mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 06:00:49 +01:00
- Move open_mangle_for_output() back to the Tc module - Eliminate global variables in process_mangle_rule1() - Allow creation of mangle action chains - Minor (but needed) logic changes Signed-off-by: Tom Eastep <teastep@shorewall.net>
545 lines
15 KiB
545 lines
15 KiB
# Shorewall 5.0 -- /usr/share/shorewall/Shorewall/Accounting.pm
# This program is under GPL [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt]
# (c) 2007-2016 - Tom Eastep (teastep@shorewall.net)
# Complete documentation is available at http://shorewall.net
# This program is part of Shorewall.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the license or, at your
# option, any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This module contains the code that handles the /etc/shorewall/accounting
# file.
package Shorewall::Accounting;
require Exporter;
use Shorewall::Config qw(:DEFAULT :internal);
use Shorewall::IPAddrs;
use Shorewall::Zones;
use Shorewall::Chains qw(:DEFAULT :internal);
use strict;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw( setup_accounting );
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( );
# Per-IP accounting tables. Each entry contains the associated network.
our %tables;
our $jumpchainref;
our %accountingjumps;
our $asection;
our $defaultchain;
our $ipsecdir;
our $defaultrestriction;
our $restriction;
our $sectionname;
our $acctable;
# Sections in the Accounting File
use constant {
# Map names to values
# Called by the compiler to [re-]initialize this module's state
sub initialize() {
$jumpchainref = undef;
%tables = ();
%accountingjumps = ();
# The section number is initialized to a value less thatn LEGACY. It will be set to LEGACY if a
# the first non-commentary line in the accounting file isn't a section header
# This allows the section header processor to quickly check for correct order
$asection = -1;
# These are the legacy values
$defaultchain = 'accounting';
$ipsecdir = '';
$defaultrestriction = NO_RESTRICT;
$sectionname = '';
# Process a SECTION header
sub process_section ($) {
$sectionname = shift;
my $newsect = $asections{$sectionname};
# read_a_line has already verified that there are exactly two tokens on the line
fatal_error "Invalid SECTION ($sectionname)" unless defined $newsect;
fatal_error "SECTION not allowed after un-sectioned rules" unless $asection;
fatal_error "Duplicate or out-of-order SECTION ($sectionname)" if $newsect <= $asection;
if ( $sectionname eq 'INPUT' ) {
$defaultchain = 'accountin';
$ipsecdir = 'in';
$defaultrestriction = INPUT_RESTRICT;
} elsif ( $sectionname eq 'OUTPUT' ) {
$defaultchain = 'accountout';
$ipsecdir = 'out';
$defaultrestriction = OUTPUT_RESTRICT;
} elsif ( $sectionname eq 'FORWARD' ) {
$defaultchain = 'accountfwd';
$ipsecdir = '';
$defaultrestriction = NO_RESTRICT;
} else {
fatal_error "The $sectionname SECTION is not allowed when ACCOUNTING_TABLE=filter" unless $acctable eq 'mangle';
if ( $sectionname eq 'PREROUTING' ) {
$defaultchain = 'accountpre';
$ipsecdir = 'in';
$defaultrestriction = PREROUTE_RESTRICT;
} else {
$defaultchain = 'accountpost';
$ipsecdir = 'out';
$defaultrestriction = POSTROUTE_RESTRICT;
$asection = $newsect;
sub split_nfacct_list( $;$ ) {
my ($list, $origlist ) = @_;
fatal_error( "Invalid nfacct list (" . ( $origlist ? $origlist : $list ) . ')' ) if $list =~ /^,|,$|,,$/;
split /,/, $list;
# Accounting
sub process_accounting_rule1( $$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ($action, $chain, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $mark, $ipsec, $headers ) = @_;
$jumpchainref = 0;
$asection = LEGACY_SECTION if $asection < 0;
our $disposition = '';
sub reserved_chain_name($) {
$_[0] =~ /^acc(?:ount(?:fwd|in|ing|out|pre|post)|ipsecin|ipsecout)$/;
sub ipsec_chain_name($) {
if ( $_[0] =~ /^accipsec(in|out)$/ ) {
sub check_chain( $ ) {
my $chainref = shift;
fatal_error "A non-accounting chain ($chainref->{name}) may not appear in the accounting file" if $chainref->{policy};
sub accounting_error() {
fatal_error "Invalid Accounting rule";
sub jump_to_chain( $ ) {
my $jumpchain = $_[0];
fatal_error "Jumps to the $jumpchain chain are not allowed" if reserved_chain_name( $jumpchain );
$jumpchainref = ensure_accounting_chain( $jumpchain, 0, $defaultrestriction );
check_chain( $jumpchainref );
$disposition = $jumpchain;
my $target = '';
$proto = '' if $proto eq 'any';
$ports = '' if $ports eq 'any' || $ports eq 'all';
$sports = '' if $sports eq 'any' || $sports eq 'all';
fatal_error "USER/GROUP may only be specified in the OUTPUT section" unless $user eq '-' || $asection == OUTPUT;
my $rule = do_proto( $proto, $ports, $sports ) . do_user ( $user ) . do_test ( $mark, $globals{TC_MASK} ) . do_headers( $headers );
my $prerule = '';
my $rule2 = 0;
my $jump = 0;
unless ( $action eq 'COUNT' ) {
if ( $action eq 'DONE' ) {
$target = 'RETURN';
} elsif ( $action =~ /^ACCOUNT\(/ ) {
if ( $action =~ /^ACCOUNT\((.+)\)$/ ) {
require_capability 'ACCOUNT_TARGET' , 'ACCOUNT Rules' , '';
my ( $table, $net, $rest ) = split/,/, $1;
fatal_error "Invalid Network Address (${net},${rest})" if defined $rest;
fatal_error "Missing Table Name" unless supplied $table;
fatal_error "Invalid Table Name ($table)" unless $table =~ /^([-\w.]+)$/;
fatal_error "Missing Network Address" unless defined $net;
fatal_error "Invalid Network Address ($net)" unless defined $net && $net =~ '/(\d+)$';
fatal_error "Netmask ($1) out of range" unless $1 >= 8;
validate_net $net, 0;
my $prevnet = $tables{$table};
if ( $prevnet ) {
fatal_error "Previous net associated with $table ($prevnet) does not match this one ($net)" unless compare_nets( $net , $prevnet );
} else {
$tables{$table} = $net;
$target = "ACCOUNT --addr $net --tname $table";
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid ACCOUNT Action";
} elsif ( $action =~ /^NFLOG/ ) {
$target = validate_level $action;
} elsif ( $action =~ /^NFACCT\((.+)\)$/ ) {
require_capability 'NFACCT_MATCH', 'The NFACCT action', 's';
$target = '';
for ( my @objects = split_nfacct_list $1 ) {
validate_nfobject( $_, 1 );
if ( s/!$// ) {
$prerule .= do_nfacct( $_ );
} else {
$rule .= do_nfacct( $_ );
} elsif ( $action eq 'INLINE' ) {
$rule .= get_inline_matches(1);
} else {
( $action, my $cmd ) = split /:/, $action;
if ( $cmd ) {
if ( $cmd eq 'COUNT' ) {
$rule2 = 1;
} elsif ( $cmd eq 'JUMP' ) {
$jump = 1;
} else {
$target = jump_to_chain $action;
$restriction = $defaultrestriction;
if ( $source eq 'any' || $source eq 'all' ) {
$source = ALLIP;
} else {
fatal_error "MAC addresses only allowed in the INPUT and FORWARD sections" if $source =~ /~/ && ( $asection == OUTPUT || ! $asection );
if ( have_bridges && ! $asection ) {
my $fw = firewall_zone;
if ( $source =~ /^$fw:?(.*)$/ ) {
$source = $1 ? $1 : ALLIP;
$restriction = OUTPUT_RESTRICT;
$chain = 'accountout' unless $chain and $chain ne '-';
$dest = ALLIP if $dest eq 'any' || $dest eq 'all';
} else {
$chain = 'accounting' unless $chain and $chain ne '-';
if ( $dest eq 'any' || $dest eq 'all' || $dest eq ALLIP ) {
ensure_rules_chain ( 'accountout' ) ,
$prerule ,
$rule ,
$source ,
$dest = ALLIP ,
'' ,
$target ,
'' ,
$disposition ,
'' ,
'' );
} else {
$chain = $defaultchain unless $chain and $chain ne '-';
$dest = ALLIP if $dest eq 'any' || $dest eq 'all';
my $chainref = $chain_table{$config{ACCOUNTING_TABLE}}{$chain};
my $dir = $ipsecdir;
if ( $asection && $ipsec ne '-' ) {
if ( $ipsecdir ) {
fatal_error "Invalid IPSEC ($ipsec)" if $ipsec =~ /^(?:in|out)\b/;
} else {
if ( $ipsec =~ s/^(?:(in|out)\b)// ) {
$dir = $1;
} else {
fatal_error q(IPSEC rules in the $asection section require that the value begin with 'in' or 'out');
$rule .= do_ipsec( $dir, $ipsec );
if ( ! $chainref ) {
if ( reserved_chain_name( $chain ) ) {
fatal_error "May not use chain $chain in the $sectionname section" if $asection && $chain ne $defaultchain;
$chainref = ensure_accounting_chain $chain, 0 , $restriction;
} elsif ( $asection ) {
fatal_error "Unknown accounting chain ($chain)";
} else {
$chainref = ensure_accounting_chain $chain, 0 , $restriction;
unless ( $asection ) {
$dir = ipsec_chain_name( $chain );
if ( $ipsec ne '-' ) {
if ( $dir ) {
$rule .= do_ipsec( $dir, $ipsec );
$chainref->{ipsec} = $dir;
} else {
fatal_error "Adding an IPSEC rule to an unreferenced accounting chain is not allowed";
} else {
warning_message "Adding rule to unreferenced accounting chain $chain" unless reserved_chain_name( $chain );
$chainref->{ipsec} = $dir;
} else {
fatal_error "$chain is not an accounting chain" unless $chainref->{accounting};
unless ( $asection ) {
if ( $ipsec ne '-' ) {
$dir = $chainref->{ipsec};
fatal_error "Adding an IPSEC rule into a non-IPSEC chain is not allowed" unless $dir;
$rule .= do_ipsec( $dir , $ipsec );
} elsif ( $asection ) {
$restriction |= $chainref->{restriction};
set_optflags( $chainref, DONT_OPTIMIZE ) if $target eq 'RETURN';
if ( $jumpchainref ) {
if ( $asection ) {
# Check the jump-to chain to be sure that it doesn't contain rules that are incompatible with this section
my $jumprestricted = $jumpchainref->{restricted};
fatal_error "Chain $jumpchainref->{name} contains rules that are incompatible with the $sectionname section" if $jumprestricted && $restriction && $jumprestricted ne $restriction;
$restriction |= $jumpchainref->{restriction};
$accountingjumps{$jumpchainref->{name}}{$chain} = 1;
fatal_error "$chain is not an accounting chain" unless $chainref->{accounting};
$restriction = $dir eq 'in' ? INPUT_RESTRICT : OUTPUT_RESTRICT if $dir;
$chainref ,
$restriction ,
$prerule ,
$rule ,
$source ,
$dest ,
'' ,
$target ,
'' ,
$disposition ,
'' ,
'' ;
if ( $rule2 || $jump ) {
if ( $chainref->{ipsec} ) {
if ( $jumpchainref->{ipsec} ) {
fatal_error "IPSEC in/out mismatch on chains $chain and $jumpchainref->{name}";
} else {
fatal_error "$jumpchainref->{name} is not an IPSEC chain" if keys %{$jumpchainref->{references}} > 1;
$jumpchainref->{ipsec} = $chainref->{ipsec};
} elsif ( $jumpchainref->{ipsec} ) {
fatal_error "Jump from a non-IPSEC chain to an IPSEC chain not allowed";
} else {
$jumpchainref->{ipsec} = $chainref->{ipsec};
if ( $rule2 ) {
$jumpchainref ,
$restriction ,
$prerule ,
$rule ,
$source ,
$dest ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' );
return 1;
sub process_accounting_rule( ) {
my ($action, $chain, $source, $dest, $protos, $ports, $sports, $user, $mark, $ipsec, $headers ) =
split_line2( 'Accounting File',
{ action => 0, chain => 1, source => 2, dest => 3, proto => 4, dport => 5, sport => 6, user => 7, mark => 8, ipsec => 9, headers => 10 },
{}, #nopad
undef, #Max columns
1 );
my $nonempty = 0;
fatal_error 'ACTION must be specified' if $action eq '-';
for my $proto ( split_list $protos, 'Protocol' ) {
$nonempty |= process_accounting_rule1( $action, $chain, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $mark, $ipsec, $headers );
sub setup_accounting() {
if ( my $fn = open_file 'accounting', 1, 1 ) {
set_section_function( &process_section );
$acctable = $config{ACCOUNTING_TABLE};
first_entry "$doing $fn...";
my $nonEmpty = 0;
$nonEmpty |= process_accounting_rule while read_a_line( NORMAL_READ );
if ( $nonEmpty ) {
my $tableref = $chain_table{$acctable};
if ( have_bridges || $asection ) {
if ( $tableref->{accountin} ) {
insert_ijump( $tableref->{INPUT}, j => 'accountin', 0 );
if ( $tableref->{accounting} ) {
set_optflags( 'accounting' , DONT_OPTIMIZE );
for my $chain ( qw/INPUT FORWARD/ ) {
insert_ijump( $tableref->{$chain}, j => 'accounting', 0 );
if ( $tableref->{accountfwd} ) {
insert_ijump( $tableref->{FORWARD}, j => 'accountfwd', 0 );
if ( $tableref->{accountout} ) {
insert_ijump( $tableref->{OUTPUT}, j => 'accountout', 0 );
if ( $tableref->{accountpre} ) {
insert_ijump( $tableref->{PREROUTING}, j => 'accountpre' , 0 );
if ( $tableref->{accountpost} ) {
insert_ijump( $tableref->{POSTROUTING}, j => 'accountpost', 0 );
} elsif ( $tableref->{accounting} ) {
set_optflags( 'accounting' , DONT_OPTIMIZE );
for my $chain ( qw/INPUT FORWARD OUTPUT/ ) {
insert_ijump( $tableref->{$chain}, j => 'accounting', 0 );
if ( $tableref->{accipsecin} ) {
for my $chain ( qw/INPUT FORWARD/ ) {
insert_ijump( $tableref->{$chain}, j => 'accipsecin', 0 );
if ( $tableref->{accipsecout} ) {
for my $chain ( qw/FORWARD OUTPUT/ ) {
insert_ijump( $tableref->{$chain}, j => 'accipsecout', 0 );
unless ( $asection ) {
for ( accounting_chainrefs ) {
warning_message "Accounting chain $_->{name} has no references" unless keys %{$_->{references}};
if ( my $chainswithjumps = keys %accountingjumps ) {
my $progress = 1;
while ( $chainswithjumps && $progress ) {
$progress = 0;
for my $chain1 ( sort keys %accountingjumps ) {
if ( keys %{$accountingjumps{$chain1}} ) {
for my $chain2 ( sort keys %{$accountingjumps{$chain1}} ) {
delete $accountingjumps{$chain1}{$chain2}, $progress = 1 unless $accountingjumps{$chain2};
} else {
delete $accountingjumps{$chain1};
$progress = 1;
if ( $chainswithjumps ) {
my @chainswithjumps = keys %accountingjumps;
fatal_error "Jump loop involving the following chains: @chainswithjumps";