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<title>Shorewall Firewall Structure</title>
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<h1 align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">Firewall Structure</font></h1>
Shorewall views the network in which it is running as a set of
<i> zones. </i>Shorewall itself defines exactly one zone called "fw"
which refers to the firewall system itself . The /etc/shorewall/zones file
is used to define additional zones and the example file provided with Shorewall
defines the zones:</p>
net -- the (untrusted) internet.</li>
dmz - systems that must be accessible from the internet and from the
local network. These systems cannot be trusted completely since their servers
may have been compromised through a security exploit.</li>
loc - systems in your local network(s). These systems must be protected
from the internet and from the DMZ and in some cases, from each other.</li>
<p><b>Note: </b><a href="#Conf">You can specify the name of the firewall zone</a>.
For ease of description in this documentation, it is assumed
that the firewall zone is named "fw".</p>
<p>It can't be stressed enough that
with the exception of the firewall zone, Shorewall itself attaches no meaning to
zone names. Zone names are simply labels used to refer to a collection of
network hosts.</p>
<p>While zones are normally disjoint (no two zones have a host in common),
there are cases where nested or overlapping zone definitions are appropriate.</p>
<p>For a general picture of how packets traverse a Netfilter firewall, see
<a href="http://www.netfilter.org/documentation/tutorials/blueflux/iptables-tutorial.html#TRAVERSINGOFTABLES">
Packets entering the firewall first pass through the <i>mangle </i>table's
PREROUTING chain (you can see the mangle table by typing "shorewall show
mangle"). If the packet entered through an interface that has the <b>norfc1918</b>
option, then the packet is sent down the <b>man1918</b> which will drop
the packet if its destination IP address is reserved (as specified in the
/etc/shorewall/rfc1918 file). Next the packet passes through the<b> pretos</b>
chain to set its TOS field as specified in the /etc/shorewall/tos file.
Finally, if traffic control/shaping is being used, the packet is sent through
the<b> tcpre</b> chain to be marked for later use in policy routing or traffic
<p>Next, if the packet isn't part of an established connection, it passes
through the<i> nat</i> table's PREROUTING chain (you can see the nat table by
typing "shorewall show nat"). If you are doing both static nat and
port forwarding, the order in which chains are traversed is dependent on the
setting of NAT_BEFORE_RULES in shorewall.conf. If NAT_BEFORE_RULES is on then
packets will ender a chain called <i>interface_</i>in where <i>interface</i> is
the name of the interface on which the packet entered. Here it's destination IP
is compared to each of the <i>EXTERNAL</i> IP addresses from /etc/shorewall/nat
that correspond to this interface; if there is a match, DNAT is applied and the
packet header is modified to the IP in the <i>INTERNAL</i> column of the nat
file record. If the destination address doesn't match any of the rules in the
<i>interface_</i>in chain then the packet enters a chain called <i>sourcezone</i>_dnat
where <i>sourcezone</i> is the source zone of the packet. There it is compared
for a match against each of the DNAT records in the rules file that specify <i>
sourcezone </i>as the source zone. If a match is found, the destination IP
address (and possibly the destination port) is modified based on the rule
matched. If NAT_BEFORE_RULES is off, then the order of traversal of the <i>
interface_</i>in and <i>sourcezone</i>_dnat is reversed.</p>
Traffic is next sent to an<i> input </i>chain in the mail Netfilter table
(called 'filter'). If the traffic is destined for the
firewall itself, the name of the input chain is formed by appending "_in" to
the interface name. So traffic on eth0 destined for the firewall will enter a
chain called <i>eth0_in</i>. The input chain for traffic that will be routed to
another system is formed by appending "_fwd" to the interface name. So traffic
from eth1 that is going to be forwarded enters a chain called<i> eth1_fwd</i>.
Interfaces described with the wild-card character ("+") in
/etc/shorewall/interfaces, share input chains. if <i>ppp+ </i>appears in
/etc/shorewall/interfaces then all PPP interfaces (ppp0, ppp1, ...) will share
the input chains <i>ppp_in</i> and <i>ppp_fwd</i>. In other words, "+" is
deleted from the name before forming the input chain names.</p>
While the use of input chains may seem wasteful in simple environments, in
complex setups it substantially reduces the number of rules that each packet
must traverse. </p>
Traffic directed from a zone to the firewall itself is sent through a
chain named <<i>zone name></i>2fw. For example, traffic inbound from
the internet and addressed to the firewall is sent through a chain named
net2fw. Similarly, traffic originating in the firewall and being sent to
a host in a given zone is sent through a chain named fw2<i><zone name>.
</i>For example, traffic originating in the firewall and destined
for a host in the local network is sent through a chain named <i>fw2loc.</i>
<font face="Century Gothic, Arial, Helvetica">
Traffic being forwarded between two zones (or from one interface to a
zone to another interface to that zone) is sent through a chain named <i>
<source zone></i>2<i> <destination zone></i>. So for example,
traffic originating in a local system and destined for a remote web server
is sent through chain <i>loc2net. </i>This chain is referred to
as the <i>canonical</i> chain from <source zone> to <destination
zone>. Any destination NAT will have occurred <u>before</u> the packet
traverses one of these chains so rules in /etc/shorewall/rules should be
expressed in terms of the destination system's real IP address as opposed
to its apparent external address. Similarly, source NAT will occur <u>after</u>
the packet has traversed the appropriate forwarding chain so the rules
again will be expressed using the source system's real IP address.</p>
For each record in the /etc/shorewall/policy file, a chain is created. Policies
in that file are expressed in terms of a source zone and destination zone
where these zones may be a zone defined in /etc/shorewall/zones, "fw" or
"all". Policies specifying the pseudo-zone "all" matches all defined zones
and "fw". These chains are referred to as <i>Policy Chains.</i> Notice that
for an ordered pair of zones (za,zb), the canonical chain (za2zb) may also
be the policy chain for the pair or the policy chain may be a different
chain (za2all, for example). Packets from one zone to another will traverse
chains as follows:</p>
If the canonical chain exists, packets first traverse that chain.</li>
If the canonical chain and policy chain are different and the packet
does not match a rule in the canonical chain, it then is sent to the
policy chain.</li>
If the canonical chain does not exist, packets are sent immediately
to the policy chain.</li>
The canonical chain from zone za to zone zb will be created only if there
are exception rules defined in /etc/shorewall/rules for packets going from
za to zb.</p>
Shorewall is built on top of the Netfilter kernel facility. Netfilter
implements connection tracking function that allow what is often referred
to as "statefull inspection" of packets. This statefull property allows
firewall rules to be defined in terms of "connections" rather than in
terms of "packets". With Shorewall, you:</p>
Identify the client's zone.</li>
Identify the server's zone.</li>
If the POLICY from the client's zone to the server's zone is what you
want for this client/server pair, you need do nothing further.</li>
If the POLICY is not what you want, then you must add a rule. That rule
is expressed in terms of the client's zone and the server's zone.</li>
Just because connections of a particular type are allowed between zone A
and the firewall and are also allowed between the firewall and zone B <font color="#ff6633"><b><u>
DOES NOT mean that these connections are allowed between zone A and zone
B</u></b></font>. It rather means that you can have a proxy running on
the firewall that accepts a connection from zone A and then establishes
its own separate connection from the firewall to zone B.</p>
If you adopt the default policy of ACCEPT from the local zone to the internet
zone and you are having problems connecting from a local client to an internet
server, <font color="#ff6633"><b><u> adding a rule won't help</u></b></font>
(see point 3 above).</p>
<p><font size="2">Last modified 8/22/2002 - <a href="support.htm">Tom
Eastep</a></font><p><font face="Trebuchet MS"><a href="copyright.htm">
<font size="2">Copyright</font> © <font size="2">2001, 2002 Thomas M. Eastep.</font></a></font></body></html> |