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# Shorewall-pl 3.9 -- /usr/share/shorewall-pl/Shorewall/Tc.pm
# This program is under GPL [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.htm]
# (c) 2007 - Tom Eastep (teastep@shorewall.net)
# Traffic Control is from tc4shorewall Version 0.5
# (c) 2005 Arne Bernin <arne@ucbering.de>
# Modified by Tom Eastep for integration into the Shorewall distribution
# published under GPL Version 2#
# Complete documentation is available at http://shorewall.net
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of Version 2 of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
package Shorewall::Tc;
require Exporter;
use Shorewall::Common;
use Shorewall::Config;
use Shorewall::Zones;
use Shorewall::Chains;
use Shorewall::Interfaces;
use Shorewall::Providers;
use strict;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw( setup_tc );
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( process_tc_rule );
our @VERSION = 1.00;
my %tcs = ( t => { chain => 'tcpost',
connmark => 0,
fw => 1
} ,
ct => { chain => 'tcpost' ,
target => 'CONNMARK --set-mark' ,
connmark => 1 ,
fw => 1
} ,
c => { target => 'CONNMARK --set-mark' ,
connmark => 1 ,
fw => 1
} ,
p => { chain => 'tcpre' ,
connmark => 0 ,
fw => 0
} ,
cp => { chain => 'tcpre' ,
target => 'CONNMARK --set-mark' ,
connmark => 1 ,
fw => 0
} ,
f => { chain => 'tcfor' ,
connmark => 0 ,
fw => 0
} ,
cf => { chain => 'tcfor' ,
fw => 0 ,
connmark => 1 ,
} ,
t => { chain => 'tcpost' ,
connmark => 0 ,
fw => 0
} ,
ct => { chain => 'tcpost' ,
target => 'CONNMARK --set-mark' ,
connmark => 1 ,
fw => 0
} ,
c => { target => 'CONNMARK --set-mark' ,
connmark => 1 ,
fw => 0
use constant { NOMARK => 0 ,
my @tccmd = ( { pattern => 'SAVE' ,
target => 'CONNMARK --save-mark --mask' ,
mark => SMALLMARK ,
mask => '0xFF'
} ,
{ pattern => 'RESTORE' ,
target => 'CONNMARK --restore-mark --mask' ,
mark => SMALLMARK ,
mask => '0xFF'
} ,
{ pattern => 'CONTINUE',
target => 'RETURN' ,
mark => NOMARK ,
mask => ''
} ,
{ pattern => '\|.*' ,
target => 'MARK --or-mark' ,
mark => HIGHMARK ,
mask => '' } ,
{ pattern => '&.*' ,
target => 'MARK --and-mark ' ,
mark => HIGHMARK ,
mask => ''
sub process_tc_rule( $$$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ( $mark, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $testval, $length, $tos , $extra ) = @_;
my $original_mark = $mark;
( $mark, my $designator ) = split /:/, $mark;
my $chain = $env{MARKING_CHAIN};
my $target = 'MARK --set-mark';
my $tcsref;
my $connmark = 0;
my $classid = 0;
if ( $source ) {
if ( $source eq $firewall_zone ) {
$chain = 'tcout';
$source = '';
} else {
$chain = 'tcout' if $source =~ s/^($firewall_zone)://;
if ( $designator ) {
$tcsref = $tcs{$designator};
if ( $tcsref ) {
if ( $chain eq 'tcout' ) {
fatal_error "Invalid chain designator for source $firewall_zone; rule \"$line\"" unless $tcsref->{fw};
$chain = $tcsref->{chain} if $tcsref->{chain};
$target = $tcsref->{target} if $tcsref->{target};
$mark = "$mark/0xFF" if $connmark = $tcsref->{connmark};
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid MARK ($original_mark) in rule \"$line\"" unless $mark =~ /^([0-9]+|0x[0-9a-f]+)$/ and $designator =~ /^([0-9]+|0x[0-9a-f]+)$/;
$chain = 'tcpost';
$classid = 1;
$mark = $original_mark;
$target = 'CLASSIFY --set-class';
my $mask = 0xffff;
my ($cmd, $rest) = split '/', $mark;
unless ( $classid )
for my $tccmd ( @tccmd ) {
if ( $cmd =~ /^($tccmd->{pattern})$/ ) {
fatal_error "$mark not valid with :C[FP]" if $connmark;
$target = "$tccmd->{target} ";
my $marktype = $tccmd->{mark};
$mark =~ s/^[!&]//;
if ( $rest ) {
fatal_error "Invalid MARK ($original_mark)" if $marktype == NOMARK;
$mark = $rest if $tccmd->{mask};
if ( $marktype == SMALLMARK ) {
verify_small_mark $mark;
} else {
validate_mark $mark;
} elsif ( $tccmd->{mask} ) {
$mark = $tccmd->{mask};
last MARK;
validate_mark $mark;
fatal_error 'Marks < 256 may not be set in the PREROUTING chain when HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes'
if $cmd && $chain eq 'tcpre' && numeric_value( $cmd ) < 0xFF && $config{HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS};
ensure_chain( 'mangle' , $chain ) ,
do_proto( $proto, $ports, $sports) . do_test( $testval, $mask ) . do_tos( $tos ) ,
$source ,
$dest ,
'' ,
"-j $target $mark" ,
'' ,
'' ,
progress_message " TC Rule \"$line\" $done";
# Perl version of Arn Bernin's 'tc4shorewall'.
# TCDevices Table
# %tcdevices { <interface> -> {in_bandwidth => <value> ,
# out_bandwidth => <value>
# number => <ordinal>
# default => <default class mark value> }
my @tcdevices;
my %tcdevices;
# TCClasses Table
# %tcclasses { device => <device> ,
# mark => <mark> ,
# rate => <rate> ,
# ceiling => <ceiling> ,
# priority => <priority> ,
# options => { tos => [ <value1> , <value2> , ... ];
# tcp_ack => 1 ,
# ...
my @tcclasses;
my %tcclasses;
my $r2q = 10;
my $prefix = '1';
sub rate_to_kbit( $ ) {
my $rate = $_[0];
return $1 if $rate =~ /^(\d+)kbit$/i;
return $1 * 1024 if $rate =~ /^(\d+)mbit$/i;
return $1 * 8192 if $rate =~ /^(\d+)mbps$/i;
return $1 * 8 if $rate =~ /^(\d+)kbps$/i;
return $rate / 128 if $rate =~ /^\d+$/;
fatal_error "Invalid Rate ( $rate ) in tcdevice \"$line\"";
sub calculate_quantum( $ ) {
my $rate = rate_to_kbit $_[0];
eval "int( ( $rate * 128 ) / $r2q )";
sub validate_tc_device( $$$ ) {
my ( $device, $inband, $outband ) = @_;
fatal_error "Duplicate device ( $device ) in tcdevice \"$line\"" if $tcdevices{$device};
fatal_error "Invalid device name ( $device ) in tcdevice \"$line\"" if $device =~ /[:+]/;
rate_to_kbit $inband;
rate_to_kbit $outband;
$tcdevices{$device} = {};
$tcdevices{$device}{in_bandwidth} = $inband;
$tcdevices{$device}{out_bandwidth} = $outband;
push @tcdevices, $device;
sub convert_rate( $$ ) {
my ($full, $rate) = @_;
$rate =~ s/\bfull\b/$full/g;
$rate = eval "int( $rate )";
sub validate_tc_class( $$$$$$ ) {
my ( $device, $mark, $rate, $ceil, $prio, $options ) = @_;
my %tosoptions = ( 'tos-minimize-delay' => 'tos=0x10/0x10' ,
'tos-maximize-throughput' => 'tos=0x08/0x08' ,
'tos-maximize-reliability' => 'tos=0x04/0x04' ,
'tos-minimize-cost' => 'tos=0x02/0x02' ,
'tos-normal-service' => 'tos=0x00/0x1e' );
my $devref = $tcdevices{$device};
fatal_error "Unknown Device ( $device ) in tcclass \"$line\"" unless $devref;
my $full = rate_to_kbit $devref->{out_bandwidth};
$tcclasses{$device} = {} unless $tcclasses{$device};
my $tcref = $tcclasses{$device};
fatal_error "Invalid Mark ( $mark ) in tcclass \"$line\"" unless $mark =~ /^([0-9]+|0x[0-9a-f]+)$/ && numeric_value( $mark ) < 0xff;
my $markval = numeric_value( $mark );
fatal_error "Duplicate Mark ( $mark ) in tcclass \"$line\"" if $tcref->{$markval};
$tcref->{$markval} = {};
$tcref = $tcref->{$markval};
$tcref->{tos} = [];
$tcref->{rate} = convert_rate $full, $rate;
$tcref->{ceiling} = convert_rate $full, $ceil;
$tcref->{priority} = defined $prio ? $prio : 1;
for my $option ( split /,/, "\L$options" ) {
my $optval = $tosoptions{$option};
$option = $optval if $optval;
if ( $option eq 'default' ) {
fatal_error "Only one default class may be specified for device $device" if $devref->{default};
$devref->{default} = $markval;
} elsif ( $option eq 'tcp-ack' ) {
$tcref->{tcp_ack} = 1;
} elsif ( $option =~ /^tos=0x[0-9a-f]{2}$/ ) {
( undef, $option ) = split /=/, $option;
push @{$tcref->{tos}}, "$option/0xff";
} elsif ( $option =~ /^tos=0x[0-9a-f]{2}\/0x[0-9a-f]{2}$/ ) {
( undef, $option ) = split /=/, $option;
push @{$tcref->{tos}}, $option;
} else {
fatal_error "Unknown option ( $option ) for tcclass \"$line\"";
push @tcclasses, "$device:$markval";
sub setup_traffic_shaping() {
if ( -s "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/tcdevices" ) {
save_progress_message "Setting up Traffic Control...";
my $fn = find_file 'tcdevices';
progress_message2 "$doing $fn...";
open TD, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/tcdevices" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped tcdevices file: $!";
while ( $line = <TD> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ( $device, $inband, $outband, $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
fatal_error "Invalid tcdevices entry: \"$line\"" if $extra || ! $outband;
validate_tc_device( $device, $inband, $outband );
close TD;
if ( -s "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/tcclasses" ) {
my $fn = find_file 'tcdevices';
progress_message2 "$doing $fn...";
open TC, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/tcclasses" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped tcclasses file: $!";
while ( $line = <TC> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ( $device, $mark, $rate, $ceil, $prio, $options, $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
fatal_error "Invalid tcclasses entry: \"$line\"" if $extra || ! $ceil;
validate_tc_class( $device, $mark, $rate, $ceil, $prio, $options );
close TC;
my $devnum = 1;
$prefix = '10' if @tcdevices > 10;
for my $device ( @tcdevices ) {
my $dev = chain_base( $device );
my $devref = $tcdevices{$device};
my $defmark = $devref->{default};
fatal_error "Option default is not defined for any class in tcclasses for interface $device" unless $defmark;
emit "if interface_is_usable $device; then";
emit "${dev}_exists=Yes";
emit "qt tc qdisc del dev $device root";
emit "qt tc qdisc del dev $device ingress";
emit "run_tc qdisc add dev $device root handle $devnum: htb default ${prefix}${defmark}";
emit "${dev}_mtu=\$(get_device_mtu $device)";
emit "run_tc class add dev $device parent $devnum: classid $devnum:1 htb rate $devref->{out_bandwidth} mtu \$${dev}_mtu";
my $inband = rate_to_kbit $devref->{in_bandwidth};
if ( $inband ) {
emit "run_tc qdisc add dev $device handle ffff: ingress";
emit "run_tc filter add dev $device parent ffff: protocol ip prio 50 u32 match ip src police rate ${inband}kbit burst 10k drop flowid :1";
$devref->{number} = $devnum++;
save_progress_message_short " TC Device $device defined.";
emit 'else';
emit qq(error_message "\"WARNING: Device $device not up and configured -- traffic-shaping configuration skipped\"");
emit "${dev}_exists=";
emit "fi\n";
my $lastdevice = '';
for my $class ( @tcclasses ) {
my ( $device, $mark ) = split /:/, $class;
my $devref = $tcdevices{$device};
my $tcref = $tcclasses{$device}{$mark};
my $devnum = $devref->{number};
my $classid = "$devnum:${prefix}${mark}";
my $rate = $tcref->{rate};
my $quantum = calculate_quantum $rate;
my $dev = chain_base $device;
if ( $lastdevice ne $device ) {
if ( $lastdevice ) {
emit "fi\n";
emit qq(if [ -n "\$${dev}_exists" ]; then);
$lastdevice = $device;
emit "[ \$${dev}_mtu -gt $quantum ] && quantum=\$${dev}_mtu || quantum=$quantum";
emit "run_tc class add dev $device parent $devref->{number}:1 classid $classid htb rate $rate ceil $tcref->{ceiling} prio $tcref->{priority} mtu \$${dev}_mtu quantum \$quantum";
emit "run_tc qdisc add dev $device parent $classid handle ${prefix}${mark}: sfq perturb 10";
# add filters
if ( "$capabilities{CLASSIFY_TARGET}" && known_interface $device ) {
add_rule ensure_chain( 'mangle' , 'tcpost' ), " -o $device -m mark --mark $mark/0xFF -j CLASSIFY --set-class $classid";
} else {
emit "run_tc filter add dev $device protocol ip parent $devnum:0 prio 1 handle $mark fw classid $classid";
emit "run_tc filter add dev $device parent $devref->{number}:0 protocol ip prio 10 u32 match ip protocol 6 0xff match u8 0x05 0x0f at 0 match u16 0x0000 0xffc0 at 2 match u8 0x10 0xff at 33 flowid $classid" if $tcref->{tcp_ack};
for my $tospair ( @{$tcref->{tos}} ) {
my ( $tos, $mask ) = split q(/), $tospair;
emit "run_tc filter add dev $device parent $devnum:0 protocol ip prio 10 u32 match ip tos $tos $mask flowid $classid";
save_progress_message_short qq(" TC Class $class defined.");
emit '';
if ( $lastdevice ) {
emit "fi\n";
# Process the tcrules file and setup traffic shaping
sub setup_tc() {
ensure_mangle_chain 'tcpre';
if ( $capabilities{MANGLE_FORWARD} ) {
ensure_mangle_chain 'tcfor';
ensure_mangle_chain 'tcpost';
open TC, "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/tcrules" or fatal_error "Unable to open stripped tcrules file: $!";
while ( $line = <TC> ) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my ( $mark, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $testval, $length, $tos , $extra ) = split /\s+/, $line;
if ( $mark eq 'COMMENT' ) {
if ( $capabilities{COMMENTS} ) {
( $comment = $line ) =~ s/^\s*COMMENT\s*//;
$comment =~ s/\s*$//;
} else {
warning_message "COMMENT ignored -- requires comment support in iptables/Netfilter";
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid tcrule: \"$line\"" if $extra;
process_tc_rule $mark, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $testval, $length, $tos
close TC;
$comment = '';
my $mark_part = '';
if ( @routemarked_interfaces && ! $config{TC_EXPERT} ) {
$mark_part = '-m mark --mark 0/0xFF00';
for my $interface ( @routemarked_interfaces ) {
add_rule $mangle_table->{PREROUTING} , "-i $interface -j tcpre";
add_rule $mangle_table->{PREROUTING} , "$mark_part -j tcpre";
add_rule $mangle_table->{OUTPUT} , "$mark_part -j tcpre";
if ( $capabilities{MANGLE_FORWARD} ) {
add_rule $mangle_table->{FORWARD} , '-j tcfor';
add_rule $mangle_table->{POSTROUTING} , '-j tcpost';
if ( $config{HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS} ) {
insert_rule $mangle_table->{$chain}, 1, '-j MARK --and-mark -0xFF';
if ( $config{TC_SCRIPT} ) {
save_progress_message 'Setting up Traffic Control...';
append_file $config{TC_SCRIPT};
} elsif ( $config{TC_ENABLED} eq 'Internal' ) {
setup_traffic_shaping if -s "$ENV{TMP_DIR}/tcdevices";