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# Shorewall -- /usr/share/shorewall/action.IfEvent
# Perform an Action based on a Event
# Parameters:
# Event - Must start with a letter and be composed of letters, digits,
# '-', and '_'.
# Action - Anything that can appear in the ACTION column of a rule.
# Duration - Duration in seconds over which the event is to be tested.
# Hit Count - Number of packets seen within the duration -- default is 1
# Src or Dest - 'src' (default) or 'dst'. Determines if the event is
# associated with the source address (src) or destination
# address (dst)
# Command - 'check' (default) 'reset', or 'update'. If 'reset',
# the event will be reset before the Action is taken.
# If 'update', the timestamp associated with the event will
# be updated and the action taken if the time limit/hitcount
# are matched.
# If '-', the action will be taken if the limit/hitcount are
# matched but the event's timestamp will not be updated.
# If a duration is specified, then 'checkreap' and 'updatereap'
# may also be used. These are like 'check' and 'update'
# respectively, but they also remove any event entries for
# the IP address that are older than <duration> seconds.
# Disposition - Disposition for any event generated.
# For additional information, see http://www.shorewall.net/Events.html
DEFAULTS -,ACCEPT,-,1,src,check,-
?begin perl
use Shorewall::Config qw(:DEFAULT :internal);
use Shorewall::Chains;
use Shorewall::Rules;
use strict;
my ( $event, $action, $duration, $hitcount, $destination, $command, $disposition ) = get_action_params( 7 );
fatal_error "An event name is required" unless supplied $event;
fatal_error "Invalid event name ($event)" unless $event =~ /^[a-zA-z][-\w]*$/;
if ( supplied $duration ) {
fatal_error "Invalid time limit ($duration)" unless $duration =~ /^\d+$/;
$duration = "--seconds $duration ";
} else {
$duration = '';
fatal_error "Invalid hit count ($hitcount)" unless $hitcount =~ /^\d+$/;
fatal_error "Invalid Src or Dest ($destination)" unless $destination =~ /^(?:src|dst)$/;
my $srcdst = $destination eq 'src'? '--rsource' : '--rdest';
our $commands_defined;
# Can't 'use constant' here
my ( $UPDATE_CMD, $CHECK_CMD, $RESET_CMD, $REAP_OPT, $TTL_OPT ) = ( 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 );
my %command = ( check => $CHECK_CMD,
update => $UPDATE_CMD,
reset => $RESET_CMD
my %commandopts = (
reap => $REAP_OPT,
ttl => $TTL_OPT
my @command = split(':', $command);
$command = $command{shift @command} || 0;
fatal_error "Command must be 'check', 'update' or 'reset" unless $command & ( $CHECK_CMD | $UPDATE_CMD | $RESET_CMD);
for ( @command ) {
fatal_error "Invalid command option ($_)" unless $commandopts{$_};
if ( $command & $commandopts{$_} ) {
warning_message "Duplicate command ($_)";
} else {
$command |= $commandopts{$_};
my $duplicate;
set_action_disposition( $disposition) if supplied $disposition;
require_capability 'RECENT_MATCH', 'Use of events', 's';
if ( $command & $REAP_OPT ) {
require_capability( 'REAP_OPTION', q(The 'reap' option), 's' );
fatal_error "${command}reap requires a time limit" unless $duration;
$duration .= '--reap ';
$duration .= '--rttl ' if $command & $TTL_OPT;
if ( ( $targets{$action} || 0 ) & NATRULE ) {
perl_action_helper( "${action}-", "-m recent --rcheck ${duration}--hitcount $hitcount" );
$action = 'ACCEPT';
if ( $command & $RESET_CMD ) {
require_capability 'MARK_ANYWHERE', '"reset"', 's';
print "Resetting....\n";
my $mark = $globals{EVENT_MARK};
# The event mark bit must be within 32 bits
fatal_error "The mark layout does not permit resetting of events" unless $mark & 0xffffffff;
# Reset the event mark bit
perl_action_helper( 'INLINE', '-j MARK --and-mark '. in_hex( (~ $mark ) & 0xffffffff ) );
$mark = in_hex $mark;
# Mark the packet if event is armed
perl_action_helper( 'INLINE', "-m recent --rcheck ${duration}--hitcount $hitcount --name $event $srcdst -j MARK --or-mark $mark" );
# if the event is armed, remove it and perform the action
perl_action_helper( $action , "-m mark --mark $mark/$mark -m recent --remove --name $event $srcdst" );
} elsif ( $command & $UPDATE_CMD ) {
perl_action_helper( $action, "-m recent --update ${duration}--hitcount $hitcount --name $event $srcdst" );
} else {
perl_action_helper( $action, "-m recent --rcheck ${duration}--hitcount $hitcount --name $event $srcdst" );
?end perl