package main import ( "fmt" ipcRpc "net/rpc" "os" "strings" "time" "" "" logging "" ) const SockAddr = "/tmp/wgmesh_ipc.sock" type CreateMeshParams struct { Client *ipcRpc.Client IfName string WgPort int Endpoint string } func createMesh(args *CreateMeshParams) string { var reply string newMeshParams := ipc.NewMeshArgs{ IfName: args.IfName, WgPort: args.WgPort, Endpoint: args.Endpoint, } err := args.Client.Call("IpcHandler.CreateMesh", &newMeshParams, &reply) if err != nil { return err.Error() } return reply } func listMeshes(client *ipcRpc.Client) { reply := new(ipc.ListMeshReply) err := client.Call("IpcHandler.ListMeshes", "", &reply) if err != nil { logging.Log.WriteErrorf(err.Error()) return } for _, meshId := range reply.Meshes { fmt.Println(meshId) } } type JoinMeshParams struct { Client *ipcRpc.Client MeshId string IpAddress string IfName string WgPort int Endpoint string } func joinMesh(params *JoinMeshParams) string { var reply string args := ipc.JoinMeshArgs{ MeshId: params.MeshId, IpAdress: params.IpAddress, IfName: params.IfName, Port: params.WgPort, } err := params.Client.Call("IpcHandler.JoinMesh", &args, &reply) if err != nil { return err.Error() } return reply } func getMesh(client *ipcRpc.Client, meshId string) { reply := new(ipc.GetMeshReply) err := client.Call("IpcHandler.GetMesh", &meshId, &reply) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } for _, node := range reply.Nodes { fmt.Println("Public Key: " + node.PublicKey) fmt.Println("Control Endpoint: " + node.HostEndpoint) fmt.Println("WireGuard Endpoint: " + node.WgEndpoint) fmt.Println("Wg IP: " + node.WgHost) fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Timestamp: %s", time.Unix(node.Timestamp, 0).String())) advertiseRoutes := strings.Join(node.Routes, ",") fmt.Printf("Routes: %s\n", advertiseRoutes) fmt.Println("---") } } func leaveMesh(client *ipcRpc.Client, meshId string) { var reply string err := client.Call("IpcHandler.LeaveMesh", &meshId, &reply) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } fmt.Println(reply) } func enableInterface(client *ipcRpc.Client, meshId string) { var reply string err := client.Call("IpcHandler.EnableInterface", &meshId, &reply) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } fmt.Println(reply) } func getGraph(client *ipcRpc.Client, meshId string) { var reply string err := client.Call("IpcHandler.GetDOT", &meshId, &reply) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } fmt.Println(reply) } func queryMesh(client *ipcRpc.Client, meshId, query string) { var reply string err := client.Call("IpcHandler.Query", &ipc.QueryMesh{MeshId: meshId, Query: query}, &reply) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } fmt.Println(reply) } // putDescription: puts updates the description about the node to the meshes func putDescription(client *ipcRpc.Client, description string) { var reply string err := client.Call("IpcHandler.PutDescription", &description, &reply) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } fmt.Println(reply) } func main() { parser := argparse.NewParser("wg-mesh", "wg-mesh Manipulate WireGuard meshes") newMeshCmd := parser.NewCommand("new-mesh", "Create a new mesh") listMeshCmd := parser.NewCommand("list-meshes", "List meshes the node is connected to") joinMeshCmd := parser.NewCommand("join-mesh", "Join a mesh network") // getMeshCmd := parser.NewCommand("get-mesh", "Get a mesh network") enableInterfaceCmd := parser.NewCommand("enable-interface", "Enable A Specific Mesh Interface") getGraphCmd := parser.NewCommand("get-graph", "Convert a mesh into DOT format") leaveMeshCmd := parser.NewCommand("leave-mesh", "Leave a mesh network") queryMeshCmd := parser.NewCommand("query-mesh", "Query a mesh network using JMESPath") putDescriptionCmd := parser.NewCommand("put-description", "Place a description for the node") var newMeshIfName *string = newMeshCmd.String("f", "ifname", &argparse.Options{Required: true}) var newMeshPort *int = newMeshCmd.Int("p", "wgport", &argparse.Options{Required: true}) var newMeshEndpoint *string = newMeshCmd.String("e", "endpoint", &argparse.Options{}) var joinMeshId *string = joinMeshCmd.String("m", "mesh", &argparse.Options{Required: true}) var joinMeshIpAddress *string = joinMeshCmd.String("i", "ip", &argparse.Options{Required: true}) var joinMeshIfName *string = joinMeshCmd.String("f", "ifname", &argparse.Options{Required: true}) var joinMeshPort *int = joinMeshCmd.Int("p", "wgport", &argparse.Options{Required: true}) var joinMeshEndpoint *string = joinMeshCmd.String("e", "endpoint", &argparse.Options{}) // var getMeshId *string = getMeshCmd.String("m", "mesh", &argparse.Options{Required: true}) var enableInterfaceMeshId *string = enableInterfaceCmd.String("m", "mesh", &argparse.Options{Required: true}) var getGraphMeshId *string = getGraphCmd.String("m", "mesh", &argparse.Options{Required: true}) var leaveMeshMeshId *string = leaveMeshCmd.String("m", "mesh", &argparse.Options{Required: true}) var queryMeshMeshId *string = queryMeshCmd.String("m", "mesh", &argparse.Options{Required: true}) var queryMeshQuery *string = queryMeshCmd.String("q", "query", &argparse.Options{Required: true}) var description *string = putDescriptionCmd.String("d", "description", &argparse.Options{Required: true}) err := parser.Parse(os.Args) if err != nil { fmt.Print(parser.Usage(err)) return } client, err := ipcRpc.DialHTTP("unix", SockAddr) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } if newMeshCmd.Happened() { fmt.Println(createMesh(&CreateMeshParams{ Client: client, IfName: *newMeshIfName, WgPort: *newMeshPort, Endpoint: *newMeshEndpoint, })) } if listMeshCmd.Happened() { listMeshes(client) } if joinMeshCmd.Happened() { fmt.Println(joinMesh(&JoinMeshParams{ Client: client, IfName: *joinMeshIfName, WgPort: *joinMeshPort, IpAddress: *joinMeshIpAddress, MeshId: *joinMeshId, Endpoint: *joinMeshEndpoint, })) } // if getMeshCmd.Happened() { // getMesh(client, *getMeshId) // } if getGraphCmd.Happened() { getGraph(client, *getGraphMeshId) } if enableInterfaceCmd.Happened() { enableInterface(client, *enableInterfaceMeshId) } if leaveMeshCmd.Happened() { leaveMesh(client, *leaveMeshMeshId) } if queryMeshCmd.Happened() { queryMesh(client, *queryMeshMeshId, *queryMeshQuery) } if putDescriptionCmd.Happened() { putDescription(client, *description) } }