
my %maclist_targets = ( ACCEPT => { target => 'RETURN' , mangle => 1 } ,
REJECT => { target => 'reject' , mangle => 0 } ,
DROP => { target => 'DROP' , mangle => 1 } );
sub setup_mac_lists( $ ) {
my $phase = $_[0];
my %maclist_interfaces;
my $table = $config{MACLIST_TABLE};
my $maclist_hosts = find_hosts_by_option 'maclist';
for my $hostref ( $maclist_hosts ) {
$maclist_interfaces{ $hostref->[0][0] } = 1;
my @maclist_interfaces = ( sort keys %maclist_interfaces );
progress_message " $doing MAC Verification for @maclist_interfaces -- Phase $phase...";
if ( $phase == 1 ) {
for my $interface ( @maclist_interfaces ) {
my $chainref = new_chain $table , mac_chain $interface;
add_rule $chainref , '-s -d -p udp --dport 67:68 -j RETURN'
if ( $table eq 'mangle' ) && $interfaces{$interface}{options}{dhcp};
if ( $config{MACLIST_TTL} ) {
my $chain1ref = new_chain $table, macrecent_target $interface;
my $chain = $chainref->{name};
add_rule $chainref, "-m recent --rcheck --seconds $config{MACLIST_TTL} --name $chain -j RETURN";
add_rule $chainref, "-j $chain1ref->{name}";
add_rule $chainref, "-m recent --update --name $chain -j RETURN";
add_rule $chainref, "-m recent --set --name $chain";
open MAC, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/maclist" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped maclist file: $!";
while ( $line = <MAC> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ( $disposition, $interface, $mac, $addresses , $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
if ( $disposition eq 'COMMENT' ) {
if ( $capabilities{COMMENTS} ) {
( $comment = $line ) =~ s/^\s*COMMENT\s*//;
$comment =~ s/\s*$//;
} else {
warning_message "COMMENT ignored -- requires comment support in iptables/Netfilter";
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid maclist entry: \"$line\"" if $extra;
( $disposition, my $level ) = split /:/, $disposition;
my $targetref = $maclist_targets{$disposition};
fatal_error "Invalid DISPOSITION ( $disposition) in rule \"$line\"" if ( $table eq 'mangle' ) && ! $targetref->{mangle};
fatal_error "No hosts on $interface have the maclist option specified: \"$line\"" unless $maclist_interfaces{$interface};
my $chainref = $chain_table{$table}{( $config{MACLIST_TTL} ? macrecent_target $interface : mac_chain $interface )};
$mac = '' unless $mac && ( $mac ne '-' );
$addresses = '' unless $addresses && ( $addresses ne '-' );
fatal_error "You must specify a MAC address or an IP address" unless $mac || $addresses;
$mac = mac_match $mac if $mac;
if ( $addresses ) {
for my $address ( split ',', $addresses ) {
my $source = match_source_net $address;
log_rule_limit $level, $chainref , mac_chain( $interface) , $disposition, '', '', 'add' , "${mac}${source}" if $level;
add_rule $chainref , "${mac}${source}-j $targetref->{target}";
} else {
log_rule_limit $level, $chainref , mac_chain( $interface) , $disposition, '', '', 'add' , $mac if $level;
add_rule $chainref , "$mac-j $targetref->{target}";
progress_message " Maclist entry \"$line\" $done";
close MAC;
$comment = '';
# Generate jumps from the input and forward chains
for my $hostref ( @$maclist_hosts ) {
my $interface = $hostref->[0];
my $ipsec = $hostref->[1];
my $policy = $capabilities{POLICY_MATCH} ? "-m policy --pol $ipsec --dir in " : '';
my $source = match_source_net $hostref->[2];
my $target = mac_chain $interface;
if ( $table eq 'filter' ) {
for my $chain ( @{first_chains $interface}) {
add_rule $filter_table->{$chain} , "${source}-m state --statue NEW ${policy}-j $target";
} else {
add_rule $mangle_table->{PREROUTING}, "-i $interface ${source}-m state --state NEW ${policy}-j $target";
} else {
my $target = $env{MACLIST_TARGET};
my $level = $config{MACLIST_LOG_LEVEL};
my $disposition = $config{MACLIST_DISPOSITION};
for my $interface ( @maclist_interfaces ) {
my $chainref = $chain_table{$table}{( $config{MACLIST_TTL} ? macrecent_target $interface : mac_chain $interface )};
my $chain = mac_chain $interface;
log_rule_limit $level, $chainref , $chain , $disposition, '', '', 'add', '';
add_rule $chainref, "-j $target";
# Macro and action files can have shell variables embedded. This function expands them from %ENV.
sub expand_shell_variables( $ ) {
my $line = $_[0]; $line = $1 . ( $ENV{$2} || '' ) . $3 while $line =~ /^(.*?)\$([a-zA-Z]\w*)(.*)$/; $line;
sub process_rule1 ( $$$$$$$$$ );
# Expand a macro rule from the rules file
sub process_macro ( $$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ($macrofile, $target, $param, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $origdest, $rate, $user) = @_;
my $standard = ( $macrofile =~ /^($env{SHAREDIR})/ );
progress_message "..Expanding Macro $macrofile...";
open M, $macrofile or fatal_error "Unable to open $macrofile: $!";
while ( $line = <M> ) {
chomp $line;
next if $line =~ /^\s*#/;
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$line =~ s/#.*$//;
$line = expand_shell_variables $line unless $standard;
my ( $mtarget, $msource, $mdest, $mproto, $mports, $msports, $mrate, $muser ) = split /\s+/, $line;
$mtarget = merge_levels $target, $mtarget;
if ( $mtarget =~ /^PARAM:?/ ) {
fatal_error 'PARAM requires that a parameter be supplied in macro invocation' unless $param;
$mtarget = substitute_action $param, $mtarget;
my $action = isolate_action $mtarget;
my $actiontype = $targets{$action};
if ( $actiontype & ACTION ) {
unless ( $usedactions{$action} ) {
createactionchain $mtarget;
$usedactions{$mtarget} = 1;
$mtarget = find_logactionchain $mtarget;
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid Action ($mtarget) in rule \"$line\"" unless $actiontype & STANDARD;
if ( $msource ) {
if ( ( $msource eq '-' ) || ( $msource eq 'SOURCE' ) ) {
$msource = $source || '';
} elsif ( $msource eq 'DEST' ) {
$msource = $dest || '';
} else {
$msource = merge_macro_source_dest $msource, $source;
} else {
$msource = '';
$msource = '' if $msource eq '-';
if ( $mdest ) {
if ( ( $mdest eq '-' ) || ( $mdest eq 'DEST' ) ) {
$mdest = $dest || '';
} elsif ( $mdest eq 'SOURCE' ) {
$mdest = $source || '';
} else {
$mdest = merge_macro_source_dest $mdest, $dest;
} else {
$mdest = '';
$mdest = '' if $mdest eq '-';
$mproto = merge_macro_column $mproto, $proto;
$mports = merge_macro_column $mports, $ports;
$msports = merge_macro_column $msports, $sports;
$mrate = merge_macro_column $mrate, $rate;
$muser = merge_macro_column $muser, $user;
process_rule1 $mtarget, $msource, $mdest, $mproto, $mports, $msports, $origdest, $rate, $user;
progress_message " Rule \"$line\" $done"; }
close M;
progress_message '..End Macro'
# Once a rule has been completely resolved by macro expansion, it is processed by this function.
sub process_rule1 ( $$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ( $target, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $origdest, $ratelimit, $user ) = @_;
my ( $action, $loglevel) = split_action $target;
my $rule = '';
my $actionchainref;
$ports = '' unless defined $ports;
$sports = '' unless defined $sports;
$origdest = '' unless defined $origdest;
$ratelimit = '' unless defined $ratelimit;
$user = '' unless defined $user;
# Determine the validity of the action
my $actiontype = $targets{$action} || find_macro( isolate_action $action );
fatal_error "Unknown action ($action) in rule \"$line\"" unless $actiontype;
if ( $actiontype == MACRO ) {
$macros{isolate_action $action}, $
target ,
(split '/', $action)[1] ,
# We can now dispense with the postfix characters
$action =~ s/[\+\-!]$//;
# Mark target as used
if ( $actiontype & ACTION ) {
unless ( $usedactions{$target} ) {
$usedactions{$target} = 1;
createactionchain $target;
# Take care of irregular syntax and targets
if ( $actiontype & REDIRECT ) {
if ( $dest eq '-' ) {
$dest = "$firewall_zone";
} else {
$dest = "$firewall_zone" . '::' . "$dest";
} elsif ( $action eq 'REJECT' ) {
$action = 'reject';
} elsif ( $action eq 'CONTINUE' ) {
$action = 'RETURN';
# Isolate and validate source and destination zones
my $sourcezone;
my $destzone;
if ( $source =~ /^(.+?):(.*)/ ) {
$sourcezone = $1;
$source = $2;
} else {
$sourcezone = $source;
$source = ALLIPv4;
if ( $dest =~ /^(.+?):(.*)/ ) {
$destzone = $1;
$dest = $2;
} else {
$destzone = $dest;
$dest = ALLIPv4;
fatal_error "Unknown source zone ($sourcezone) in rule \"$line\"" unless $zones{$sourcezone};
fatal_error "Unknown destination zone ($destzone) in rule \"$line\"" unless $zones{$destzone};
# Take care of chain
my $chain = "${sourcezone}2${destzone}";
my $chainref = ensure_filter_chain $chain, 1;
# Validate Policy
my $policy = $chainref->{policy};
fatal_error "No policy defined from $sourcezone to zone $destzone" unless $policy;
fatal_error "Rules may not override a NONE policy: rule \"$line\"" if $policy eq 'NONE';
# Generate Fixed part of the rule
$rule = do_proto $proto, $ports, $sports . do_ratelimit( $ratelimit ) . ( do_user $user );
$origdest = ALLIPv4 unless $origdest and $origdest ne '-';
# Generate NAT rule(s), if any
if ( $actiontype & NATRULE ) {
my ( $server, $serverport , $natchain );
fatal_error "$target rules not allowed in the $section SECTION" if $section ne 'NEW';
# Isolate server port
if ( $dest =~ /^(.*)(:(\d+))$/ ) {
$server = $1;
$serverport = $3;
} else {
$server = $dest;
$serverport = '';
# After DNAT, dest port will be the server port
$ports = $serverport if $serverport;
fatal_error "A server must be specified in the DEST column in $action rules: \"$line\"" unless ( $actiontype & REDIRECT ) || $server;
fatal_error "Invalid server ($server), rule: \"$line\"" if $server =~ /:/;
# Generate the target
my $target = '';
if ( $action eq 'SAME' ) {
fatal_error 'Port mapping not allowed in SAME rules' if $serverport;
$target = '-j SAME ';
for my $serv ( split /,/, $server ) {
$target .= "--to $serv ";
$serverport = $ports;
} elsif ( $action eq ' -j DNAT' ) {
$serverport = ":$serverport" if $serverport;
for my $serv ( split /,/, $server ) {
$target .= "--to ${serv}${serverport} ";
} else {
$target = '-j REDIRECT --to-port ' . ( $serverport ? $serverport : $ports );
# And generate the nat table rule(s)
ensure_chain ('nat' , $zones{$sourcezone}{type} eq 'firewall' ? 'OUTPUT' : dnat_chain $sourcezone ) ,
$rule ,
$source ,
$origdest ,
'' ,
$target ,
$loglevel ,
$action ,
$serverport ? do_proto( $proto, '', '' ) : '';
# After NAT, the destination port will be the server port; Also, we log NAT rules in the nat table rather than in the filter table.
unless ( $actiontype & NATONLY ) {
$rule = do_proto $proto, $ports, $sports . do_ratelimit( $ratelimit ) . do_user $user;
$loglevel = '';
} elsif ( $actiontype & NONAT ) {
# NONAT or ACCEPT+ -- May not specify a destination interface
fatal_error "Invalid DEST ($dest) in $action rule \"$line\"" if $dest =~ /:/;
ensure_chain ('nat' , $zones{$sourcezone}{type} eq 'firewall' ? 'OUTPUT' : dnat_chain $sourcezone) ,
$rule ,
$source ,
$dest ,
'' ,
'-j RETURN ' ,
$loglevel ,
$action ,
# Add filter table rule, unless this is a NATONLY rule type
unless ( $actiontype & NATONLY ) {
if ( $actiontype & ACTION ) {
$action = (find_logactionchain $target)->{name};
$loglevel = '';
ensure_chain ('filter', $chain ) ,
$rule ,
$source ,
$dest ,
$origdest ,
"-j $action " ,
$loglevel ,
$action ,
# Process a Record in the rules file
sub process_rule ( $$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ( $target, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $origdest, $ratelimit, $user ) = @_;
my $intrazone = 0;
my $includesrcfw = 1;
my $includedstfw = 1;
my $optimize = $config{OPTIMIZE};
my $thisline = $line;
# Section Names are optional so once we get to an actual rule, we need to be sure that
# we close off any missing sections.
unless ( $sectioned ) {
finish_section 'ESTABLISHED,RELATED';
$section = 'NEW';
$sectioned = 1;
# Handle Wildcards
if ( $source =~ /^all[-+]/ ) {
if ( $source eq 'all+' ) {
$source = 'all';
$intrazone = 1;
} elsif ( ( $source eq 'all+-' ) || ( $source eq 'all-+' ) ) {
$source = 'all';
$intrazone = 1;
$includesrcfw = 0;
} elsif ( $source eq 'all-' ) {
$source = 'all';
$includesrcfw = 0;
if ( $dest =~ /^all[-+]/ ) {
if ( $dest eq 'all+' ) {
$dest = 'all';
$intrazone = 1;
} elsif ( ( $dest eq 'all+-' ) || ( $dest eq 'all-+' ) ) {
$dest = 'all';
$intrazone = 1;
$includedstfw = 0;
} elsif ( $source eq 'all-' ) {
$dest = 'all';
$includedstfw = 0;
my $action = isolate_action $target;
$optimize = 0 if $action =~ /!^/;
if ( $source eq 'all' ) {
for my $zone ( @zones ) {
if ( $includesrcfw || ( $zones{$zone}{type} ne 'firewall' ) ) {
if ( $dest eq 'all' ) {
for my $zone1 ( @zones ) {
if ( $includedstfw || ( $zones{$zone1}{type} ne 'firewall' ) ) {
if ( $intrazone || ( $zone ne $zone1 ) ) {
my $policychainref = $filter_table->{"${zone}2${zone1}"}{policychain};
fatal_error "No policy from zone $zone to zone $zone1" unless $policychainref;
if ( ( ( my $policy ) = $policychainref->{policy} ) ne 'NONE' ) {
if ( $optimize > 0 ) {
my $loglevel = $policychainref->{loglevel};
if ( $loglevel ) {
next if $target eq "${policy}:$loglevel}";
} else {
next if $action eq $policy;
process_rule1 $target, $zone, $zone1 , $proto, $ports, $sports, $origdest, $ratelimit, $user;
} else {
process_rule1 $target, $zone, $dest , $proto, $ports, $sports, $origdest, $ratelimit, $user;
} elsif ( $dest eq 'all' ) {
for my $zone1 ( @zones ) {
my $zone = ( split /:/, $source )[0];
if ( ( $includedstfw || ( $zones{$zone1}{type} ne 'firewall') ) &&( ( $zone ne $zone1 ) || $intrazone) ) {
process_rule1 $target, $source, $zone1 , $proto, $ports, $sports, $origdest, $ratelimit, $user;
} else {
process_rule1 $target, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $origdest, $ratelimit, $user;
progress_message " Rule \"$thisline\" $done";
# Process the Rules File
sub process_rules() {
open RULES, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/rules" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped rules file: $!";
while ( $line = <RULES> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ( $target, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $origdest, $ratelimit, $user, $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
if ( $target eq 'COMMENT' ) {
if ( $capabilities{COMMENTS} ) {
( $comment = $line ) =~ s/^\s*COMMENT\s*//;
$comment =~ s/\s*$//;
} else {
warning_message "COMMENT ignored -- requires comment support in iptables/Netfilter";
} elsif ( $target eq 'SECTION' ) {
fatal_error "Invalid SECTION $source" unless defined $sections{$source};
fatal_error "Duplicate or out of order SECTION $source" if $sections{$source};
fatal_error "Invalid Section $source $dest" if $dest;
$sectioned = 1;
$sections{$source} = 1;
if ( $section eq 'RELATED' ) {
$sections{ESTABLISHED} = 1;
finish_section 'ESTABLISHED';
} elsif ( $section eq 'NEW' ) {
@sections{'ESTABLISHED','RELATED'} = ( 1, 1 );
finish_section ( ( $section eq 'RELATED' ) ? 'RELATED' : 'ESTABLISHED,RELATED' );
$section = $source;
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid rules file entry: \"$line\"" if $extra;
process_rule $target, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $origdest, $ratelimit, $user;
close RULES;
$comment = '';
$section = 'DONE';
# Here starts the tunnel stuff -- we really should get rid of this crap...
sub setup_tunnels() {
sub setup_one_ipsec {
my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest, $gatewayzones) = @_;
( $kind, my $qualifier ) = split /:/, $kind;
fatal_error "Invalid IPSEC modifier ($qualifier) in tunnel \"$line\"" if $qualifier && ( $qualifier ne 'noah' );
my $noah = $qualifier || ($kind ne 'ipsec' );
my $options = '-m $state --state NEW -j ACCEPT';
add_rule $inchainref, "-p 50 $source -j ACCEPT";
add_rule $outchainref, "-p 50 $dest -j ACCEPT";
unless ( $noah ) {
add_rule $inchainref, "-p 51 $source -j ACCEPT";
add_rule $outchainref, "-p 51 $dest -j ACCEPT";
add_rule $outchainref, "-p udp $dest --dport 500 $options";
if ( $kind eq 'ipsec' ) {
add_rule $inchainref, "-p udp $source --dport $options";
} else {
add_rule $inchainref, "-p udp $source -m multiport --dports 500,4500 $options";
for my $zone ( split /,/, $gatewayzones ) {
fatal_error "Invalid zone ($zone) in tunnel \"$line\"" unless $zones{$zone}{type} eq 'ipv4';
$inchainref = ensure_filter_chain "${zone}2${firewall_zone}", 1;
$outchainref = ensure_filter_chain "${firewall_zone}2${zone}", 1;
unless ( $capabilities{POLICY_MATCH} ) {
add_rule $inchainref, "-p 50 $source -j ACCEPT";
add_rule $outchainref, "-p 50 $dest -j ACCEPT";
unless ( $noah ) {
add_rule $inchainref, "-p 51 $source -j ACCEPT";
add_rule $outchainref, "-p 51 $dest -j ACCEPT";
if ( $kind eq 'ipsec' ) {
add_rule $inchainref, "-p udp $source --dport 500 $options";
add_rule $outchainref, "-p udp $dest --dport 500 $options";
} else {
add_rule $inchainref, "-p udp $source -m multiport --dports 500,4500 $options";
add_rule $outchainref, "-p udp $dest -m multiport --dports 500,4500 $options";
sub setup_one_other {
my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest , $protocol) = @_;
add_rule $inchainref , "-p $protocol $source -j ACCEPT";
add_rule $outchainref , "-p $protocol $dest -j ACCEPT";
sub setup_pptp_client {
my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest ) = @_;
add_rule $outchainref, "-p 47 $dest -j ACCEPT";
add_rule $inchainref, "-p 47 $source -j ACCEPT";
add_rule $outchainref, "-p tcp --dport 1723 $dest -j ACCEPT"
sub setup_pptp_server {
my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest ) = @_;
add_rule $inchainref, "-p 47 $dest -j ACCEPT";
add_rule $outchainref, "-p 47 $source -j ACCEPT";
add_rule $inchainref, "-p tcp --dport 1723 $dest -j ACCEPT"
sub setup_one_openvpn {
my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest) = @_;
my $protocol = 'udp';
my $port = 1194;
( $kind, my ( $proto, $p ) ) = split /:/, $kind;
$port = $p if $p;
$protocol = $proto if $proto;
add_rule $inchainref, "-p $protocol $source --dport $port -j ACCEPT";
add_rule $outchainref, "-p $protocol $dest --dport $port -j ACCEPT";
sub setup_one_openvpn_client {
my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest) = @_;
my $protocol = 'udp';
my $port = 1194;
( $kind, my ( $proto, $p ) ) = split /:/, $kind;
$port = $p if $p;
$protocol = $proto if $proto;
add_rule $inchainref, "-p $protocol $source --sport $port -j ACCEPT";
add_rule $outchainref, "-p $protocol $dest --dport $port -j ACCEPT";
sub setup_one_openvpn_server {
my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest) = @_;
my $protocol = 'udp';
my $port = 1194;
( $kind, my ( $proto, $p ) ) = split /:/, $kind;
$port = $p if $p;
$protocol = $proto if $proto;
add_rule $inchainref, "-p $protocol $source --dport $port -j ACCEPT";
add_rule $outchainref, "-p $protocol $dest --sport $port -j ACCEPT";
sub setup_one_generic {
my ($inchainref, $outchainref, $kind, $source, $dest) = @_;
my $protocol = 'udp';
my $port = '--dport 5000';
if ( $kind =~ /.*:.*:.*/ ) {
( $kind, $protocol, $port) = split /:/, $kind;
$port = "--dport $port";
} else {
$port = '';
( $kind, $protocol ) = split /:/ , $kind if $kind =~ /.*:.*/;
add_rule $inchainref, "-p $protocol $source $port -j ACCEPT";
add_rule $outchainref, "-p $protocol $dest $port -j ACCEPT";
sub setup_one_tunnel($$$$) {
my ( $kind , $zone, $gateway, $gatewayzones ) = @_;
fatal_error "Invalid zone ($zone) in tunnel \"$line\"" unless $zones{$zone}{type} eq 'ipv4';
my $inchainref = ensure_filter_chain "${zone}2${firewall_zone}", 1;
my $outchainref = ensure_filter_chain "${firewall_zone}2${zone}", 1;
my $source = match_source_net $gateway;
my $dest = match_dest_net $gateway;
my %tunneltypes = ( 'ipsec' => { function => \&setup_one_ipsec , params => [ $kind, $source, $dest , $gatewayzones ] } ,
'ipsecnat' => { function => \&setup_one_ipsec , params => [ $kind, $source, $dest , $gatewayzones ] } ,
'ipip' => { function => \&setup_one_other, params => [ $source, $dest , 4 ] } ,
'gre' => { function => \&setup_one_other, params => [ $source, $dest , 47 ] } ,
'6to4' => { function => \&setup_one_other, params => [ $source, $dest , 41 ] } ,
'pptpclient' => { function => \&setup_pptp_client, params => [ $kind, $source, $dest ] } ,
'pptpserver' => { function => \&setup_pptp_server, params => [ $kind, $source, $dest ] } ,
'openvpn' => { function => \&setup_one_openvpn, params => [ $kind, $source, $dest ] } ,
'openvpnclient' => { function => \&setup_one_openvpn_client, params => [ $kind, $source, $dest ] } ,
'openvpnserver' => { function => \&setup_one_openvpn_server, params => [ $kind, $source, $dest ] } ,
'generic' => { function => \&setup_one_generic , params => [ $kind, $source, $dest ] } ,
$kind = "\L$kind";
(my $type) = split /:/, $kind;
my $tunnelref = $tunneltypes{ $type };
fatal_error "Tunnels of type $type are not supported: Tunnel \"$line\"" unless $tunnelref;
$tunnelref->{function}->( $inchainref, $outchainref, @{$tunnelref->{params}} );
progress_message " Tunnel \"$line\" $done";
# Setup_Tunnels() Starts Here
open TUNNELS, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/tunnels" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped tunnels file: $!";
while ( $line = <TUNNELS> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ( $kind, $zone, $gateway, $gatewayzones, $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
if ( $kind eq 'COMMENT' ) {
if ( $capabilities{COMMENTS} ) {
( $comment = $line ) =~ s/^\s*COMMENT\s*//;
$comment =~ s/\s*$//;
} else {
warning_message "COMMENT ignored -- requires comment support in iptables/Netfilter";
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid Tunnels file entry: \"$line\"" if $extra;
setup_one_tunnel $kind, $zone, $gateway, $gatewayzones;
close TUNNELS;
$comment = '';
# Generate chain for non-builtin action invocation
sub process_action3( $$$$$ ) {
# This function is called to process each rule generated from an action file.
sub process_action( $$$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ($chainref, $actionname, $target, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $rate, $user ) = @_;
my ( $action , $level ) = split_action $target;
expand_rule ( $chainref ,
do_proto( $proto, $ports, $sports ) . do_ratelimit( $rate ) . do_user $user ,
$source ,
$dest ,
'', #Original Dest
'-j ' . ($action eq 'REJECT' ? 'reject' : $action eq 'CONTINUE' ? 'RETURN' : $action),
$level ,
$action ,
'' );
my ( $chainref, $wholeaction, $action, $level, $tag ) = @_;
my $actionfile = find_file "action.$action";
my $standard = ( $actionfile =~ /^($env{SHAREDIR})/ );
fatal_error "Missing Action File: $actionfile" unless -f $actionfile;
progress_message2 "Processing $actionfile for chain $chainref->{name}...";
open A, $actionfile or fatal_error "Unable to open $actionfile: $!";
while ( $line = <A> ) {
chomp $line;
next if $line =~ /^\s*#/;
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$line =~ s/#.*$//;
$line = expand_shell_variables $line unless $standard;
my ($target, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $rate, $user , $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
my $target2 = merge_levels $wholeaction, $target;
my ( $action2 , $level2 ) = split_action $target2;
my $action2type = $targets{isolate_action $action2};
unless ( $action2type == STANDARD ) {
if ( $target eq 'COMMENT' ) {
if ( $capabilities{COMMENTS} ) {
( $comment = $line ) =~ s/^\s*COMMENT\s*//;
$comment =~ s/\s*$//;
} else {
warning_message "COMMENT ignored -- requires comment support in iptables/Netfilter";
} elsif ( $action2type & ACTION ) {
$target2 = (find_logactionchain ( $target = $target2 ))->{name};
} else {
die "Internal Error" unless $action2type == MACRO;
if ( $action2type == MACRO ) {
( $action2, my $param ) = split '/', $action2;
fatal_error "Null Macro" unless my $fn = $macros{$action2};
progress_message "..Expanding Macro $fn...";
open M, $fn or fatal_error "Can't open $fn: $!";
my $standard = ( $fn =~ /^($env{SHAREDIR})/ );
while ( $line = <M> ) {
next if $line =~ /^\s*#/;
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$line =~ s/#.*$//;
$line = expand_shell_variables $line unless $standard;
my ( $mtarget, $msource, $mdest, $mproto, $mports, $msports, $mrate, $muser ) = split /\s+/, $line;
if ( $mtarget =~ /^PARAM:?/ ) {
fatal_error 'PARAM requires that a parameter be supplied in macro invocation' unless $param;
$mtarget = substitute_action $param, $mtarget;
if ( $msource ) {
if ( ( $msource eq '-' ) || ( $msource eq 'SOURCE' ) ) {
$msource = $source || '';
} elsif ( $msource eq 'DEST' ) {
$msource = $dest || '';
} else {
$msource = merge_macro_source_dest $msource, $source;
} else {
$msource = '';
$msource = '' if $msource eq '-';
if ( $mdest ) {
if ( ( $mdest eq '-' ) || ( $mdest eq 'DEST' ) ) {
$mdest = $dest || '';
} elsif ( $mdest eq 'SOURCE' ) {
$mdest = $source || '';
} else {
$mdest = merge_macro_source_dest $mdest, $dest;
} else {
$mdest = '';
$mdest = '' if $mdest eq '-';
$mproto = merge_macro_column $mproto, $proto;
$mports = merge_macro_column $mports, $ports;
$msports = merge_macro_column $msports, $sports;
$mrate = merge_macro_column $mrate, $rate;
$muser = merge_macro_column $muser, $user;
process_action $chainref, $action, $mtarget, $msource, $mdest, $mproto, $mports, $msports, $mrate, $muser;
close M;
progress_message '..End Macro'
} else {
process_action $chainref, $action, $target2, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $rate, $user;
$comment = '';
# The next three functions implement the three phases of action processing.
# The first phase (process_actions1) occurs before the rules file is processed. ${SHAREDIR}/actions.std
# and ${CONFDIR}/actions are scanned (in that order) and for each action:
# a) The related action definition file is located and scanned.
# b) Forward and unresolved action references are trapped as errors.
# c) A dependency graph is created using the 'requires' field in the 'actions' table.
# As the rules file is scanned, each action[:level[:tag]] is merged onto the 'usedactions' hash. When an <action>
# is merged into the hash, its action chain is created. Where logging is specified, a chain with the name
# %<action>n is used where the <action> name is truncated on the right where necessary to ensure that the total
# length of the chain name does not exceed 30 characters.
# The second phase (process_actions2) occurs after the rules file is scanned. The transitive closure of
# %usedactions is generated; again, as new actions are merged into the hash, their action chains are created.
# The final phase (process_actions3) is to traverse the keys of %usedactions populating each chain appropriately
# by reading the action definition files and creating rules. Note that a given action definition file is
# processed once for each unique [:level[:tag]] applied to an invocation of the action.
sub process_actions1() {
for my $act ( grep $targets{$_} & ACTION , keys %targets ) {
new_action $act;
for my $file qw/actions.std actions/ {
open F, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/$file" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped $file file: $!";
while ( $line = <F> ) {
chomp $line;
my ( $action , $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
fatal_error "Invalid Action: $line" if $extra;
if ( $action =~ /:/ ) {
warning_message 'Default Actions are now specified in /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf';
$action =~ s/:.*$//;
next unless $action;
if ( $targets{$action} ) {
next if $targets{$action} & ACTION;
fatal_error "Invalid Action Name: $action";
$targets{$action} = ACTION;
fatal_error "Invalid Action Name: $action" unless "\L$action" =~ /^[a-z]\w*$/;
new_action $action;
my $actionfile = find_file "action.$action";
fatal_error "Missing Action File: $actionfile" unless -f $actionfile;
progress_message2 " Pre-processing $actionfile...";
open A, $actionfile or fatal_error "Unable to open $actionfile: $!";
while ( $line = <A> ) {
chomp $line;
next if $line =~ /^\s*#/;
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$line =~ s/#.*$//;
( my ($wholetarget, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $rate, $users ) , $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
fatal_error "Invalid action rule \"$line\"\n" if $extra;
my ( $target, $level ) = split_action $wholetarget;
$level = 'none' unless $level;
my $targettype = $targets{$target};
if ( defined $targettype ) {
next if ( $targettype == STANDARD ) || ( $targettype == MACRO ) || ( $target eq 'LOG' );
fatal_error "Invalid TARGET ($target) in action rule \"$line\"" if $targettype & STANDARD;
add_requiredby $wholetarget, $action if $targettype & ACTION;
} else {
$target =~ s!/.*$!!;
if ( find_macro $target ) {
my $macrofile = $macros{$target};
progress_message " ..Expanding Macro $macrofile...";
open M, $macrofile or fatal_error "Unable to open $macrofile: $!";
while ( $line = <M> ) {
next if $line =~ /^\s*#/;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$line =~ s/#.*$//;
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
my ( $mtarget, $msource, $mdest, $mproto, $mports, $msports, $ mrate, $muser, $mextra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
fatal_error "Invalid macro rule \"$line\"" if $mextra;
$mtarget =~ s/:.*$//;
$targettype = $targets{$mtarget};
$targettype = 0 unless defined $targettype;
fatal_error "Invalid target ($mtarget) in rule \"$line\""
unless ( $targettype == STANDARD ) || ( $mtarget eq 'PARAM' ) || ( $mtarget eq 'LOG' );
progress_message " ..End Macro";
close M;
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid TARGET ($target) in rule \"$line\"";
close A;
close F;
sub process_actions2 () {
progress_message2 'Generating Transitive Closure of Used-action List...';
my $changed = 1;
while ( $changed ) {
$changed = 0;
for my $target (keys %usedactions) {
my ($action, $level) = split_action $target;
my $actionref = $actions{$action};
die "Null Action Reference in process_actions2" unless $actionref;
for my $action1 ( keys %{$actionref->{requires}} ) {
my $action2 = merge_levels $target, $action1;
unless ( $usedactions{ $action2 } ) {
$usedactions{ $action2 } = 1;
createactionchain $action2;
$changed = 1;
sub process_actions3 () {
# The following small functions generate rules for the builtin actions of the same name
sub dropBcast( $$$ ) {
my ($chainref, $level, $tag) = @_;
if ( $level ) {
log_rule_limit $level, $chainref, 'dropBcast' , 'DROP', '', $tag, 'add', ' -m pkttype --pkt-type broadcast';
log_rule_limit $level, $chainref, 'dropBcast' , 'DROP', '', $tag, 'add', ' -m pkttype --pkt-type multicast';
add_rule $chainref, '-m pkttype --pkt-type broadcast -j DROP';
add_rule $chainref, '-m pkttype --pkt-type multicast -j DROP';
sub allowBcast( $$$ ) {
my ($chainref, $level, $tag) = @_;
if ( $level ) {
log_rule_limit $level, $chainref, 'allowBcast' , 'ACCEPT', '', $tag, 'add', ' -m pkttype --pkt-type broadcast';
log_rule_limit $level, $chainref, 'allowBcast' , 'ACCEPT', '', $tag, 'add', ' -m pkttype --pkt-type multicast';
add_rule $chainref, '-m pkttype --pkt-type broadcast -j ACCEPT';
add_rule $chainref, '-m pkttype --pkt-type multicast -j ACCEPT';
sub dropNotSyn ( $$$ ) {
my ($chainref, $level, $tag) = @_;
log_rule_limit $level, $chainref, 'dropNotSyn' , 'DROP', '', $tag, 'add', '-p tcp ! --syn ' if $level;
add_rule $chainref , '-p tcp ! --syn -j DROP';
sub rejNotSyn ( $$$ ) {
my ($chainref, $level, $tag) = @_;
log_rule_limit $level, $chainref, 'rejNotSyn' , 'REJECT', '', $tag, 'add', '-p tcp ! --syn ' if $level;
add_rule $chainref , '-p tcp ! --syn -j REJECT';
sub dropInvalid ( $$$ ) {
my ($chainref, $level, $tag) = @_;
log_rule_limit $level, $chainref, 'dropInvalid' , 'DROP', '', $tag, 'add', '-m state --state INVALID ' if $level;
add_rule $chainref , '-m state --state INVALID -j REJECT';
sub allowInvalid ( $$$ ) {
my ($chainref, $level, $tag) = @_;
log_rule_limit $level, $chainref, 'allowInvalid' , 'ACCEPT', '', $tag, 'add', '-m state --state INVALID ' if $level;
add_rule $chainref , '-m state --state INVALID -j ACCEPT';
sub forwardUPnP ( $$$ ) {
sub allowinUPnP ( $$$ ) {
my ($chainref, $level, $tag) = @_;
if ( $level ) {
log_rule_limit $level, $chainref, 'allowinUPnP' , 'ACCEPT', '', $tag, 'add', '-p udp --dport 1900 ';
log_rule_limit $level, $chainref, 'allowinUPnP' , 'ACCEPT', '', $tag, 'add', '-p tcp --dport 49152 ';
add_rule $chainref, '-p udp --dport 1900 -j ACCEPT';
add_rule $chainref, '-p tcp --dport 49152 -j ACCEPT';
sub Limit( $$$ ) {
my ($chainref, $level, $tag) = @_;
my @tag = split /,/, $tag;
fatal_error 'Limit rules must include <set name>,<max connections>,<interval> as the log tag' unless @tag == 3;
add_rule $chainref, '-m recent --name $tag[0] --set';
if ( $level ) {
my $xchainref = new_chain 'filter' , "$chainref->{name}%";
log_rule_limit $level, $xchainref, $tag[0], 'DROP', '', '', 'add', '';
add_rule $xchainref, '-j DROP';
add_rule $chainref, "-m recent --name $tag[0] --update --seconds $tag[2] --hitcount $(( $tag[1] + 1 )) -j $chainref->{name}%";
} else {
add_rule $chainref, "-m recent --update --name $tag[0] --seconds $tag[2] --hitcount $(( $tag[1] + 1 )) -j DROP";
add_rule $chainref, '-j ACCEPT';
my %builtinops = ( 'dropBcast' => \&dropBcast,
'allowBcast' => \&allowBcast,
'dropNotSyn' => \&dropNotSyn,
'rejNotSyn' => \&rejNotSyn,
'dropInvalid' => \&dropInvalid,
'allowInvalid' => \&allowInvalid,
'allowinUPnP' => \&allowinUPnP,
'forwardUPnP' => \&forwardUPnP,
'Limit' => \&Limit,
for my $wholeaction ( keys %usedactions ) {
my $chainref = find_logactionchain $wholeaction;
my ( $action, $level, $tag ) = split /:/, $wholeaction;
$level = '' unless defined $level;
$tag = '' unless defined $tag;
if ( $targets{$action} & BUILTIN ) {
$level = '' if $level =~ /none!?/;
$builtinops{$action}->($chainref, $level, $tag);
} else {
process_action3 $chainref, $wholeaction, $action, $level, $tag;
sub dump_action_table() {
my $action;
print "\n";
for $action ( sort keys %actions ) {
print "Action $action\n";
my $already = 0;
for my $requires ( keys %{$actions{$action}{requires}} ) {
print " Requires:\n" unless $already;
print " $requires\n";
$already = 1;
print "\nAction Chains:\n";
for $action ( sort keys %usedactions ) {
$action .= ':none' unless $action =~ /:/;
print " $action = $logactionchains{$action}{name}\n";
# Accounting
my $jumpchainref;
sub process_accounting_rule( $$$$$$$$ ) {
my ($action, $chain, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user ) = @_;
sub accounting_error() {
warning_message "Invalid Accounting rule \"$line\"";
sub jump_to_chain( $ ) {
my $jumpchain = $_[0];
$jumpchainref = ensure_chain( 'filter', $jumpchain );
"-j $jumpchain";
$chain = 'accounting' unless $chain and $chain ne '-';
my $chainref = ensure_filter_chain $chain , 0;
my $target = '';
my $rule = do_proto( $proto, $ports, $sports ) . do_user ( $user );
my $rule2 = 0;
unless ( $action eq 'COUNT' ) {
if ( $action eq 'DONE' ) {
$target = '-j RETURN';
} else {
( $action, my $cmd ) = split /:/, $action;
if ( $cmd ) {
if ( $cmd eq 'COUNT' ) {
$target = jump_to_chain $action;
} elsif ( $cmd ne 'JUMP' ) {
} else {
$target = jump_to_chain $action;
$chainref ,
$rule ,
$source ,
$dest ,
'' ,
$target ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ;
if ( $rule2 ) {
$jumpchainref ,
$rule ,
$source ,
$dest ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ;
sub setup_accounting() {
open ACC, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/accounting" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped accounting file: $!";
while ( $line = <ACC> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ( $action, $chain, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
accounting_error if $extra;
process_accounting_rule $action, $chain, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user;
close ACC;
if ( $filter_table->{accounting} ) {
for my $chain qw/INPUT FORWARD OUTPUT/ {
insert_rule $filter_table->{$chain}, 1, '-j accounting';
# To quote an old comment, generate_matrix makes a sows ear out of a silk purse.
# The biggest disadvantage of the zone-policy-rule model used by Shorewall is that it doesn't scale well as the number of zones increases (Order N**2 where N = number of zones).
# A major goal of the rewrite of the compiler in Perl was to restrict those scaling effects to this functions and the rules that it generates.
# The function traverses the full "source-zone X destination-zone" matrix and generates the rules necessary to direct traffic through the right set of rules.
sub generate_matrix() {
# Helper functions for generate_matrix()
# Return the target for rules from the $zone to $zone1.
sub rules_target( $$ ) {
my ( $zone, $zone1 ) = @_;
my $chain = "${zone}2${zone1}";
my $chainref = $filter_table->{$chain};
return $chain if $chainref && $chainref->{referenced};
return 'ACCEPT' if $zone eq $zone1;
if ( $chainref->{policy} ne 'CONTINUE' ) {
my $policyref = $chainref->{policychain};
return $policyref->{name} if $policyref;
fatal_error "No policy defined for zone $zone to zone $zone1";
# Add a jump to the passed chain ($chainref) to the dynamic zone chain for the passed zone.
sub create_zone_dyn_chain( $$ ) {
my ( $zone , $chainref ) = @_;
my $name = "${zone}_dyn";
new_standard_chain $name;
add_rule $chainref, "-j $name";
# Insert the passed exclusions at the front of the passed chain.
sub insert_exclusions( $$ ) {
my ( $chainref, $exclusionsref ) = @_;
my $num = 1;
for my $host ( @{$exclusionsref} ) {
my ( $interface, $net ) = split /:/, $host;
insert_rule $chainref , $num++, "-i $interface " . match_source_net( $host ) . '-j RETURN';
# Add the passed exclusions at the end of the passed chain.
sub add_exclusions ( $$ ) {
my ( $chainref, $exclusionsref ) = @_;
for my $host ( @{$exclusionsref} ) {
my ( $interface, $net ) = split /:/, $host;
add_rule $chainref , "-i $interface " . match_source_net( $host ) . '-j RETURN';
# Generate_Matrix() Starts Here
my $prerouting_rule = 1;
my $postrouting_rule = 1;
my $exclusion_seq = 1;
my %chain_exclusions;
my %policy_exclusions;
for my $interface ( @interfaces ) {
addnatjump 'POSTROUTING' , snat_chain( $interface ), "-o $interface ";
if ( $config{DYNAMIC_ZONES} ) {
for my $interface ( @interfaces ) {
addnatjump 'PREROUTING' , dynamic_in( $interface ), "-i $interface ";
addnatjump 'PREROUTING' , 'nat_in' , '';
addnatjump 'POSTROUTING' , 'nat_out' , '';
for my $interface ( @interfaces ) {
addnatjump 'PREROUTING' , input_chain( $interface ) , "-i $interface ";
addnatjump 'POSTROUTING' , output_chain( $interface ) , "-o $interface ";
for my $zone ( grep $zones{$_}{options}{complex} , @zones ) {
my $frwd_ref = new_standard_chain "${zone}_frwd";
my $zoneref = $zones{$zone};
my $exclusions = $zoneref->{exclusions};
if ( @$exclusions ) {
my $num = 1;
my $in_ref = new_standard_chain "${zone}_input";
my $out_ref = new_standard_chain "${zone}_output";
add_rule ensure_filter_chain( "${zone}2${zone}", 1 ) , '-j ACCEPT' if rules_target $zone, $zone eq 'ACCEPT';
for my $host ( @$exclusions ) {
my ( $interface, $net ) = split /:/, $host;
add_rule $frwd_ref , "-i $interface -s $net -j RETURN";
add_rule $in_ref , "-i $interface -s $net -j RETURN";
add_rule $out_ref , "-i $interface -s $net -j RETURN";
if ( $capabilities{POLICY_MATCH} ) {
my $type = $zoneref->{type};
my $source_ref = $zoneref->{hosts}{ipsec} || [];
create_zone_dyn_chain $zone, $frwd_ref && $config{DYNAMIC_ZONES} && (@$source_ref || $type ne 'ipsec4' );
while ( my ( $interface, $arrayref ) = each %$source_ref ) {
for my $hostref ( @{$arrayref} ) {
my $ipsec_match = match_ipsec_in $zone , $hostref;
for my $net ( @{$hostref->{hosts}} ) {
find_chainref( 'filter' , forward_chain $interface ) ,
match_source_net $net . $ipsec_match . "-j $frwd_ref->n{name}";
# Main source-zone matrix-generation loop
for my $zone ( grep ( $zones{$_}{type} ne 'firewall' , @zones ) ) {
my $zoneref = $zones{$zone};
my $source_hosts_ref = $zoneref->{hosts};
my $chain1 = rules_target $firewall_zone , $zone;
my $chain2 = rules_target $zone, $firewall_zone;
my $complex = $zoneref->{options}{complex} || 0;
my $type = $zoneref->{type};
my $exclusions = $zoneref->{exclusions};
my $need_broadcast = {}; ### Fixme ###
my $frwd_ref = 0;
my $chain = 0;
if ( $complex ) {
$frwd_ref = $filter_table->{"${zone}_frwd"};
my $dnat_ref = ensure_chain 'nat' , dnat_chain( $zone );
if ( @$exclusions ) {
insert_exclusions $dnat_ref, $exclusions if $dnat_ref->{referenced};
# Take care of PREROUTING, INPUT and OUTPUT jumps
for my $typeref ( values %$source_hosts_ref ) {
while ( my ( $interface, $arrayref ) = each %$typeref ) {
for my $hostref ( @$arrayref ) {
my $ipsec_in_match = match_ipsec_in $zone , $hostref;
my $ipsec_out_match = match_ipsec_out $zone , $hostref;
for my $net ( @{$hostref->{hosts}} ) {
my $source = match_source_net $net;
my $dest = match_dest_net $net;
if ( $chain1 ) {
if ( @$exclusions ) {
add_rule $filter_table->{output_chain $interface} , $dest . $ipsec_out_match . "-j ${zone}_output";
add_rule $filter_table->{"${zone}_output"} , "-j $chain1";
} else {
add_rule $filter_table->{output_chain $interface} , $dest . $ipsec_out_match . "-j $chain1";
insertnatjump 'PREROUTING' , dnat_chain $zone, \$prerouting_rule, ( "-i $interface " . $source . $ipsec_in_match );
if ( $chain2 ) {
if ( @$exclusions ) {
add_rule $filter_table->{input_chain $interface}, $source . $ipsec_in_match . "-j ${zone}_input";
add_rule $filter_table->{"${zone}_input"} , "-j $chain2";
} else {
add_rule $filter_table->{input_chain $interface}, $source . $ipsec_in_match . "-j $chain2";
add_rule $filter_table->{forward_chain $interface} , $source . $ipsec_in_match . "-j $frwd_ref->{name}"
if $complex && $hostref->{ipsec} ne 'ipsec';
# F O R W A R D I N G
my @dest_zones;
my $last_chain = '';
if ( $config{OPTIMIZE} > 0 ) {
my @temp_zones;
for my $zone1 ( grep $zones{$_}{type} ne 'firewall' , @zones ) {
my $zone1ref = $zones{$zone1};
my $policy = $filter_table->{"${zone}2${zone1}"}->{policy};
next if $policy eq 'NONE';
my $chain = rules_target $zone, $zone1;
next unless $chain;
if ( $zone eq $zone1 ) {
# One thing that the Llama fails to mention is that evaluating a hash in a numeric context produces a warning.
no warnings;
next if ( %{ $zoneref->{interfaces}} < 2 ) && ! ( $zoneref->{options}{routeback} || @$exclusions );
if ( $chain =~ /2all$/ ) {
if ( $chain ne $last_chain ) {
$last_chain = $chain;
push @dest_zones, @temp_zones;
@temp_zones = ( $zone1 );
} elsif ( $policy eq 'ACCEPT' ) {
push @temp_zones , $zone1;
} else {
$last_chain = $chain;
@temp_zones = ( $zone1 );
} else {
push @dest_zones, @temp_zones, $zone1;
@temp_zones = ();
$last_chain = '';
if ( $last_chain && @temp_zones == 1 ) {
push @dest_zones, @temp_zones;
$last_chain = '';
} else {
@dest_zones = grep $zones{$_}{type} ne 'firewall' , @zones ;
# Here it is -- THE BIG UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
# We now loop through the destination zones creating jumps to the rules chain for each source/dest combination.
# @dest_zones is the list of destination zones that we need to handle from this source zone
for my $zone1 ( @dest_zones ) {
my $zone1ref = $zones{$zone1};
my $policy = $filter_table->{"${zone}2${zone1}"}->{policy};
next if $policy eq 'NONE';
my $chain = rules_target $zone, $zone1;
next unless $chain;
my $num_ifaces = 0;
if ( $zone eq $zone1 ) {
# One thing that the Llama fails to mention is that evaluating a hash in a numeric context produces a warning.
no warnings;
next ZONE1 if ( $num_ifaces = %{$zoneref->{interfaces}} ) < 2 && ! ( $zoneref->{options}{routeback} || @$exclusions );
my $chainref = $filter_table->{$chain};
my $exclusions1 = $zone1ref->{exclusions};
my $dest_hosts_ref = $zone1ref->{hosts};
if ( @$exclusions1 ) {
if ( $chain eq "all2$zone1" ) {
unless ( $chain_exclusions{$chain} ) {
$chain_exclusions{$chain} = 1;
insert_exclusions $chainref , $exclusions1;
} elsif ( $chain =~ /2all$/ ) {
my $chain1 = $policy_exclusions{"${chain}_${zone1}"};
unless ( $chain ) {
$chain1 = newexclusionchain;
$policy_exclusions{"${chain}_${zone1}"} = $chain1;
my $chain1ref = ensure_filter_chain $chain1, 0;
add_exclusions $chain1ref, $exclusions1;
add_rule $chain1ref, "-j $chain";
$chain = $chain1;
} else {
insert_exclusions $chainref , $exclusions1;
if ( $complex ) {
for my $typeref ( values %$dest_hosts_ref ) {
while ( my ( $interface , $arrayref ) = each %$typeref ) {
for my $hostref ( @$arrayref ) {
if ( $zone ne $zone1 || $num_ifaces > 1 || $hostref->{options}{routeback} ) {
my $ipsec_out_match = match_ipsec_out $zone1 , $hostref;
for my $net ( @{$hostref->{hosts}} ) {
add_rule $frwd_ref, "-o $interface " . match_dest_net($net) . $ipsec_out_match . "-j $chain";
} else {
for my $typeref ( values %$source_hosts_ref ) {
while ( my ( $interface , $arrayref ) = each %$typeref ) {
my $chain3ref = $filter_table->{forward_chain $interface};
for my $hostref ( @$arrayref ) {
for my $net ( @{$hostref->{hosts}} ) {
my $source_match = match_source_net $net;
for my $type1ref ( values %$dest_hosts_ref ) {
while ( my ( $interface1, $array1ref ) = each %$type1ref ) {
for my $host1ref ( @$array1ref ) {
my $ipsec_out_match = match_ipsec_out $zone1 , $host1ref;
for my $net1 ( @{$host1ref->{hosts}} ) {
unless ( $interface eq $interface1 && $net eq $net1 && ! $host1ref->{options}{routeback} ) {
add_rule $chain3ref, "-o $interface1 " . $source_match . match_dest_net($net1) . $ipsec_out_match . "-j $chain";
# E N D F O R W A R D I N G
# Now add (an) unconditional jump(s) to the last unique policy-only chain determined above, if any
if ( $last_chain ) {
if ( $complex ) {
add_rule $frwd_ref , "-j $last_chain";
} else {
for my $typeref ( values %$source_hosts_ref ) {
while ( my ( $interface , $arrayref ) = each %$typeref ) {
my $chain2ref = $filter_table->{forward_chain $interface};
for my $hostref ( @$arrayref ) {
for my $net ( @{$hostref->{hosts}} ) {
add_rule $chain2ref, match_source_net($net) . "-j $last_chain";
# Now add the jumps to the interface chains from FORWARD, INPUT, OUTPUT and POSTROUTING
for my $interface ( @interfaces ) {
add_rule $filter_table->{FORWARD} , "-i $interface -j " . forward_chain $interface;
add_rule $filter_table->{INPUT} , "-i $interface -j " . input_chain $interface;
add_rule $filter_table->{OUTPUT} , "-o $interface -j " . output_chain $interface;
addnatjump 'POSTROUTING' , masq_chain( $interface ) , "-o $interface ";
my $chainref = $filter_table->{"${firewall_zone}2${firewall_zone}"};
add_rule $filter_table->{OUTPUT} , "-o lo -j " . ($chainref->{referenced} ? "$chainref->{name}" : 'ACCEPT' );
add_rule $filter_table->{INPUT} , '-i lo -j ACCEPT';
complete_standard_chain $filter_table->{INPUT} , 'all' , $firewall_zone;
complete_standard_chain $filter_table->{OUTPUT} , $firewall_zone , 'all';
complete_standard_chain $filter_table->{FORWARD} , 'all' , 'all';
my %builtins = ( mangle => [ qw/PREROUTING INPUT FORWARD POSTROUTING/ ] ,
filter=> [ qw/INPUT FORWARD OUTPUT/ ] );
if ( $config{LOGALLNEW} ) {
for my $table qw/mangle nat filter/ {
for my $chain ( @{$builtins{$table}} ) {
$config{LOGALLNEW} ,
$chain_table{$table}{$chain} ,
$table ,
$chain ,
'' ,
'' ,
'insert' ,
'-m state --state NEW';
sub create_netfilter_load() {
emit 'setup_netfilter()';
emit '{';
emit ' iptables-restore << __EOF__';
for my $table qw/raw nat mangle filter/ {
emit "*$table";
my @chains;
for my $chain ( grep $chain_table{$table}{$_}->{referenced} , ( sort keys %{$chain_table{$table}} ) ) {
my $chainref = $chain_table{$table}{$chain};
if ( $chainref->{builtin} ) {
emit ":$chainref->{name} $chainref->{policy} [0:0]";
} else {
emit ":$chainref->{name} - [0:0]";
push @chains, $chainref;
for my $chainref ( @chains ) {
my $name = $chainref->{name};
for my $rule ( @{$chainref->{rules}} ) {
emit "-A $name $rule";
emit 'COMMIT';
emit '__EOF__';
emit "}\n";
use constant { LOCAL_NUMBER => 255,
my $balance = 0;
my $first_default_route = 1;
my %providers = ( 'local' => { number => LOCAL_NUMBER , mark => 0 } ,
main => { number => MAIN_NUMBER , mark => 0 } ,
default => { number => DEFAULT_NUMBER , mark => 0 } ,
unspec => { number => UNSPEC_NUMBER , mark => 0 } );
my @providers;
my %routemarked_interfaces;
my $routemarked_interfaces = 0;
sub setup_providers() {
my $fn = find_file 'providers';
my $providers = 0;
sub copy_table( $$ ) {
my ( $duplicate, $number ) = @_;
emit "ip route show table $duplicate | while read net route; do";
emit ' case $net in';
emit ' default|nexthop)';
emit ' ;;';
emit ' *)';
emit " run_ip route add table $number \$net \$route";
emit ' ;;';
emit ' esac';
emit "done\n";
sub copy_and_edit_table( $$$ ) {
my ( $duplicate, $number, $copy ) = @_;
my $match = $copy;
$match =~ s/ /\|/g;
emit "ip route show table $duplicate | while read net route; do";
emit ' case $net in';
emit ' default|nexthop)';
emit ' ;;';
emit ' *)';
emit " run_ip route add table $number \$net \$route";
emit ' case $(find_device $route) in';
emit " $match)";
emit " run_ip route add table $number \$net \$route";
emit ' ;;';
emit ' esac';
emit ' ;;';
emit ' esac';
emit "done\n";
sub balance_default_route( $$$ ) {
my ( $weight, $gateway, $interface ) = @_;
$balance = 1;
emit '';
if ( $first_default_route ) {
if ( $gateway ) {
emit "DEFAULT_ROUTE=\"nexthop via $gateway dev $interface weight $weight\"";
} else {
emit "DEFAULT_ROUTE=\"nexthop dev $interface weight $weight\"";
$first_default_route = 0;
} else {
if ( $gateway ) {
emit "DEFAULT_ROUTE=\"\$DEFAULT_ROUTE nexthop via $gateway dev $interface weight $weight\"";
} else {
emit "DEFAULT_ROUTE=\"\$DEFAULT_ROUTE nexthop dev $interface weight $weight\"";
sub add_a_provider( $$$$$$$$ ) {
my ($table, $number, $mark, $duplicate, $interface, $gateway, $options, $copy) = @_;
fatal_error 'Providers require mangle support in your kernel and iptables' unless $capabilities{MANGLE_ENABLED};
fatal_error "Duplicate provider ( $table )" if $providers{$table};
for my $provider ( keys %providers ) {
fatal_error "Duplicate provider number ( $number )" if $providers{$provider}{number} == $number;
emit "#\n# Add Provider $table ($number)\n#";
emit "if interface_is_usable $interface; then";
my $iface = chain_base $interface;
emit "${iface}_up=Yes";
emit "qt ip route flush table $number";
emit "echo \"qt ip route flush table $number\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing";
$duplicate = '-' unless $duplicate;
$copy = '-' unless $copy;
if ( $duplicate ne '-' ) {
if ( $copy ne '-' ) {
if ( $copy eq 'none' ) {
$copy = $interface;
} else {
my @c = ( split /,/, $copy );
$copy = "@c";
copy_and_edit_table( $duplicate, $number ,$copy );
} else {
copy_table ( $duplicate, $number );
} else {
fatal_error 'A non-empty COPY column requires that a routing table be specified in the DUPLICATE column' if $copy ne '-';
$gateway = '-' unless $gateway;
if ( $gateway eq 'detect' ) {
emit "gateway=\$(detect_gateway $interface)\n";
emit 'if [ -n "$gateway" ]; then';
emit " run_ip route replace \$gateway src \$(find_first_interface_address $interface) dev $interface table $number";
emit " run_ip route add default via \$gateway dev $interface table $number";
emit 'else';
emit " fatal_error \"Unable to detect the gateway through interface $interface\"";
emit "fi\n";
} elsif ( $gateway && $gateway ne '-' ) {
emit "run_ip route replace $gateway src \$(find_first_interface_address $interface) dev $interface table $number";
emit "run_ip route add default via $gateway dev $interface table $number";
} else {
$gateway = '';
emit "run_ip route add default dev $interface table $number";
$mark = '-' unless $mark;
my $val = 0;
if ( $mark ne '-' ) {
$val = numeric_value $mark;
verify_mark $mark;
if ( $val < 256) {
fatal_error "Invalid Mark Value ($mark) with HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes" if $config{HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS};
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid Mark Value ($mark) with HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=No" if ! $config{HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS};
for my $provider ( keys %providers ) {
my $num = $providers{$provider}{mark};
fatal_error "Duplicate mark value ( $mark )" if $num == $val;
emit "qt ip rule del fwmark $mark";
my $pref = 10000 + $val;
emit "run_ip rule add fwmark $mark pref $pref table $number";
emit "echo \"qt ip rule del fwmark $mark\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing";
$providers{$table} = {};
$providers{$table}{number} = $number;
$providers{$table}{mark} = $val;
my ( $loose, $optional ) = (0,0);
unless ( $options eq '-' ) {
for my $option ( split /,/, $options ) {
if ( $option eq 'track' ) {
fatal_error "Interface $interface is tracked through an earlier provider" if $routemarked_interfaces{$interface};
fatal_error "The 'track' option requires a numeric value in the MARK column - Provider \"$line\"" if $mark eq '-';
$routemarked_interfaces{$interface} = $mark;
} elsif ( $option =~ /^balance=(\d+)/ ) {
balance_default_route $1 , $gateway, $interface;
} elsif ( $option eq 'balance' ) {
balance_default_route 1 , $gateway, $interface;
} elsif ( $option eq 'loose' ) {
$loose = 1;
} elsif ( $option eq 'optional' ) {
$optional = 1;
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid option ($option) in provider \"$line\"";
if ( $loose ) {
my $rulebase = 20000 + ( 256 * ( $number - 1 ) );
emit "\nrulenum=0\n";
emit "find_interface_addresses $interface | while read address; do";
emit ' qt ip rule del from $address';
emit " run_ip rule add from \$address pref \$(( $rulebase + \$rulenum )) table $number";
emit " echo \"qt ip rule del from \$address\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing";
emit ' rulenum=$(($rulenum + 1))';
emit 'done';
} else {
emit "\nfind_interface_addresses $interface | while read address; do";
emit ' qt ip rule del from $address';
emit 'done';
emit "\nprogress_message \" Provider $table ($number) Added\"\n";
emit 'else';
if ( $optional ) {
emit " error_message \"WARNING: Interface $interface is not configured -- Provider $table ($number) not Added\"";
emit " ${iface}_up=";
} else {
emit " fatal_error \"ERROR: Interface $interface is not configured -- Provider $table ($number) Cannot be Added\"";
emit "fi\n";
sub add_an_rtrule( $$$$ ) {
my ( $source, $dest, $provider, $priority ) = @_;
unless ( $providers{$provider} ) {
my $found = 0;
if ( "\L$provider" =~ /^(0x[a-f0-9]+|0[0-7]*|[0-9]*)$/ ) {
my $provider_number = numeric_value $provider;
for my $provider ( keys %providers ) {
if ( $providers{$provider}{number} == $provider_number ) {
$found = 1;
fatal_error "Unknown provider $provider in route rule \"$line\"" unless $found;
$source = '-' unless $source;
$dest = '-' unless $dest;
fatal_error "You must specify either the source or destination in an rt rule: \"$line\"" if $source eq '-' && $dest eq '-';
$dest = $dest eq '-' ? '' : "to $dest";
if ( $source eq '-' ) {
$source = '';
} elsif ( $source =~ /:/ ) {
( my $interface, $source ) = split /:/, $source;
$source = "iif $interface from $source";
} elsif ( $source =~ /\..*\..*/ ) {
$source = "from $source";
} else {
$source = "iif $source";
fatal_error "Invalid priority ($priority) in rule \"$line\"" unless $priority && $priority =~ /^\d{1,5}$/;
$priority = "priority $priority";
emit "qt ip rule del $source $dest $priority";
emit "run_ip rule add $source $dest $priority table $provider";
emit "echo \"qt ip rule del $source $dest $priority\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing";
progress_message " Routing rule \"$line\" $done";
# Setup_Providers() Starts Here....
progress_message2 "$doing $fn ...";
emit "\nif [ -z \"\$NOROUTES\" ]; then";
emit "#\n# Undo any changes made since the last time that we [re]started -- this will not restore the default route\n#";
emit 'undo_routing';
emit "#\n# Save current routing table database so that it can be restored later\n#";
emit 'cp /etc/iproute2/rt_tables ${VARDIR}/';
emit "#\n# Capture the default route(s) if we don't have it (them) already.\n#";
emit '[ -f ${VARDIR}/default_route ] || ip route ls | grep -E \'^\s*(default |nexthop )\' > ${VARDIR}/default_route';
emit "#\n# Initialize the file that holds 'undo' commands\n#";
emit '> ${VARDIR}/undo_routing';
save_progress_message 'Adding Providers...';
open PV, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/providers" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped providers file: $!";
while ( $line = <PV> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ( $table, $number, $mark, $duplicate, $interface, $gateway, $options, $copy, $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
fatal_error "Invalid providers entry: $line" if $extra;
add_a_provider( $table, $number, $mark, $duplicate, $interface, $gateway, $options, $copy );
push @providers, $table;
progress_message " Provider \"$line\" $done";
close PV;
if ( $providers ) {
if ( $balance ) {
emit 'if [ -n "$DEFAULT_ROUTE" ]; then';
emit ' run_ip route replace default scope global $DEFAULT_ROUTE';
emit " progress_message \"Default route '\$(echo \$DEFAULT_ROUTE | sed 's/\$\\s*//')' Added\"";
emit 'else';
emit ' error_message "WARNING: No Default route added (all \'balance\' providers are down)"';
emit ' restore_default_route';
emit 'fi';
emit '';
} else {
emit "#\n# We don't have any 'balance' providers so we restore any default route that we've saved\n#";
emit 'restore_default_route';
emit 'cat > /etc/iproute2/rt_tables <<EOF';
emit_unindented "#\n# reserved values\n#";
emit_unindented "255\tlocal";
emit_unindented "254\tmain";
emit_unindented "253\tdefault";
emit_unindented "0\tunspec";
emit_unindented "#\n# local\n#";
emit_unindented "EOF\n";
emit 'echocommand=$(find_echo)';
emit '';
for my $table ( @providers ) {
emit "\$echocommand \"$providers{$table}{number}\\t$table\" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables";
if ( -s "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/route_rules" ) {
my $fn = find_file 'route_rules';
progress_message2 "$doing $fn...";
emit '';
open RR, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/route_rules" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped route rules file: $!";
while ( $line = <RR> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ( $source, $dest, $provider, $priority, $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
fatal_error "Invalid providers entry: $line" if $extra;
add_an_rtrule( $source, $dest, $provider , $priority );
close RR;
emit '';
emit 'run_ip route flush cache';
emit "fi\n"
# Set up marking for 'tracked' interfaces. Unline in Shorewall 3.x, we add these rules inconditionally, even if the associated interface isn't up.
sub setup_route_marking() {
my $mask = $config{HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS} ? '0xFFFF' : '0xFF';
my $mark_op = $config{HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS} ? '--or-mark' : '--set-mark';
add_rule $mangle_table->{PREROUTING} , "-m connmark ! --mark 0/$mask -j CONNMARK --restore-mark --mask $mask";
add_rule $mangle_table->{OUTPUT} , " -m connmark ! --mark 0/$mask -j CONNMARK --restore-mark --mask $mask";
my $chainref = new_chain 'mangle', 'routemark';
while ( my ( $interface, $mark ) = ( each %routemarked_interfaces ) ) {
add_rule $mangle_table->{PREROUTING} , "-i $interface -m mark --mark 0/$mask -j routemark";
add_rule $chainref, " -i $interface -j MARK $mark_op $mark";
add_rule $chainref, "-m mark ! --mark 0/$mask -j CONNMARK --save-mark --mask $mask";
sub setup_traffic_shaping() {
sub generate_script_1 {
copy find_file 'prog.header';
my $date = localtime;
emit "#\n# Compiled firewall script generated by Shorewall $ENV{VERSION} - $date\n#";
if ( $ENV{EXPORT} ) {
emit 'SHAREDIR=/usr/share/shorewall-lite';
emit 'CONFDIR=/etc/shorewall-lite';
emit 'VARDIR=/var/lib/shorewall-lite';
emit 'PRODUCT="Shorewall Lite"';
copy "$env{SHAREDIR}/lib.base";
emit '################################################################################';
emit '# End of /usr/share/shorewall/lib.base';
emit '################################################################################';
} else {
emit 'SHAREDIR=/usr/share/shorewall';
emit 'CONFDIR=/etc/shorewall';
emit 'VARDIR=/var/lib/shorewall\n';
emit 'PRODUCT=\'Shorewall\'';
emit '. /usr/share/shoreall-lite/lib.base';
emit '';
for my $exit qw/init start tcclear started stop stopped/ {
emit "run_${exit}_exit() {";
append_file $exit;
emit "}\n";
emit 'initialize()';
emit '{';
if ( $ENV{EXPORT} ) {
emit '#';
emit '# These variables are required by the library functions called in this script';
emit '#';
emit 'CONFIG_PATH="/etc/shorewall-lite:/usr/share/shorewall-lite"';
} else {
emit 'if [ ! -f ${SHAREDIR}/version ]; then';
emit ' fatal_error "This script requires Shorewall which do not appear to be installed on this system (did you forget \"-e\" when you compiled?)"';
emit 'fi';
emit '';
emit 'local version=\$(cat \${SHAREDIR}/version)';
emit '';
emit 'if [ ${SHOREWALL_LIBVERSION:-0} -lt 30203 ]; then';
emit ' fatal_error "This script requires Shorewall version 3.3.3 or later; current version is $version"';
emit 'fi';
emit '#';
emit '# These variables are required by the library functions called in this script';
emit '#';
emit "CONFIG_PATH=\"$config{CONFIG_PATH}\"";
emit '[ -n "${COMMAND:=restart}" ]';
emit '[ -n "${VERBOSE:=0}" ]';
emit '[ -n "${RESTOREFILE:=$RESTOREFILE}" ]';
emit '[ -n "$LOGFORMAT" ] || LOGFORMAT="Shorewall:%s:%s:"';
emit "PATH=\"$config{PATH}\"";
emit 'TERMINATOR=fatal_error';
if ( $config{IPTABLES} ) {
emit "IPTABLES=\"$config{IPTABLES}\"\n";
emit "[ -x \"$config{IPTABLES}\" ] || startup_error \"IPTABLES=$config{IPTABLES} does not exist or is not executable\"";
} else {
emit '[ -z "$IPTABLES" ] && IPTABLES=$(mywhich iptables 2> /dev/null)';
emit '';
emit '[ -n "$IPTABLES" -a -x "$IPTABLES" ] || startup_error "Can\'t find iptables executable"';
emit '';
emit "STOPPING=";
emit "COMMENT=\n"; # Fixme -- eventually this goes but it's ok now to maintain compability with lib.base
emit '#';
emit '# The library requires that ${VARDIR} exist';
emit '#';
emit '[ -d ${VARDIR} ] || mkdir -p ${VARDIR}';
emit "}\n";
copy find_file 'prog.functions';
sub generate_script_2 () {
emit '#';
emit '# Setup Routing and Traffic Shaping';
emit '#';
emit 'setup_routing_and_traffic_shaping() {';
emit 'local restore_file=$1';
save_progress_message 'Initializing...';
if ( $ENV{EXPORT} ) {
my $mf = find_file 'modules';
if ( $mf ne "$env{SHAREDIR}/module" && -f $mf ) {
emit 'echo MODULESDIR="$MODULESDIR" > ${VARDIR}/.modulesdir';
emit 'cat > ${VARDIR}/.modules << EOF';
open MF, $mf or fatal_error "Unable to open $mf: $!";
while ( $line = <MF> ) { emit_unindented $line if $line =~ /^\s*loadmodule\b/; }
close MF;
emit_unindented "EOF\n";
emit 'reload_kernel_modules < ${VARDIR}/.modules';
} else {
emit 'load_kernel_modules Yes';
} else {
emit 'load_kernel_modules Yes';
emit '';
for my $interface ( @{find_interfaces_by_option 'norfc1918'} ) {
emit "addr=\$(ip -f inet addr show $interface 2> /dev/null | grep 'inet\ ' | head -n1)";
emit 'if [ -n "$addr" ]; then';
emit " addr=\$(echo \$addr | sed 's/inet //;s/\/.*//;s/ peer.*//')";
emit ' for network in; do';
emit ' if in_network $addr $network; then';
emit " startup_error \"The 'norfc1918' option has been specified on an interface with an RFC 1918 address. Interface:$interface\"";
emit ' fi';
emit ' done';
emit "fi\n";
emit "run_init_exit\n";
emit 'qt $IPTABLES -L shorewall -n && qt $IPTABLES -F shorewall && qt $IPTABLES -X shorewall';
emit '';
emit "delete_proxyarp\n";
emit "delete_tc1\n" if $config{CLEAR_TC};
emit "disable_ipv6\n" if $config{DISABLE_IPV6};
sub generate_script_3() {
emit "}\n";
progress_message2 "Creating iptables-restore input...";
emit "#\n# Start/Restart the Firewall\n#";
emit 'define_firewall() {';
emit ' setup_routing_and_traffic_shaping;';
emit ' setup_netfilter';
emit ' [ $COMMAND = restore ] || restore_dynamic_rules';
emit "}\n";
copy find_file 'prog.footer';
sub compile_firewall( $ ) {
my $objectfile = $_[0];
( $command, $doing, $done ) = qw/ check Checking Checked / unless $objectfile;
if ( $command eq 'compile' ) {
create_temp_object( $objectfile );
report_capabilities if $ENV{VERBOSE} > 1;
fatal_error "Shorewall $ENV{VERSION} requires Conntrack Match Support"
unless $capabilities{CONNTRACK_MATCH};
fatal_error "Shorewall $ENV{VERSION} requires Extended Multi-port Match Support"
unless $capabilities{XMULTIPORT};
fatal_error "Shorewall $ENV{VERSION} requires Address Type Match Support"
unless $capabilities{ADDRTYPE};
fatal_error 'BRIDGING=Yes requires Physdev Match support in your Kernel and iptables'
if $config{BRIDGING} && ! $capabilities{PHYSDEV_MATCH};
fatal_error 'MACLIST_TTL requires the Recent Match capability which is not present in your Kernel and/or iptables'
if $config{MACLIST_TTL} && ! $capabilities{RECENT_MATCH};
fatal_error 'RFC1918_STRICT=Yes requires Connection Tracking match'
if $config{RFC1918_STRICT} && ! $capabilities{CONNTRACK_MATCH};
# Process the zones file.
progress_message2 "Determining Zones...";
# Process the interfaces file.
progress_message2 "Validating interfaces file...";
dump_interface_info if $ENV{DEBUG};
# Process the hosts file.
progress_message2 "Validating hosts file...";
if ( $ENV{DEBUG} ) {
} elsif ( $ENV{VERBOSE} > 1 ) {
progress_message "Determining Hosts in Zones...";
# Do action pre-processing.
progress_message2 "Preprocessing Action Files...";
# Process the Policy File.
progress_message2 "Validating Policy file...";
# Start Second Part of script
# Do all of the zone-independent stuff
progress_message2 "Setting up Common Rules...";
# [Re-]establish Routing
if ( -s "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/providers" ) {
setup_route_marking if $routemarked_interfaces;
} else {
emit "\nundo_routing";
emit 'restore_default_route';
# Traffic Shaping
setup_traffic_shaping if -s "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/tcdevices";
# Setup Masquerading/SNAT
progress_message2 "$doing Masq file...";
# MACLIST Filtration
progress_message2 "Setting up MAC Filtration -- Phase 1...";
setup_mac_lists 1;
# Process the rules file.
progress_message2 "$doing Rules...";
# Add Tunnel rules.
progress_message2 "Adding Tunnels...";
# Post-rules action processing.
# MACLIST Filtration again
progress_message2 "Setting up MAC Filtration -- Phase 2...";
setup_mac_lists 2;
# Apply Policies
progress_message2 'Applying Policies...';
dump_action_table if $ENV{DEBUG};
# Setup Nat
progress_message2 "$doing one-to-one NAT...";
# TCRules
progress_message2 "Processing TC Rules...";
# Accounting.
progress_message2 "Setting UP Accounting...";
# Do the BIG UGLY...
unless ( $command eq 'check' ) {
# Finish the script.
progress_message2 'Generating Rule Matrix...';
dump_chain_table if $ENV{DEBUG};
# E x e c u t i o n S t a r t s H e r e
# Get shorewall.conf and capabilities.
compile_firewall $ARGV[0];